Juliana Melkumyan - biography, personal life, photos, songs, growth, age, voice and last news 2021



A 22-year-old participant of the 5th season of the TV show "Voice" Julian Melkumyan, though small growth, just a month and a half, but managed to hit the audience and saw the types of jury by an unusual force of his voice. It seemed a miracle and mystery where such an incredible power can be formed in such a fragile body.

The girl was born in January 1994 in Pyatigorsk, but soon the family moved to Saratov. Julia appeared not alone, but with a twin sister.

Sing Julian Melkumyan began pretty early. But engaged in vocals professionally started at 11 years old. At first, the young singer tried his strength in a vocal circle, then went on stage. The first success gave her strength and finally shaped the dream to become a famous singer.

Juliana Melkumyan

Victory in a variety of vocal competitions turned out to be an impetus for further improvement. Her teacher Irina Malkova (Korovin) helped to hone the skill and instilled a desire to go on.

Therefore, Julian Melkumyan's musical biography after the end of the Saratov Music School (Piano class) developed on ascending. The singer entered the university. After his end, she got a job as a teacher in the Saratov Vocal Studio "From A to Z."

In the life of the girl there was a period when she was not sang for a year. Such a painful turned out to be its reaction to the derogatory criticism of one of the teachers, who threw in passing that the vocals are alien to Julian's occupation.

Tele Show

The singer was able to repeal again after the victory in the metropolitan competition "Golden Voice of Russia". Talented vocalist managed to take second place. She liked to win so much that she decided to take part in popular musical contests.

In 2015, the girl tried to get to the 4th season of the "Voice" project. At the same time submitted an application for a similar project in Armenia, with which Julian Melkumyan is associated with the roots (her favorite grandfather - Armenian).

Julia Melkumyan

Unfortunately, to the participants from Saratov never reached the turn in Russian or in Armenian projects. The girl was upset and even decided that she would no longer be knocked in closed doors.

But in 2016 she was called with Ostankino and invited to participate in the 5th season of the show. And vocalist agreed. To some extent, this decision was dictated by the desire to realize the cherished desire of the beloved grandfather, who dreamed of seeing his granddaughter on a big scene. Unfortunately, he did not survive before that day.

Juliana Melkumyan entered the "blind listening" with the song of the famous rock singers Olga Kormukhina "Path" and managed to deploy the chair of all mentors to himself. From an excess of feelings, the contestant melted. Polina Gagarin prudently made her a napkin, hinted with a smile that this service vocalist should not forget when to choose a mentor.

By the way, each of the mentors expressed the desire to take a fragile girl with such a powerful voice into his group. But she chose Gregory Leps, although he turned to her last.

The step "Fights" was not so successful for the performer as the previous one. She in a duet with Olga Abdulina performed the composition of the group "A-Studio" "I still love." But vocalists failed to hit the jury, which almost unanimously admitted a duet weak.

Nevertheless, Grigory Leps from two singers chose Melkumyan. Julian will have to collect all the strength and prove that she is a strong member, and the main victories in front.

Personal life

It is known that the twin sister Juliana paints perfectly. Surprisingly, with similar appearance, girls are gifted by different talents. One is a great voice and rumor, and the second ability to portray the world with a brush.

Today, Juliana Melkumyan's personal life is not only a desire to get to career vertices, but also a favorite young man, whose photo, with the corresponding signature, the fans of the singer saw on its page in the social network.

Juliana Melkumyan

As for free time, a volatile and charming girl loves the dances with which she was engaged in a young age. But most likely loves to be lazy and sleep an extra piece. Although if the stimulus appears, the miniature beauty with ease wins laziness and instantly configured to work.

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