Alexey Kosygin - biography, personal life, son Nicholas 2, photo, cause of death and last news



Some historians and economists argue that this person on the effectiveness of the reforms held by him surpassed the royal minister of Peter Stolypin. He was called the favorite of Joseph Stalin, a gray cardinal, but at the same time the most professional and effective head of the Soviet government.

Many believe that if he was listened to and allowed to bring to the end of the reform and started in the mid-1960 reforms in the industry, the USSR could have been able to become a truly independent country that had rid of the commodity industries.

Alexey Kosygin

Moreover, people knowing that the basis of the economy, where Russia is holding today, he created it. And he became a record holder in the length of stay at the head of the Government of the Soviet Union.

After all, 16 years old is a record that no one has broken after him. At the same time, with the generals of Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev, this official of the highest link had a rather tense relationship. But he was tolerated for the highest professionalism, not finding a worthy replacement.

Childhood and youth

Alexei Nikolaevich Koshigina's brilliant political biography turned out to be possible thanks to the October Revolution. After all, other possibilities get to the domineering Olympus from a guy who born in the family of a simple worker, with royal mode simply would not have arisen.

Alexey Kosygin in youth

Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin appeared on the light of the 21st, and according to the old style on February 8, 1904 in St. Petersburg. About his childhood information is scanty. It is only known that the newborn son's parents baptized in the Orthodox rite in March of the same year in the church of Self-Strikimenz.

At the age of 15, Alexey, at that time, the student of the Petrovsky real school was sent by a volunteer in the Red Army. The young man built defensive structures. And after 3 years, returned to Petrograd and graduated from training. Having received a diploma of a cooperative technical school, a young specialist went to Siberia to develop promotion.


With the promotional economy that existed in that period was a certain oasis, in the boundaries of which entrepreneurship was encouraged. And its first ideas as an economist Alexei Kosygin formed in this "oasis of economic freedoms." He managed to prove himself well and demonstrate a promising managerial deputy. Therefore, it was sent for further training. The guy returned back to Leningrad, where he received a higher education in the Textile Institute.

Alexey Kosygin

In 1935, a career of a young specialist began a rapid movement up. For 2 years, Alexey managed to "grow" from the master of the Oktyabrskaya Textile Factory to its director. But he managed the company a little over a year: the success of Kosygin in this position turned out to be so plotted that in 1938 he was appointed Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad Council of Workers and Cresces.

The swiftness with which this person was moving through the career ladder is incredible: a year later, he was appointed to the post of addict of the textile industry of the Soviet Union.

Alexey Kosygin at the production

Some skeptics argue that the rapid career advancement of the young "frame" was explained by the "empty bench." Allegedly, Lenin-Stalinsky terror "twisted" of all ambitious specialists, so I had to move young business students who were deprived of political ambitions.

To some extent, this is true: a distinctive feature of the entire activity of Alexei Koshygin had a complete reluctance to participate in intrigues and hollow struggle for power. But the truth is that he was a professional of the highest class.

Alexey Kosygin and Joseph Stalin

Stalin, who did not trust many colleagues and was afraid to turn to them with his back, appreciated the names of Kosygin highly. This young specialist fully responded to the criteria, which, according to Joseph Vissarionovich, should have an ideal Soviet businessman.

The wounded Great Patriotic War was for the 37-year manager of the "examination period", where it was terrified to ruin hundreds, if not many thousands, lives. Alexey Kosygin in June 1941 was appointed by the Stalin Deputy Chairman of the Council for the Evacuation of Industrial Enterprises. The official was headed by a group of inspectors, which managed to send to evacuation to the east more than 1,500 strategically important plants and factories of the country. And did not let down.

Alexey Kosygin

Therefore, it is worthwhile to be surprised that in the winter of 1942 it was the hardest challenge to its shoulders: supply a blockade Leningrad food and create a "way of life" in Ladoga Lake. Historians, analyzing the actions of the young Kosygin, converge in the opinion that he did everything that could. And in 1943, Alexey Nikolayevich was already headed by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. This appointment was evidence of the highest confidence leadership.

Stalin, whose praise some were waiting in vain, openly kidded Kosygin. Probably, the high confidence of Generalissimus turned out to be the reason why the repression ax only won the Alexei Nikolayevich's head near the head.

Alexey Kosygin in the USA

When the "Leningrad business" was killed, as a result of the investigation of which "heads of the head" of the whole group suspected in separatism and other sins of party leaders, Kosygin could well get into the number of repressed. After all, the chief "personnel officer" of WCP (b) and the secretary of the Central Committee, Alexey Kuznetsov, was related to Alexey Kosygin. He was married to his wife's cousin.

In the spring of 1946, Alexei Koshygin's political biography continues to evolve. Now he is the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Soon he is prescribed by a candidate for members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

Alexey Kosygin

About the phenomenal memory and the incredible ability of Alexey Koshygin quickly multiplied in the mind of multivalued numbers went legends. Stalin called him for it "arithmometer". He was an atypical official. Did not like to flatter and avoided the feasts. His meetings were always short and "dry": he quickly highlighted the essence and "did not grow thoughts on the tree," without allowing it to do subordinate.

When Joseph Vissarionovich died, and did not have time to accomplish the elite's conceived shift, Kosygin managed to resist in power. "Old Guard" after the death of Generalissimus began hastily "torturing" young frames placed by Stalin.

Alexey Kosygin and Urho Kekkonen

Alexei Nikolayevich was also "moved": although they were shifted from the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council and selected the Ministry of Empty Industry, but they did not excuse him completely from power - they gave the ministerial chair compromising. Now Kosygin was responsible for the production of consumer goods.

He distinguished himself here, demonstrating a thoughtful approach to the entrusted business. Therefore, in the summer of 1953, Alexey Nikolaevich was headed by the reorganized Ministry of Food Products, created by the drain of several previous ministries. And in December of the same year, he returned to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Alexey Kosygin and Nikita Khrushchev

The minister went to his duties, went legends. For example, after the end of the war, Alexey Kosygin threw smoking. But one day he went to take a new tobacco factory in Georgia. During the conversation with its director, he asked him to smoke. He offered him the cigarettes who smoked himself - stretched out the pack of American production. The minister unfolded and left. Director of the factory changed.

During the reign of Khrushchev Kosygin raise again. In the 1960s, he becomes the first deputy chairman of the Sovmina of the USSR. And after the "palace coup" in 1964, Leonid Brezhnev increases Kosygin to the head of government. At the same time, Brezhnev dislikes too experienced managers. And only its non-nambitiosity and the absence of the desire to sit down and intrigue become the cause of further career growth.

Leonid Brezhnev and Alexey Kosygin

It is noteworthy that Alexey Kosygin, the only of the Politburo voted against the introduction of Soviet troops to Afghanistan, for which the entourage of Leonid Ilyich, and he himself looked at him.

He was a brilliant diplomat who was able to quickly solve various international problems. With his direct participation, Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1967 and 1973 were resolved. He helped to get the cessation of bombardments by the Americans Indochina in the early 1970s. But his main victory on diplomatic field is considered to be the permission of the acute Soviet-Chinese conflict. They say, it is thanks to a brilliant 4-hour negotiations, Alexei Nikolayevich in the Beijing airport was prevented by Soviet-Chinese war.

Alexey Kosygin in the boat

More than successful call its economic reforms in industry. They are also called "Kosyginsky". The head of the Sovmina told the expansion of the independence of enterprises and for the decentralization of the national economy. Thanks to him, such a thing as gross production was departed into the past, which was replaced by an indicator of realized products.

Alexey Koshyna accounted for difficult. After all, his vision of economic development essentially dispened with the "Lenin principles" and even smash the "bourgeois approach". Probably, therefore, the reforms of the chapter of the Summin met the considerable resistance of the old quenching officials and were not brought to a logical completion. But the main thing is that, due to the deterioration of health, Alexey Nikolayevich could not be accomplished, it does to make the main line of the budget not exporting crude oil and gas, but their products are processed.

Alexey Kosygin and Tsarevich Alexey Romanov

Not so long ago, the amazing version began to walk through the Internet, which Alexey Kosygin Son Nicholas II. That is, he is surviving Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich, the heir of the house of Romanov. Allegedly that is why the childhood Alexei Koshigina is a solid riddle. Those who believe in this mythical version point to some kind of similarity at the children's photos of Alexey Kosygin and Alexey Romanova. That's just no one heard the Soviet official suffering from hemophilia.

Personal life

This man was surprisingly unpretentious and modest. And also - deeply decent. Released by the post, a former VIP official later left the state dacha and went to his rather modest apartment, taking only personal belongings and books. His own country cottage has never appeared.

He did not give indispensable wealth, although he could. For example, during visits to different countries, gifts often brought him. If he agreed to take them, he immediately passed into a state reserve or a supreme school. For example, in Arab countries a prominent Soviet official has repeated swords and sabers, decorated with diamonds and other gemstones. But Never Kosygin left a gift to himself.

Alexey Kosygin with family

Alexey Koshigina's personal life is his only wife of Claudia Andreyevna Krivoshein. They say this woman respected by Stalin himself. In his company, she never felt cowardly.

In 1968, Alexey Nikolaevich became a widow: the beloved spouse died on May 1, when he stood on the podium of the Mausoleum. Claudia Andreevna itself sent her husband, spent the night in her ward, on the Red Square, realizing the importance of his presence at the event.

Alexey Kosygin and Lyudmila Zykina

He never married himself. And the attributed affair with Lyudmila Zykina was just a loss of gossip. Later in one of the interviews, Kosygin driver said that his chef presented to the deceased his wife drove into all business trips as a talisman.

In the happy marriage of Koshigin and Krivoshein, Lyudmila daughter was born, subsequently became the director of the library of foreign literature and presented the parents of two grandchildren - Tatiana and Alexey Gwishiani. Today, Alexey Jermenovich Gwishiani is a famous geoinformatics scientist, Academician RAS and director of the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Alexey Kosygin loved his life all his life and tried to do it if possible. He adored the ski in winter and the row on the kayak in the summer. But after one accident, when the boat turned over and Alexei Nikolaevich barely managed to save, he stopped risking.

In 1974 he had a microinsulti. It was the first "bell." The heart began to summarize after the body accustomed to the loads "released" from them. And after 5 years, Kosygin diagnosed extensive heart attack.

Tomb Alexei Koshygin.

In October, he was liberated from the duties of a member of the Politburo and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. He filed a statement himself, which many of his colleagues did not do, clinging to the chair until the latter.

After the second heart attack it became clear that the days of this person were considered. He died in the morning of December 18, 1980, on the eve of Brezhnev's birthday. In order not to overshadow the High Secret, the funeral was organized only after 6 days, December 24, 1980. Alexei Nikolayevich's body cremated and burned out from the Kremlin Wall.

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