Semyon Buddan - biography, personal life, wives, children, photos, death, cause of death and the latest news



The Hero of the Civil War, one of the first marshals of the USSR Semyon Mikhailovich Budnyne for contemporaries - the legendary personality. Today, his figure is heated by myths and rumors, and the events that took place in his life were scandalous interpretations from pseudo-historicals that are eager for glory in any way. Even the mustache "awarded" a separate myth.

Marshal of the Soviet Union Semen Budean

The roots of the family of blurred buried in the Voronezh region (once provisions). It is from here after the cancellation of serfdom broke the grandfather of the future Comandarm in search of the best destiny. At that time, three young children had already grown up at the former serf. He could not pay to submit for the land gained. Grabbing simple belongings and family, Ivan Budynoye leaned on Don.

In the spring of 1875, one of the sons of Ivan Budyanny - Mikhail - married the peasant of Melanier Emchenko. The young family settled on the Kozyurin farmhouse, located next to the village of Platovskaya (today Stitza Budyonnovskaya). Here in April 1883 and the future commandar semen was born, the second son in the family. After him, 6 children appeared.

Parents of Seeds Budenne

Unbearable heavy life forced the head of the family to break from a spaced place and move to Stavropol. But, like once his father, Mikhail Budyony soon became clear that in a new place would not be better. He returned to the Don and settled on the farm Litvinovka not far from the same village of Platovskaya.

The hungry winter of 1892 forced Mikhail Budyanny to take money from the local merchant Yazkina. Return a debt on time did not work. Yatskin first wanted to take a horse from the Honor's owned peasant, but it was tantamount to murder. The merchant suggested Mikhail to give him an intelligent small seven in the bathers, adopting his son to return his son in a year. Despite the tears and protests of the wife, the unfortunate father agreed. Not against was the 9-year-old Semyon, which wanted to help the family.

Native Stanny Seeds Buden

A year later, the boy did not return home. He remained on the blisters of Yatskin, performing his minor instructions. When the guy has grown, he was sent to work on the blacksmiths. Soon he became a hammerman. And another intelligent teenager quickly realized that without a certificate and any kind of education would remain servantly from the rich. Therefore, the boy agreed with the clarification of Yatskin, that he will teach his diploma. For this, Semyon pledged to clean his room, wash the dishes and clean the shoes.

After the grueling working day, the parenchyk at the light of the lady did the specified lessons. And in order not to fall asleep, he was poured by ice water or became sharp coal. So the future commander has developed a strong male character.

Semyon Budy with Family

This holiday was for Semyon to visit the weekend or holidays at home. His family was friendly and cheerful, despite the burden and need. Ivan's father was respected by the farm, considering the judgment and fair. He was elected by older nonresident, and Budynoyed more than once fell behind the poor fellow countrymen in front of Cossack Ataman.

And in the house the heads often sounded music. The head of the family was playing virtuosically played at the balalaica, and the seed learned the game for harmonic. Borrowing, let's say that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin repeatedly heard the game more than once. At his request, the commander played the harmony "Baryn".

Semeno Budyan always loved racing

The favorite entertainment of the young seed of Budenny was equestrian jumps. In 1900, a 17-year-old guy at the competition arranged in honor of the arrival in the village of the Military Minister, spoke from nonresident and won. The minister was surprised that the victory was not a local Cossack, but "came." For this, the young man was granted a silver ruble.

From the forge, the guy moved to the locomotive thumbnail of the same merchant Yatskin. At first he performed the duties of the lubricant and the stitching, and then became a driver. On a beautiful and intelligent guy, young Cossacks looked around. With one of them, hope, seed and married in January 1903. And in the autumn of the same year, Budyonov called for the service.

Military Career

From this point on, the military biography of Semyon Budyanny began. The first pages were written in the Imperial Army, in the Far East. There, in the Primorsky Dragoonane Regiment, the future marshal immediately felt herself in his element. And remained at the superior service. He took part in the Russian-Japanese war in the Don Cossack Regiment, where he distinguished himself. For this in the 1907th was sent to St. Petersburg.

Throughout the year, the young military was trained in the officers of the cavalry school, on the courses of riders. After graduation, the seeds of the Budne returned to serve in the Primorsky Dragun Regiment.

Young seed weekly

In 1914, the First World War broke out, in which he took part. He served as a senior Unter-officer in the 18th Dragun Sea Regiment. He fought on three fronts - German, Austrian and Caucasian. About how the young Budnyan fought can be judged by awards: he received the so-called "Full George Bow". This is the St. George Crosss of Four Degrees and St. George Medals of the same four degrees.

History has kept information about how the brave overs officer deserves its first cross of the 4th degree. He managed to capture a considerable German transportation with provisions, medicines and warm outfit. At the same time, under the leadership of Semyon, only the platoon of soldiers was, and the opponent's traffic was accompanied by a well-armed company with machine machine guns. The platoon was 33 people. During the battle, two were killed. But the number of prisoners was 200 Germans. In the royal military press, then they reported that the Germans defeated, capturing considerable trophies, the Caucasian Cavalry Division. No one could believe that a small platoon coped with the task.

Cavalier platoon of the seeds of Budenny

But the crosses not only easily came to the brave military, but also easily selected. For example, Budyony deprived the first St. George Cross for the manual design. As it turned out, he "gave the senior to the senior at the title, who insulted and hit him in his face. In the same 1914, Semen Mikhailovich returned the award. In the Turkish front, in the battle for the city of Wang, the reconnaissance platoon under his leadership managed to penetrate deep into the rear and capture the battery of the enemy and 3 guns.

In the summer of 1917, the Budnya arrived in Minsk together with the Caucasian Cavalry Division. Here he was elected chairman of the Regimental Committee. In August of the same year, he, together with Mikhail Frunze in Orsha, led the disarmament of the echelons of the troops of Lavra Cornilov.

Clement Voroshilov, Semyon Budyanny and Sergey Mini

After graduating from the October Revolution, Semen Mikhailovich returned to his native village, to Don. He was elected headquartered by the district land department. But peaceful life lasted for a short time. The beginning of the civil war again called him on the road.

In February 1918, Semyon Mikhailovich, Budne, created an equestrian squad that fought with White Guards. Soon he joined the 1st Cavalry Peasant Regiment, who commanded B.M. Dumenko.

It passed quite a bit of time, and Budyona was appointed deputy commander of the regiment, which grew up to the brigade, and then divisions. This division successfully fought near Tsaritsyn before the beginning of 1919. And in the second half of the year, an equestrian corps was created in the Red Army, who fought with the troops of P. N. Wrangel and reached Voronezh. Supervised by the Corps of Semen Bull.

Semyon weekly surrounded by red commanders

The victories of the Equestrian Corps led by the troops of General Denikin accelerated the defeat of the enemy forces on Don.

In November 1919, the equestrian corps was renamed the first equestrian army, the commander of whom Semen Mikhailovich was again appointed. He led it until 1923. Konarmy played a crucial role in a number of large operations. With its help, Denikin's troops were finally crushed and first in Northern Tavria, and then in the Crimea.

Clement Voroshilov, Semyon Buddanny and Efim Schadno

After graduating from the civil war, Semyon Mikhailovich, although he was appointed Deputy Commander of the North Caucasian Military District, but managed to do business, about which all the years of war dreamed of: he organized and created equestrian plants, in which new breeds of horses were introduced - "Budyennovskaya" and "TERSKA" .

Seven Budyonnya is not in vain call the "shameful father" of the Chechen autonomous region. In 1923 it was he, who was waters on his head on the head of the Bukhara Emir, on the Decree of the Alliance, arrived in Urus-Martan and declared autonomy. In the same year, an outstanding military appointed an assistant to the chief committee of the Red Army in Cavalry.

In 1932, Semyon Mikhailovich graduated from M. Frunze Military Academy. After 3 years, the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union was awarded Budyony and 4 more commander.

Semyon Budyanny, Mikhail Frunze and Clement Voroshilov

These were difficult times, which are difficult to judge today, after many decades. Budyonny some historians are imputed in the guilt that he with ease betrayed his former comrades. For example, in 1937, he made an exception to the party, and then shooting N. I. Bukharin and A. I. Rykov. In the spring of the same year, the exception was supported from the party M. N. Tukhachevsky and Ya. E. Rudzutak. If you need to execute former associates, he wrote: "Of course, for. You need to execute these chauffers. "

From the 1940s, the Semen was appointed by the first deputy addict of the Defense of the Soviet Union. He remained faithful cavalry, insisting on its importance in a maneuverable war. Some historians love to joke on this topic, forgetting to note that Marshal performed for the technical re-equipment of the army, as well as for the formation of equestro-mechanized compounds. Hurrying to modernize, by 1938, 13 of the 32 cavalry divisions were left 13. Later, a number of historians who analyzed military events were agreed that the warlords were in vain did not listen to the budden and hurried with the liquidation of cavalry.

Semyon Budy on Parade

During the Great Patriotic War, Marshal Semyon, the Budnya entered the bid of the Supreme Command. According to his recommendation, the command of the summer of 1941 began the formation of new cavalry divisions. By the end of 1941, more than 80 cavalry divisions appeared. Some historians mistakenly attribute this initiative George Zhukov.

At the beginning of the first year of the First Year of War, Semyon Mikhailovich was appointed commander-in-chief of the troops of the South-Western and South Fronts, which were on the path of the German invasion of Ukraine. In August, by his order, the saperes of one of the regiments of the NKVD blew up Dneproges in Zaporizhia. Flowing water flows led to the death of a plurality of soldiers of the Wehrmacht. But the soldiers of the Red Army also died. Water avalanche covered the coastal zone together by refugees and civilian population. Industrial equipment was destroyed at the bottom of Zaporizhia.

Later, some historians called huge numbers of those killed as a result of the operation of the Budenny, but were those who objected, arguing that the death toll was at times less and the operation justified itself.

Semyon Buddan and Joseph Stalin

The fact that Semen Mikhailovich did not want to win the victory by any means, says the fact that in September 1941 he sent a telegram in the bet, which suggested the troops entrusted to him in order to avoid the environment. For this, Stalin removed him from the command and replaced S. K. Tymoshenko. On the third day after replacing the troops still had to withdraw and leave Kiev.

Seven Budyony after the removal was assigned a backup front commander. And although he led the reserve only 27 days, it is difficult to overestimate his contribution to the defense of Moscow. After all, the backup front, together with Bryansky and Western, managed to protect the capital, although the advantage of the enemy forces was huge.

Portrait of a budenoe seed

After graduating from the Great Domestic Legendary Marshal, 62 years old. But he remained full strength and energy. Semen Mikhailovich for a long year did not even think about rest. He raised and developed agriculture and animal husbandry in the country, most of all guarding equestrian plants. Love for the horses he passed through his whole life. Running upwards, let's say that the favorite horse of commander named Sophist was so tied to the owner, which differed his approach on the noise of the machine motor. And when the Budyon did not become, he cried as a person.

Sculptor N. V. Tomsky perpetuated Sofist at the monument to M. I. Kutuzov, which today stands in Moscow before the Museum-panorama "Borodino battle".

Semyon Budy and his horse Sophist

Not only the breed of horses was named the name of Budyonny, but also the famous headdress. There is a version that it was tailored on the thumbnail of Apollinaria Vasnetsov - the brother of the famous artist. Her prototype allegedly served as a helmet of the ancient Russian warrior.

Of interest is whether the story is, or a fictional legend about the legendary luxurious Marshal Ussa. It is rumored that in the youth, one musty must "have thinned" because of the broken gunpowder. Allegedly Semyon Mikhailovich during the Crimean War decided to check the trophy cartridges on the subject of it, smiling. Paparios was taken and made sure they react well to the smoke. Later, the owner of the "multicolored" mustache first tinked them, and then decided to get rid of them at all. Iosif Vissarionovich stopped him, noticing that this was no longer his mustache, but folk.

Mustache seeds Budennya

In 1979, the native Budynoye presented his browse museum of the first equestrian army.

Many contemporaries, including the youngest generation, the name of the benchmark is known to be known as the name of the comfortable 4-deck ship built in Czechoslovakia. The length of this wonderful vessel reaches 136 meters, and more than 300 people are placed in its cabins.

The ship "Seed Budyonny" is attributed to the class "Comfort" and performs marine and river cruises.

Motor ship

It is known that many comrades Semen Mikhailovich fell into a repressive "meat grinder" and were shot. Budyona managed to survive. On this occasion, too, there are either myths, or legends. According to one version, "Black Funks" came to Marshal with laid mustache. But he met the unnecessary guests with a head with a naked and exclamation "Who is the first?!". Those were retraced. When the in the morning of Lawrence Beria reported to Stalin about the incident, he grinned and praised the Budyonny. No longer touched him.

According to another version, Semyon Mikhailovich lasted the queue from the machine gun, and then rushed to call Stalin: "Joseph, counter-revolution! Alive will not surrender! ". Allegedly after that, Generalissimus gave the team to leave him alone, saying that "old fools are not dangerous."

Personal life

Not only a military biography, but also the personal life of Semyon Budyanny was saturated. There were also tragic pages. The first marchala spouse, the same Cossack Nadia from the neighboring village, with which he married in 1903, accompanied her husband during the civil war. She was responsible for the supply of the medical unit. Nadezhda died in 1924. According to one version, it was an accident. Woman allegedly pressed on the trigger of a charged pistol. But there is another version. They say an angry husband shot her by learning about treasures. Through the third version of Nadia was shot during the scandal, which she arranged the wrong spouse.

Semyon weekly with the second wife of Olga

Historians tend to believe in the first version, because the fatal shot sounded with many witnesses who saw that it was hoped for a trigger.

It seems that the commander said not long. Some say that he married his beautiful and opera singer Olga Budnitskaya almost on the second day after the death of his wife. Other that the wedding took place in six months. Woman was younger than a spouse for 20 years. And since Budyany loved her incredibly and at the same time he had incredible opportunities, then the beloved Olenka received everything that she wanted: she entered the conservatory and became a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. But the only request of a husband is to give birth to him - Mikhailova (she chose such a stage name) stubbornly ignored, arguing this reluctance to spoil the figure. Allegedly without the theater, she did not think of her life.

Semyon Budy with Family

As it turned out, she did not think her and without a tenor Alekseeva, which of course, of course he knew the omnipresent NKVD. But when Mikhailov has gained receptions in foreign embassies, Stalin informed Budyanny. They say that after the conversation, he personally dismissed his wife on Lubyanka. Spouse Marshal arrested, accusing spying.

Under the life of Generalissimus, Semyon Mikhailovich did not even try to alleviate her fate. They say he was sure that Olga died. But in 1956, learning that the woman alive, the former husband put every effort to make Mikhailov. Subsequently, he took care of her, and the woman even happened to the family of Budyon.

Semen Being with his wife Mary and grandchildren

The third time the personal life of the seed of Budyona was happily. After the arrest of Spouse, he married a cousin Mikhailova - Mary, who was younger than him for more than 30 years and which he later loved and indulged in an incredible. Masha gave birth to her husband three children: in the 1938th Son of Sergey, in the 1939th - daughter Nina, and in 1944 - the second son Misha.

The daughter of Nina became the second wife of the famous artist Mikhail Derzhavin and gave birth to the father of two grandchildren.


Marshal died for 91, having lived a long and rich life. It was not October 26, 1973. Death was fast - from hemorrhage into the brain.

The grave of the seeds of Budennye near the Kremlin wall

I buried Semen Mikhailovich with all the honors from the Kremlin Wall on Red Square.

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