Luke Evans - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Luke George Evans - a British actor, famous thanks to the colorful films "Hobbit: Waste Smalthan Film", "Dracula" and the sixth of the "Fast anda", where the role of the main antagonist played.

Luke Evans was born in Wales, in the city of Pontipool. True, he lived not there, but in the small quiet place of Aberbargoyad. The father of the future star, David Evans, was engaged in construction, and Mama Ivonne worked as a cleaner. Luke was the only child in the family. Parents tried to raise a boy according to strict religious principles. The fact is that the father and mother of Luc Evans consisted in the international religious organization "Jehovah's Witnesses" and tried to instill with the Son respect for the postulates of this community.

Actor Luke Evans.

However, it turned out rather on the contrary: by the age of 16, Luke Evans was disappointed in the Christian faith. He declared himself atheist, gathered things and went to the capital Wales - Cardiff. There, the young man decided to take the lessons of vocal and acting skills to subsequently get to the professional scene. Since he had to pay for classes, rent housing and buy the most needed, Luke Evans got a job as a seller in a shoe store. Evans has never been a Belarusian: he helped his father in the construction site in his hometown.

Thanks to the protection of his teacher in vocals, Louise Ryan, a young man in 1997 received a scholarship for training dramatic art in the London Central Studio "Cross Road" and safely graduated from the institution in 2000. The newly-made artist turned out to be in demand among the theater troupe from the West Enda London.

Luke Evans in childhood

For the eight years, Luke Evans participated in many productions, including those who have solved and in the UK, and abroad, as Taba, Piaf, Renta, "Small Changes", "Miss Saigon" and others.

On the theatrical stage, Luke Evans noticed scouts of the British film studio, and in 2009 the actor began his career in the cinema.


The first role of Evans Luca, albeit secondary, became Clive Richards from the musical biographical drama about the founder of the British Punk-Movement Ien Dury "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll". Then the actor participated in the adventure picture of Robin Hood with Russell Crowe and Fantasy Militant "Battle of Titans" with Liam Nison. In the last of them, Luke Evans appeared as the god-handsome of Apollo.

Luke Evans in the film

Excellent criticism, the actor received a game in the comedy "Officer Tamara" and the "without compromise" thriller. In the fantasy militant "War of the Gods: Immortal" Luke Evans again tried on the image of a celestial: he played the role of the Greek Supreme God of Zeus. And in 2011, he received a chance to work with Milli Yovovich and Orlando Bloom on the set of free film screening Alexander Duma "Musketeers", where he performed the role of Aramis.

By the way, the actor is often confused with the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea. Bloom himself on ComicCon told Evans that they could be brothers, and Luke perceived it as a compliment.

Luke Evans in the film

These cinellines, like a detective thriller "Raven", the criminal fighter "Forsazh-6" and the dramatic television series "The Great Train Robbery", brought Luke Evans great popularity. And only the horror-thriller "nobody survived" received between them "received negative reviews.

The real world glory of the artist gave the role of Archer Bard in the colorful fantasy films of Peter Jackson "Hobbit: Waste Smalthan" and "Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Militans." Interestingly, listening to this role Luke passed online, as it was involved in the shooting and could not fly to New Zealand. But when the actor was given good, he learned the shooting from Luke, having mastered several ways.

Luke Evans in the film

The next starry work of Evans's star work was the Mystical Picture of Dracula, in which he played the main character - Prince Vlad Chaining, the will of the fate of the Dracula turning into the vampire. Interestingly, it was originally in this role was to appear Sam Worthington, the star of films "Avatar" and "Battle of Titans", but later the director and producer preferred to him Evans. This film also glorified the actor in the world.

Luke Evans in the film

From the works of Luca, the scientific fiction film "High" and the psychological thriller "Girl in the train" stand out. Both paintings had a good cashier and got a good criticism. Interest in these films is also explained by the fact that the novels for which they were removed became bestsellers.

Personal life

Even at the beginning of his theatrical career, Luke Evans admitted to the Advocate printed publication to journalists, that he is a homosexual. The artist explained the disclosure of the secret in that this way demonstrated to the public: it is possible to engage in a loved one, to achieve success and while remaining yourself and live by your life. Luke Evans emphasizes that he likes when people perceive the artist as it really is.

Luke Evans and John Kortairena

However, it is worth saying that in the love of the Lyuka Luke Evans is not so unequivocal, as he says. The only officially confirmed Roman - with the Spanish Mannequer John Kortairen, with whom Luke met for several years, but broke up in 2015.

Interestingly, the fact that the public one time attributed to Evans romantic relations with the PR manager of the actor Charlotte Cherch. Even before the Public Report of the actor about the orientation, he represented a childhood friend Holly Goodcild as a beloved.

Charlotte Church

Later he admitted that it was, so to speak, "covering", but the fans continued to notice the idol in the company from Holly and many years after scandalous recognition.

Then one edition laid out the stunning news about the engagement of the actor. And the choices of the artist became a woman. Allegedly lovers saw together choosing wedding rings. Then the approximate pair stated that the hatch with the beloved was exchanged by oaths in the presence of loved ones. A little earlier, Scottish tabloids have published a photo of a rounded tummy of Evans companions. But the girl itself did not show.

The actor spokesman told reporters that it does not distribute information about the personal life of customers. So it is unknown to be unknown, whether Luke Evans got his wife and is going to start children. It is possible that this information is another "duck".

Behind your favorite star, millions of fans in the Instagram network are observed, where he leads a formal verified account. But there the artist lay out only work pictures and single photos. He is also divided by recorders with readers in Twitter.

Luke Evans now

The career biography of Luca Evans continues to develop rapidly.

In 2017, he appeared before the audience in the image of Prince Gaston in the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". The role of Bell went to Emma Watson, and the monster played Dan Stevens.

In the same year, Luke returned to the role of Owen Shaw in the eighth part of the "Fasting", but appeared in the episode.

The actor in the drama "Professor Marston and his Miracle Women" was received by the main role, where he reincarnated in the psychologist William Marston, glorified by the invention of the detector of lies and the theory of feminism. The Creator of Comics Max Gaines proposed William, who highly put the role of comics in cultural space, come up with a female superhero.

In October, the news appeared that Luke Evans and Helen Mirren joined the acting staff of the upcoming film of Luke Nonna "Anna". The details of the picture are not disclosed. But it is known that the plot of the ribbon is built around the girl Anna, which exists in the value of criminal intrigue. In addition to Evans and Mirren, Sasha Lusus and Killian Murphy are involved in the militant.

In April 2018, the premiere of the thriller director Susy Yingg "10 to 10" took place. Luke performed the role of a man named Robert Lewis, who does not believe that his beloved wife died as a result of a medical error. He kidnaps their nurse, on duty on that day. Woman lives under a different name and keeps the secret.

The audience's interest caused the series "Alyenist", where Evans became a newspaper illustrator, an investigative series of cruel murders in New York with a psychiatrist (alienist) and the first woman working in the police. Together with the hatch, the main roles were performed by Daniel Bruel and Dakota Fanning.

In addition, the artist is involved in the main role in the drama "as if in a dream." This is a story about the widow of Catherine, killed by the suicide of her husband. Suddenly, a woman learns about the secret life of the spouse. To understand what happened, Catherine goes to a secret sex club, which is popular with the highest light men, and begins his own investigation.

Luke Evans will appear in the documentary picture about the outstanding actor Ien McKellen.

Today in the production stage there is a horror film "Ma", where the artist is again involved in the role of the central character.


  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2011 - "Musketeers"
  • 2011 - "War of the Gods: Immortal"
  • 2012 - "Raven"
  • 2013 - "Fast and Furious 6"
  • 2013 - "Hobbit: Smalthan Waste"
  • 2014 - "Dracula"
  • 2014 - "Hobbit: Battle of Five Militans"
  • 2016 - "Girl in the train"
  • 2017 - "Beauty and the Beast"
  • 2018 - "10 to 10"
  • 2018 - "ALENIST"
  • 2018 - "Anna"

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