Angela Lancebury - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and last news 2021



Angela Bridzhid Lansbury - British and American actress, owner of the Special Award "Oscar" for more than a 70-year contribution to the development of cinema. It is also one of the record holders in the number of conquered theatrical statuettes "Tony". In 2014, the Order of the British Empire received the Order of the British Empire for his contribution to the dramatic art and charity of Angela Lansbury and became a team lady. Domestic movie lovers, she is most famous for roles in classical detective stories "She wrote the murder" and "Death on Nile", as well as by the comedy "My terrible nanny."

Angela Lansbury in childhood

Angela Lansbury was born in London, in the area of ​​one of the main royal parks of Great Britain Ridgements Park. Her mother Moine McGill was an actress, and Edgar Lancebury's father was a rich English forestman and a politician, a member of the British Communist Party and the head of the London District, in which the family lived at that time. By the way, Grandfather Angela is a famous British politician, the leader of the Labor Party George Lansbury.

Angela Lansbury had an older sister of Isolde, who was born from the previous marriage of their mother with the director and the Writer Reginald Denem. When the second daughter of the couple of Lansbury was four years old, Moina gave birth to twin boys Bruce and Edgar.

Angela Lansbury in youth

In the cold season, the family lived in the London apartment, and for the summer, children were sent to Ireland or south of England - to Oxfordshire.

When Angele Lansbury was nine years old, her father died suddenly from the gastric cancer. As the actress subsequently, the actress will immediately have a fond of the theater, it became a kind of trying to escape from reality. Due to financial difficulties, the mother marries the Scottish military personnel of Forbes. Angela for five years, starting in 1934, studying in a closed school for girls. Nevertheless, she still considers himself self-taught, as it brought himself up by the read books and viewed theatrical productions.

Angela Lansbury in youth

In 1949, Angela Lansbury begins to study the game on piano, as well as acting skills in the Dramatic School of Webber Douglas in West London. Then she first goes to the theater scene. But when the Second World War touched UK, a mother with three children moves to Canada. I refused to go only the eldest Isolde, who was already married to the famous actor Peter Ustinova. After some time, the family moves to the United States, and Angela receives a scholarship from the American Wing Theater, thanks to which the acting skills in the school of dramatic art "Fiagin" and ends it in 1942.


Angela Lansbury's debut took place in 1944 in the role of the servants in the Gas Light thriller. The first role brought her a nomination for the Oscar premium. The same Furior was waiting for the following work - the image of Sobil Wane from the drama "Portrait of Dorian Gray". Also, the success of the National Velvet sports kinocartine.

Angela Lansbury in the film

It must be said that Angela Lansbury always dreamed of doing the main roles, but the directors saw in it the images of fatal beauties, which will emphasize and shade the main characters of the film. Therefore, for a long time, the actress got the roles of sisters, mistresses and mothers. It was reached that at the age of 22 Angela portrayed 45-year-old Kay Torndayk in the picture of Frank Capra "are married." At about the same age, she plays Queen Anna in the adventure tape "Three Musketeer" and a mature lady Audrey Caul in the Melodrame "Red Danube".

Angela Lansbury in the film

One of the most famous films Angela Lansbury saw the light in 1962. It was a political thriller "Manchurian Candidate", where she portrayed the wife of an influential senator, the purpose of which was the murder of the candidate for the US President with the hands of her sole son. Funny, but Lansbury was older actor Lawrence Harvey, who played her son, for just three years. The legendary Frank Sinatra took part in the picture. This work brought Angele Lansbury the next nomination for Oscar and victory at the Golden Globe Film Festival.

Angela Lansbury in the film

By the way, at the same time, the actress was filmed with another world legend, singer and actor Elvis Presley in the musical comedy "Blue Hawaii". True, later a woman will say that he considers this project the worst in her acting career. In 1978, Angela reincarnated to alcohol depending on the writer Salome Otterborne in the adaptation of the Roman Agatha Christie "Death on Nile", and two years later Miss Marple played from another work of Christie - "Mirror cracked".

Angela Lansbury in the film

In 1984, Angela Lansbury agreed to the role of Jessica Fletcher in the series "She wrote the murder." And it was in this way that she became known to Russian television viewers. The success of the series also had in English-speaking society, so it was shown at the most sought-after time on the CBS channel for 12 years. And then the full-length films about the charming widow detective Jessica were removed. Interestingly, it has managed to work on this project to work more than 30 directors, one of which was the son of the actress.

Angela Lansbury in the film

For the role in this series, Angela Lansbury annually nominated on the television award "Emmy", but did not receive the award. This is an anti-advertise, and Lansbury is considered the performer with the highest number of nominations, but without a single victory in the history of television chairs. She also did not receive an Oscar for none of the roles, but in 2013 the organizers considered it possible to reward the actress for merit to cinema specially created for her a prize.

Angela Lansbury in the film

In the XXI Angela Lansbury began to take a little less, but, nevertheless, it was not completely refused to work on the set. She appeared with Jack Nicholson in the tragicomedy "about Schmidt", with Colin Furthers and Thomas Sangster in the family fantasy "My terrible nanny", as well as with the comedian Jim Kerry in the sparkling comedy "Penguins Mr. Popper". At the time of the last shooting, the actress was 85 years old.


You can not go around the party and theater career Angela Lansbury. Her debut on stage took place in 1957 in the production of the "Paradiso Hotel", but the name of the first magnitude star was brought to her Musical Jerry Herman "Maym" in 1966, where she played with another famous Broadway actress Bi Arthur. This performance has resistant more than one and a half thousand ideas and presented it with her first Tony award.

Angela Lancebury in the play

Subsequently, Lancebury many times will be called the best theater actress of the year. This will contribute to such performances as "Dzhipsa", "Dear Peace", "Susini Todd, a demon-hairdresser with Flit Street" and many others. In the 1980s, she leaves the scene and returns only in 2007 with the musical "equal account." From subsequent performances, you can note the musical "Little Night Serenade", where Angela appears in a duet with actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, as well as the play "Shofinger Miss Daisy" and the role of Madame Arkati from the play "Rezonomonic Spirit", which brought the actress next statuette "Tony ", I have become the seventh.


To date, 91-year-old Angela Lansbury continues almost daily performances on the theater scene. She also says that she would have been happy to play in the movies. She even regularly send scenarios, but the actress refuses roles, as she put it, "old women dying from Alzheimer's disease."

Personal life

For the first time, Angela Lansbury married when she was 19 years old. Her chosen was the actor Richard Kromell, the star of adventure films of the 30s, such as the "life of the Bengali Ulan" and "Balagan". Angela Lansbury's husband was older than her for 16 years, but this was not the cause of divorce less than six months after the wedding. The fact is that only after the marriage ceremony, the girl realized that for her spouse this union was a fiction designed to hide the unconventional orientation. Angela ruined the marriage, but remained with Cromuell in friendly relations until the end of his days.

Angela Lansbury and her first husband Richard Kromell

In 1946, at a party from someone from his colleagues, Lansbury met with the Irish actor Peter Show. They began to meet, and after three years got married. This marriage was very happy. Angela and Peter's relations are considered not only the longest in Hollywood, but are one of the examples of a real strong family. The actors lived together for almost 55 years.

Angela Lancebury and her husband Peter Show

In this family, Angela was born two children: the son of Anthony and the daughter of Deera. In addition, the woman brought up David, her husband's son from previous relationships. It must be said that the children significantly spoiled their mother's nerves. In the second half of the 1960s, the son and daughter were fascinated by new-fashioned subcultures and were dependent on heavy drugs. Lansbury and the show made great efforts, but were able to help children refuse cocaine and heroin. The son of Anthony became subsequently directed by television and removed almost 70 episodes of the series "She wrote the murder." Daeter's daughter married a chef and opened his own restaurant with him.

Angela Lansbury with the daughter of Deidri and the son of Andrew

Angela Lansbury is quite a lot of strength, money and time spends on charity. The main direction is to combat such diseases as cancer and AIDS. Interestingly, in his youth she was an avid smokers, but in the 60s, when he treated children from drug addiction, completely refused cigarettes. Angela is proud that he never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons to rejuvenate the face. But it should be noted that age is increasingly concerned about the legendary actress: for more than 20 years she suffers from arthritis, and in 2005 even went to the operation to replace the knee joints in order not to be in a wheelchair.


  • 1945 - Portrait of Dorian Gray
  • 1947 - Personal affairs of a cute friend
  • 1962 - Manchurian Candidate
  • 1978 - Death on Nile
  • 1980 - Cracked Mirror
  • 1982 - the last unicorn
  • 1984-2001 - she wrote murder
  • 1992 - Mrs. Harris rides Paris
  • 2005 - my terrible nanny
  • 2011 - Penguins Mr. Popper

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