Manu Bennett - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Brutal handsome gall, athletically folded and with magnetic brown eyes. Such is the hero of the actor Cryx - Gladiator and Kapui champion in the Hollywood TV series about Spartak. Manu Bennett This star role brought world glory and the army of fans on the globe. But the life of the artist could be quite different.

Jonathan Manu Bennett was born in the fall of 1969 in Auckland, one of the largest cities in New Zealand. When Manu turned 3 months old, the parents moved to Australia, having considered that more prospects will open in Sydney for a child.

Actor Manu Bennett

The Spanish and Scottish blood from the mother who was mixed with Indian-Irish father's blood flowed in the manu's veins. But the main thing - on the father's line the future Hollywood stars were the Indians of the Maori tribe. Hence the name Manu, who gave her son's parents. They were creative people: the father worked the entertainer and was famous for wonderful vocals, and Mom made a good model career, demonstrating linen.

In addition to the Father, in the family of Bennett, the musician and vocalist was his native uncle, who worked as a pianist in the group of legendary Elvis Presley for many years.

Manu Bennett

In school, Manu Bennett studied well, and after the end of the young man was offered a scholarship in one of the New York universities. But the guy wanted to break down to the will and to travel that a young man did. Manu drove a lot in Europe and the USA, but in 1986, when Bennett turned 17, he entered the college, which was mostly guys Maori. Here the young man is fucked by rugby and got a good hardening: in an interview with the artist recalled the college as an analogue of a prison in which it was necessary to fight well for survival and succeed in rugby.

After receiving a diploma, Manu returned to Australia again. As an excellent rhugist, the guy was invited to the youth team. But during these years in Bennett, there seems to be woken by father's genes. A young man is fucked by dancing and playing the piano. And the young man first went to the scene and "disappeared": the guy could no longer dream of anything other than the actor.

Actor Manu Bennett

Soon Manu Bennett moved to Los Angeles, closer to the Great factory, dreaming of a star career. This decision came to him not easy: a terrible tragedy pushed to the act: the artist, together with his mother and his brother, got into a deadly car accident. He survived in her one. Lowering more than ten days in a coma, the guy realized that life was speedy. And this means that you need to live as interesting as possible and rich, making just what I like.

Manu Bennett became a student of the famous Institute Lee Strasberg - one of the best high schools in acting skills. Al Pacino stars were born in the walls of the institution, Robert de Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Steve Bushemi and Angelina Jolie.


The cinematic biography of Manu Bennett developed leisurely. The young man returned to Australia and in 1993 appeared in the youth tape "Paradise Beach". The project did not use success and became known only in Australia. But the series turned out to be a good starting platform for practical skills of acting skills.

After working in this project, the young artist is invited to other Australian TV shows, such as "water rats", "all saints" and "Lord of Beasts".

The first major role went to Manu in 1999. The guy was offered to play in a low-budget Japanese film "Tomoko". But the partner of Bennett on the site was the famous actress Rumiko Koyanagi, who had AMMI awards in the piggy bank.

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After this tape of a bright handsome, the Indian blood of Maori flows in whose veins, they are invited to act in Hollywood projects, such as "Xena - Queen of Warriors". The series entered the screens in the 2000th and broadcast including in Russia. For the first time, Russian viewers saw Bennett in the form of the Roman emperor Mark Anthony.

The artist managed to demonstrate the dance skill in Lantan's painting, in which Manu successfully played a fiery salsa teacher.

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Then, in the career of New Zealander, some calm came again. For several years, Bennett was filmed in "soap operations" in the homeland.

Return to Hollywood Artist in 2006. The actor was offered the role of the second plan in the sensational projects "Marine Marine", "30 days" and "sentenced".

Become a real Hollywood star, about whom Manu has long dreamed, the artist was able to in 2010. The historical megapopular series "Spartak: blood and sand" came to the screens. Here is the actor and appeared in the image of the brilliant and brutal cry, gladiator and leader of slaves during the rebellion of Spartacus. The project was received by the "Mature Audience" rating: a multi-sieuled film is designed to be viewed by an adult audience. The picture is replete with scenes of cruelty, naturalism and is oversaturated with an abnormative vocabulary.

Nevertheless, the project got a deafening success, and the creators immediately took up the shooting of new seasons. In 2011, "Spartak: the gods of the Arena," in 2012 and 2013 - "Spartak: Revenge" and "Spartak: War of the Cursed" came out. In continuations, I also appeared in the execution of Manu Bennett.

In parallel, the artist starred in the playing film "Sinbad and Minotaur". Manu reincarnated in a brave navigator, sent for treasures. But on the way at the hero, the monster is getting up - Minotaur, who lives in the maze of Captain Minosa.

Another Hollywood series, who added the actor of popularity - the project "Arrow", where the audience saw the favorite artist as a defector.

Hero Manu was at first another and the arrow mentor, and then hated the protagonist and became his worst enemy.

It seemed that New Zealandets had reached the top of popularity, which did not even dream about. But in 2012, Bennett Countryman Peter Jackson invited the actor to the blockbuster-trilogy "Hobbit". At first, the audience saw Manu in the tape "Hobbit: an unexpected journey", and then in other films of the popular franchise. True, learn Bennett in the maker of the leader of the orcs - azog of the dexcrewer - almost impossible.

Work on reincarnation was interesting for Manu. Many noted that the hero on the face was defeated by the scars characteristic of the Maori tribe. Interesting fact: during the filming of the first part of Manu, Bennett never intersect on the set with actor Richard Armitge, the performer of the role of Torin. And this despite the scene with the armed confrontation. They met only before the premiere of the paintings.

Later, the artist admitted that Daisi's nickname gave Wargu, which means "daisy". After that, the network overwhelmed the wave of creativity of fans. They came up with stories in which they described where the friendship of White Varga and Azog of the Docker began.

In 2016, new films were released on the screens, in which the fans of the New Zealand Star saw the pet in all its glory. These are paintings "beta test" and "Chronicles of Shannary".

The last project is a fantasy series, talking about traveling three young people who seek to protect the world from the invasion of demons. Helps friends in the difficult way to Druid Allanon, whose role to go to Manu Bennett.

Personal life

On this topic, the Hollywood Star prefers to relent. It is known that the handsome actor has an army of fans, but the personal life of Manu Bennett is connected with only one woman - the Israeli secular lioness named Karin Horon.

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A married couple raises three daughters. Girls are Calling Huy, Makaya and Pania. The only thing that overshadowed the life of Manu and Karin is a disease of his wife. At 26, Horen has discovered breast cancer. After intensive treatment, the disease retreated, but after 14 years returned. The family is configured to fight a terrible ailment and hopes for recovery.

As with other Hollywood stars, Manu Bennett has a formal verified microblogging in "Instagram". The artist is divided with subscribers of personal photos and pictures from events. In March 2018, the actor visited the comic-con.

Manu Bennett now

In January 2017, Manu Bennett appeared in the last role in the fantastic film "Death Racing 2050". The plot of the paintings is that every year a show "Deadst Race" is held in America, which is actively advertised by the president. Crews, including driver and navigator, should cross the United States faster and gain more points. Glasses are given for shot down pedestrians - 10 points for adult, 20 - for a child and 50 - for the elderly citizens.

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According to rumors, shooting the film director Rupert Wainwright "Shadows from the sky", where one of the key roles went to Manu Bennett. Sean Bean, John Ris-Davis, Walia Shair and others became colleagues on the actor.

In January 2018, it became known that the chronicle of Shannary chronicles was closed after the second season.


  • 1996-1997 - "Water rats"
  • 2000 - "Xena - Queen of Warriors"
  • 2006 - Sea Infantryman
  • 2010 - "Spartak: Blood and Sand"
  • 2011 - "Spartak: the gods of the arena"
  • 2012 - "Spartak: Revenge"
  • 2013 - "Spartak: Cursed War"
  • 2012 - "Hobbit: Unexpected Journey"
  • 2013-present. BP. - "Arrow"
  • 2013 - "Hobbit: Smalthan Waste"
  • 2014 - "Hobbit: Battle of Five Militans"
  • 2016 - "Chronicles of Shannary"
  • 2017 - "Death Race 2050"

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