Dorian Gray is the story of the hero, quotes and actors


Character History

Oscar Wilde writer, who gave the world a philosophical story about a powerless young man with angel features of the face, still on hearing readers and literary critics, despite the fact that the "Portrait of Dorian Gray" was his only printed novel. An eccentric young man Dorian has both fans and ill-wishers: one is delighted with the egoism of the chief hero, others condemn his immoral behavior.


According to the legend, Oscar's only novel Wilde had a real poverty. It is said that in 1884 the writer often visited the workshop of the friend of Basila Ward, where he always had a creative inspiration and smells of oil paints. At that time, the artist just painted the young man portrait of unearthly beauty. After the work was completed, the fitter retired, but the picture remained. Then the connoisseur of graceful art Wilde remarked:

"Ah, as it is a pity that such an excellent creature is sooner or later, it will be!".

Basil Ward agreed with the opinion of a friend and added that it would be wonderful if the face of a young man was covered with the face of wrinkles, and his own portrait.

Writer Oscar Wilde

By paying attention to the inspired plot, the genius of literature composed the intellectual-conceptual story "Portrait of Dorian Gray" in just three weeks. However, the author himself recognized that it was too long. For the first time, the creation of the Oscar was printed in the "Lippincotta monthly magazine" (1890), and in a year, Wildeman's manuscript published a separate book with the preface, which was the manifesto of aesthetism.

The novel caused a powerful emotional shock by the public: the regulars of book shops were enthusiastic with the creation of the Oscar, but the book had a literary establishment to taste. The writing top condemned the work of Wilde as low and immoral. Some critics were offered to impose taboo on the "portrait of Doriana Gray", and the author to give a court.

It is noteworthy that Oscar Wilde seems to predetermined his fate with its scarce. A married man who was afraid of the Words "Homosexuality", brings up two children, has ceased to enjoy communication with representatives of an excellent half of humanity.

The first edition of the novel

From the biography of the writer, it is clear that he was an extremely in love: when the Word Master was 21 years old, he began to care for Florry Balkum. This girl literally broke the heart of Oscar Wilde on the part, preferred to Bram Stoper - the creator of a gloomy vampire of Dracula. Further, in the life of the writer, there was a series of unsuccessful love hobbies, while in 1881 he did not meet the future spouse of Lloyd's Constance. Lovers did not care the souls in each other, but the family life was unusual for Oscar Wilde.

What caused Wilde's heterosexual thrust to male faces remains only to guess. It is known that, still studying in Oxford, the creator of the "portrait of Dorian Gray", and then caught in the "Quarter of the Red Lanterns".

Oscar Wilde with his wife and children

Once, after the next meeting with a woman of light behavior, the Decadence master infected with syphilis. This terrible disease had to be treated with mercury, from which teeth were spoiled. Despite the fact that the doctors assured Wilde in the excellent state of health, after two years a relapse happened. After that, Oscar stopped love relationships with Constance and began to divide his bed with men.

In 1891 (a couple of months after the release of the Roman) Wilde, while in his own house with his wife, met with the young Aristocrat of Alfred Douglas, whose relatives and close tenders called "Bosy". Such a nickname occurred from the English word "Bossy", which means "loving disposal".

Oscar Wilde and Alfred Douglas

Narcissus Alfred was not lucky with his family: noble parents were constantly engaged in legal proceedings by throwing a child to the mercy of fate. In 1891, the book of Oscar Wilde got into the hands of Bosie: according to the recognition of a young man, the novel, who was re-reading as much as 11 times, became the 21-year-old guy. Douglas immediately set out to see the author of the immortal work. This acquaintance was extremely successful: Bosie became the greatest love in the life of the writer.


The characteristic of Dorian Gray is extremely complex and contradictory. Readers get acquainted with the main hero on the first pages of the work. According to the author, Dorian Gray looked like an angel: he had blue eyes and scarlet lips, and his face was framed by light golden curls.

Ben Barnes as Dorian Gray

However, Ben Barnes, an actor who fulfilled the main role in the film "Dorian Gray" (2009) is not suitable for the described canons. The audience saw the Karglase Brunet with a volitional chin who was remembered by his smile: on the Internet there are pictures and hypha animations with captured frames from the fantastic drama of Oliver Parker.

But a sinner was hiding for a pretty manner, a spraying life to himself and the surrounding people. All who came across Dorian Gray at least once were doomed to suffering and misfortune. For example, his beloved, actress Sibylla Wayne, having heard about the abolition of marriage, cumshots of suicide.

Dorian Gray and his aging portrait

It is worth noting that the writer did not indicate the specific vices of the main hero of the novel. The reader imagined the sins of the character himself, based on his own life experience. But one thing is clear: Dorian Gray suffered narcissism, in his presentation the form dominated over the inner component. For the sake of preservation of beauty and eternal youth, the young man even was ready to sell the soul to the devil.

Dorian becomes a puppet in the hands of "Prince Paradox" Lord Henry, whose thinking is impregnated with hatred of English society. Lord Henry, his views and critical statements, Lord Henry instills in the mind of Dorian, who roll down the inclined: Orgies, sadomasochism, alcohol, drugs and men appear in his life.

Main characters and plot

Oscar Wilde is a mixture of novel and parable of morality. Moreover, the researchers in the analysis of the work are opposed by Dorian Gray with a new Faust, while Lord Henry performs in the form of Mephistophele, pushing the main character to the rash deeds and watching all that originates from the shadows.

Artist Basil Hallord

The plot of the philosophical story is Nontrivialien: The artist Basil Holorior works over the portrait of a pretty young man who, in the role of a simulator, is not aware of his beauty.

Seeing the picture, Dorian envies the image: if after dozens of years the face of a young man will decorate wrinkles, then nothing happens to the portrait, except that the paints fade. Due to the strong desire, Gray, who was ready almost to make a deal with Satan, his appearance remains unchanged, while the portrait starts to grow old.

Lord Henry Watton

The naive young man accidentally meets a friend of the artist - Henry "Harry" Watton, a preacher of the idea of ​​hedonism. According to this aristocrat, the pleasure obtained in any way is the meaning of human life. The soulless Lord puts his ideas to Doriana, who plunges into the pool: now his image on canvas reflects not only the time frame, but all its spiritual falls.

The actress Sibylla Wayne was the only one who could save Gray from the magic spell of Lord Henry. After the failure of the play, Dorian rejected the lover, so the girl drank a bottle of poison. Brother Sibilla - James - I swore to take revenge, and the perpetrator of tragic death looked at the picture: a portrait face distorted the devilish smile. Then the young man and realized that his desire came true.

Actress Sibilla Wayn.

Dorian Vomig won a bad reputation in society. When Basil Holorord wondered whether all these rumors were true, Dorian showed the artist, and then killed his "Guardian Angel." Gray believed that it was because of the man who deified him was misfortune.

After killing the consciousness of the main character, Paranoia took possession. The unsaluing cramping of the fate could not find peace, so I decided to switch to the side of good, but all his actions were trembling vanity, as evidenced by the portrait. Ultimately, Dorian Gray decides to destroy the picture of Hallouda, but dies himself.


"My lips found her lips. We kissed. I can not convey you that I felt at that moment. It seemed that life was stopped, and this moment of sweet bliss would last until the end of my days. "" Harry, imagine a girl of seventeen years old, with a gentle, like a flower, face, with a head of Greek, wrapped with dark braids. Eyes - Blue Lakes Passion, Lips - Rose Petals. "" I'm tired of myself today and I would be happy to turn into someone else. "" Every of us has its own secret. "" I am what I am, - nothing with You can not do this. "

Interesting Facts

  • As you know, the film rarely shielded the manuscript of the writer exactly in exactly, as the directors love to add original parts. That's the film "Dorian Gray" (2009) did not exception: the chief character appears the beloved Emily Watton (Rebecca Hall), although the young man does not like anyone, except for himself.
  • Directors of the TV series "Terrible fairy tales", where the role of Handsman performed Riv Carni, and romantic motives also ranked: the seducer experienced feelings for the girl Angelica.
  • In psychiatry, there is a concept that is called Dorian Gray Syndrome, which is expressed in fear of aging. People suitable for the description of the syndrome are sharply experiencing over the wrinkles and physical wilt, sometimes resorting to radical methods.
  • Few people know that the real name of Bulat Okudzhava - Dorian. The singer was called the parents in honor of the character from the Roman Oscar Wilde.
Sergey Kepto as Dorian Gray
  • Ray Bradbury was inspired by Wilde, so he wrote the book "Glory to Vykhny Dorian!". According to the plot, the protagonist falls into the society of such daffodils who offer him eternal youth.
  • In the world, there are romance film adaptations, musicals, as well as performances. Oleg Menshikov played the Russian scene of Lord Henry, and Dorian Gray got the role in Sergey Kempo.

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