Marina Shimanskaya - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Marina Shimanskaya - Soviet and Spanish actress of the theater and cinema, famous in the early 1980s, thanks to the romantic comedy "Take care of women", the film-catastrophe "Thirty Fourth East" and the screening of the story of Fyodor Dostoevsky "Alien wife and husband under the bed."

The biography of Marina Shimanskaya begins on October 27, 1955. The future actress was born in the family of ordinary people who had no relation to the cinema, nor to any other kind of art. By the way, the father of the girl, Mountains, Iosifovich, survived the real family grief at one time: during the days of the Stalinist repression of all the native men, they were shot for being immigrants from the Polish aristocratic clan, and the guy himself was sent to the place not so long for a long time.

Actress Marina Shimanskaya

Girl's parents met in camps near Saratov. Dad was sitting there seven years, and Mom worked by a nurse. Before that marriage, Midishland Josefovich had a family, the spouse was waiting for a child. But when the man was planted, then the woman refused him.

As a result, Marina appeared in the settlement, where the father of the babies after the camp was allowed to live. The artist still remembers the barracks with long corridors and tiny rooms. The fact that the favorite Father was sitting, the girl learned when he found an official letter who came a few years after the death of Joseph Stalin. In it, a man was apologized for the fact that an error occurred, he was not the "enemy of the people." The Schimansky family never remembered the past. The subject of the camp was forever closed for discussions.

Marina Shimanskaya in youth

Marina turned out to be a sports child. She was engaged in athletics and constantly traveled to Sochi.

Another preschoolpiece Shimanskaya was seriously fascinated by visual art. At first, the girl painted with a pencil, then with paints, and succeeded in this lesson. Parents gave her daughter to art school, and she planned to devote the life of painting. In addition to the pleastest, Marina took private drawing lessons from the artist Kira Gavrilova.

Marina Shimanskaya in youth

But in high schools, Shimanskaya began to actively participate in school amateur. No student performance accounted for girls, strengthening the love of the scene. As a result, the biography of Marina Shimanskaya directly contacted the acting profession after the future star decided to enter the theater Institute. But Marina did not stop painting, just doing this for the soul.

Initially, Shimanskaya went to study acting in the Saratov Theater School, where the leaders of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Georgy Bannikov and People's Artist of the USSR Rimma Belyakov became the leaders. Then Shimanskaya went to Moscow and became a student of the State Institute of Theatrical Art named after A.V. Lunacharsky. On the course of Oleg Tabakkova, the girl met and became friends with another future star - Elena Majorova.

Marina Shimanskaya with Algis Arlauskas and Elena Majorova

After release from the university Marina, many years played at the Moscow Theater "Hermitage", and in 1991 he moved to the TEPUPU studio under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov, but only one season served in it. The cause of the care was the personal life of Marina Shimanskaya.


The cinema of the beginner actress took place when the girl was just beginning to learn in Gitis. Shimanskaya got the role of teacher-trait tutor Lydia Nikolaevna in a light adolescent film "When I will become a giant." The picture was a great success, and after that, Marina received one sentence after another. But the actress regularly rejected the scenario, obeying teachers and focusing on their studies.

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Shimanskaya returned to the shooting area only in the last year of study and created a spectacular and memorable image of Catherine in the historical adventure picture of the "Escadron Gusar Volatih". The actress was able to show the character on both sides: and as a flirty and frivolous daughter of a landowner, which turned the head to Denis Davydov himself, and as a patriot, demonstrating the dedication of Russia during the attack of Napoleon's army.

But the most famous films of Marina Shimanskaya - the romantic comedy "Take care of women", where Andrei Goodov also shone and Igor Sklyar and sounded songs performed by Yuri Antonov, and a film-catastrophe about the railway accident "Thirty Fourth East". Interestingly, more than two dozen actresses were trying to the role of newlywedpric paradise, but the director did not suit the director every time. When the director saw Marina, doubts instantly disappeared: the artist perfectly understood the psychology and manners of her heroine.

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After the images of the captain of the tug "Cyclone", Luba and Bride, Rai Shimanska fell into the number of the most beloved Russian artists and even found itself on the cover of the Soviet screen magazine for 1981, which was considered one of the highest manifestations of recognition.

Behind such success was followed by the youth comedy "Morning Evenings Wisely" and a light melodrama "Cultiport in the theater". Then there were a social drama "Parents not chosen" with Andrei Smolyakov, Children's humorous film "This Rogish Sidorov" with young Vladislav Galkin, a fantastic comedy "Comic Lover, or Love John Sir John Falstafa" with the Matrahm of Cinema Anatoly Papanov and Evgenia Evstigneev.

Marina Shimanskaya in the film

In the following years, Shimanskaya helped create a melodrama "Happy, Zhenka!" With Elena Chickekov and the adaptation of the comedy story of Fedor Dostoevsky "Alien wife and husband under the bed" with magnificent actors Oleg Efremov and Marina Neelanova.

Looking at the lyrical comedy "next to you," shimanskaya for a long time disappeared from the screens. Until 2004, a woman avoided the shooting sites and made an exception only for his Spanish friends, who decided to create a short-term man without a man.

Marina Shimanskaya in the film

Reggereasing felt the taste for acting, Marina Shimanskaya fines its own filmography of "Winner" and the historical and biographical television series "Fights". And if in the youth actress had to demonstrate on the screen of bright beauties, now she splashed the character of his heroines on the viewer: Svetlana Rustic provincials and Natalia Sedovoy, Lion Trotsky's wife.

In 2012, the daughter of Marina Olga and the husband of Nikita Tikhonov-Rau's husband was removed the film "In the pit". Shimanskaya participated in the project as an actress of visualing. The voice of the actress says the girl-anutist.

Personal life

The comedy "Take care of women" not only brought popularity, but also changed the personal life of Marina Shimanskaya. On the shooting, the girl met the future husband - actor Algis Arlauscas, whom the audience should be perfectly remembered on the film Leonid Gaida "Sportloto-82". At the same time, Actor Andrei Rostotsky took care of the young artist, but the girl was already in love with Algis and the signs of attention of Andrei did not notice.

Marina Shiman and Algis Arlauskas

Between Shiman and Arlyuskas ran the spark of love, grew into a big feeling, and eventually Algis made the marina of his hand and hearts. Almost immediately, the spouses were born daughter Olga, and in nine years old Alexander.

At the beginning of the 1990s, Russian cinema was plunged into silence. Marina Shimanskaya's husband immigrated to Spain, as he was half a litolot, half of the Spaniard. He even had real estate in the Basque Country, which was inherited from his grandfather on the motherboard, in Bilbao.

Marina Shiman and Algis Arlauskas

Olga's daughter went with his father, and Marina took a little son to relatives in Saratov and continued to tour with Oleg Tabakov theater. But at some point, the woman realized that the sake of semi-empty visual halls refuses the favorite people: her husband and children. The artist quit from the troupe, took the son of Alexander and also moved to Spain.

Shimanskaya learned Spanish in Bilbao, created his own professional school with Algis Arlauscas, in which young actors and screenwriters teach. And Marina itself teaches in the class of acting skills.

Marina Shimanskaya

In 2013, a break between the actress and husband, and the personal life of Marina Shimanskaya changed. The spouses tried to establish relationships, even appealed to a professional psychologist, but he could not help, declaring that they had long seen different goals for a long time. As a result, the husband and wife broke up, Arlauskas went to another woman - the Spanish girlfriend of Marina. But the actress does not hold offense either on Algis, nor on the new chief of men, although the departure of the spouse she experienced painfully. By the way, since the Shiman divorce did not issue, then officially she still remains his wife Algis Arlauscas.

Online you can find a lot of photos taken during a happy marital life.

The daughter of Artist Olga became the director. The girl lives in Moscow. Married to Nikita Tikhonov-Rau. Together with his spouse Olga created a film studio. And the son of Marina Alexander remained living in the city of Bilbao.

In 2016, the artist was invited to the program "Let them say." Then Shimanskaya frankly admitted that some time after her husband could not get out of the house.

In one interview, the actress shared that she had a bad impression of the creator and the head of Tabakcoque Oleg Tabakov. A woman regretted more than once that he agreed to play Oleg Pavlovich.

Once a friend of Marina - the actor Igor Nefedova - the trouble happened. The man is confused in family relationships, and still have problems with money. But when the troupe was on tour in Japan, Tabakov removed Igor with role. Then Nefedov had to somehow live in someone else's country.

After returning to the Motherland, the feerar did not pay the artist, and then the head of the "Tabacket" removed the actor from the role in the play "Mechanical Piano", without calling the reasons. Shortly after that, Igor Nefedov committed suicide.

In the same conversation, Marina said that Oleg Tabakov does not exist for her.

Marina Shimanskaya now

Now, in 2018, Marina Shimanskaya is passionate about the school and disciples. Children became the meaning of the life of the actress. A woman is proud that the students read and play the plots of the works of Anton Chekhov and Fedor Dostoevsky.

Actress Marina Shimanskaya

The artist is not going to return to Russia.


  • 1978 - "When I become a giant"
  • 1980 - "Escadron Gusar Volatih"
  • 1981 - "Take care of women"
  • 1982 - "Thirty-fourth fast"
  • 1983 - "Comic Lover, or Love John Sir John Falstafa"
  • 1984 - "Parade Planets"
  • 1984 - "Happy, Zhenka!"
  • 1984 - "Alien wife and husband under the bed"
  • 1986 - "Next to you"
  • 2009 - "Winner"

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