Ilya Reznik - biography, personal life, photos, songs, poems, age, son, composer, wife, children 2021



Ilya Reznik is the Soviet and Russian poet songwriter, who was honored with the merit to the world culture of the title of the people's artist of Russia. It is unlikely that there is a citizen who did not hear the song songs and did not like them, so the creativity of Reznika occupies a special place not only in the culture of the country, but also in the hearts of its inhabitants.

Childhood and youth

The future Master of the Russian Estrada was born in the spring of 1938 in the family of Jewish nationality. He was very baby when the Great Patriotic War began. The little boy survived the Leningrad blockade, and later, along with the family was evacuated to the Urals. During the war, he was seriously injured at the front of the Father. From the received RAS Leopold Reznik died.

Mom quickly got married and left her husband in Riga. The new spouse set a woman condition - either family with her husband, or the "old" son. She chose the first. Ilya Reznik believed the act of his parents betrayal and forgave his mother only in adulthood. By the maternal line, Ilya has a younger brother and twin sisters.

The boy himself remained to live in Leningrad with the grandmother of Rivie Girushevna and Grandfather Rakhmel Samuilovich. These people were immigrated in 1934 to the Soviet Union from Denmark. The grandfather was an excellent shoemaker, and, according to the memories of Reznik, the whole family held on it. By the way, grandfather and grandmother did not just take guardianship over the grandson, but adopted the boy officially, so Ilya is mastered by Rakhmelevich, and not Leopoldovich.

In the elementary school, the future poet dreamed of distant swimming, so he said that he would go to the Nakhimov school and would become an admiral. Thoughts about the military career pursued Reznik to senior classes, however, he was having matured, he was already thinking about the artillery school.

But closer to the graduation ball Ilya caught fire the idea of ​​becoming an actor, as the theater loved very much. After school, the guy filed documents to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, but failed at the exams.

In his youth, the Reznik worked as a laboratory assistant in the medical institute, later performed the obligations of the electrician and the working theater scene and every summer again and again tried to become a student of the desired university. But only in 1958, Ilya was rewarded. By the way, the first songs of the "Ballad of French Duel", "Tarakanka" and several other Ilya wrote when he studied at the Theater Institute.

In 1965, the young actor entered the V. F. Commissioner Theater troupe, played a lot in various performances, but in parallel continued to improve in poetry. After 4 years, he published the first book of children's poems "Trepa does not want to be clown." Later, there were still many other collections designed to small readers. But the main career of Reznik in the same 1969 turned towards the stage, since the "Cinderella" composition on the words of the poet performed by Lyudmila Senchina became popular throughout the country.

Poems and music

In 1972, having felt the strength, recognition and demand, Ilya Reznik left the theater and focused exclusively on song poetry.

In the same period of the biography, he was taken as members of the Leningrad Union of Writers. By the way, 1972 is notable in the fate of the poet also because Ilya Rakhmelevich first met with the then just a beginner singer Alla Pugacheva and gave the girl a song "Sit, Watch". With this composition, Pugachev became one of the laureates of the All-Union Competition Artists of the Estrada and received the right to submit the Soviet Union at the International Festival in the Polish city of Sopot.

Huge success was waiting for the song "Apple trees in bloom." The composition of Sofia Rotaru, as well as the author of the music of Evgeny Martynov. His execution received the first Award "Golden Lira" at the Czechoslovak Valon Competition "Bratislava Lira". It was the first case when the Soviet song was awarded such a high award.

"Apple trees" also brought Ilya Reznik recognition and the Russian television show "Song of the Year". Subsequently, Ilya Rakhmelevich will be a laureate of the annual competition for more about three tens of times.

During the years of creativity, Reznik collaborated with such great composers as Maxim Dunaevsky, Raymond Pauls, Vladimir Feltsman, and others. Songs on the words of the poet performed Mikhail Boyarsky, Irina Ponarovskaya, Vladimir Presnyakov - Jr., Tamara Gverdziteli, Nikolai Karachentsov, Valery Leontyev, Lime Vaikule and other artists.

However, the main thing was still tandem Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. In the repertoire, Alla Borisovna appeared such recognized hits written by a poet songwriter as "Maestro", "ballet", "My Years", "without me", "Photographer", "Vintage Watch", "Three happy days", and others .

Today the poet never ceases to write songs. Russian music lovers know the compositions of Aziza "St. Petersburg" and "Return", Edita Piekhi "I love this world." Reznik wrote entire albums for Tatiana Bulanova, Diana Gurtkai, Elena Vaengi and other modern musicians.

In addition to the collections of children's poems, Reznik wrote another number of books. The writer published the Biography Biography "Alla Pugacheva and others", the collections of their poems "Leyly", "Chastushki", "Favorites", "Two above the city".

In addition to poems, there is a Reznik and large forms, for example, a people's poem about the militia "Egor Panov and Sanya Vanin". Also, the light saw a patriotic work for children "where to serve." The notable publication was printed in 2004: "Salfetzio" is a collection of initiation of the poet recorded on napkins.

From 2006 to 2009, the poet was part of the Jury of the Two Star project.

On April 4, 2018, Ilya Rakhmelevich Reznik noted the 80th anniversary. Shortly before the significant event, March 20, 2018, a creative concert of the poet "Jubilee Vernissage" took place. Alla Pugacheva, Lyme Vaikule, Tamara Gverdcitel, Children's Musical Theater Ilya Reznik and other artists and teams appeared on the scene of the Kremlin Palace.

And on the birthday of the jubilee, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated. In the same month, they released a documentary about the poet "which year I wander on the ground ...".

April 14 shows the show "Tonight" dedicated to Ilya Reznik. Relatives, friends of Ilya Rakhmelevich and the birthman himself came to visit Maxim Galkin and Julia. They remembered interesting stories from the resignant's life, as popular hives were created and much more.

For a long time, the top of his creativity Ilya Rakhmelevich considered written for the Pugacheva Powerful Song "We will buy for love." However, everything changed when the Holy Patriarch Kirill blessed him to writing poetic prayers. The author came out a collection containing 100 prayers and psalms in verses, which became the special pride of Reznik.

The writer handed over in an interview with the word Patriarch that the company has a need for clear prayers, because young people do not understand the Church Slavonic language. Therefore, most people perceive prayers only intuitively. After this information, the poet felt that his work was needed by the country, and, shifting the Scriptures and the lives of the Saints on poetry, created a book.


It must be said that the acting education for Ilya Reznika was not superfluous. He played a lot on theatrical scene, including in the author's performances, and starred in the cinema.

The first film, in which Ilya appeared as an actor, was the famous comedy of the "Adventures of Prince Florizel", where the Reznik portrayed the criminal in a wheelchair. Later he starred in the musical "came and say", the scenario for which he wrote himself, in the melodrame "Moscow beauties", the New Year's film "Only Once ..." and the Comedy "Diamonds for Juliet". Ilya Rakhmelevich appeared in the artist remake "Carnival night 2, or 50 years later."

In the biographical tape "Magomayev", Reznik played the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, with whom she personally met in 1980. Getting this role has become a big surprise for the poet and at the same time pride.

Personal life

From the younger years, the poet Ilya Reznik enjoyed success in women, but for a long time remained a bachelor. For the first time, a man married at 30 years old. With the first spouse Regina, he met the tour. The girl was under more than 10 years, but it did not prevent newlyweds to create a good family.

After the wedding of Regina, he worked as deputy director of the Leningrad Theater of the Estrada, and later played on the theater scene. In this marriage, Reznik had two children: the son of Maxim and the daughter of Alice, who is the younger brother for 7 years. It is noteworthy that after divorce the son stayed with his father. Maxim Reznik learned to a journalist and collaborated with a fairly famous transmission of the pen.

The second official marriage of the Matcher of the Russian estrad signed in 1985. The elected poet was the Uzbek dancer and balletmaster Munira Argumbayev. Four years after the wedding, the son of Arthur was born. In the early 1990s, the family moved to live in the United States, but in 1992 Reznik returned to his homeland, and Argumbayev with a child remained in America. Officially, Ilya and Munira divorced only 20 years later, although they no longer lived together.

Almost immediately, having received the documents, the poet again arranged a personal life. The third wife of the author was the former athlete, a master of sports in athletics, and today - director of the theater named after Ilya Reznika Irina Romanova. The difference in the age of four is 27 years old, but it does not interfere with family happiness. The spouses are familiar for a long time and many years have consisted in actual marriage before the wedding.

For a long time, the poet lived in a removable house in the Moscow region. Few people know that he somehow reduced the ends with the ends.

The fact is that in the Soviet years, Ilya Reznik got good copyright, and money went to the savings book. The poet songwriter copied savings and thought that he would live on pensions. But the default of 1998 destroyed the accumulation.

Then the health of Ilya Rakhmelevich strongly sugared. But he met Irina, and the woman put the writer on his feet. With a new lover time for the poet turned back.

In 1996, there was a grand quarrel of two friends - Ilya Reznika and Alla Pugacheva. Later, a man admitted that they were collapsed because of money. Revenue from the sale of the last collection of hits on poet poems was $ 6 million. The man believed that part of the Money of Priaudonna should deduct him, but the singer refused. Then the Reznik sued Borisovna to court, who ordered the performer to pay $ 100 thousand to Ilya Rakhmelevich. Pugacheva fulfilled the condition, but he was offended by a friend.

Alla Borisovna and Ilya Rakhmelevich were rifled in 2016 at the evening of Raymond Pauls. As a sign of reconciliation, Priaudonna spoke at the evening of the Reznik in the Kremlin. They began to be convened. Alla Borisovna also helped with long-time money. He went with his wife to Dubai and in a sanatorium.

Despite the problem of the problem, Ilya Rakhmelevich and Irina hold the house of three dogs and five cats. They love animals very much.

In addition, the Russian Matra is active site. Fans of creativity of the poet can find the latest news about the writer on the web resource, see photos and videos.

In April 2018, in an interview, Ilya Reznik admitted that they were planning to marry and his wife. In August 2017, the poet songwriter accepted the baptism in the Orthodox Church in the Crimea, and a year later, the wedding ceremony was held in the same temple, on which only the closest people were attended for a couple.

Ilya Reznik now

Now the work of the poet, tested by time, continues to find a way out in the works of the author. And his work receives a worthy assessment. In 2020, Ilya Rakhmelevich was awarded the acting Acting Prize "Figaro" for the highest achievements in the field of dramatic art.

In connection with the complex events that have arisen in the world because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Reznik in cooperation with Raymond Paulis wrote the song "You forgive!", Dedicated to the dead doctors.

The poet attracted the attention of the press not only by art, but also a broken scandal. Reznik sued a network of private children's gardens "Little Country", which used the patented name of the song Ilya Rakhmelevich as a trademark.

In April 2021, in the State Kremlin Palace of the capital, the concert evening of Ilya Reznik, dedicated to the birthday of the poet songwriter.


1982 - "Two above the city"

1994 - "Alla Pugacheva and others"

1997 - "E - mine"

2000 - "My life is a carnival"

2001 - "Why?"

2005 - "Nostalgia in Russia"

2006 - "Maestro"

2006 - "Quarter Square"

2006 - "Wanderer"

2006 - "Poem"

2007 - "Adventures of Greek Beans"

2011 - "Two stars and other constellations"

2011 - "Lukomorier, or small stories about the boy named Luka"


1972 - "Let's talk"

1975 - "Apple trees in bloom"

1978 - "Lift over the bustle"

1978 - "You take me with you"

1981 - "Vintage Watch"

1985 - "Ballet"

1986 - "Two"

1986 - "Not even evening"

1988 - "My city"

1989 - "Three happy days"

1990 - "I pray for you"

1992 - "Cabriolet"

1996 - "I have a cloud of study"

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