Sangaj Tarbaev - biography, photo, personal life, news, "KVN" 2021



Sangaj Tarbaev is a Russian showman, a humorist who served as a team of KVN "RUDN" as a captain. Later Tarbaev became known as the general producer of a number of companies, TV preset programs around the world and the "League of Nations" and a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Sangaj Tarbaev was born in the Kalmyk city of Elista in the family of Andrei Sangadzhievich and Makpal Gabdulovna, which was from Kazakhstan. Sangaji has a younger sister Anara.

Showman Sangaj Tarbaev

According to Sangaji, he is the son of two peoples, Kalmyk, to which relatives are among the father's line, and the Kazakh, the ancestors of the mother. But by nationality, a humorist refers to Kalmyks. In the town of the Magoy, on one of the Caspian Channels, the family of Tarbaev remained a generic manor with the mound. The ancestors of Sangaji remained living on a hill during the spring spill of the rivers.

The family lived is not rich, the children often had to lead the things of the senior cousins ​​and sisters. In addition, Mom talked Sangaj Tarbaeva and his sister to tough savings of money and products.

Sangaj Tarbaev

But on the cultural and physical education of the son of the Son, the parents did not regret neither forces or funds. Sangaj Tarbaev graduated from a music school in the class of violin, thanks to the many years of training, he received a black belt on Taekwondo and won the "Crystal Shop" award in the regional vocal competition, as it developed as a singer. Interestingly, at the beginning, his father gave the boy to boxing. But in the lessons of music Sangaji, they explained that the violin would not be able to play broken hands, so the father translated his son to the battle section.

Subsequently, the producer admits that he went to the mother and persistence to his mother, who came to another country for her, began to work as a janitor, but did not stop at the results achieved, so he climbed the career staircase to the adviser to the President of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Back in childhood, the future kvder on the example of Mom understood that nothing impossible. At that time, Sangaji embarrassed the phrases of passersby "This is the son of Tarbaeva!", And therefore the young man wanted so that people began to say: "This is Mom Sangaj Tarbaeva." For this, he attached maximum efforts in school and self-development.

By the end of the school, the young man stood before the difficult selection of an educational institution, because the brilliant vocal data of the young men was noted in the United States. Tarbaev offered a place in Miami's music College, where Maestro Elton John was taught. At the same time, the sports career developed no less successfully. But Sangaji chose the Third Way. The young man graduated from the Elistian secondary school with a gold medal and went to conquer Moscow.

Showman Sangaj Tarbaev

Tarbaev became a student of the Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences at the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, where he specialized in the theory and history of international relations and mastered English and Arabic languages. Studying in the Moscow university predetermined the direction of the creative biography of Tarbaeva.

Humor and creativity

Playing the club of cheerful and resourceful Sangaga Tarbaev began in school years. For the first time, the young man fell on the stage, when a teenager with vocal data was needed for the number of the team of the school team Kalmykia. His debut took place in a friendly game with Makhachkala vagrants.

Later Sangaji acted for the clubs "East Express", "Children of Lumumba", "Elistian saigas" and "samurai". But the main success of Tarbaev brought the "RUDN team", in which Sangaji became captain. The creative team also included Ararat Keszan, Ashot Keszan, Pierre Narcissus, Dosi Equerib, who then took their niche in the Russian show business.

Together with the best humorists of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples in 2006, the young man became the champion of the Higher League of KVN, and a year later, she won the summer cup. Also, Sangaji has a number of personal awards - from Kivina in the dark "to" Big Kiwin in Gold ". Rudn songs performed by Tarbaev were considered a symbol of the team. The audience and the jury noted that they had musicality, and meaning, and humor.

Sangaj Tarbaev - biography, photo, personal life, news,

Interestingly, in KVN, at first, they could not properly say the name "Sangaji". The captain of the "RUDN team" was even offered to take a pseudonym or reduce the name unusual for Slavic hearing. But the young man wanted people to remember him as he is. When Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov still called Tarbaev by name, the KVNCH officer understood that he became the winner in this principle question for him.

Even in the passage of the KVN team, Sangaj Tarbaev tried himself as a producer. In 2008, he became the general producer of Yellow, Black and White and under his leadership, rating projects were created "Give young people!", "One for all", "random relationships", "Ural dumplings show", "Once Upon a Time Police "," Unpaid vacation "," Visobatva "," Toys "," Traffic light "and" unreal history ". In 2011, Sangaj Tarbaev even was awarded the honorary premium "Teffi" as the best producer of the television program for the entertainment show "One for all".

Later, Tarbaev was headed by the producer center "My Way Productions", which was produced by the series "Saltykov-Shchedrin", "As I became Russian", "Merry Street" and "It's funny." By the way, one day Sangaj Tarbaev and himself tried himself as an actor, playing the episodic role of the Cuerte team fighter in the militant "Fight with shadow 3D: Last Round." Sangaji's television gear fans are known as the TV presenter Show "Around the World" and "Color of Nation", which was subsequently renamed the transfer of the "League of Nations".

The producer also became one of the founders of the promotional company Fight Nights Global. Sangaji from children's years is passionate about sports and never threw training, so Tarbaev seemed an interesting idea of ​​promoting fights without rules and Russian athletes. Now Sangaji, whose growth reaches 178-180 cm, is in excellent form and looks worthy against the background of his wards.

Personal life

At one time, the famous player in KVN and producer walked in the status of a bachelor. He was acquainted many times with potential brides, twice, as Tarbaev jokes, he "was on the issuance." But only in 2012, the personal life of the humorist has undergone changes. Tarbaev met that woman with whom he wanted to create a family and raise children. Wife Sangaj Tarbaeva is called Tatiana, and she has nothing to do with the show business.

A year after the wedding, the spouses were born the son of Timujin, and now the producer and TV presenter tries to adjust the work schedule in such a way that the maximum amount of time spend with his beloved wife and child. The name of the son was given in honor of Genghis Khan, since Timujin was called the Great Communion at birth. According to Tarbaeva, the potential is laid in this name, which is given to a person for independent development.

Sangaji Tarbaev with his wife

However, Sangaj Tarbaeva is actually a bit. In 2014, the producer on the initiative of a non-profit organization foundation "Recognition" of the Republic of Kalmykia was elected by a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and Tarbaev had new responsibilities - Sangaji was engaged in supporting the youth organizations of Russia.

In 2016, Sangaji participated in public hearings about the project "Concept for the Development of Student Sports in the Russian Federation to 2025." At the event Tarbaev performed the functions of the hearing moderator. He made a number of proposals for specifying the project, determining the circle of persons responsible for fulfilling the concept, as well as to increase sources of financing due to extrabudgetary infusion.

Sangaji Tarbaev now

In 2017, Sangaji prepared a social project "Big Family Games", promoting family values. Tarbaev Festival launched in September, and in October the final event has already passed. Participants in the festival were students of a number of Moscow schools.

Sangaj Tarbaev - biography, photo, personal life, news,

Does not leave Sangaji and hobbies to the game KVN, but now as an author. Tarbaev was invited to write jokes to the Astana team "Sparta Nomad", which at the end of the year was gone into the winners of the Higher League. Azamat Musagaliyev also entered the author's author's team. And in April 2018, a photo of the new team from Elista "City of Dreams" appeared on the Instagram account in the "Instagram", which made it in the 1/4 final of the KVN television league.


  • "Give youth!"
  • "One for all"
  • "Show" Ural dumplings "
  • "Unpaid vacation"
  • "Video Victim"
  • "Toys"
  • "Once in the police"
  • "Traffic light"
  • "Random connections"
  • "Unreal story"
  • "This is funny"
  • "Merry Street"
  • "How I became Russian"
  • "Saltykov Shchedrin"

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