Gresia Kolmenales - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, show "Manuel", "Topaz", Gresia Kolmenhares Today, family, children and the latest news 2021



Gresia Dolores Kolmenhares Mussence - so the full name of the actress, which fans call the blond angel. The peak of popularity of Venezuelo-Argentine actress falls in 1980-90s.

Childhood and youth

Gresia Kolmenarez was born at the end of 1962 in Valencia. For Venezuela, she has a rather unusual appearance, the reason for which is the origin of Mom: Gresia Mussens Frenchwoman. In order not to confuse the same names of the mother and daughter, Gresia-younger home called Lola. Papa Gresi-Lola was Argentine.

Actress Gresia Kolmenarez

Family idyll ended together with the divorce of parents. At that time, a 5th child appeared in the family. Gresia turned 5 years old. On the shoulders of the mother fell a mission to put all the children on the feet alone. The woman coped with this task, but at the same time held children in rigor. For example, impressionable Gresi, she forbade watching the series. And, it seems, I knew what did.

Later, the actress admitted that he was so "gained" in the role of the heroes of films, which for some time fell out of reality. The reason was that the girl was born with an artist. Her relatives noticed it immediately when the baby learned to talk. She copied relatives and put improvised performances to any free minute.


When Gresia Kolmenhares went to school, Mom surrendered under her pressure: she allowed the 8-year-old girl to play the virgin Mary in the school play.

Again to give way to a strict mother had to be 11 years old. The daughter simplified the mother to let her go to the casting of the series "Angelika". Of course, Gresia Kolmenhares this contest was best of all. She was approved for the role. But it was not necessary to remove not in Valencia, but in Caracas, which was located 200 kilometers from his native city.


There was nowhere to retreat, and she let go daughter. The woman knew that her "Lola" would be in ridiculous hands, because the native aunt Gresia lived in Caracas, not less, and maybe more strict than the mother.

Gresia Kolmenhares felt like a newlyworn in the army. All her day was painted by the hour. By dinner, she attended school, where, as promised, successfully studied. And in the afternoon, the girl was shot. In addition, every day, without weekends, she visited theatrical workshop. And such a regime at Gresia Kolmenales was for 5 years.


After the end of the shooting in Anchhelika, the cinematic biography of Gresia Kolmenhares successfully continued. A young actress has entered into a profitable contract. Its earnings were commensurate with those who received adult actors, although she turned over 15 years old. Mom at that time married the second time and, consulted with her husband, provided her daughter full financial independence, allowing you to manage earned money at their discretion.

Gresia Kolmenales - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, show

Gresia Kolmenarez starred in the series continuously. But her work was the brightest in the surviving melodrame "Topaz". It was the remake of the telenovella "Esmeralda" of the early 1970s. The tape was broadcast with great success not only in Venezuela, but also in other Latin America. Later, ITALY and several other countries bought the right to broadcast.

In the 1980s, the actress takes an offer to be filmed in Argentina, at the homeland of his father. Despite the persuasion to stay, Gresia Kolmenhares moved and subsequently did not regret his choice. Argentina accepted the artist warmly. Tape "Crystal", in which she was filmed, was with an incredible success.

Gresia Kolmenales - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, show

In Buenos Aires, Kolmenhares offer a project for the project. There is a new melodrama with her participation "draw Maria", which receives a high rating not only in Argentina, but also in other countries that have acquired the rights to broadcast.

In the spring of 1987, Argentine director Raul Leekonna offered Kolmenhares to play the main character of the series, which was called the actress - "Gresia". Unfortunately, the series was cooled in Argentina, but had a huge success in other countries. Especially in Israel, Turkey and several European countries.

But the melodrama "passion", which came to the screens in 1988, corrected the situation. The role of a simple peasant girl who fell in love with her rich owner, found a response in the hearts of the Argentine spectators. Later followed the rating films "Roma", "Uznage without face", "the reason to live" and others.

Gresia Kolmenales - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, show

But the loudest glory "covered" the actress after the broadcast of the "Manuel" series in 1991. Gresia Kolmenales woke up by the famous worldwide. Her housewives adored and did not give the passparszi passage.

But, it seems, after the "manuela", the peak of the popularity of the star passed. The following "First Love" projects followed, "the girl named fate", "loyalty of love" and "Life" had a slightly smaller success.

Personal life

In Argentina, the young actress met his first spouse Enri Zak. It was a vacuumous wedding of two young lovers: Gresiy turned out only 16, and his spouse was over her for a year. It is saying that Kohlhanges pushed to this early marriage of Kohlhanges, the desire to slip out from under dictates to his too strict tsushka.

Gresia Kolmenarez and Enri Zack

Gresia, as if the sickness of the disadvantage of the married life, did not agree with the wishes of Mom to marvel with Enri in the Church. The couple lived together for no more than a year and broke up.

The second marriage of Kolmenarya and impresario Santiago Pumarola also turned out to be the same mumbling and short-term. Couples spoiled immediately after marriage. Romance disappeared, only contradictions remained. Soon the divorce followed. Gresia after the second unsuccessful marriage even doubted that happiness for her someday maybe. She focused at work.

Santiago Pumarola

But the personal life of Gresia Kolmenhares still settled. In Argentina, a young and successful actress met how she believed, "man of his whole life" - Marcelo Pellegri. Their acquaintance took place in the House of General Friends. To the question of Marselo to the owner of the house, who is this charming girl, he joked that this is a coming maid.

Pellegri, who never watched the series believed. He invited his beautiful on a date. And so that she does not feel progressive, prescribed a meeting in an ordinary pizzeria, and not in a luxurious restaurant.

Gresia Kolmenarez and Marcelo Pellegri and Son

When a man asked Kolmenarez, until what time the owner let her go, the girl laughed for a long time. More couple did not part. They got married, and soon they had a son Jianfranco. It is said that a more durable union than Kolmanares and Pellegri is difficult to find. This harmonious pair understands each other with a half pass.

In gratitude for the son of Marselo, I gave your favorite spouse with a yacht, on which the family spends all his free time. Unfortunately, his actress is not so much. The last marriage of Gresi existed for almost a decade, but in 2005 a divorce took place.

Gresia Kolmenarez now

The peak of the popularity of the actress is behind, although she was not forgotten. Today, Gresia Kolmenhares is not removed by making a long pause in work. She enjoys homely comfort in his home in America.

Gresia Kolmenarez in 2018

But rumors have been walking that Gresia Kolmenhares will soon appear on the screens. Allegedly she gave up under the pressure of the directories and accepted the offer to be held at one of them.

At the moment, the last film in which it appeared is the melodrama "Life of Life", which was released in 2000.


  • 1973 - "Angelika"
  • 1984 - "Topaz"
  • 1985 - "Draw Maria"
  • 1987 - "Gresia"
  • 1988 - "Passion"
  • 1991 - "Manuela"
  • 1992 - "First Love"
  • 1994 - "The girl named fate"
  • 1996 - "Largeness of Love"
  • 2000 - "Life loan"

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