Maris Liepa - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Wife, Children, Death Reason and Latest News



Maris Rudolf Liepa is the Soviet Artist of Latvian Ballet. In 1976, the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union was awarded for services to the culture. In addition, Liepa as a movie actor to many lovers of domestic cinema on these films as "Childhood Bambi" and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson".

Childhood and youth

Maris was born in Riga, in the family of master scene of the local Opera and Ballet Theater, Edward Liepa and his wife Lily. He became the second child from his parents. At the same time, the child is quite painful. The boy was very thin, often cleaned and found himself in the hospital.

Ballet Star Maris Liepa

Doctors advised Cue Liepa to give a boys in any sports section. Maris wanted to play football or swim in the pool, but his father insisted on a specialized ballet class at the Riga choreographic school.

The future star of the Soviet ballet from the first days did not believe the classes and even began to walk the lessons. But Mom, who initially planned that the son would become a physician, found suitable words for a son. She explained that one would never be able to leave halfdore, but you need to prove my own worthwesiest.

Maris Liepa in childhood

Such speeches are so impressed by the young lipa that until the end of their days he will be distinguished by persistence and purposefulness. When the machine began to master the characteristic dance, Maris literally penetrated the art of classical choreography.

By 13 years, the teenager has already performed not only in children's performances, but also performed Mazurka and Krakowak in the Bakhchisarai Fountain, played the jester in Romeo and Juliet, danced the SEGIDILE in Don Quixote and depicted a Polovtsy boy in opera "Prince Igor.

Maris Liepa in childhood

But it should be noted that in addition to studying in the ballot school, the young man attended the sports sections. He had good results in such a discipline as sporting gymnastics, and in swimming with freestyle even became the champion of Latvia.

When Marisa was 14 years old, he was among other students sent to all-union review of choreographic schools, and there the Riga ballet studio together with Moscow, Leningrad and Alma-Ata "colleagues" was recognized as the most promising. Three years later, LEPEE offered to continue their studies in Moscow, and he gladly agrees.

Maris Liepa

True, the metropolitan school did not allocate a scholarship for him, so the Son can do in a prestigious university, parents sold their country house on the seaside. Maris thanked them by the fact that in two years not only did not miss any classes, but also came to each lesson before the teacher and was given to work completely and enthusiastically.

As a final exam, Liepa washed on the stage of the branch of the Bolshoi Theater the main party in the play "Nutcracker". The new dancer dreamed of staying on the main scene of the country as a member of the troupe, but in the USSR, it was decided to distribute frames on national republics, so Maris returns to Riga.


However, in Latvia he was delayed only for half a year. Then the decade of Baltic art was held in the capital, and Liepa danced the Russian soldier Nikita in Lyme ballet, as well as the village musician Tsomka in the formulation of Sakta Freedom. In the latter, Maia Mikhailovna Plisetskaya, who gave a speech at the Marisa, who gave a speech to a partner during the tour of Hungary, was attended by Marisa.

Maris Liepa in the play

In Budapest Liepa, the Siegfried Party in the Swan Lake, which was dreamed of many years. He was not even stopped by the fact that on the general rehearsal he received a serious injury of his leg. After a number of speeches, the dancer went to Sochi to restore damaged lower legs, and right in the sanatorium he found his chief balleraster of Moscow Academic Music Theater Vladimir Burmeister and offered work with a very high salary.

It was in this theater of Maris Rudolf turned into a star of Soviet ballet. Moscow ballet lovers walked "on Liepu", borrowed by his flowers and gifts, waited by several hours from the service entrance for the sake of autograph. At the same time, the artist won the Gold Medal at the World Festival of Youth and Students. His talent noted personally Chairman of the jury Galina Ulanova.

Dancer Maris Liepa

In the summer of 1960, after the grand touring tour in Poland, Liepa finally gets an invitation to go to the Bolshoi Theater's troupe. Not immediately, Maris found out that he was awarded the approval of the leadership on the grounds that, when interviewed, he didn't even give up a salary and material benefits, but asked only one question to the balletmaster:

"What parties will I dance?".

As a result, he was busy in all the most famous productions - from "Don Quixote" to Spartak. Four years later, the main choreographer is changing in the Bolshoi Theater. Yuri Grigorovich becomes the balletmister, who is trying to bring his vision in performances.

Maris Liepa in the play

For example, in Spartak, Liepa has always danced a major role, but Grigorovich gave him another character, Crassa. Success exceeded all expectations, the troupe even won the Highest Lenin Prize in the country, and the artists were literally on their hands. By the way, in England, the Soviet star was called "Lawrence Olivier in Ballet."

But such a prosperous beginning suddenly ends with collapse. Liepa gave an interview with the Pravda newspaper, in which he allowed himself to twist the level of choreographic skill Yuri Grigorovich, and the balletmaster did not forgive the offense. The dancer gives roles only in old productions, and in the novelties there is no place. Over the next 14 years, Maris only participated in the new parties.

Maris Liepa

On March 28, 1982, he was last dancing Crass from the ballet "Spartak". The public applauds standing, but the triumph ends with the decision of the artistic council about the professional performance of the dancer. Since then, the scene of Liepa is coming out only in creative evenings and in the entrepreneurial performances. And those and others still collect a huge audience, but Maris, trying to find himself in a new business, goes to cinema.


In fact, working on the shooting area of ​​Liepa began for quite a long time. Back in 1959, he made his debut as an actor in the Riga film studio of Ilze. And after 10 years, his fulfillment of Gamlette in the film simultaneous film was produced by Furore not only in the USSR, but also around the world.

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Then Maris was transformed into Prince Veslav from the historic picture of Lion's grave and Jack Willer in the fourth tape. In this project, Vladimir Vysotsky also shone, the dancer set the original choreographic room, which jokingly called "Icar for three minutes."

Particularly bright turned out to be the main roles of the actor in the romantic comedy "Galatia", the fairy tales "Children's Bambi" and the "Youth of Bembby", where he played the father of Olenhenka, and in the criminal drama "Road to hell".

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Also, the audience remember Marisa according to Colonel Valentine Walter in a detective "The Twentieth Century begins" from the film cycle about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, as well as in the image of Emperor Nicholas I in the historical and biographical drama "Lermontov".

In 2006, the painting "Memories of Sherlock Holmes" was released on the screens, in which the Liep actor appeared by mounting again. In the same period, two two documentary films were seen about the dancer - "Duel with Fate" and "Maris".

Personal life

The first spouse of the famous dancer became another legend of the scene - Maya Plisetskaya. They got married in 1956, when he was 20, and she was 31 years old. But Maja and Maris have lived together for only three months.

Maris Liepa and Maya Plisetskaya

Later, on the filming of the film "Ilze", he met actress Margarita Zhigunova. In this marriage, two children were born - the son of Andris and daughter Ilze. Names for children Spouses were given in honor of the characters aforementioned picture. And the Son, and the daughter went in the footsteps of the Father and became the artists of the ballet.

Maris Liepa and Margarita Zhigunova

In the late 70s, Liepa is going on touring with a young ballerina by Nina Semizorova, with which he starts a novel. Soon Maris leaves the family and marries a girl who hen almost 20 years old. However, this union was fragile. At the initiative of the ballerina in 1985, the spouses are divorced, although they have not lived together for a long time.

Evgeny Schulz and her daughter Maria Liepa

The fourth wife Liepa, although the actual, was an artist in the costumes of Evgeny Schulz. They had a daughter of Maria, but since in those times the recognition of celebrities about an illegitimate child was equivalent to the collapse of a career, Maris hid the existence of the youngest daughter a very long time.

Maris Liepa and Galina Brezhnev

In addition to official and unofficial marriages, Marisa had a rather long and very stormy relationship with Galina Brezhnev, the daughter of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who was older than the dancer for 11 years.


When the Balletmister Place is released in the Riga Opera Theater, Liepa applies to replacing the vacancy, but he refuses him. Moreover, the "top" comes the order to ban Marisa to create his own theater in Riga, as he planned. Even a well-known dancer Raymond Pauls, who then occupied the post of Minister of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, could not influence the situation.

Monument to the dancer Marisa Liepay in Riga

Depression rolls on a man, but at that moment the saving thread was the solution from the capital of the USSR: theater "Ballet Maris Liepa" theater in Moscow was allowed to create. After a long wire, the selection was prescribed to the troupe, but on March 26, 1989, at the age of 52, Maris Rudolf Eduardovich died. Official verdict doctors - heart attack.

It is known that the legendary ballet artist died in the ambulance car. But they say that on the day before he went to his beloved big theater, and there the guard took the pass from him and did not let in his office. And at that moment, the man could not stand the heart.

Mogis Marisa Liepa

But after the death of the lipa, the bustle around his name did not calm down. Almost a week was the struggle for the place of farewell to the star. Only five days later, the coffin with the body was installed in the lobby of the Bolshoi Theater, next to the scene, on which he demonstrated the greatest art for 20 years. Marisa Eduardovich was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow, and in Riga, next to the graves of the father and mother, installed the stone on which it is written:

"Maris Liepa, who away."


  • 1969 - "Hamlet"
  • 1972 - "Fourth"
  • 1974 - "Your Name"
  • 1977 - "Galatia"
  • 1978 - "Benefis Lyudmila Gurchenko"
  • 1985 - "Childhood of Bembby"
  • 1986 - "Lermontov"
  • 1986 - "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: the twentieth century begins"
  • 1988 - "Road to hell"
  • 1988 - "Ship"

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