Ksenia Kuznetsova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ksenia Kuznetsova (in the credits of some paintings - Ksenia Rus) is known to the Russian audience on numerous serials and films in which the artist was filmed at different periods of life. As a rule, she gets tender and touching heroines, under the appearance of Ksenia. Often these are the main roles in which it is very organically fits.

Childhood and youth

Ksyusha was born in 1977 on holiday - Victory Day. When the hospital personnel in the Kazakh town of Kapchagay heard the first cries of babies, the doctors decided that Victoria was born. But the mother has long come up with the daughter of the name - Ksenia.

The girl grew in the creative atmosphere, because her mother Tatyana Kuznetsov was a director of show program. Recently, Tatyana Alekseevna taught dances in the municipal children's theater of Samara.

The first dream of the girl was connected with another profession: Xenia wanted to become an accountant. Baby as a fascinated watching the cashiers who sorted money. She planned to do the same when he grows.

Ksenia Kuznetsova and her mother

But the genes won: Ksyusha, from an early age who had been on her mother's work, soon addicted to the dances. Since then, its artistic nature developed only in one direction. After graduating from school, Kuznetsova entered the Theater School of Novosibirsk. Teachers immediately noted the maturity of the young actress and advised not to waste time.

The girl went to the capital and easily entered the MCAT Studio School, the parents supported the daughter in everything. She was enrolled on the course of the talented mentor of avant-garde Leontyev. Ksyusha turned out to be a diligent student. In 2001 she was given a diploma with honors.

Personal life

On the subject of personal life, the performer does not like to speak. According to some information from social networks, it becomes clear that she has 2 marriages. The first is with the actor "Nikitsky Gate" by Vladimir Davidenko. Judging by the early interviews of the artist, in this union everything was wonderful. Why he collapsed - there is no information.

More information was on the Internet about the 2nd marriage Ksenia Kuznetsova with a person named Igor Malakhov. This is a former Aziza concert director. Reporters wrote that the fatal shot in his favorite singer Igor Talkova was produced from his weapon. This mysterious person was told that he had close ties with Solntsevian criminal grouping. Perhaps these are only rumors.

It is known that accusations with Malakhov were removed. Nevertheless, he disappeared from public life and changed the name to Igor Rus. They rumored that Malakhov left the country. As it turned out, Rus from Russia did not leave. He married Ksenia Kuznetsova and built a house in the forest near Moscow.

Ksenia Kuznetsova is engaged in mountaineering

Happy spouses were born sons Rurik and Ingvar. The artist claims that the names of the children picked up with her husband, deciding that they would be perfectly combined with the surname Rus. Boys, like father, led a rather closed lifestyle. For example, Kuznetsova's children studied at home. As the performer explained, this decision was dictated by the poor ecology of the capital. But the sons of the sons were enough: the family often went to visit, and their home was constantly open to friends who came with their children.

Personal life Ksenia Kuznetsova in recent years is a closed topic. According to fragmental messages from different sources, it is known that in 2015 the actress left Igor with children. During this period, a man was incurably sick and did not rise from bed. He was not in the summer of 2016. About this, as well as that Kuznetsova, to see the heirs to see the heirs, answered the refusal, said the mother of Rus - Galina Stepanovna Malakhov. Her story of the audience was heard in the transfer "Direct Ether" in September 2016.

The widow of the last years of life with Igor comments does not give. Exactly as about what is happening in her personal life, and therefore a woman has a new chosen one or she decided to devote themselves to children and career in the cinema, no one knows anyone.

Since Kuznetsova prefers not to devote fans in everyday life, "Instagram", she also does not lead. The photo actresses are published only in the fan of artist groups in Vkontakte. Mostly, these are shots from filming, photos in a swimsuit there is not there, although the parameters of its body (height 170 cm, weight 52 kg) allow you to boast a slim and tightened figure.


Despite the fact that the Studio School MCAT traditionally prepares the actors for the theater, the creative biography of Ksenia is little related to the release of the frame. On the stage, the artist managed to play only in two performances in the theater on a small armor. She dreamed of getting into the troupe of Peter Fomenko Theater, but the performer could not realize this dream.

For the first time on the screens, the starting actress came immediately after the end of the university. She successfully passed the casting to the famous children's program "Abvgdaka", which went out for more than 30 years. The young artist over the years of life in the capital is accustomed to difficulties. Therefore, the temperature under 40 degrees and barley on the eye did not stop Ksyusha from the campaign on the sample. Directors of the transmission rated such dedication and took the girl in a friendly family.

The actress itself does not consider himself a star, despite the fact that she managed to work in the sensational projects and to be held in the same major role. The Kuznetsova filmography does not hit the abundance of projects, but all the paintings or TV shows, in which the performer appeared, rating and loved, if not millions, then hundreds of thousands of spectators for sure.

Actress Ksenia Kuznetsova (Frame from the movie

Since it was forbidden to act in student years at Studio Studio Studio, the debut of Ksenia in the cinema took place after the end of the university. It is noteworthy that the debut role has already brought a young actress awareness. After all, it was the series "Taiga. Survival course. It was filmed a whole constellation of domestic artists, such as Elena Xenofontov, Alexey Shevchenkov, Boris Galkin, Sergey Veksler and many others.

These shooting almost beat away from the young performer, the desire to act further. After all, they took place in extreme conditions of harsh autumn and winter in Adygea. The beginner artist had to feel all the "charms" of the profession. It was a certain Robinsonada. The film group poured the rain and flooded with snow. About such familiar and ordinary things, like hot food, warm bed and souls, often had to forget. In addition, theatrical actress had to learn in such concepts as a large or general plan. The shooting process was heavy, the performer even thought, would not quit such a profession, changing less extreme.

But on returning to the capital, a little rest, Ksyusha received an offer from which could not refuse.

The girl starred in the TV series Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov "Provincials", playing the main heroine. Kuznetsova immediately turned into a recognizable actress. It seems to be her character in bloated by light and happiness. Maybe therefore the heroine of the artist (cat), although it was conceived as a negative character, the audience caused sympathy and understanding.

The appearance of the performer as if he was written off from the images of the Heroine of the 40s and 50s of the last century. Directors immediately noticed this and often offer Ksenia related roles. As an example is the project "Aleksandrovsky Garden" and its continuation, as well as the films "Hunting for Beria", "Admiral" and "Three days in Odessa".

The shooting of each of the named tapes was left in the memory of Kuznetsova bright moments. For example, the series "Aleksandrovsky Garden" Alexei Pimanova starred in the Kremlin. When the actors came here for filming the night scenes, it seemed to them that it was not in the capital of our days, but in the last century or in another world.

Ksenia Kuznetsov in the film

At first, after the artists, the guards went, which limited their movement. The tape and its continuation was shot over 3 years. Later, as the actress says, the guard of the Kremlin took them as old friends, calling the "Gypsies" because of the huge Baulov with the props.

In 2012, the actress starred in 2 popular projects: melodrama "Heart without a castle" and "Frodia". The performer got the main roles. And in 2014, the audience saw the artist's favorite in films "elusive" and "Lord-comrades".

Then Kuznetsov's Xenia began to lead a popular current show "Act" on the TV channel "Star". This is a program, the heroes of which are interesting and courageous people, strong personality. The actress and the lead argued that he was happy to work in the project, who gladly look at her sons Rurik and Ingvar.

Actress Ksenia Kuznetsova (Frame from the movie

And the artist continued to film. In 2016, the spectators saw a favorite performer in the 8-serial comedy melodraman "a crisis of tender age." And in 2017, sports melodrama "from the bottom of the top" was released on the screens, in which Kuznetsova played the mother of the young Paralympic, a boy who lost both legs.

In 2018, the premiere of the "Lost Happiness" melodrama was held on the Russia 1 channel, where Ksenia again got the main role. Together with her key characters played Angelica Markelov and Alexey Fateev. The painting of the director Gleb Yakubovsky tells about the difficult fate of a woman who, after the death of her husband, is forced to keep himself and a little daughter. Having traveled for a time (as she thinks) in the capital, in the desire to earn money, it is arranged in the house of rich maid people. But her plans are not destined to come true, next time she has already matured Lisa's daughter only after 11 years.

Another job replenished with Kuznetsova filmography in 2019. The mini-series "The only joy" went on the screens on February 17. The 4-serial story tells about the struggle for the most expensive in the world. Ksenia got the role of cartridges Vali, together with her in the picture Igor Sigov, Alexander Kashtova, Eric Abramovich, Larisa Marshalov and others.

Ksenia Kuznetsova now

The performer does not like publicity too much. During quarantine because of the coronavirus, which covered the whole world at the beginning of 2020, the actress does not advertise how self-isolation observes. Now the news about her new works during this period does not appear on the network, as there is no information and about new roles in the series and films whose premieres are scheduled for 2020. Despite this, the fans hopede soon to see a talented artist on blue screens in the form of another dramatic heroine, since it is this role that the Kuznetsova is best possible.


  • 2002 - "Taiga. Survival course "
  • 2002 - "Provincial"
  • 2004 - "Diversian"
  • 2007 - "Aleksandrovsky Garden"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2008-2010 - "Gaishniki"
  • 2012 - "FROMA"
  • 2014 - "Lord-comrades"
  • 2017 - "From the bottom of the vertex"
  • 2018 - "Lost Happiness"
  • 2018 - "Fallen leaves"
  • 2019 - "The only joy"

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