Yuri Moroz - biography, personal life, photo, news, director, films, Victoria Isakov, wife 2021



Yuri Moroz - Soviet actor, Russian film director, as well as a screenwriter, producer and founder of the filler "Moroz film". The director from the first projects managed to declare himself as a talented master, and he managed to break the usual ideas about this genre with his debut series. And today, the audience is looking forward to the release of each new film director, and the actors consider to play in his filmmakes.

Childhood and youth

Yury Pavlovich Claus's biography takes his countdown in 1956. He was born in the town of Krasnodone, located in the Lugansk region. By nationality - Russian. The boy's father worked as an electrician-miner, and the mother was a surgeon.

After the end of the High School, Frost spent a year in the walls of Donetsk vocational school, mastering the work specialty, and in 1975 he went to Moscow for a dream. Yuri managed to go through all the stages of the competition to the MCAT Studio School and become a student of the acting course Viktor Monyukova.

In his youth, after the end of the theater university, the artist entered the Lencoma troupe, where he went to the scene until 1987. Directed by Manila Artist. Even before leaving the theater, he went to receive the second higher education in VGIK. Frost's teachers, Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova, were becoming teachers.


For the first time on the screen, Yuri Moroz appeared in the dilogy, uniting two films - "At the beginning of the glorious affairs" and "Peter's Youth". The debutant performed in them the role of Aleshka Brovkin, the best friend of childhood Alexander Menshikov. Later in the filmography of the artist, the famous Musical Tale "Mary Poppins, goodbye" and a detective on the novel Agatha Christie "The Mystery of Black Drozdov" "appeared. All-Union Fame Actor brought the film to the operetta "Princess Circus". In it, he was transformed into the on-screen son of Heroine Lyudmila Raskin, perky and slightly frivolous Tony.

Starting from the 90s Yuri Pavlovich switched to directing activities and producing, only occasionally appearing on the screen in their filmmakers. The first directing projects of Frost were the screening of the story of Kira Bulychev "Dungeon of Witches" and a political detective "Black Square". In the second, he also acted as a screenwriter.

The real success came to the director in 1999, when the "Kamenskaya" crime show was started on Russian television scans, filmed by the popular detective works of the writer Alexandra Marinina.

Interestingly, Moroz planned to shoot a full-length movie, therefore the scenario, and the approach to scenery, and the selection of actors turned out to be better than at that time they were taken from television drivers. Thanks to Yuri Pavlovich, the genre of the Russian series managed to make a grand jerk forward. Having removed the first seasons of this detective hit, the director took up other projects, and the Kamensky investigator continued to create films another film crew.

In 2004, the director submitted to the court to the audience a social drama "Point" about the lanes of easy behavior. The film was recognized in the international arena. Main roles Victoria Isakov, Daria Moroz and Anna Ukolov received a special prize at the Film Festival in Chicago. In Russia, the film was nominated for the main Prize "Kinotavaur".

Each project of Yuri Moroz becomes the event of the Russian film industry. An example of this is the series "Apostle". The roles of twin brothers with different characters performed Evgeny Mironov.

The following bright works of frost have become the series "Pelagia and White Bulldog", "Karamazov Brothers" and "Inquisitor". Films received high rates of critics and spectators.

After a small pause in 2020, the director presented a new job - the series "Ugryum River", which was created based on the novel of Vyacheslav Shishkova. In the center of the plot - the family of thunder in three generations.

As the director told, the film should not be a classic novel, but freely interprets it. I had to change the actions and actions of the main characters, since for modern people they were irrelevant. "We have come up with and completed several storylines that are not in the novel Shishkov. They completely changed the motivation of the main character of Prokhor Gromov, making his character and actions more understandable to the modern viewer, "Moroz shared.

The project was implemented very complex. The film crew was forced to ride 7 expeditions (including Minsk, Moscow, Ekaterinburg) and change 3 difficult locations necessary for shooting the travel of the main character along the river. But, according to Yuri Claus, the audience saw a real nature on the screen, which gave a sense of the reliability of what was happening.

The series received a lot of criticism, including Senator Alexei Pushkova. The politician did not look at the picture, and his opinion was on the basis of feedback on the network. Spectators wrote negative comments regarding the game of actors, the doubtfulness of the plot and misraighters. Pushkov decided not to spoil the impression of the novel.

Personal life

At the young age on the filming of the film "Youth Peter", Moroz met the actress Marina Levta and soon realized that he was in love with this girl. But she did not hurry to respond to reciprocity, and the actor made it relatively long for its location. As a result, the young man went to the trick and began to act through the Father Levta: I came to the cottage to him, helped in the housework and won the beloved authority from the parents. Then I surrendered and marina.

Yuri Frost's personal life began with a student wedding, they lived with his wife first in the hostel and only after the birth of Darya's daughter acquired their own housing.

The director lived with Marina Levty 20 years, and their joint life was happy. All familiar argued that the spouses perfectly complemented each other. But in February 2000 there was a tragedy: the director's wife during a walk on a snowmobile was injured incompatible with life. Marina died, not coming into consciousness.

After 2 years, on a walk in the village of Schelikovo, Yuri Pavlovich met an actress of the Pushkin Theater Victoria Isakov. I introduced the future spouses Dasha. A romantic relationship has failed between them, and after some time, Victoria became the second wife of the director.

Like all married couples, the spouses dreamed of the appearance of children. Soon they had a child - a girl Marusya.

Unfortunately, the unfortunate of the director's death was not limited to the death of Spouse. The second tragedy in the life of Yuri Frost occurred almost on the anniversary of the death of the first wife. Died daughter Marusya, when she was only 3 months old.

Yury Pavlovich's life screamed the appearance of the granddaughter Anna, which Daria Moroz daughter was presented in 2010. A girl from 4 years old training in the tennis section, goes to a music circle and gets education at a school with a linguistic bias. Often, the photo of the grandfather and granddaughter appear in the instagram account Darya Moroz.

For a long time after the tragedy, Yuri Pavlovich and Victoria Isakov were not solved to start the children. But in 2018, the spouse of the director said in an interview that the joy of motherhood was known for the second time. On the Darya Moroz page in "Instagram" a joint photo of her stepmother and a pivot sister appeared. From the comment, the actress has become known that the girl is called Varvara.

Yuri Moroz now

Now Yuri Moroz continues to engage in favorite work. In March 2021, the 3rd season of the sensational series "Designs" was announced. Yuri Pavlovich worked on him. Interestingly, his daughter Daria played a major role in the erotic thriller. She was shared by the news about the change in the director's composition of the project, publishing a joint photo in "Instagram". The actress also added that her father worked on the script.

Find out the details of the personal life and career of the director, who he hid, fans can in the documentary "Frost and the Sun", the release of which in March announced the first channel.

"The sun is what helps you allows you to live. What warms. What are growing on. What you pull. For me in the first place there were always family and relatives. The second, of course, is a job, "the name of the documentary Yury Pavlovich decryad.



  • 1980 - "At the beginning of glorious affairs"
  • 1982 - "Princess Circus"
  • 1983 - "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • 1986 - "Lermontov"
  • 1987 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 2007 - "The price of madness"


  • 1990 - "Witch Dungeon"
  • 1992 - "Black Square"
  • 2000-2004 - Kamenskaya
  • 2006 - "Point"
  • 2007 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2008 - "Apostle"
  • 2009 - "Pelagia and White Bulldog"
  • 2014 - "Inquisitor"
  • 2018 - "Player"
  • 2018 - "Satan Operation" "
  • 2018 - "Theory of Probability"
  • 2020 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2021 - "Contents-3"

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