Anton Dolin - biography, personal life, photo, news, film critic, journalist, left "Evening Urgant", Reviews 2021



Anton Dolin is a journalist, television and radio officers, as well as one of the most influential film critics in Russia. For 20 years in the film industry, he shook his hand with dozens of famous directors and actors. In recent years, his expert opinion becomes a quality mark.

Childhood and youth

Anton Vladimirovich Dolin - Native Moskvich. He was born in January 1976 in an intelligent family, where the cult of art reigned in all its manifestations and species. Mom Anton, Veronica Valley, - Russian poetess, Bard. Father Vladimir Vorobyev - Mathematics. In 1991, the spouses divorced. After some time, the boy appeared by stepfather - film director and screenwriter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Muratov. Anton Valley has two brothers, Oleg and Matvey, and Sister Asya.

All children are associated with one type of art. Brother Oleg - actor and musician. Sister Asya Valley is also a musician and a journalist.

According to Anton Dolin, a mother had the greatest impact on him, determining his life interests and forming tastes. Since the music was constantly sounding in the House of Valley, children in one degree or another are involved in this type of art. As Anton speaks in an interview, he also tried himself in music. At one time was the keyboard player in various pop and rock bands. At the same time not only played, but also often became co-authored music and songs.

However, the literary, philological, began to take the top: Anton Dolin, after receiving a school certificate, he entered the Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, choosing the Faculty of Philology, the Russian department. After the diploma in 1997, I decided not to put the point in education and took the dissertation. But before that, as the pre-diploma practice, the valleys tried the strength at school: Anton worked as a teacher, taught children tongue and literature.

In 2000, Anton Dolin graduated from the graduate school of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The young man wrote the dissertation on the topic "History of Soviet Story Tale".


In the years when Anton Valleas met and wrote the dissertation, he first tried forces in journalism. In 1997, settled on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". He worked here until 2002 by radio. According to the valleys himself, when it came to Echo, then did not distinguish Viktor Chernomyrdin from Yuri Luzhkov. Moreover, the former interests of the magazine-philologist were so far from the policy that the young man had no idea how these people look and what they do.

Not only radio journalism acquired a new employee during these years: since 2001, Anton Dolin 4 years worked as a writing journalist in the newspaper. First, a regular film critic, and then the editor of the culture department. In 2006, the journalist was waiting for an increase: the valley was invited to become deputy editor of the newspaper "Evening Moscow".

Trying forces everywhere, the valleys gradually came to understand that he was more interested. Sympathy was on the side of the cinema. Therefore, in 2010, Anton Vladimirovich began working on a film receipt on radio "Vesti FM". In the same quality, he worked on the Radio "Lighthouse". From 2009 to 2011, the program "The Great Sota of the twentieth century: 100 best films you need to see". In the ranking, all times were collected by classics, for example, the "clockwork orange" Stanley Kubrick, as well as new cinema, such as the "Avatar" of James Cameron or later "Anna Karenina" with Kira Knightley in the lead role.

The knowledge of Anton Valley in the world of Russian and world cinema is valued more and more. Therefore, he was invited to cooperate another number of authoritative print publications - the newspapers "Moscow News" and "Vedomosti", the magazines "Art of Cinema" and "Expert", as well as Internet sites "Russian Journal" and "Ribord". As one of the best film critics of Russia, Anton Dolin got the opportunity to conduct a personal blog in the "Snob" magazine.

The range of radio stations is expanding, where film critics are invited. The Russian News Service and Maximum was added to the "Wests FM" and "Lighthouse". In 2013, Anton Dolin began cooperation with the publishing house, for which 129 reviews wrote in four years. Each of the described films Anton assigns an estimate for a 100-point system.

The creative biography of Anton Valley is not only journalistic work. The philological education obtained in the Moscow State University was useful to film critics in writing a number of books. All of them, as easy to guess, have a close binding to the world of cinema.

Readers who can still be called kinogurmans, with delight there are books, reviews and essays Anton Valley. The first book called "Lars von Trier: test work. Analysis, interviews "came out in 2004. Two years later, the film critic gave the admirers of his talent a new job - "Kitano. Childhood". And in 2011 the book "Hermann. Interview. Essay. Scenario".

For the first book about the brilliant director of Lars, the von Trier, the writer was awarded the "Elephant" award from the Guild of Kinovydov and film critics. And in 2011, Anton Dolin received another "elephant" for the third book about the work of the Soviet director Alexei German.

Many fans of the journalist talent respect his opinion as a film criticism, and also interested in his politicians and various social phenomena. It is known that in 2013, Anton Dolin took part in the project "against homophobia", for which he recorded a video in support of the LGBT community. In it, the journalist and film critic spoke out against the adoption of the law, which prohibits the propaganda of homosexuality.

And in the spring of 2014, the vallee set the signature under the letter "We are with you!" From the "filmus", in which the intervention of the Russian Federation in the Policy of Ukraine condemns and supports the support of the revolution in this country.

In 2012, fans of the popular TV show "Evening Urgant", which is broadcast by the first channel, saw on the transfer of famous film critic. Moreover, the valleys invited Ivan Urgant as an authoritative film critic, who in a couple of minutes can give recommendations, which films from new products should be viewed.

As confessed in an interview with Anton Dolin, at first he skeptically perceived the task set, because to meet a few minutes to give a serious "recommendation" an interesting picture is difficult. But over time, the journalist found the right form and began to cope with the task. In the humorous phrases, Anton knows how to suggest young people (namely, she is the main "consumer" of "Evening Urgant"), which film is better to see a person who understands the taste of real cinema.

At the same time, the valleys in the interview claims that it as a philologist cinema respects less than other types of art. Anton believes that the movie is inferior in its value literature, painting, architecture, music and the theater. But for those who have no opportunity to touch the primary sources of world architecture and painting and visit Italy, France or other countries where the famous museums and monuments are concentrated, film critic recommends films that will enjoy kinogurmans.

Since 2017, the reviews of Anton Valley began to appear in the Internet publication of Medusa. These are ultra-screw, but capacious texts that exactly describe the film. Cooperation turned out to be fruitful, only for the first year Anton disassembled 144 filmts. Among the Russian Premier 2017, Anton gave preference to the films of "Dovlatov", "Matilda", "arrhythmia".

Sports film "Trainer", created by Danille Kozlovsky, Drama "Big" director Valery Todorovsky and "Buy me" Vadim Perelman Valley appreciated only 50 points out of 100, and "Legend about Kolovrat" assigned a rating 20. From foreign films good reviews deserve films "Running on the blade 2049", "It", "Fast and Furious 8", and negative - "Kong: Skull Island" and "League of Justice".

The new film "Three Billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri" was waiting for a special disclaimer from Anton Dolina. The film critic put the Irish director and playwright in one row with the Brothers Cohen and Quentin Tarantino.

On the radio station "Mayak" Anton Dolin discussed the Russian sports film "Movement Up", calling the studio "Three T", on which the film was created, "Russian Hollywood", and the picture itself is "our blockbuster about basketball". Also on the radio station, the film critic gave an assessment of the Oscar awards ceremony and the Golden Globe - 2018.

Anton Dolin, speaking as an expert, whose opinion of the audience listened, annually makes top new films and serials worthy of attention. In 2017, the list of ten best films included the "dislike" Andrei Zvyagintsev, "Water Form" Guillermo del Toro, Dunkirk Christopher Nolan. To view the cinemas, the valleys recommended the premiere "Gogol. Beginning "," About love. Only for adults "and" careless rides ".

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Anton Valley as a TV presenter on TV-3 channel began broadcasting the art of cinema, analytical program about the world of cinema. Talk shows are given to films, as well as associated topics. In the first gear of April 20, 2018, which was devoted to the technologies for creating a modern cinema, Guests of Anton became director Fedor Bondarchuk, Writer Olga Kharyn, Director of Development of Yandex Video Service Olga Filipuk.

In the same year, Anton Dolin became the chief editor of the online magazine "Art of Cinema". This is a modern digest of opinions about the current film process. Here you can familiarize yourself with the reviews on the films of Russian film distribution and ribbons from international film festivals. Among them - "Dlatta", "dear comrades", "King's move", "Oil". A lot of laudatory reviews received the painting "Pain and Glory" Pedro Almodovar. The film critic called her the best film that was removed the director over the past 15 years. And the "Plant" tape Yuri Bykov was named the most serious and ambitious director's work.

In the same year, he published an article on "Medusa", why the films of Ingmar Bergman need to watch. To the main reasons, he took the fact that his paintings help to understand the history of cinema and modern cinema and serials. A little later, Anton made a list of films for home view from the director Akira Kurosava. It includes "Rammon", "Seven Samurai", "Throne in the blood".

In 2019, an interview with Valley on Oxymon, Navalny, Netflix and Classical Music was published in Yutiub-Channel "ESCHENEPOZNER".

Personal life

In his free time, Anton Dolin loves to read and listen to music. Film reads everywhere: at home, in transport, on the go. Most often it is artistic books. As for music, the vallee prefers modern, although the classics also respects.

New Valley movies watching regularly, but their number does not exceed 3-4 paintings per week. Preferences are given to European cinema, but sometimes a film critic and gourmet watching individual paintings by Chinese and American filmmakers.

Personal life Anton Valley is the favorite wife of Natalia Khlustov, with which Kinoved met in the 67th Central School. Woman works at Sony Pictures Production and Release, which is held by the position of head of sales department. Couple raises two children.

In mid-November 2020, the spouses celebrated 30 years of relationship. The secret of family happiness, as Anton believes, lies in real love, which over the years only becomes stronger.

As the Valley asserts with humor, it is deprived of some bad habits: does not smoke and does not write poems.

Anton Dolin now

In January 2020, the valleys chose 30 decades' films. Among them are "Joker" with Hoakin Phoenix, "Once at ... Hollywood", "on the border of the worlds", "Roma".

In March 2020, Anton relief to everyone who because of Coronavirus turned out to be locked in 4 walls, and on the portal "Medusa" said that he was looking at Quarantine. The list includes such pictures as the "Mask of Red Death", "Pass Cassandra", "Epidemic", "Fever", "blindness", "Infection".

On September 21, 2020, the Valley announced that he had left "Evening Urgant." On a page in Facebook, he wrote:

"The decision about this is not accepted by me and not the creators of the program, about the rest, not ask me."

In November, the Valley spoke about the film Anton Konchalovsky "Dear Comrades" by claiming "Oscar". According to him, the picture very successfully coincided with the events occurring in the world. He added that the quality of the script and acting skills at a high level.

In December, Anton Dolin became the guest of the new release of the show on Yutyub-Canal Yuri Duda. The interview touched both professional and personal topics. The journalist could not lower the question regarding the care of the valley from the transfer of "Evening Urgant". The film critic told that he never fit into the framework of the first channel and the program itself, so the bowl of patience of leadership overflowed and was fired. At the same time, the official reason did not explain to him. But, according to rumors who were conveyed by Anton Colleagues, dismissal led to a review of the film "Union of salvation", which the valleys of six months ago wrote for "jellyfish". This film did not really like the film critics, and he was not ashamed to spread him in the fluff and dust.

In the course of an interview, Anton expressed his opinion regarding many film industry figures. Among them are Alexander Petrov, Tom Cruise, Nikita Mikhalkov, Nicole Kidman. He also spoke about such films as "criminal fiction", "Escape from Schown", "with widespread eyes."

Now the film critic leads the program "Kinoproby" on the radio "Silver rain". These are the author's reviews of new films, among which the "Podolsk cadets" and "Zuulech opens eyes." Also every week on the "Medusa" there are short reviews from the valley, which help to focus on rolling lovers.


  • 2007 - Day show on Radio "Lighthouse"
  • 2010-2012 - Category "Kinonovinki with Anton Valley" in the Day show Anton Komolov and Olga Rustle
  • 2010 - Movie Radio Station "Vesti FM"
  • 2013 - Radio "Assembly of Words" and film renewner show "Polkino"
  • 2012 - Category "Let's go to the movies, Oksana" in the program "Evening Urgant"
  • 2018 - Talk Show "Art Cinema"

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