Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image


Character History

Works of the writer Joan Rowling about fearless green-eyed wizard Harry Potter conquered the hearts of both children and adults. Readers are not averse to take up movies or books in order to plunge into the magical world, where there are post-post-postrooms, dragons, magic wands, flying brooms, speaking portraits and invisible mantles. But also lovers of fabulous adventures will be faced with the ruthless Lord Wolas de Mort, whose atrocities do not know the borders.


The lives of the main villain "Poteriana" hidden in all books Joan Rowling, since the writer did not want to open the readers in the veil from the first pages of the work. Therefore, a full-fledged picture of the biography of Volan de Morta can only be folded on the grains, relying on the facts. It is known that Tom Marvolo Reddle (the full name of the dark magician) consists in distant relationship with Harry Potter and is a descendant of Slyzmerin Salazar.

Wolan de Mort and Harry Potter

The wizard grew up and brought up in the world of people in an ordinary children's shelter. His mother Merop was an offacarious sorcerer, and Tom Reddl's father - Magl from a secured family. After a long relationship, the Volan de Morta parents broke up: on the assumption of Dumbledore, Merop ceased to pull the spouse to the lovely potion to test his sincere feelings for a pregnant wife.

Volan de Mort and Hermione

After the birth of Tom Merop died, and the baby was thrown on the side of life (the Reddl father did not suspect the existence of the Son). While the future dark lord was in the shelter, his magical abilities began to manifest itself: the boy was aware of his special purpose every day. One day, a lecturer of the transfiguration teacher Albus Dumbledore, who told the young man about the school of wizard and the world of magic.

It is noteworthy that in Hogwarts Reddle was almost the best student, and in the fifth year he became the old-year Faculty of Slytherin. At the same time, the young man learned about the existence of a secret room, released a monster who killed Myrtle Plaks, and organized an attack on "Mudnocks", substituting the giant Hagrid. After graduating from school, Tom began to engage in black magic and learned about the Crimping - enchanted items created to acquire individual immortality.

Wolan de Mort and Bellatrix

With each year of the atrocities of Volan de Morta only grew: in the early 1970s, the antagonist holding his unclean origin (he even had to get rid of relatives who are not accepted to the Wizard world) began to distribute xenophobic ideas and urged to kill all magals and dirt-based wizards.

Ultimately, the wizards were afraid of a powerful Lord, that his name became forbidden and was uttered aloud by the most brave heroes. Therefore, often the characters of the novel call the serpent "that-someone cannot-call" or "you know-who". It came to the extent that the Ministry of Magic officially banned the name of the antagonist, imposing a spell on it.

Volan de Mort and Dumbledore

Perhaps the Dark Lord would be able to usurp the power and inspire the horror at all and everyone, if it were not for the prophecy: Sivila Teloni Savid was predicted that a little boy had a little boy who was able to kill an evil magician when he would grow.


Tom Reddl demonstrated his sadistic inclinations from early childhood. Never a crying boy offended animals and mocked her peers that were afraid of him. Lord Volan de Mort lasted Maglov, and the walls of the shelter caused his disgust.

Fearful death The dark wizard traveled around the world, and because of various magical practices and the crimsons, his appearance was undergoing striking changes: instead of an aristocratic black-haired young man on the pages of the novel, the pale, like marble, a wizard with a slicer face, incredibly long fingers, red pupils and Two snake slots instead of nostrils.

Wolan de Mort smiles

Rowling is mentioned that the villain owns a legilimentation, a elderish stick (originally used a teescale stick with the core of the penix pen), forbidden spells, and also knows how to communicate with snakes (Snakest) and underestimates the magic of the house elves. As for personal qualities, that Reddl is a cool strategist, who thought out the upcoming operations. Also in the nature of Volan de Morta combined self-criticism and intolerance to the errors of the subordinates.


Lord Volan de Mort appears before readers from the first pages of the work of Harry Potter and plays a fundamental role in the whole epic. Also, Joan Rowling pleased the standards of bookstores by official additions, and the fans of her novels tirelessly come up with witness fan fiction.

Consider all parts of books in order:

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (1997)

Volan de Mort kills Harry Potter's parents, but makes a fatal mistake: a dark wizard suddenly reports a piece of his own strength, giving him unprecedented abilities: in the first part of the book it turns out that Harry can talk with snakes.

Book "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"

The baby who miraculously remained alive, was raised late in the evening under the door of the only relatives - Dursley, who are not blossoming either by the mind or the smartity. Therefore, before getting into the magical world, Harry suffers the humiliation of uncle, aunt and their spoiled son.

With the help of Forensch, Hagrid Potter learns about his destination and goes to school Magic Hogwarts, where she acquires faithful friends, fights a giant troll, solve the secret of the philosophical stone and meets face to face with those whose name cannot be pronounced out loud.

"Harry Potter and a Secret Room" (1998)

Harry Potter sees nightmarish dreams and hears the sinister voices. In the apartment of the wizard, the Elf Dobby appears, which prays a gifted boy that he does not appear in the walls of Talvarts, for "Harry Potter should remain where he is safe."

Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image 1859_7

Having disappointing the caution of the houses, Harry goes to school, where strange things happen: it turns out that there are not only attacks on students, but also a secret room, where Salazar Mizerin hid a terrible creature. Potter finds the magic diary of Tom Reddla and thereby faces the main opponent.

"Harry Potter and Prisoner Azkaban" (1999)

In the third part of Ptteriana, the boy with a scar on the forehead will again have to overcome numerous difficulties.

Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image 1859_8

First, Rubeus Hagrid, who first became a teacher, threatens the trial (as Draco Malfoy, in his own nonsense, was injured from the hippogriff clouded), secondly, Harry will face deumenters and try to reveal the secret of the Volan de Mort comrades From the ominous prison of Azkuban.

"Harry Potter and Fire Cup" (2000)

On the territory of Hogwarts, the "Tournament of the Three Wizards" starts, on which representatives of different magical schools pass hard tests, wiving their place under the sun. At the competition, students are allowed not under 17 years old, but the enchanted Cup throws a piece of paper with the name of Harry Potter, which turned 14.

Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image 1859_9

In the book, Harry steals a golden egg in the dragon female, meets with sea mermaids and saves what he is expensive. Later it turns out that the magic artifact where the notes are stored, the prickly supporter of Volan de Mort is enchanted - Barktemius Craporat, who wanted Harry to meet face to face with the ruthless Lord of Darkness.

"Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" (2003)

Potter learns occlusion to save his mind from a dark lord. Meanwhile, Volan de Mort does not lower his hands and prepares new goats: Before the battle in the department, a curious Harry is a ball with a prophecy that showed the name of Potter and a dark wizard.

Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image 1859_10

Then the young Magician, who was trapped, surround the Eaters of Death: Thus, the readers will have to imagine a grandiose battle.

"Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince" (2005)

Harry Potter gets a used textbook "Prince-half-breed", which makes useful recordings on potion. Also, a young man finds out that destroying the Volan de Morta can be in one way: to find all six ways.

Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image 1859_11

Among other things, Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Grainger will again be hit by magic spells of death of death, among which the zealous sequence of the Dark Lord is also provided - Bellatris Lestrange.

"Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows" (2007)

Harry Potter throws Hogwarts and goes searching for six horses. But then it turns out that in fact Wolan de Mort left not six, but seven magic items: it turns out that the last criminal case is Harry Potter himself, to whom the villain "presented" the fragment of his soul.

Volan de Mort (character) - actor, films about Harry Potter, photo, image 1859_12

In this book, the young man will fight Draco Malfoy, and will also meet in a duel with his main opponent. At the end of the work of the book, they will find out whether Potter will defeat the immortal antagonist with the help of a elderish stick.


For those who do not like toolind book pages, famous directors created seven film adaptations that are similar to novels, but have significant differences. However, the scripts managed to find the brilliant actors who have created canonical images from the first doublery.

Richard Bremmer in the role of Volan de Mort

Casting Joan Rowling was harsh: the writer put out the requirement that all the actors should necessarily be the British. Producers were not interrupted with the author of the books, but there were exceptions. Thus, the main lineup includes: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Tom Felton and other representatives of cinematic skills.

Christian Coleson as Volan de Mort

Fans are surprised when they learn who played Lord Volan de Morta, because the role of the magician of the Magnifier got several actors at once. Richard Bremmer appeared in the first part of the franchise and became a face on the head of Professor Quirrell, and Christian Coleson visited the image of the 16-year-old volume of Reddla-memories in Harry Potter and the Secret Room. "

Hiro Fayns-Tiffin as Volan de Mort

In the sixth film, young actors Hiro Fayns-Tiffin and Frank Dillane appeared in front of the viewers in the role of a young Wolan de Morta, but Raif Fires became the most memorable Warlock, who made his debut in the "Fire Cup" (2005).

Frank Dilsen in the role of Volan de Mort

The executor of the role of Fyams did not want to play the rebeling dark wizard, since the three previous films about Harry Potter did not make a special impression on the British. But then the actor agreed to cooperate with the director Mike Newelle, and the scene with the participation of Volan de Morta was played and filmed in the film in two days.

Raif Fains without a grima and in the role of Volan de Mort

Few people know that, in addition to the makeup, it was necessary to impose a special "computer mask" on the face of Raif, which helped the antagonist to get rid of the nose. In addition, the actor was provided with an overlaid forehead, thanks to which the wizard acquired heavy abnormal arcs, as well as deep and gloomy eyes.

Interesting Facts

  • Amateur Tryangle Studio, consisting of rowling fans, pleased with the fans of the Dark Lord and published Teaser to the film "Wolan de Mort. The roots of the heir ", which will be presented on the YouTube channel. The team began shooting back in 2016, noting that the Warner Bros film company, which possesses Harry Potter's rights, gave permission to create a picture. According to the creators, the audience will see Grisha Maclagen - the daughter of Homerik Gryffindor, - the investigative crimes of Lord Volan de Morta.
  • Merchant Fred and George Weasley received a punishment for enchanted snowballs to fly and hit the head of Professor Quirrell. But if the guys knew that the lumps of snow flew into the physiognomy of Volan de Morta, then surely they would have been ingenected with these penal glasses.
  • The name of the dark wizard "Voldemort" has French roots and comes from the phrase "VOL DE MORT", which means "flight of death". True, in 2015, Joan Rowling said in Twitter, that the pseudonym sorcerer need to be pronounced without "t" at the end.
  • Joan Rowling explained that the name of the character is an analog of his nickname, that is, "Tom Marvolo Riddle" = "I Am Lord Voldemort".

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