Oksana Basilevich - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, son Daniel Voropaev, films, filmography 2021



Oksana Basilevich - Russian actress theater and cinema. Oksana since childhood dreamed of becoming an artist and embodied in the reality of the dream of parents about the scene.

Childhood and youth

The star of domestic serials was born and grew up in Ryazan. Her father was a military doctor, and Mom occupied a leadership position in a trade union organization. It is curious that mother gave birth to a future actress in his own birthday and always considered her daughter with his most expensive gift.

Both parents of the girl once wanted to become artists, so the atmosphere in the house reigned the corresponding: spontaneous concerts, improvised performances, a puppet theater with plush toys on the fingers - all this was the norm of life for a small oxana. Mother played on the piano, father - on a 7-string guitar, and tango perfectly danced.

Basilevich grew up an obedient girl, never capricious, almost did not cry and, most amazing, almost did not hurt. She did not miss a single day in kindergarten. About the profession Actress Oksana dreamed almost from birth. Already at 4 years old, after seeing the performance of parents, herself tried to put scenes.

Of course, like many children, Little Oksana often changed the "future profession": it wanted to be a singer, the ballerina, then the circisterial, and even the surgeon in general. But in parallel, the words "Oksana Basilevich - actress", trying to taste how to sound the announcement of her name in the theater.

In high school, he constantly participated in all school competitions like "Hello, we are looking for talents." And there was a leading, focus, and singer in the vocal group, and actress.

But for some reason Oksana decided not to theatrical university, but at the Faculty of Philology of the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute. However, he studied one course, Basilevich took the documents and went to the northern capital. There she became a student of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography.

Such obedient in childhood, Oksana suddenly turned into a bright young woman who can throw out amazing rooms. For example, she could for a week, and then the month of the abyss from the institute, because it was offended by some phrase of the teacher. But the most outstanding and always unusually creative was the return of the student to Alma Mater. Once a girl even led to a real police officer and played a grandiose presentation with his participation as an apology before the teacher.


The end of the theater university coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union. At that moment, many famous artists stayed without work, what to say about the "green" newcomers. Basilevich classmates were not confused. From graduates, and a parallel course was formed a new troupe "Farce", called the name in honor of their first performance. Young actors toured throughout the country. The play "Fantasies, or six characters in anticipation of the wind" unexpectedly received recognition in Western countries, and the theater along with Oksana traveled almost all of Europe.

Oksana Basilevich - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, son Daniel Voropaev, films, filmography 2021 18575_1

At the 35th anniversary, the actress was on the Gastrors of "Farce" in South Korea. After the performance in Seoul, colleagues-artists put a cake with candles on stage and filled with the audience in the hall for the birthday girl Happy Birthday to You.

Oksana served in "farce" until 2007. But later I did not say goodbye to theatrical stage. The artist was invited to the performances of the Lensovet's Theater, the State Drama Theater on the Founder, the Astrada Theater named after Arkady Rykin and about a dozen theater centers. For the performance of the "Night of Gelver", delivered at the Theater named after the Faith Commissar, Basilevich was awarded the High Theater Prize of St. Petersburg "Golden Sofit", as well as the prize of the audience sympathies of the Society "Theater".


For the first time on the screen, the artist appeared in 1992 in the social drama "Chekist". Director Alexander Rogozhkin invited Oksana and many of her classmates to the project, seeing students in the graduation play. During the filming of the actress, the tooth of wisdom was cut, the cheek was swollen, so the camera removed Basilevich only on the side.

A long break connected with the service in the theater was interrupted by filming in the American film by "Anna Karenina", where the main character went to Sophie Marso. The Russian actress herself played a small role of the princess-Kurtisani Varvara. Basilevich surprised the attitude of the director Bernard Rose, which paid attention to the smallest detail.

In the XXI century, Oksana played mostly secondary characters, but did not go from the TV screens. Her filmography includes the criminal drama "Streets of broken lamps", "National Security Agent", "Secrets of the Consequence", "Deadly Strength". The comedic abilities of Basilevich were brightly revealed thanks to the series-anecdot "Little Johnny" and especially the NOVEL'S cycle for the humorous stories of Russian and Soviet writers "Non-Found Stories".

But the most famous project is considered the series about everyday life "such work". There Oksana appeared in the form of the head of the slaughter department, Colonel Police of Valentina Kalitnikov. Basilevich was delighted by receiving such a proposal, as he liked to try something new, and the bosses in the chains had not yet played. Alexander Bolshakov, Dmitry Palamarchuk, Irina Shesnova, etc. became colleagues actress on the set in this project.

According to the artist, cases that the screen operatives investigated are based on real events. For immersion in the topic, the actors familiarized themselves with the criminal statistics and work of law enforcement agencies. In an interview with Oksana, he admitted that, after filming, friends and colleagues congratulate her on the Day of Police.

In 2018, the artist appeared in another detective TV series "Bridge", in which Mikhail Porechenkov and Ingeborg Dapkin play the main roles. This is the adaptation of the Swedish Danish Detective Broen. In addition to the international acting, the film is interesting abundance of action, so on the set used large-scale pyrotechnic effects and a team of pyrotechnics and cascaders worked. In the scenes of the seizure and special operations involved fighters of special forces.

Another successful criminal project with Basilevich is a 12-serial detective "Alex Luty". The prototype of the Hitler's executioner was the collaborationist Alexander Yukhnovsky, whose history for preparing for the role before the shooting carefully studied Vlad Konoplev. The film is impressive of the scrupulously recreated atmosphere of the 1970s and the life of Soviet citizens of that era.

Personal life

Studying at the 2nd course of the Theater Institute, Oksana at the cottage among common acquaintances met Ivan Voropaev. The son of the actor of the comedy theater Gennady Voropaeva and the famous ballerina Alla Osipenko graduated from the same university in which Basilevich studied. By the way, Ivan's classmate was an actor and musician Maxim Leonidov. But Voropaev himself did not go through the creative profession, but founded his own business.

The personal life of the artist was formed in an instant: the girl fell in love with first glance and, as it turned out later, mutually. True, because of the love, the student almost excluded from the Institute - Oksana did not appear in class. Soon young people got married and lived happily, but not too long: the husband Basilevich suddenly died from internal bleeding. Death came so quickly that the actress did not even have time to say goodbye to her beloved. Woman widowed in 28 years old, still says that he sees a spouse in a dream.

From Ivan, Oksana had the only son of Daniel Voropaev. Not only grandparents, who drove him to school, musical studio and creative circles, but also friends actresses were helped. Thanks to the support of relatives and partners in the troupe "Farce", the artist felt not lonely in this world.

Today, Daniel is already an adult. He graduated from the Institute of Culture, trying to find himself in the world of cinema. By the way, Oksana has already become a grandmother: the son gave her the granddaughter to Maria, who calls the actress not the "grandmother" and not even by name, but how all her friends are Baza.

The artist lives together with the mother-in-law Alla Osipenko and cares for the famous Ballerina.

Oksana Basilevich now

Now the actress is filmed in the cinema and participates in the entrepreneurs. In 2021, Oksana Theater Repertoire included the play "Lover", "Night of Gelver", "Save ordinary Hamlet" and PR.

The creative biography has replenished the children's film "Caution, children!", In which Basilevich played together with Yuri Izkov, Cyril Zhanndarov, Elizabeth Nilova. This is the director's debut of Anna Sichinskaya, who received a grant "debut", allocated for budget students of the film. She took off the touching Road Movie on how children are trying to prevent the parents' divorce.

Since the work on the project fell for a Pandemic period COVID-19, the shooting in the train was banned. The director had to "plant" small travelers for motorcycles and mopeds and to use specially trained cascaders for vessels and action.


  • 2000 - "Little Johnny"
  • 2002 - "Landy Stories"
  • 2002 - "Knife in the clouds"
  • 2004 - "Chess player"
  • 2006 - "Double surname"
  • 2009 - "Tatar Princess"
  • 2011 - "Strong"
  • 2012 - "one on all"
  • 2014-2016 - "Such work"
  • 2016 - "Mysterious Passion"
  • 2016 - "Our happy tomorrow"
  • 2016 - "Hotel Latest Hope"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"
  • 2017 - "Bridge"
  • 2019 - "Alex Luty"
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2021 - "Caution, Children!"

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