Igor Starygin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Death, Wife, 5 Marriages, Wife, Daughter and Latest News



This wonderful artist and today love and remember in all corners of the former Soviet Union. The high school student of Kostya Batishchev from the cult tape "Let's live to Monday", romantic Aramis from D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer and the Noble Tsarski Officer Vladimir Danovich from the "State Border" were forever in favor of the audience. These pictures and today are happy to revise. And few people believe that Igor Vladimirovich Starygin has been among the lives for several years.

Childhood and youth

Igor Starygin was born in June 1946 in the capital. He lived in a communal on the famous ivuality. There was no art in his family of art. The grandfather served in the NKVD, the Father worked in civil aviation, and Mom sold tickets in theatrical ticket office.

Actor Igor Starygin

Igor's father did not remember - he threw the family when the son was not and year. The only respect for him was the only man in the house - grandfather, although many of him were afraid. The boy knew where the grandfather's weapons were kept and often pulled it out of the cache to admire.

Igor Starahgin, as well as many boys of his age, wanted to be a courageous and mysterious hero. Therefore, for the sample, the beloved grandfather was taken, and the old profession of Starygin Jr. chose the reconnaissance profession. The guy reread dozens of detectives and revised all films, where the heroes without fear and reproach were available.

Igor Starygin and his mother

In grade 5, Igor went to the theater studio, which many classmates visited. Most likely, he went there "for the company." But then he liked the festive atmosphere that reigned before each premiere. The guy with pleasure master of the scenery and watched the girls created theatrical costumes from pieces of fabric. But he did not strive for the stage at all, because he planned to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University.

After graduating from school former classmates, Igor Starygin, with whom he began his way in the theater studio, went to go to Gitis. The profession of actor at that time was especially "fashionable." Exams in this university began in May. But exams in Moscow State University - in the middle of summer.

Igor Starygin in youth

And again worked "Standing Instinct": Starygin went to do "for the company" in Gitis. As it turned out, he passed a huge contest one of the whole company. The efforts and hundreds of unfortunate applicants remaining behind, convinced Igor Starygin not to go from this road. So his fate decided. In Gitis, Moskvich fell on the course to the talented mentor Vasily Aleksandrovich Orlov. In 1968, the student was awarded a diploma of higher theatrical education.


The cinematic biography of Igor Starygin began a little-known picture of the "Retribution" director Alexander Tipper. In this film, a second-hand student Starygin starred "illegally". After all, Gitis's students were forbidden to film until the end of study. But this breath has passed unnoticed: for political reasons, the picture was put on the shelf.

Igor Starygin in the movie "Let's live to Monday"

But the next job in the cinema was impossible to hide. After all, it was the Cult Soviet film "We live to Monday." Stanislav Rostotsky at first refused to guys from Gitis, who came to the samples. But soon Igor Starygin called and asked to come to approval.

So the audience for the first time saw a young artist, which appeared in the picture in the image of a high school student of Bathischev's bone. This role brought an old product recognition. After all, the film to survey the magazine "Soviet screen" was announced the best in 1968.

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In the same year, Igor Starygin, graduating from Gitis, got a job in the Tyuz. During this period - the 1970s - he starred a lot. In 1969, two notable paintings came out at once with his participation: the Dramatic Detective Boris Volcheku "is accused of murder" and the famous adventure picture "Adjutant His Excellency".

The role of Norber de la Pray in the dramatic tape "Red and Black", although he was negative, brought an old popularity. The army of artist fans multiplied several times. He was bold with letters, and the crowds of the fans were forced to hide through the "black way out" of the theater.

Igor Starygin in the film "D'Artagnan and three Musketeers"

But it is difficult to even imagine how many times the popularity of the actor has grown after it appears on the screen in the film George Jungwald-Hilkevich "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers". Handsome-aristocrat Aramis is the star role of Starygin. To her, and especially after, the actor played many more beautiful roles, but it was impossible to repeat this popularity.

Few people know that the director was planning for the role of Aramis to take Alexander Abdulov. But Mikhail Boyarsky, already approved as d'Artagnan, suggested that Jungwald Hilkevich see the film "Adjutant His Excellency", which was just broadcast.

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When the director saw Starygin with his congenital aristocratic appearance, thin fingers and blue eyes, without being picked up in his project. As the Veniamin of Stuchdu, the Musketeer of Athos, fragility and vulnerability of Aramis, who had been identified for a long time, were identified by Igor Starygin, they were sometimes deceptive for a long time. For the purpose of self-defense, he could release such caustic knuckles that even earned the Hurz's nickname.

In the 1980s 1 and 2 films of the "state border" came out, where Igor Starygin appeared in the image of the White officer Vladimir Danovich. The picture extremely liked the audience, although it could stay "on the shelf" for many years, and maybe decades.

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For some reason, officials who viewed the film before it is approved, banned it. And only the acquaintance of the director with Galina Brezhnev saved the situation. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev gave "good" to show. In addition to the named picture, successful can be called another, released in the 1980s. This is an adventure film "Listen in compartments".

More "yield" this decade was for the theatrical work of Igor Vladimirovich. In the Tyuze, he worked until 1983. Then he moved to the Theater Studio "At Nikitsky Gate" to Mark Rosovsky.

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Later he spoke at the Mossovet's Theater Snapshots, where Starygin called Yuri Zavadsky himself. The actor forever remembered those incredible emotions that survived, leaving one scene with such legends like Faina Ranevskaya and Rostislav dice.

The main films of the 1990s were the paintings by George Jungwald-Hilkevich "Musketeers twenty years later" and "The Mystery of Queen Anna, or Musketeers thirty years later." More Igor Starygin was not called to act. And his health did not allow him: at that time he suffered several heavy operations.

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In the last years of life, in 2000, after a long break, Igor Vladimirovich Starygin returned to the screens again. He was called to the series "Code of honor", where he appeared as a banker Mamaeva. Then there were the series "Kozrenok in milk" and "lost the sun".

The actor has never been a "punching". He did not give up roles and did not require anything. This modesty is associated with the "unclaimed" aristocratic appearance became the causes of the rare appearance of Igor Starygin on the screen.

Personal life

Among the ancestors of Igor Starygin, there was no aristocrats. Nevertheless, his appearance, extraordinary beauty, noble features and growth seemed to be "written off" from portraits of a last century. Therefore, women were adored. He was really noble and delicate, never Hamil, was unable to vigorous actions.

Lyudmila Isakova, First Wife Igor Starygin

Probably, for this reason, his favorite women, and the Staharygin had a lot of them, never tired evil on him. After parting with the wives, Igor Vladimirovich had 5, he kept good relations. Even friendly families.

The first time he married another institute. His wife became the classmate Lyudmila Isakov. The parents of the girl are very secured people - they guided them a luxurious wedding. But the marriage lasted only the year.

Igor Starygin and Mika Ardova with family

The second wife of Igor Starygin became his colleague Mika Ardov, with whom he met in the Tayy. When they got married, Miki had two children - daughters from the first marriage (including the famous actress Anna Ardova). And in 1978 they had a daughter Nastya. The couple lived together for 12 years.

But it was exactly the period when the popularity of the artist was in Zenith. "Aramis" could not avoid the temptation, and Mika did not forgive him. They broke up. Later, the acquaintances of the actor said that this family Igor Vladimirovich considered this family. After all, his only daughter appeared in it.

Igor Starygin and his wife Catherine

Personal life Igor Starygin has not done "Zigzagi". Subsequently, he married more than once. The third spouse artist was ballerina. Fourth - producer. The fifth and latter, with which Igor Vladimirovich lived the last days of his life, was Ekaterina Tabashnikov - a photojournalist of the newspaper "Interlocutor".


The wife was the guardian angel. He even called her saint. Catherine cared for him after illness and - who knows? - Maybe if it were not for her concern, the old man would die much earlier.

Grave Igor Starygin

Igor Starygin was not November 8, 2009. He never came into consciousness after a heavy stroke. Looking in a coma for many days, he quietly left. He was only 67 years old.

I buried the artist on the Troyekovsky cemetery.


  • 1968 - "Revil until Monday"
  • 1976 - "Red and Black"
  • 1978 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers"
  • 1980 - "State Border"
  • 1985 - "Listen in compartments"
  • 1985 - "Snakes"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers twenty years later"
  • 1993 - "The Mystery of Queen Anna, or Musketeers thirty years later"
  • 2002 - "Code of Honor"
  • 2003 - "Kozlenok in milk"
  • 2004 - "Lost Sun"
  • 2009 - "The Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini"

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