Sergey Rachmaninov - brief biography, personal life, photos, works, music, cause of death and last news



Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov is a great Russian composer, also glorified as a pianist and conductor. He received the first fame still as a student, as he wrote a number of highly popular romances, the famous prelude, the first piano concert and the Opera "Aleko", which was put in the Bolshoi Theater. In his work, he synthesized two main Russian composer schools, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and created his unique style, which became the pearl of classical music.

Sergey Rakhmaninov as a child

Sergey was born in the seeder of Semenovo, located in the Novgorod province, but rose in the estate of Onega, which belonged to his father, the nobleman Vasily Arkadyevich. Mom composer, Love Petrovna, was the daughter of director of the Arakcheev Cadet Corps. Its musical talent of Rachmaninov, apparently, inherited by the men's line. His grandfather was a pianist and spoke with concerts in many cities of the Russian Empire. Dad also walked a great musician, but he played only in friendly companies.

Sergey Rachmaninov Parents

Music Sergei Rakhmaninova interested in very early years. His first teacher was a mother who introduced a child with the basics of good literacy, then he studied at the invited pianist, and at the age of 9 he entered the junior class of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. But at such an early age, the owner itself, the boy did not cope with the temptation and began to walk the classes. On the Family Council, Sergey Rachmaninov briefly explained his relatives that he lacks discipline, and his father translated his son to Moscow, to a private board for musical gifted children. Pupils of this institution were under constant supervision, honed the game on the tools at six o'clock per day and was obligatory to go to the philharmonic and opera house.

Sergey Rakhmaninov as a child

However, four years later, quarreling with a mentor, a talented teenager throws his studies. He stayed in Moscow, as his relatives sheltered him, and only in 1988 he continued his classes, already at the senior department of the Moscow Conservatory, which he graduated with a gold medal in 19 years in two directions - as a pianist and as a composer. By the way, at a gentle age, Sergey Rakhmaninov, a brief biography of which is not unrequisitely connected with the most great Russian musicians, I met Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. It is thanks to him that the first opera of the young dating "Aleko" based on the work of A. S. Pushkin was delivered on the stage of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.

Sergey Rachmaninov in youth

After graduating from the conservatory, a young man began to train the young lady in women's institutions. He taught Sergey Rakhmaninov Piano and privately, although he always did not love the teacher. Later, the composer took the place of Conductor in the Moscow Bolshoi Theater and led the orchestra when they put the performances from the Russian repertoire. Other conductor, Italian I. K. Altani responded for foreign production. When the October Revolution of 1917 occurred, Rachmaninov did not accept her, so at the first opportunity emigrated from Russia. He took advantage of the invitation to give a concert in Stockholm and from there was no longer returned.

Sergey Rakhmaninov

It should be noted that in Europe Sergey Vasilyevich remained without money and property, since otherwise it would not be released abroad. He decided to act as a pianist. He gave Sergey Rachmaninov concert for the concert and spared very quickly with debts, and also won great glory. At the end of 1918, the musician on the steamer sails to New York, where he was met as a hero and a star of the first magnitude. In the US, Rachmaninov continued to tour as a pianist, and occasionally and as a conductor, and did not stop this activity until the end of his life. Americans literally guarded the Russian composer, a crowd of photographers always followed him. Sergey even had to go for tricks to get rid of annoying attention. For example, he often shot a hotel room, but spent the night in a personal railway car to knock off the reporters.


Another student of the conservatory Rachmaninov became famous at the level of Moscow. It was then that he wrote the first piano concert, Prelude Du-Diez Minor, who became his business card for many years, as well as many lyrical romances. But so successfully started career was interrupted due to the failure of the first symphony. After her execution in the St. Petersburg Concert Hall on the composer, a flurry of critics and crushing reviews fell. For more than three years, Sergey Vasilyevich composed nothing, was depressed and lay on the couch at home almost all the time. Just resorting to the help of a hypnotist doctor, a young man managed to overcome the creative crisis.

In 1901, Rachmaninov finally writes a new great work, the "second piano concert". And this opus is still considered one of the greatest works of classical music. Even modern musicians note the influence of this creation. For example, on its basis, Matthew Bellamy, the frontman of the group "MUSE", created such compositions as Space Dementia, MEGALOMANIA and RULED by SECRECY. The melody of the Russian composer felt and in the songs "The Fallen Priest" Freddie Mercury, "All by Myself" Celine Dion and "I Think of You" Frank Sinatra.

A symphonic poem "Island of the Dead", "Symphony No. 2", which, unlike the first, had a grand success in the public, as well as very complicated by its structure, "Sonata for Piano No. 2" was completely stunning. In it, Rachmaninov widely used the dissonance effect and developed its use to the maximum level. Speaking about the work of the Russian composer, it is impossible not to name and magical in the beauty of "vocalization". This work was published as part of the collection "Fourteen Songs", but is usually executed separately and is an indicator of performing skills. Today there are versions of "vocal" not only for voice, but also for piano, violins and other tools, including with the orchestra.

After the emigration, Sergei Vasilyevich did not write significant work for a very long time. Only in 1927 he publishes a concert for piano with orchestra No. 4 and several Russian songs. In recent years, Rachmaninov has created only three musical works - "Symphony No. 3", "Rhapsodia on Paganini for Piano with Orchestra" and "Symphonic Dances". But it is noteworthy that all three belong to the heights of world classical music.

Personal life

Rachmaninov was a very fellow man, in whose heart repeatedly broke out feelings for his ladies. And precisely thanks to such emotionality, the romances of the composer were obtained so lyrical. Sergey was about 17 years old when he met sisters Scalon. Especially the young man allocated one of them, faith, which was called either the Veroch, or "My Psychopaistushka". The romantic feeling of Rachmaninov was mutual, but at the same time purely Platonic. The faith of Scalon is a young man dedicated a song "In the silence of the night mystery", a romance for a cello and piano, as well as the second part of his first piano concert.

Sergey Rachmaninov Wife Natalia

After returning to Moscow, Sergey writes a great amount of love letters, from which about hundreds have survived. But at the same time, the ardent young man falls in love with Anna Logyanskaya, his wife's wife. For her, he composes the romance "Oh no, pray, do not leave!", I became classic. And with his future wife, Natalia Alexandrovna Satina, Rakhmaninov met much earlier, because she was a daughter of those the most relatives who sheltered him when Sergey threw his studies in the boarding house.

Sergey Rachmaninov Children

In 1893, Rakhmaninov understands what is in love, and gives the beloved new romance "Do not sing, beautiful, with me." Sergei Rakhmaninova's personal life is changing after nine years - Natalia becomes the official spouse of the young composer, and another year - the mother of his eldest daughter Irina. Rachmaninova and the second daughter, Tatiana, which was born in 1907. But on this lovingness of Sergey Vasilyevich did not exhausted himself. One of the "music" of the legends of the Russian classics was the young singer Nina Koshitz, for which he specifically wrote a number of vocal parties. But after Sergei Vasilyevich's emigration, he was accompanied by only the wife, which Rachmaninov called "good genius of my whole life."

Sergey Rachmaninov Wife

Despite the fact that the composer and Pianist's main time spent in the United States, he often visited Switzerland, where he built a luxurious villa "Senar", which offers an amazing view of the Fatroldstste Lake and Mount Pilatus. The name of the villa is the abbreviation of the names of its owners - Sergey and Natalia Rachmaninov. In this house, the man fully implemented his long-standing technique. There it was possible to find a lift, and a toy railway, and one of the new items of that time is a vacuum cleaner. There was a composer and a possessor of a patent for the invention: he created a special clutch with a heating station attached to it, in which the pianists can warm their hands before the concert. Also in the garage of the star always stood a new "Cadillac" or "Continental", which he changed annually.

Sergey Rachmaninov Grandchildren

Biography Rachmaninova Sergey Vasilyevich would be incomplete, if not to say about his love for Russia. All my life, the composer remained a patriot, surrounded himself in emigration with Russian friends, Russian servants, Russian books. But he refused refused, since he did not recognize the Soviet power. Nevertheless, when fascist Germany attacked the USSR, Rachmaninov was almost on the verge of panic. He began to send money from many concerts to the Red Army Foundation and called on to follow his examples of many acquaintances.


All his life, Sergey Vasilyevich smoked a lot, almost not parting with cigarettes. Most likely, it was this detrimental habit that caused the composer on the slope of the melanoma. True, Rachmaninov himself did not suspect the Rachmaninov himself, worked until the last days and only one and a half months before his death gave a grandiose concert in the United States, which became the last for him.

Sergey Rakhmaninov

The Great Russian composer did not live to his 70th anniversary of just three days. He died in his California apartment in Beverly Hills on March 28, 1943.

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