Bill Clinton - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Ex-President USA, Monica Levinsky 2021



Bill Clinton - American Politician, 42nd US President. He ran as a representative of the Democratic Party and was able to win twice in the presidential race. The reign years of the head of the state - 1993-2001.

Childhood and youth

William Jefferson Blytte III, who later became Bill Clinton, was born in August 1946 in Arkansas, in the clinic of the city of Hope. Father, the community William Jefferson Blytte - Jr., tragically died in a traffic accident in May 1946.

The upbringing of the Son fell on the shoulders early widowed Virginia Dell Cassidy. The young mother had forced to leave Bill on the care of the parents and returned to Louisiana. In Srivport, where she recently met her husband, continued to study at the nurse-anesthesiologist.

Eldridge and Edith Cassidy, Grandfather and Grandma Bill Clinton were entrepreneurs and contained a small grocery shop. The townspeople disliked Cassidy for serviced and the black population. The first lesson of tolerance and democracy in childhood influenced their grandson, subsequently chosen the batch of this political direction.

When the son turned 4 years old, the mother married the second time. Schi, Roger Clinton was a car trader. Bill is not related to George Clinton (4th US Vice President). The roots of the NOTOR Father came from Arkansas and have nothing to do with namesakes from New York, George's relatives. In 1953, the family moved to the town of Hot Springs. And after 3 years, Brother Roger appeared at the future president. The name of the stepfather Bill took when he was 15 years old.

In school years, the boy was an exemplary student. In addition to excellent performance, he led the school jazz-gang, in which he spent himself, playing on the saxophone. Clinton performed an activist and speaker students.

In the summer of 1963, an event was happening, which was seriously affected by a teenager: he was entrusted to head the youth delegation to meet John F. Kennedy. This visit to the White House, when the US President himself shook his hand with a young blond boyfriend from a simple family, turned out to be a point with which the countdown of Bill's political career began. As Clinton later admitted, then he first thought about politics.

The ambitious guy stubbornly moved to the goal. His family, though belonged to the middle class, but because of the problems of stepfather with alcohol, Bill could not count on the aid. He entered the prestigious Washington University of Georgetown and studied so that he received an increased scholarship. This allowed him for two years since 1968, study in Oxford. Later he entered the Yale Law Institute. After graduation, the young man returned to Arkansas. Here, the political biography of Bill Clinton began.


The impeccable biography of a simple and honest guy from the people who earned education and reached heights, Bill Clinton decided to turn into a starting platform for the future political career.

After a short period of teaching in Arkansas University in Fiethtvell 28-year-old Clinton took the first step in politics. He tried to get a place in the Congress from the 3rd Arkansas District, running away from the Democratic Party. Young, eloquent and externally attractive politician (Clinton's growth - 188 cm) immediately received quite strong support for voters.

And although the young democrat lost, his competitor from the Republicans broke away from him only a few percent. This was the reason for the close attention of the political establishment of Arkansas, which appealed to the young and promising "Wunderkinda."

Two years later, in 1976, Bill Clinton won the elections of the Minister of Justice in his state. After another 2 years, the 32-year-old politician took the post of Governor Arkansas, becoming the most young in this position in the entire history of the United States.

At the time of Clinton joining the position in the statistics of income below Arkansas stood only the state of Mississippi. It cannot be said that after 11 years of the board of the young governor Arkansas sharply entered the leaders: income growth rates were measured by a modest number of 4.1%. But entrepreneurs noticed the "warming" of climate, which contributed to the development of business in the state and influx of investments, as well as a decrease in unemployment.

Another noticeable achievement of the Governor Bill Clinton is educational programs. Politician managed to "break through" stubborn resistance and conducted an extensive reform program, thanks to which Arkansas is a state in which the greatest funds for education are allocated per capita.

In October 1991, Clinton nominated his candidacy for the presidential post. At that time he had a reputation of the most vivid "new Democrat". On the way to its goal, the politician "set" the middle class, which in the 80s managed to move the Republicans in the ranks of their voters. The applicant for the post of head of state has promised this considerable layer of society to reduce taxes and economic pragmatism.

Pre-election rhetoric and clinton promises fell on fertile soil. During the period of the cold war, Ronald Reagan and George Bush, the economy was put in second place after politics. Therefore, the real earnings of people began to decline, and the number of jobs is to decline dramatically.

And although his competitor George Bush, whose asset was the "fresh" victory in the Persian Gulf, seemed invincible, the young democrat was able to break out ahead. But this victory was not deafening: Bill Clinton received 43% of the vote, the opponent's ahead of the opponent is just 5%. And if we consider that the non-partisan candidate Ross Feather managed to "delay" the voices of the fifth part of the voters, it becomes clear that Clinton's victory was largely due to a happy coincidence.

The inauguration of the new president took place in January 1993 in Washington. If you do not take into account the short period of the reign of Jimmy Carter, then the delayed pause of "excommunication from power" of Democrats amounted to almost a quarter of a century. Clinton put the point in the long neoconservative era of Reagan - Bush. The new president first in the epoch of globalization applied the concept of the Third Way - the middle between socialism and capitalism.

From the 42rd of the President-Democrata, the liberal update of the country was expected. William Jefferson Clinton in his speech Done to the listeners the main thought - announced the coming to power of new young politicians, which will replace the old generation and focus on the economy, putting it in the first place.

However, soon the Americans noted the lack of experience of Bill Clinton in great politics. At the first stage of the presidency, he has long and chaotic formed his team, causing the acute criticism of the Republicans. For example, the Prosecutor General suggested under criminal responsibility for non-payment of taxes by Zoya Baard. For a long time, Clinton could not establish constructive interaction with the Republican Party and Congress.

Lobbying Bill Clinton service in the army ranks of open homosexuals ended in failure. The president had to make a compromise option proposed by the Ministry of Defense, which had significant differences from Clinton variant.

The failure turned out and initiated by America the peacekeeping operation in Somalia, conducted under the auspices of the UN.

Among the most unpleasant "punctures" Clinton during the first presidency is the reform of health care. It was her candidate for the presidency called the primary task and appointed the head of the Committee on reforming his wife Hillary Clinton.

Politician wanted to ensure that the medical insurance had all the citizens of America. For this, a substantial part of the costs had to lie on the shoulders of employers and medical producers. Clinton did not calculate that opposition, which he had both the first and second. As a result, conceived reforms narrowed to insignificant amendments in the legislation, which Congress agreed.

And after the defeat of the Democratic Party at the next elections to Congress in 1994, supporting the initiatives of Bill Clinton was still ghostly.

Nevertheless, the activities of the 42nd US president were crowned with many achievements in domestic politics. The economy of America grew a prominent pace, unemployment decreased.

In foreign policy, Clinton managed to reduce the degree of voltage with many countries that the states were openly engaged in openly. In Moscow, the American president spoke to the MSU students with the lecture and received the title of Honorary Professor of the country's chief university.

The success of Bill Clinton in foreign policy was associated with the luck of the president, because the period of his rule fell during the presidency of Boris Yeltsin, who was still 2 years before the appointment of Clinton declared the policy of disarmament of the USSR and the course for friendship with the United States.

As Strub Talbot, First Deputy US Secretary of State, Boris Nikolayevich agreed with all the requirements of the United States at the negotiations, which was associated with the tendency of the Soviet leader to alcoholism, because of what Yeltsin paid more attention to the buffet at the negotiations than the content itself.

The next presidential election of the United States in 1996 passed calmly and even everyday: Clinton turned out to be a laundry competitor Robert Dul. 49% Against 41 - a good result, although not triumph.

The second term of the Bill Clinton presidency turned out to be more successful thanks to the surrounding experience. The US economy continued to grow. The external debt of America has significantly decreased. The country has reached the leaders in the field of information technology (before that he was leading Japan). The collapsed USSR saved the United States from tensions in this political direction, allowing to send strength and funds to the economy.

In 1999, Bill Clinton and Vladimir Putin, Bell Clinton and Vladimir Putin, was held in Auckland (New Zealand), where the Russian Prime Minister was justified for the critical statements of Boris Yeltsin on the actions of the American president in Iraq.

After completion of the double presidential period, Clinton retreated to the background, engaged in active support for the spouse, who also claimed the post of head of the country. But in 2008, when Hillary Clinton failed to defeat the primaries, giving way to Barack Obama, the spouses were supported by this candidate.

During the 2012 presidential election, Bill and Hillary Clinton again actively supported Barack Obama.

In addition, in January 2012, Bill Clinton, at the request of the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon took to coordinate international assistance to the residents of Haiti, affected by the devastating earthquake.

In 2016, Clinton (now together with Obama) again actively supported the presidency of the US President Hillary, also speaking on behalf of the Democratic Party. The aggressive campaign in which Donald Trump came up with an opponent, clouded spouses.

Elections took place on November 8, 2016. Hillary Clinton was defeated by giving way to the tramp almost a hundred votes of electors. But the paradoxicality of the situation is that if the counting of votes was conducted directly by voting voting, then Clinton would leave a competitor far behind. The woman scored 65.84 million votes, and Trump - 62.98 million. The gap amounted to almost 3 million votes.

American leaders of opinions called elections to the United States among the most difficult and controversial: both candidates did not enjoy special support for society and more than once turned out to be drawn both in economic or political and into ethical scandals. The vote at these presidential elections was not for the candidate, but against his opponent.

In 2021, January 6, the supporters of Donald Trump broke into the Capitol building. Their goal was to disrupt the counting of votes and declare the official victory of Joseph Biden in the elections. The protesters were marching to the place of the collection of the US Congress, and it ended with all the storm. Bill Clinton commented on what happened in Twitter: Riots in Washington were burned out "more than four years of poison policy."

Personal life

With the future wife of Hillary Ravem Bill met during study at the Yale University, at the age of 27. They got married in the fall of 1975. The spouses together were taught at Fieththwell University.

In February 1980, Hillary Clinton gave birth to her husband's only daughter Chelsea Clinton. In 2014, the ex-president for the first time became grandfather: Chelsea gave birth to Charlotte's daughter, and in 2016 her son Aidan appeared on the world.

Politics are sometimes accused of some old-fashioned. So, in 2004 there was information that during the presidency Bill Clinton independently sent only two emails, and one of them was a test message containing only the word "text". At the same time, the archive contains 40 million emails written by the staff of the president headquarters.

In the same 2004, the former president released the autobiography book "My Life". The literary opus became a bestseller: more than 2 million copies were sold. A year later, the memoirs were adapted to the audio. At the 47th annual ceremony, Grammy announced the award of Clinton for the "best spoken album".

In February 2004, it became known about Bill Clinton's disease. He was urgently hospitalized in New York's clinic after a heart pain complaint. 63-year policies made stenting operation.

After surgery, Clinton began to adhere to a vegan diet, as well as promoting vegans at all available levels. Subsequently, the politician was written by the press, which believes: it was the veganism that retained his life.

Ex-president of the United States is now maintaining public work. Bill Clinton is a member of political and charitable organizations.

In the press, the name of the former head of state often emerges in connection with the old exposures of his personal life, and not with his charitable activities.


Life Bill Clinton is filled with numerous scandals, both real and fictional political opponents for the sake of cherished votes. During his first election race, as started, dirty underwear from the past clinton spouses was stretched into the light. For example, a candidate from the Democrats was accused of strange behavior, having relished him from calling to the service during the war in Vietnam.

The press excavated that the politician in student years used marijuana, to which Clinton missed: he was not delayed. " Many questions caused and the extramarital sex life of the presidential candidate: the press pulled the prosecution of sexual persecution transmitted to the court. Charged accusations in real estate fraud, in which Hillary Clinton was allegedly involved. And although the accusations sounded did not find convincing confirmation, they "bitten" a few percent of the victory of the Democrat.

But the scandal, bunting in 1998, almost cost Bill Clinton of the Presidential Chair. Information about the intimate relationship of the President with the White House of Monic Levinsky was surrendered to the press. The young woman shared revelations about intimate communication with the head of state, the discontinuity of the spicy details of what was happening in the famous Oval Cabinet.

These scandalous relations have become the top theme not only in America, but also around the world. Aggravated the already unenviable position of Clinton perjury under the oath. The president managed to avoid impeachment thanks to the spouse, who managed to collect will be in a fist and curb his feelings. Hillary demonstrated iron character and enviable composure, asking her husband.

In September 1998, Clinton spoke with the speech "I sinned" on the annual "prayer breakfast". The president was performed in the White House, representatives from the clergy and his legitimate spouse were present in the hall. The text of the appeal president wrote himself. Scandal with Clinton and Levinski subsided, but the reputation of the Democratic Party turned out to be "pitched".

In addition to the history with Monica Levinsky, Clinton is attributed to a long-standing relationship with a dark-skinned girl from Arkansas, which was engaged in prostitution. This story flooded to the surface in 2016, just in the midst of the election race Clinton and Trump. A kind of black young man named Danny Lee Williams called the son of the 42nd US president.

In 2017, vs. Bill Clinton put forward mass accusations of rapes and even in murder, and the spouse was accused of covering these crimes. But the development of the scandal did not receive: no criminal case against clintons, nor the case about slander against the accusatory parties was not established.

In 2018, the ex-president himself admitted that he helped Shimon Peres in the fight against Benjamin Netanyahu, thereby interfering in the election of Israel in 1996.

In 2019, the "Instagram" appeared the news of the death of Jeffrey Epstein, the scandalous owner of the island, which was overlooked juvenile sex-slaves. "Hillary finished it," the photo was accompanied by such a signature.

Clinton involvement in the death of pedophile confirmed TV presenter Lu Dobbss (Fox News TV channel), Terrence Williams (comedian, actor and commentator), Lynn Patton (employee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of the United States) and other supporters of Donald Trump. There are also witnesses who claim to have seen the 42nd US president on the island. According to the testimony of the opponents Clinton, Epstein was killed by order of influential spouses to avoid exposure.

In 2020, the representative of the former President Angel Uren stated that the President had never visited Epstein Island. The message about this man posted on the page in Twitter. Bill Clinton was familiar with Jeffrey, but did not communicate with him more than 10 years before the millionaire was accused of a crime.

Bill Clinton now

Politician became the hero of the show "American History of Crimes". "Impeachment", the 3rd season in the history of the criminal series of anthology, is devoted to the scandal, in the center of which Clinton's relationship with Levinsky. Shooting started in November 2020. The producer of the film was the main heroine event itself.

Monica Levinsky noted that I agree to participate in the project against the background of the hype, which occurs around the impeachment of Donald Trump. According to the woman, she is glad to "recover a voice." The plot is based on the book Jeffrey Tubin A VAST CONSPIRACY: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down A PRESIDENT. The premiere of the film was expected in the fall of 2021. Clive Owen embodied the image of Clinton.

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