Galina Ulanova - biography, personal life, photos, performances, performances, cause of death and the latest news



Galina Sergeevna Ulanova is the legendary Soviet ballerina, which raised the possibilities of dance art for an unprecedented level. She not only admired - she was imitated. For many years in many countries, teachers of ballet studios, teaching their pupils, demanded to do PA "like Ulanna". And not just so Galina Sergeyevna is the only ballerina in the world, which monuments were established during his lifetime, and immediately in two cities in St. Petersburg and in Stockholm. In addition, the largest rehearsal hall of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater is the name of the famous ballet actress.

Galina Ulanova in childhood

Probably, fate immediately ordered Galina Ulanova to be a dancer, because she was born in the family of ballet artists of the Mariinsky Theater. Later, her father, Sergey Nikolayevich Ulannov, became theatrical director, and Mama Maria Fodorovna Romanova passed his big dance experience in the choreographic school. Childhood and youth Galya spent in his native St. Petersburg. It's funny, but it is unlikely that any of the speeches seen her performances on stage, at least in the record, could guess that this fragile elegant woman at an early age was a real contest.

Little Galina Ulanova with Mom Maria Romanova

The fact is that the parents expected the appearance of a son to the light, so the father, and not tuned to the game with the girl, instilled daughters boyish hobbies. They went fishing together, digging worms, masters of the network and dried fish. When Galya came to the country and neighbor girls called her to play dolls or sculpt the gum in the sandbox, she proudly answered that he would prefer to shoot from the bow and climb on the trees.

Galina Ulanova in choreographic school

But the carefree childhood came to an end when Galina turned nine years old. She was taken to the initial class of the Petrograd choreographic school, and she began to comprehend the art of ballet under the leadership of her mother, Mary Romanova. And in the graduation classes of Ulannov admirated the experience of the icon of the Russian ballet - Agrippines Vaganova, whose name will later be called this school, and in the people they will be called not otherwise as Vagankovsky.

Galina Ulanova in youth

At the 18th age, Galina ends the choreographic school and in the same 1928, in fact immediately after the graduation performance, enters the troupe of the Leningrad State Opera and Ballet Theater, which soon receives the name of Sergey Kirov, and later returns the historical name - Mariinsky Theater.


From the very first productions of Galina Ulanov attracted the attention of the audience and critics. After a year, she first dances the leading party: it was Odeta-Odile in the "Lake Swan". Pretty soon, the girl becomes an indispensable ballerina, and her duet with Konstantin Sergeyev, rather to the whole world in the 30-40s, is still considered exemplary. In Mariinsky, Galina worked until 1944. She danced the main parties in such performances as "Giselle", "Nutcracker", "Bakhchisarai fountain" and many others. But the main achievement of the ballerina at that time is the image of Juliet in the Ballet of Prokofiev "Romeo and Juliet", which she created in the 1940s. Ballet connoisseurs all over the world are still called the performance of reference.

During the Great Patriotic War and the Leningrad blockade of Ulannov, as an artist of the ballet spoke before injured in Hospitalists Perm, Alma-Ata, Yekaterinburg. In Kazakhstan, she danced on the stage of the Alma-Ata State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, for which in 1943 he received the title of People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR. A year later, the ballet star goes to the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. On this occasion, Galina Ulannova later said that she would never leave his native Leningrad scene, but this decision was dictated to the "top" from the Central Committee. In fact, the choice was simple: or the ballerina dances on the main scene of the country, or does not dance at all.

Galina Ulanova in ballet

Nevertheless, in the Bolshoi Theater, the talent of Galina Sergeyevna flashed with new shades. The performances with her participation became the pearls of the theater repertoire, and the scene of the madness of giselles in the same name was recognized by the top of the tragedy dance. And it was with a large theater Galina Ulanov for the first time went to foreign tour. In the hall of the Vienna Opera House, she was handing standing, and in London the actress had an unprecedented triumph at all. British journalists have written the next day that such success did not have any ballerina since the times of the legendary Anna Pavlova. Moreover, it should be noted that Ulanova at that time was already 46 years old.

Galina Ulanova in ballet

Four years later, the dancer last went on stage. She presented the audience the ballet "Shopenian", after which she finished ballerina's career. But the woman did not leave from the Bolshoi Theater. Until the end of his life, Galina Sergeyevna remained there for the post of balletmaster-tutor. Among her students were such stars of domestic ballet art, as Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Nina Semizorov, Irina Prokofiev and several dozen other artists who received the recognition of the public. Also Galina Ulanova worked with soloists of the Paris, Hamburg, Sydney, Tokyo and Stockholm ballet.

In addition, the legendary ballerina was judged by international competitions as chairman of the jury, and not only in Moscow, but also in the Bulgarian Varna. By the way, at one of these festivals, she praised the performance of another future masters of the Soviet scene - Marisa Liepu.

Personal life

For a long life, Galina Ulanova had only three novels, and each of them ended with returning to loneliness. The first spouse was an actor and director Yuri Zavadsky. They lived together during the 30s, during World War II lived far from each other and after the day Victory divorced. Parting was quiet and peaceful. In general, the common acquaintances said that Galina and Yuri were rather friends than husband and wife.

Galina Ulanova and the first husband Yuri Zavadsky

The next marriage, although the actual, was with the actor and director Ivan Bersenev. A man who fell in love with a ballerina at first sight, has lived in marriage for 35 years, but because of Ulanova lost his head and moved to her. At his funeral in 1951, Galina Sergeevna was also attended, and the official wife, actress Sophia Hiacintow.

Second husband Ulanova, Actor Ivan Bersenev in the film

The last husband of Galina Ulanova was the artist of the Bolshoi Theater Vadim Romadin. He loved Galina very much, idolized and literally wore in his arms. But besides her, the man had another addiction - love for alcohol. Some time, the ballerina suffered a spouse's rumpler, but then just closed the door behind him and one left again. Not from one of her husbands, Galina Sergeyevna had children, he had sorry about, but he had been inspired by the idea that the motherhood and career of ballet artists were incompatible.

Galina Ulanova and the third husband Vadim Mardine

For many years, a woman lived alone in her apartment, but the last decade of Ulanov divided her shelter with a journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Tatiana Agafonova, which became actually a receiving daughter for her. Unfortunately, Tatiana left his life two years earlier than her patroness and senior friend, so the last days of Galina Sergeyevna Korotala again alone. The woman was very stronger to himself and even in old age did not allow to relax. Every morning she made gymnastic exercises for at least an hour, then repeated ballet pas. Therefore, in recent years, its weight has persisted unchanged - only 49 kilograms. Galina Ulanova has always differed a lightly elegant gait, dressed elegant and attractive.

Galina Ulanova in the 90s

Despite loneliness, Galina Sergeyevna's gate was not. She continued to communicate with interesting people and always sincerely and straightly expressed her opinion. For example, in a conversation with the poetess Bella Ahmadulina Ballerina, she said that she read her poem dedicated to Maye Plisetskaya, four times, but absolutely did not understand anything, although he regretted that no one could say about her very beautifully.


The last years of the ballerina lived modestly and lonely in a large apartment on a boiler embankment. Interestingly, she furnished with furniture, which remained from his parents. The material values ​​of Galina Ulannova never chased, did not have a dacha, no car, and the main heritage considered his students. And very worried that he could not dance on stage herself. It is said that in recent months, Galina Sergeyevna began writing memories from life. Knowing her frankness, it can be assumed that the memoirs would be very sensual and possibly sharp. But subsequently no notes and even photos were found, apparently, they burned them.

Monument Ballerina GS Ulanova. Park Victory, St. Petersburg

The legendary ballet dancer left on March 21, 1998 at the age of 88, and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Later on the Great Dancer, documentary films "Loneliness of the Goddess" and "Peace Ulanova" were removed and a number of books were written, including the "Days with Ulanova" Albert Kana, "I did not want to dance" Sania Destlebamova and "Galina Sergeevna Ulanna" Valerian Bogdanova - Berezovsky.

Russian ballerina was read and gave the tribute to the whole world. In addition to monuments and memorial plates, there are unusual manifestations of gratitude. Dutch flower blown in her honor the grade of Tulips "Ulanova", the Crimean astronomers called it a new asteroid, the Central Bank of Russia issued a valuable coin with Ulanova's profile. And in her apartment on the Kotelnichesky embankment created a memorial museum.

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