Musa Bazhaev - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Musa Bazhaev is a Russian entrepreneur of Chechen origin, the president and co-owner of the Multidisciplinary Concern "Group Alliance", which is engaged in construction, oil and textile industry. In addition, Bazhaev is included in the board of directors of the Russian Platinum Group of Companies, and the position of the chairman occupies there.

Musa was born in the Chechen Republic on May 11, 1966. The boy has grown together with his native brothers Isaoy, Mavelite and Zaija underwear. The last one of them is much later, in 2000, the Yak-40 aircraft will be driving tragically at the Moscow Airport "Sheremetyevo-1". In the same accident, the Russian journalist Artem Borovik was left.

Businessman Musa Bazhaev

Bazhaev Jr. after school entered the Grozny Oil Institute named after Academician M. D. Millincov, who graduated in 1991 and received a specialty engineer for chemical oil and gas refining technology. Musa was immediately employed in the specialty as a technologist, but gradually the leaders noted his leadership qualities, and the young man made a dizzying career. Bazhaev was first the manager, then the director of the Department and, finally, the President of the Lia Oil Group of Companies.


In 1998, Musa and Ziya Bazhaev are organized by JSC Group Alliance. This concern did not have a narrow orientation, but dealt with diverse projects in various fields of industry: from oil to textile. In addition, the brothers mastered the construction market of Russia. Initially, the company headed Ziya Bazhaev, and his younger brother led the subsidiary of the holding - the Alliance Oil Joint-Stock Company, focusing on the oil business, which knew best.

Musa Bazhaev

In 2000, when Bazhaev-Sr. unexpectedly died as a result of a plane crash, the responsibilities of the head of the board of JSC "Alliance" OJSC lay down on the wool. From his personal achievements as the head of the concern, it is worth noting the opening of the network of refueling stations on the Peninsula of the Crimea together with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea Sergey Kubnitsyn, an agreement with the famous Samsung company about the modernization of the Khabarovsk oil refining plant and the foundation of one of the world's leading enterprises in the extraction of precious metals "Russian" platinum".

In addition, Bazhaev has joint ventures with the Netherlands-British company "Shell", with the Spanish concern "Repsol" and with an "independent oil company" Eduard Khudainatova. Of course, all these joint ventures are aimed at the development of the oil refining market, as well as the further sale of products, and not only in Russia, but also in the neighboring countries.

Musa Bazhaev shows the oil complex

The "Alliance Group" was transformed into an independent company "Alliance". Her Board of Directors is headed by Musa Yusupovich Bazhaev, who turned the organization to the profitable oil company of the full cycle. Now this structure not only produces hydrocarbon raw materials, but also processes it, and implements in a wide extensive network of its own gas stations. Three times over the past 16 years, the Alliance became the winner of the National Prize "Company of the Year". She was noted for the best corporate management, social responsibility and for the development of economic ties between the CIS countries.

In 2003, the organization of Musa Bazheev also became the laureate of the international competition "Golden Trademarks", and later the international premium "Business Olympus". In addition to the oil refining area, the company "Alliance" owns enterprises for the manufacture of sugar and cotton processing. In the hands of Musa Bazhaev, the management of its own airline is concentrated.

Businessman Musa Bazhaev

Musa Yusupovich is not only a businessman, but also a recognized philanthropist. At the initiative of the entrepreneur, the "Charitable Foundation named after Zii Bazheev" was created, which is implemented by various social programs. In addition, Bazayev became the initiator of the foundation of the "hostage support fund and the victims of the terrorist act in Moscow", which financially helps children who have lost their parents as a result of terrorist attacks.

Back in 2007, Musa became the owner of the Gold Arteel "Amur", and a year later, he stated his intention to spend more than $ 50 million for the restoration of the Republic of Chechnya. Two full-fledged hospitals were built in the Chechen Republic on the means of Musa Bazhev.

Presentation of award

Do not forget the businessman and art: together with the Spanish company "TECNICAS REUNIDAS", he implemented a draft exhibition of modern painting and sculptures, and from the end of the 90s on an ongoing basis, supports the Higher Theater School named after Boris Schukin, for which he received the prize "Metsen's Year "By decision of the Representative Public Council of the Star of Theater.

It is worth adding that Bazhaev is trying to minimize his participation in the political life of the country from the very beginning. He was offered many times to lead any region, to become a deputy of the regional or republican council, including Chechen, but Musa refuses every time. He considers himself primarily a businessman and intends to help his native country by raising the economy, and not with the help of meetings and consideration of laws.

Personal life

Not so much is known about the private side of the biography of a prominent Chechen businessman. Musa Yusupovich has long been married. His wife is the name of Louise, and they have four children: two sons, Timur and Alim, and two daughters - Elina and Maryam. Both girls are already married.

In 2016, Maryam became the wife of Magomed Erichanov, the son of the head of the Chechen regional branch of Rosselkhozbank. The wedding took place at the Moscow restaurant Safisa. Only one of the outfit of the bride from the designer house Zuhair Murad cost about 15 million rubles, and Gregory Leps was performed at the celebration and the A`studio group.

Six months after the senior sister, Elina Bazheev also married. Its chosen was the son of the owner of the company Dorchester Finance Alikhan Mamakayev - Beckhan, a graduate of the University of London. The wedding took place on the European standard in one of the most expensive restaurants in Monte Carlo. Brides's parents, as adopted by the Chechen people, were not present at both celebrations. Louise Bazheev itself tries to avoid communicating with the press, the photo of the millionaire's wife rarely falls in the media.

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The head of the Bazhavaya family, the main enthusiasm of his life calls football. On the territory of the Forte Village resort complexes in Italy, the Children's football club "Chelsea" is located, whose adult version is owned by the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich. There were also rumors that Musa Yusupovich was going to purchase a controlling stake in the Moscow football club "CSKA", but that this information did not correspond to reality, the agreement was not reached. The owner of his own team of Bazhaev did not.

Musa Bazhaev

Nevertheless, in the perspective of love for football, it is worth considering the value of a gift made by Bazhaev for the fiftieth anniversary by the leadership of the Spanish football club "Barcelona". The owners of this team staged a businessman meeting with his favorite football player, the legendary striker of the Catalan Grande Lionel Messi. In Spain, Musa arrived together with the younger son Timur, where he met the Argentine star. After a short conversation, the men headed for a playing field and played together in football. In addition, Lionel Messi recorded the video message in which the Chechen oligarch congratulated the Jubilee.

In August 2017, Musa Bazhaev became a grandfather for the first time. The first grandson businessman presented the daughter of Maryam. The boy gave the name Amir. And in early 2018, the next joyful news was followed - the youngest Ealina gave birth to a daughter.

Musa Bazhaev now

At the end of 2017, a deal was made to sell the Olympic Metal Sport Committee, which previously belonged to the Alliance company Musa Bazheev. Chechen entrepreneur acquired the main stake in the Olympic shares in 2014 at the Moscow City Hall for 4.67 billion rubles. Now his new owners became the year of Nisanov and Zamheev, the owners of Kiev Square.

New leaders are going to invest in Olympic to $ 400 million, reconstructed the territory of the complex. At the same time, the useful space area will increase while maintaining its former functions, as well as new areas for conferences and exhibitions will appear. The work on the plan will begin in 2019 and will last two years.

Businessman Musa Bazhaev

In February 2018, Musa Bazhaev visited Krasnoyarsk, where he met with the Governor of the Region by Alexander Uss. In Siberia, the Russian Platinine entrepreneur company is engaged in the development of enterprises of the Norilsk Industrial District, and also performs the main investor in the construction of the Ice Palace "Platinum Arena", where the Sports events of the Universiade 2019 will be held.

Construction of a unique building uses modern technologies, its main sites will be able to transform to perform a number of functions. Here will be held competitions on short track, figure skating, hockey, as well as volleyball matches, mini-football and basketball. Sports platforms and skating rink will be used for mass show programs and concerts.

State assessment

According to the information for 2018, which is provided on the official website of the Forbes edition, the state of Musa Bazheev reaches $ 600 million and makes it 164th in the list of 200 richest Russian businessmen.

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