Ostap Bender - history of the image, films and quotes of the hero


Character History

"Idea wrestler for monetary signs," dreaming of a walk along the sultry Rio de Janeiro in the White Pants, decorated Russian literature. Ostap Bender bribes thirst for life, the ability to refer to defeats and reinforced concrete perseverance in achieving the desired goal.


In the early spring of 1927, employees of the Gudok newspaper Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov received the position of "literary blacks" - Writer Valentin Kataev, who also worked in the publication, instructed a couple of novice reporters to clothe in the literary form of the idea of ​​the jewels hidden in the chairs. Journalists with enthusiasm undertook to work.

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

Looking around, chose heroes for a new work from the nearest environment and just acquaintances. Among episodic characters, an adventurer and fraudster Ostap Bender appeared. But from the very beginning, he turned out to be so bright and charismatic that he was constantly reloved to reach the fore. The authors have resigned and decided to give the hero the right to fully implement.

To write a future legendary book a little more than four months. Having received the first manuscripts, Valentin Kataev was surprised - there was almost no trace from the idea. However, admitted that the guys brilliantly coped with the work and have the right to consider themselves formed by the writers. At the beginning of 1928, a point was put in the novel, and the editor of the magazine "30 days" was approved for the press.

Ostap Bender and Kis Vorobyaninov

The book "12 chairs", consisting of three parts, was waiting for a triumphal future. Still would! The Plutovskaya Roman not only fascinates the adventures of the Ostap Bender with Ippolite Matveyevich Vorobyaninov (he also Kis Sparobyaninov), who went to search for treasures stored in furniture. He attracts a sparkling humor - the book immediately cleared on quotes, suitable for any occasion.

The value of the work is also in the place of the characters, and one colorful of the other. What is only worthwhile engineer Schukin Ellochka-ie, which is easily parted with a chair in exchange for tea for tea. Lexicon Heroine is limited to 30 words. These phrases and expressions of the authors made out of their notes in the notepads and removed from the languages ​​of friends. Ellochka, symbolizing consumer society, does not age. And today you can meet a lot of women of the nearby mind, seeking to live in their pleasure for the sinus in a man.

The story of the baudders of Bender asked to continue. Ilf and Petrov began work on the next novel in 1929, and after a couple of years in the same magazine "30 days", the publications of Heads of the Golden Calf were started. It is curious that the book first published in the United States, the Russian readers got her a year later.

In the drafts of the reporters "Hudka", which were collected in the folder with the inscription "Case number 2", which only the name of the work was not: "Telight", "Burenushka", "Telechka-hedge" and even the "great combinator". The authors recognized:

"It was hard to write, there was little money. We remembered how easily "12 chairs" were written, and their own youth envied. When it was sat down, there was no plot in my head. He was invented slowly, stubbornly. "

The torment was not in vain - the second novel turned out even better than debut work. In the "golden calf", Ostap Bender in the company with "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" Shura Balagan and Panikovsky and with the owner of his own auto Adam Kozlevich hunt for the money of the "real Soviet millionaire" Alexander Koreiko.

Ostap Bender - history of the image, films and quotes of the hero 1857_3

With an inconspicuous and modest, but very rich employee of the countable financial department, two passions are associated - love for money and tender feelings for the girl Zone Sinitskaya. This time, luck smiled Bender, or, as he accurately noticed: "The dreams of an idiot!" The hero was able to get the accumulation of underground mahinator Koreiko, however, the dreams of Rio de Janeiro still did not come true ...

According to rumors, Ilf and Petrov were going to write a third book about the "great combinator", the novel announcement was even leaked in the press under the working name of the "scoundrel", but the authors did not please the fans.


Ostap Bender appears in front of readers a 27-year-old attractive young man and immediately fascinates with the mind, smelling and sense of humor. The charismatic liar, endowed with the acting talent, the lovers of women ... In the "golden calf", Ostap reaches the age of Christ, here is deeper, and jokes and phrases sophisticated.

The clothes are unpretentious in food and the bare tramps from the first book says that he has just left the place not so distant - the plot of "12 chairs" begins early in the spring, and a man has neither a coat or socks. But he is in the piano shoes and a fashionable costume. An integral attributes of the character become a scarf and caps, with whom Bender does not part until the end of the second book.

Bandera Ostap scarf.

Each phrase Bender - Pearl, and any decision is ingenious. It is not surprising that he takes the place of the leader in the company of small funerals. However, colleagues for the search for treasures and monetary signs are not burdened by intellect, and they are not labor. Ostap sincerely in love with life remains an optimist even in the most failed situations. The main passion of energetic passes has always been and the money remains.

The past character is foggy, only occasionally slipped the details of life: allegedly graduate of the private gymnasium of Illiad, during the civil war lived in the Ukrainian Mirgorod, industrially smuggled, and had fun to the public of the fairs by showing a bearded woman (actually he moved to the ladies of a complete monk). An enterprising young man would have managed to make a "legally" career, but she chose to wander in the hope of getting a "saucer with a golden car".

Monument to Osta Bender.

The name of Bender is not so easy. The hero appears to be original - in the "12 chairs" when acquaintance calls itself not otherwise, as a Turkish Ostap-Suleiman-Berta-Maria-Bender-Bay, and in the "golden calf" turned into Bender-Zadunaysky. The authors gave the character by middle name Ibrahimovich, for which the eastern fans took for their own, attributing Turkic roots. However, Ilf and Petrov, most likely, they just wanted to show the international character of the hero - every nation has its own ingenious adventurer.

Previews The character has many - from Kataeva himself to the character of theatrical production of "Zoykin Apartment" Amethystov, an eloquent plut and a talented fraudster.

Osip Shore - the prototype of the Osta Bender

The main prototype of a nice combinator is considered to be a familiar authors of Osipa Shira (friends called him Ostap), in the past, the inspector of the criminal investigation department. The return of the young axis from studying from Petrograd home to Odessa was delayed for a year, during which time the young man got involved in a bunch of adventure: brought the rich lady's rich lady, as a as a game of chess, artist. The most vivid adventures of "Parents" Bender borrowed for novels.

Although the authors themselves denied the existence of Prototype Bender, arguing that the image is collective.


According to Ilf and Petrov's books, Russian and foreign directors shot several paintings. Someone managed to brilliantly convey the character of an adventurist, and some films are considered frankly unsuccessful. In the role of Osta, the actors of Hungary Ivan Darwash appeared, Odessa Georgy Deliev, Nikolai Fomenko and even singer Sergey Krylov. The experiment on the Bendend theme failed Ulyana Shilkina: Hero performed by Oleg Menshikov received low estimates of connoisseurs of cinema.

Georgy Deliev in the role of Bender

Some directors allowed themselves fantasies about further adventures of a charming fraudster. Yuri Kushnenev at the 1980 tape "Comedy for the past days" united in search of treasures Ostap (Archil Gomiashvili) and Kisu Vorobyaninov (Sergey Filippov) with the heroes of Gaidaevsky comedy coward (George Vicin) and the experienced (Yevgeny Morgunov).

The list of iconic films based on the works of Ilf and Petrov Critics include the following productions:

"12 chairs" (1966)

Igor Gorbachev as Osta Bender

For the first time, the Soviet actor Igor Gorbachev was reincarnated in the Ostap Bender. The play of Leningrad television was directed by Alexander Belinsky.

Sergey Yursky in the role of Ostap Bender

"Golden Challenge" (1968)

And this is the debut film design of the second novel about the adventures of the Odessa Persian, under the leadership of Mikhail Swituer. Tried the image of the main character Sergey Yursky, whose age coincided with the age of book bender.

Frank Landgel in the role of Osta Bender

"12 chairs" (1970)

The American interpretation of the work of Judka journalists fully corresponds to the copyright characteristics of the character: Frank Landella Actor is young, handsome, with a military loader.

Archil Gomiashvili as the Ostap Bender

"12 chairs" (1971)

The legendary tape of Leonid Gaiday entered the golden legacy of the Soviet cinema, and Ostap performed by Archila Gomiashvili was recognized as the best Bendery of all time, although the actor is much older than the Ostap described in the novel.

Andrei Mironov in the role of Ostap Bender

"12 chairs" (1976)

The work of Matra Patriotic Cinema Mark Zakharov consists of four episodes in which the audience enjoy the game of brilliant Andrei Mironov.


Quotes filmed by the tandem of the reporters of "Hoodka" were firmly rooted in the lexicon of Soviet citizens, having followed the inheritance to the modern generation. One of the most famous:"Ostava carried. The thing seemed to be established ... ".

Even those who are not familiar with the works use the brilliant phrases of the "Grand Combinator":

"You, in the end, not my mother, not a sister and not a mistress" "Sultry woman - the poet's dream" "I will command the parade!" "Who will say that this is a girl, let the first throw a stone in me!" "Loda tried, gentlemen jurors!" "Maybe you will give you another key from an apartment where money lie?" How much opium for the people? "" The car is not a luxury, but a means of movement "" You did not happen from monkey, like all other citizens, and from the cow. You are thinking very tight, just like a woodenfront mammal. I tell you as a specialist in the horns and hooves "" Rio de Janeiro is a crystal dream of my childhood, do not touch her with its paws "" The cause of the help of drowning - the work of the hands of the immersive "" Money in the morning - in the evening chairs! "No This is not Rio de Janeiro! It is much worse! "

Interesting Facts

  • The author of the story "Son Regiment" Valentin Kataev is the brother Yevgeny Petrov. Evgeny Petrovich took a pseudonym, deciding that the "Bolivar of the Literature" of the two rods will not pull.
  • The name of Kataeva as the ideological inspirer "12 chairs" should have turned on the list of authors, but the writer refused such honor, because the idea was significantly overwhelmed. I demanded only dedication. The first fee of Ilf and Petrov spent a mentor for a gift - handed him a golden cigarette party.
Monument to Osta Bender in Pyatigorsk
  • The name of the character of Plutovsky Romains is immortalized in monuments - sculptures an adventurist erected in St. Petersburg, Pyatigorsk, Yekaterinburg, Kharkov and other cities. And in Odessa, the attention of residents and guests of the city attracts the remainord of Bender's impressive sizes - in diameter is a meter.
  • After a third of the century, after entering the light of the novel "12 chairs" in the life of the shore, an amazing event was happening - the possible prototype of Ostap married a lady, which in the appearance and character traits was poured Madame Gritsatsueva.
Monument to Ilfu and Petrov in Odessa
  • In the film, Guidea Bender performs Gritsatsuyeva sad song for Madame about the suffering of a loved pirate. According to the script, two compositions were supposed to enter the picture, but one, called the "striped life,", by order "top" removed. The Minister of Culture of the USSR Ekaterina Fursheva explained that the country had enough song "And we don't care," the same fate is waiting for the country, and the "striped life" is waiting for the same fate.

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