Series "Rugby" (2021) - Release date, CTS, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


After winning the love of the Russian spectators of "youths" and "Dilda" on the CTC channel, they came to understand that such an entertaining genre, like a sports drama, attracts a domestic audience. And therefore, it is worth continuing to work in a suddenly "fired" direction. Therefore, they decided to launch the next project on this topic - the series "Rugby", whose release date ran out on May 19, 2021 - on the launched "STS Media" online platform

On the content of the new TV show relating to its interesting facts and participating in the creation of artists - in the material 24cm.


Few people in their lives do without mistakes - such is the nature of man. Moreover, the misconduct are sometimes very grave, able to turn up the legs of life as the most cool and others.

It happens, the one who made an annoying mistake, turning once not on that track, is able to return to the system, in the ranks of society, continuing to strive for the goals supplied before. But much more often happens that, since it is wrong, a person can not live in the old way.

And then such an individual either becomes on the path of self-destruction, or in attempts to correct the perfect and calm down the soul tries to find a quiet harbor, such a shelter rejected, where the characters like him are going to him.

Fighter Max, the fate of which will tell the audience the series "Rugby", never was distinguished by a calm temper, which eventually caused his fall. Violation of the rules during a mixed martial arts tournament put a fat cross on a career athlete who had even recently fantastic prospects in martial arts. And at the same time seriously affected her personal life.

However, the real fighter never gives up. So Max is not used to lowering hands, and therefore it was not possible without a while, changing the usual shings on an ellipsis ball. After all, in the Rugby team, we are glad and outcasts - not so much in Russia those who want to wear around the field with "melon" under the arm. Now the hero remains to prove that he is worth something in a new discipline for himself.


The shooting process was answered by the LEGIO FELIX film company, familiar to the Russian audience thanks to popular projects "Policeman from Rublevka", "Teachers", "Agency OK", "Curse of Sleeping" and "Soulodrama".

Among the producers "lit up" the names of Andrei Semenova ("Wedding Ring", "Protasov Investigator", "Provincial") and Maxim Rybakov ("Singing", "Kitchen. War for the hotel", "Guests from the past", "Misha spoils everything" ). As well as director of STS Vyacheslav Movyov, behind whose shoulders over hundreds of projects: "Soldiers", "Cadet", "Daddy's daughters", "Method of Laurea", "Eighties", Russian adaptation of the British show "Bone" and the mass of others.

The screenwriter of the series was played by Ilya Kulikov, before that in this capacity was also working on the "dehakhare", "Karpov", "Chernobyl. The alienation zone, "advanced" and "law of stone jungle". Vasily grandchildren, who noted, also noted on the creation of the TV series "Sword", Al-Kapotnik and Dyatlov's TV series, and Vladimir Batrameev, who had previously demonstrated talent in Pyatnitskaya, Branches, "explosion" and "Militization", from Rublevka. "

Anna Mirochina was taken to steer the creative process.

Actors and roles

In the series On the difficult weekdays of the members of the Rugby team, the main roles were obtained by the following actors:
  • Oleg Gas - Max, the protagonist, MMA fighter, which, because of a difficult quick-tempered nature, rushed rigorously the rules of the competition - sent to the knockout after the opponent also a referee. Now the road to the mix-fighter is closed with a young man, and the guy decides to try happiness in another sport - rugby, for against the background of the reign "unfortunate" there is a glad and random people.
  • Margarita Abroskin - Anastasia, the former winner of the Russian championship in sports gymnastics, which did not leave the recording of a career - the conflict with the coach did not leave the choice but to go to the women's rugby team, because the financial issue in the life of the girl is very acute, not giving time to search for alternatives.
  • Alexandra Vlasova - Olesya, the former girl of Max, who did not wish to stay with the boyfriend, when the latter had problems.
  • Sergey Celine is a rugby club doctor Andrei Palych, who follows the health of the team members, which is not so easy, considering how high the likelihood of injuries in athletes.

Also in the series were filmed: Anastasia Anofriev, Sergey Lanbamine, Sergey Rudsevich, Alexandra Rozanova and Dmitry Kepin in the role of Konstantin Glybenko nicknamed Balb.

Interesting Facts

1. For Anna, the Mirohina series "Rugby" became the second project after the Agency OK. "In which cinematographer acted as a director. More Woman is known as a producer (Al-Kapotnya, "Policeman from Rublevka", "Draculov") and Writer ("Guardian Angel", "Petersburg Roman"). At the moment, Mirochina also deals with the director of the upcoming series "Heliy-3", the premiere of which is scheduled for 2021.

2. Most of the material was completed on the territory of the Mili Filio Park, which is located in the Filevsky Park area, where one of the oldest and titled Russian rugby teams is trained. The shooting was started in the summer of 2020, but were suspended for a while due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, which I had to shift the release date for 2021.

3. CSKA representatives acted as consultants on the set. Also, performers of the main roles in the series were constantly attended by playing clubs and training clubs in the club to explore the features of this sport from all sides. Professional athletes and directly in the filming, depicting players of male and female rugby teams. That kinda turned out to be a massive.

4. It is noteworthy that the plot offered by the series has a lot in common with the real history of the formation of the CSKA rugby club. In the past for incomplete six years, this team managed from the level of lovers to rise to the first positions of the top echelon rating.

5. The initial concept of the project to a certain extent was different from the option, which was seen on May 19, 2021 on the Stregnated service subscribers (and the audience of the STS will see in autumn). So, in the pilot of the series, the main character went to prison after the street fight, because of which he had to start with a clean leaf, and not only to build a sports career, but also to establish a relationship with his wife and a little son.

6. According to the director Anna Mirohina, for her the main task when working on the series began to achieve an understanding that this is for the sport of such a rugby, and why it is played at all. Other issues that worried cinematographer concerned what people come to the discipline and why decide to remain. Anna claims that "rugby" - how hard sport turns the workpiece in a real person, and not vice versa - knocks out all the human soul.

7. The performer of the role of the Max Protagonist Oleg Gas called rugby sports for real Vikings and told that a lot of effort had to be entered into the image of such Brutal, including actively engaged in Thai boxing and deal with the specifics of the "battles without rules". Mastering directly rugby due to a pandemic artist managed to pay a little time - just a month. So I had to work hard in any weather. The actor is confident that it is not in vain.

8. Playing in the series Anastasia Margarita Abroskin admitted that even before the start of filming in Rugby kept confidence that this sport would play a certain role in her life. The fact is that about six years ago, which was considered that in rugby there are exclusively girls powerful and overall, Rita got to the championship for this discipline. Then I understood that it was enough in teams and very feminine participants, because the main thing is not the scope of the shoulder, but the ability to manage your own body.

9. General Director of STS Media Vyacheslav Murugov allocated his contribution to the creation of the series Ilya Kulikova, who had previously noted aversely who quickly scored the popularity of the show. Also, the chief Estehersove focused on the fact that in the center of the plot of Rugby, developing against the background of sports competitions and the fierce confrontation of teams, the main aspect remains intermediary relationships, and carefully prescribed characters are forced to worry about them.

10. Ilya Kulikov himself confessed that, after in January 2020 - after the demonstration of the pilot episode, the Board of Trustees of the Rugby Club CSKA gave "good" on the shooting of a full-fledged season, did not have the idea from which side for the project to take. In the process, however, the cinematographer was able to understand how to imprint the frames of the gameplay not only technically competently, but also sufficiently effectively, causing the attention of the audience to the screens.

11. Also Kulikov claims that in the film industry himself often feels like a natural rug-in, which "kick" from all sides, forcing me to go across the system. However, in the case of this series, it was possible to do without the usual difficulties due to the support of STS as a whole and Vyacheslav Movyov in particular.

12. President CSKA Rugby Club Alexey Mitryushin said that he was sure that the series will win the hearts of the audience, providing a chance to millions of people without leaving the house, see and feel the true charm and the striking rugby attractiveness. He also expressed the hope that the new show would awaken in young people interest in discipline and will give impetus to the development of this sport in Russia.

13. It is noteworthy that the series "Rugby" before the exit gathered an extensive audience among those who were previously attracted other sports projects of STS - "Dlatti" and "youth". According to the portal "Kinopoisk", the show waiting rating reached 86%. Including the creators praised and for the fact that this time they decided to pay attention to more exotic sports for our country.

Series "Rugby" - Trailer:

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