Natalia Lechagova - biography, personal life, photo, daughter, grandson, cause of death, filmography, "officers"



Actress Natalia Sergeyevna Lechagova, known to the eldest generation of viewers inhabiting the huge post-Soviet space of the former USSR, became famous for the role of Masha Belkina in the cult war film by Vladimir Rogovsky "officers."

Childhood and youth

It seems that the fate itself chose Natalia levergue, pushing it into a difficult acting path. After all, she was born in the family, where the artists did not mean. With art, only her father was connected - Sergey Petrovich Levers. But he did not starred in the cinema, but painted wonderful landscapes. In the daughter born in May of the post-war 1945, the artistic talent was not. She was prepared a different road.

An artistic 10-year-old girl noted the famous director Ilya Fres. He specifically came to one of the metropolitan schools to find a suitable actress for the role in his new picture "Vasyuk Trubachyov and his comrades." Natalia was very pretty, lazy and small growth. FREZ decided that she was simply created to play Nureu Sinitsin.

In 1955, the film went to the screens. Natalia levernova did not give a passage: she was a star in his school. Her huge portrait was concerned in the school lobby, in the gallery, where there were photos of excellent students. The girl was not an excellent, but the right to be in the company of the best disciples she deserved.

The picture of Ilya Fresh had a huge success. After 2 years, the director decided to remove the continuation. It came out in 1957 and got the name "Trubachev's squad fights." Surprisingly, even after that, the 12-year-old lever did not see himself in the future artist. But it was in this quality that her mother was seen. She took the girl to the house of pioneers, where the theater studio worked.

Her teacher Yevgeny Vasilyevna Galkin was famous for the ability to "open talents" in his young students. It was she who helped Natasha to discover the first conscious interest in the acting profession. From this time, the lever is an activist of a school drama.

To enroll in the legendary VGIK girl with such training and experience did not make difficulty. Then, in 1963, Mikhail Ilyich Romm just gained his next course at the Institute. But soon, by typing 12 talented guys, he left them.

The relay was taken by a wonderful Mkhatovsky actor Nikolay Freedodin. And the colleague Lev Sverdlin came to replace him. But huge employment in the theater and at the set did not allow the artist to engage in students. Therefore, Vladimir Belokurov dumped the long-suffering course.

In this "transmission of the relay" turned out to be their advantages. Young artists taught various teachers skill, each of which brought something new to their education.

Thus, novice actors became universals, which are different amplua on the shoulder. Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Valery Ryzhakov, Arina Aleinikova, Ingrid Andrin, Natalya Lechagova and Alexey Inzhevatov. Soon, these names of the audience and theater knew well.


The cinematic biography of Natalia Rchergova received development already on the 2nd year. The girl starred in the painting "No unknown soldiers", based on the memoirs of Alexander Rodimitseva "Masha Mousetrap".

After receiving a diploma, the young artist continued to be removed. She got a small role in the ribbon Mark Opetyan "For three days Viktor Chernyshev". When the lever was filmed in this film, she already wore her only daughter Masha under his heart. The girl was born almost simultaneously with the release of the painting, in March 1968.

The actress burst between the house and the shooting platform. The directors covered it with suggestions, to refuse which Natalia Lechagov was afraid. After all, luck is the lady of the capricious. Especially if it concerns the acting profession.

Natalia Lechagova - biography, personal life, photo, daughter, grandson, cause of death, filmography,

Therefore, soon the audience saw a charming actress in several popular ribbons. In the "coach" she played a young teacher, in the "return of" St. Luke "- Zoya, in the" crossing the threshold "- Nadia Voevodina, and in the film" About Klava Ivanov "- the main heroine of Klava.

But the real glory hit Natalia Rchergov in 1971 after the release of the cult military film "Officers". Here these stars of Soviet cinema, as Alina Pokrovskaya, Georgy Yumatov, Vasily Lanovova and Alexander Vasilodin, starred. And Masha Belkin, performed by the lever, was so loved by the audience that the fans did not give her a pass for a long time. Bags of letters addressed to the favorite artist came to the film studio.

And after 4 years, Natalia Sergeyevna again got the opportunity to work with the director who opened her spectators - Ilya Fresh. He invited the actress into his wonderful new project "We did not pass." Student Lena in its performance turned out to be played brilliantly.

The film not only successfully passed on Soviet screens, but even received international success: he was awarded to a prestigious prize at a film festival in Panama. But this picture symbolized peak, after which the career lever began to slowly go to the decline. She starred more and less. Its type in the 1980s turned out to be unclaimed.

The last film with the participation of the recently famous actress was released in 1993. It was a painting "Breakfast overlooking Elbrus". "Liche 90s" have crossed out of the lives of many well-known actors. She was in this sad row and she, talented and charming Natalia Lechagowa.

Helped work in sounding. The wonderful, gentle and voiceless voice of the artist is tens of heroines in famous foreign paintings and TV shows. For example, the voice of the lever says Cinderella in the Czech film-fairy tale "Three nuts for Cinderella."

Personal life

Alexei Inzhvatova, Alexei Inzhowatova, Natalia, noticed during the receipt to theatrical university. They immediately liked each other. It seems that there was love at first sight. And one and for life. In the first year of students sent to collect potatoes. There Alexey began to care for Natasha.

They married already in the second year. All classmates envied them, because this couple radiated love and light. Later, Ekaterina Vasilyeva said that Natalia reminded Natasha Rostov, the same charming, fragile and romantic.

After the birth of the daughter's personal life, Natalia Lechergova and Alexey Inzhevatov flashed with fresh paints. A couple of souls did not care in her Masha. It seems that their best roles have been played in this period, after the appearance of babies in their life.

The girl was a talented pianist, but due to the fact that he had overraded, getting ready to enter the conservatory, "beat his hands." She gained professional pianist disease. On a brilliant career of Mary was put a point. It seems that it was the first bell in a row of misfortunes that fell on the family soon.

Masha married in the mid-1990s, when her mother was no longer called to the movies. At once did not like Natalia and Alexey. It seems the main thing that he wanted to register in the 3-bedroom apartment of his wife in the center of the capital. But when he realized that it would not be, left Maria with a little son of Serya.

Caring for grandson Grandma with grandfather took over. It seems they were waiting for this misfortune. However, they just started. The daughter has discovered necrosis of the pancreas. She barely saved from death. But a few years later, when Masha turned 38, she died from a stroke.


Soon Alexey Inzhevats began to hurt. Caring for him and the grandson is entirely legible on the shoulders of this little courageous woman. In 2010 he did not. It seems that at that moment some inner rod broke into a woman, on which she kept all this time.

8 months after the funeral of the beloved husband, on May 14, 2011, Natalia Lechagova died. Baby grandmother found 15-year-old grandson Sergey. I buried the actress in Moscow, at the Kuzminsky cemetery next to his beloved husband.


  • 1955 - "Vasyuk Trubachev and his comrades"
  • 1965 - "No unknown soldiers"
  • 1967 - "Three days of Viktor Chernysheva"
  • 1969 - "Trainer"
  • 1970 - "Return" Holy Luke ""
  • 1970 - "Crossing the Threshold"
  • 1971 - "Mortal Enemy"
  • 1971 - "Officers"
  • 1975 - "We did not pass"
  • 1978 - "Balamut"
  • 1984 - "Jokes to the side"
  • 1993 - "Breakfast overlooking Elbrus"

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