Monatik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The name of the monatik today is known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond. Its owner can often be seen on TV screens. Charismatic low artist is invited to rating television projects and in the series. Removing, artist has time to tour, arrange large-scale shows and record new songs.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik, Ukrainian, in the city of Lutsk (Western Ukraine) in the spring of 1986, was born. His family did not differ in particular enough. Father worked everywhere where work was. He then collected the motors for aircraft at one plant, he was engaged in the production of foam rubber on the other. Mom worked as secretary in the city executive committee for a modest salary. Much later, when the son has grown, parents managed to establish their little business.

Monk grew by an ordinary guy, getting fond of the same and hundreds of his peers. Probably, the moment of the start of his career can be considered seen in the center of Lutsk mini-show of local Break Dance fans. The eighth grader was distinguished by the dance magic and understood: something happens in it that he would soon change his life. The monk dance finals already knew for sure that he would soon move no worse. At the same time, the conference of the boy at that time was laid into the definition of "low mounting".

So it happened. Soon he turned into a better Break Dance dancer not only in his hometown, but also far beyond. The DBS Crew team, in which he opposed, was often toured in the country.

However, the creative biography of the monatary is not limited exclusively to dancing. It turned out that the grandson inherited amazing talents from his grandfathers. One of the grandfathers, despite the fact that he was born deaf and danced, perfectly danced and achieved results in sports. And the other grandfather sang and was considered a bayanist virtuoso. The ancestors were mixed in the guy and began to manifest everything with more power. Dima monk also sang, and very good.

After graduation, it was necessary to be determined with the profession. Parents wanted the Son to have a serious education already in his youth, and let the singing and dancing, let them be a pleasant bonus to the fundamental specialty. In 2003, the young man entered the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, where he chose the Faculty of Law. But, serving couples as a service, he lived only in the evening he will be engaged in songs and dancing.

Personal life

At the end of 2015, the rumors began to circulate that the personal life of Dima Monatary, which he so carefully hides, was happily. Dmitry fans claim that he is married to beauty named Irina Demicheva, who gave birth to her husband firstborn. Celebrity spouse leads a non-public lifestyle.

Confirmation of rumors The attentive fans of the monatary found on the page in the social networks of Dmitry colleagues on the stage of Yulia Sanina, which in the same period gave birth to a baby. She posted a photo with a newborn son and congratulated all colleagues who became parents in 2015. Among them was the name of the monatary.

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At that time, the press service of the singer did not comment on this information, probably the monk himself did not want to advertise a personal life. And only in 2017, he decided to open the curtain of secrecy over his family. The man gave an interview with the magazine Viva, in which he admitted that with his wife Irina raises two sons. He is enthusiastic, and in April 2018 even published a photo in "Instagram" with boys.

Now the feelings of the married couple were not fightered. Irina continues to inspire Dmitry for romantic deeds. In early August, the singer congratulated his beloved with his birthday, placing her photo in his account with a poetic comment.

Music and Tele Show

Search for glory and recognition of monks went to the casting of the 2nd season of the popular show "Star Factory", held by the new channel. Unfortunately, the guy did not have enough a little bit to get to the project. But on Casting Dmitry, the Ukrainian star was noticed - Singer Natalia Mogilevskaya. She saw a talent in Lutsk's boyfriend and took him to the ballet. Future artist moved to the capital.

Having worked in the team of Mogilev, the dancer set up in the Kiev dance school-studio Turbo. The young man took the dance teacher and the administrator. The best choreographers of the country worked here. The monk understood that he got into the place where he would grow as a professional. He carefully watched the workouts who conducted recognized masters of the dance.

At the same time, the guy developed his second talent - musical. He managed to collect his own team to which he gave the name Monatique. After stubborn training, the guys went to the city of Childhood of his head - Lutsk, where they gave two concerts. Among their songs were such, the texts of which wrote monk.

In 2010, Dima passed the samples in the ballet d'Arts, who led the choreographer Nikolai Boychenko. In the same year, the dancer and musician starred in the episodes of the popular TV series "Mukhtar", and most importantly - became a member of the TV project "Dance everything!". Of the several thousand jury contestants chose the 100 best, which went to Yalta. Here, for a week, foreign and Ukrainian choreographers worked with participants. The monastics managed to get into the best thirty.

Disappointment from the fact that it was not possible to enter the twenty, quickly changed the joy of anticipation of new victories. Monatary took into the vocal talent show "X-factor" at STB. The young man fell on the final qualifying tour, managed to prove to the judges that he was a talented vocalist, and earned the title of the best performer of the country.

2011 was marked for a vocalist outlet of the debut clip "Tailetha", recorded on a mobile phone together with Nikolai Boychenko and d'Arts ballet. The author's talent of Dmitry also turned out to be in demand. The first artist, who performed the musical composition of the monatary "40 degrees," was Svetlana Loboda. The track instantly became the leader of the National Hit-Parade, about Dmitry spoke as a talented authorse.

Soon followed the song "of himself", with which the solo career of Eva Bushmina began, leaving the team of VIA Gra. For Anna Sedokov Singer created a remix to hit Piranhai and released a joint single "quieter." The artist has a solo concert program "Now", with which he went to the touring tour in Ukraine. Also Dmitry wrote the compositions that came to the repertoire Alina Grosu, Dima Bilan and Sergi.

Such success inspired Dmitry, and he took up the solo career with new forces. In 2015, the album "Soundtrack of today's day (S. S. D.)" came out, and in 2016 the second plate of the Dmitry solo discography appeared, called "sounds".

In 2015, the monk also presented a clip on the "Wet" track, which before that recorded with joint cooperation with the Quest Pistols Show group. The video was the musical embodiment of the philosophy of a large-scale show of dancing. Thus, the artists continued to revive and develop a dance subculture and a new project recalled the audience that the body language is the most honest, and the dance is the best way to report feelings.

The song of the monatary "Smiling", which entered the first album, turned into a hit. And in the second fans of his talent noted the composition "circling".

Next, the author of the songs entrusted the judging in the Ukrainian teleproject "Voice. Children". It seems that he got into his native element, remembering how his first unsure steps did on stage, having arrived in the capital from the provincial Lutsk. Dmitry took the judicial chair in the 3rd and 4th seasons of the project, while in the first of them his colleagues on the coaching shop Tina Karol and Potap, and in the second the musicians of the "Time and Glass" group and Natalia Mogilevskaya.

Monk has managed to find a common language with the younger generation. And if at the beginning of the finalist from his team Vladislav Fenichko took the 2nd place, the participant of the next season of Deloi Tuleshov became the winner. The girl was represented by Kazakhstan, in her service list at that time, the audience sympathy of the "Children's New Wave" of 2015 and the Grand Prix "Ayaban Astana - 2015" were listed.

Music clips Monatary often appear on TV and enjoy unprecedented success. In 2016, the singer became the guest of the Transmission "Evening Kiev", which was Vladimir Zelensky TV presenter. On the air, the artist told that long hair was worn, and a small height (164.5 cm with a weight of 75 kg) did not prevent him from a creative career.

In 2016, together with faith, a Brezhnev artist performed at M1 Music Awards. The idea of ​​the organizers liked fans of the Creativity of the couple - they simply united the songs of artists "Love will save the world" and "circling", turning them into one composition. The singers embraced their speech of active dances and contact with the public.

In 2017, the monk opened the first semifinal of Eurovision 2017. He performed his hit "circling" in English (Spinning).

In the same year, Dmitry recorded hit "hot" with Svetlana Loboda and removed the clip to the "UvbuitoT" composition. It turned out a real short dance blockbuster. The story about two crazy lovers fell to taste fans. Like the previous works of the musician, it is a bright picture, unrestrained energy and dancing.

Entrepreneurs are trying to take advantage of the artist, but the monk concludes contracts only with large brands. In 2017, he became the face of the Samsung Galaxy A advertising campaign. And after a year, he starred in Russian advertising mobile communications, fulfilled the author's musical composition "All Music Music is in your gadget."

The singer actively tours, however, in February 2017 he fell into the epicenter of the political scandal. The SBU has forbidden to give the monastics concerts in Russia. Despite the fact that all the tickets have long been sold, the musician had to cancel the speeches. Until now, he does not comment on what happened.

In April 2018, the singer gave an interview with the Internet publishing "Medusa". Of course, the journalist asked him and about it too. But, as before, the actors refused to answer. To the question, whether he is going to visit Russia in the near future, replied that he does not plan yet.

However, this does not prevent him from cooperating with Russian colleagues. For example, he recorded the "Sleep" track with Raper L`One. Interestingly, working on the song, the musicians never met personally and communicated exclusively online. Back in 2016, Ukraine banned the entry of L'One to the territory of the country for 3 years.

In March 2018, the artist went to a tour in America and Canada, presented to the audience a concert program Vitamin V. and shortly before departure became the best performer of the year on the Yuna award. He also won the nominations "Best Clip" and "Best Concert Show". And then presented the song "Now let's dance", who remembered fans of dance rhythms and a positive attitude, with which Dmitry performed her.

In April 2018, the monk participated in the social project of Ukraine "Kolya Pictures to consign." He voiced the audio guide for the work of Alexander Gnilytsky "Dad, Helmet Davit." This is no longer his first experience in visualing, before that he "presented" his voice Baran Eddie in the cartoon "Beast".

In July, the artist presented the Summer Clip to the song "Deep", which was fulfilled with the hope of Dorofeeva. Music and poems to the song Monatik wrote himself. The video about the "excellent danger", which I had to face the hero of the song, gathered in the open access not one million views.

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In January 2019, the Monatary first called as a mentor to the Ukrainian vocal show of the channel "1 + 1" "Voice of the country", where he appreciated the speeches of the participants together with Dena Balan, Tina Karol and Potap, and then recruited the students in the team. However, this season ended for an artist not too well: the ward of the singer Victoria Oleinik took only 4th place.

Then the monk launched work on a new album. The single "what is crazy about what is crazy," to which the singer has taken off his video. It is noteworthy that this work is different from those presented earlier. The clip is visible to the plot, the director Thane Muinho managed to create an atmosphere of the militant of the 90s, when the guys went crazy from the films with Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

The record called "Love IT Rhythm" came out in the mid-2019th. In total, it includes 20 tracks, some of them artist fans have already heard earlier. And soon on the song from this plate "every time" the musician took off the colorful clip. According to the monatary, in this video he "shielded freedom." It tells how people are trying to find freedom. A man of no accident chose as a location for the streets of the street and the beaches of Havana, because the state of Cuba is known as the "Island of Freedom".

In the summer of the same year, the artist arranged a grand concert in honor of the release of the album, while not leaving free places in the Olympic in Kiev. The musician thought out every trifle, the impressive lighting effects and present performances were present in his program, as in musicals. The organizers had to build the largest scene in the history of stadium concerts in Ukraine. But the highlight of the concert was the emergence of the monatary on the roof of the train carriage.

Monatik now

Dima Monatik and is now actively working as an artist, regularly leaves for touring, participates in new projects, composes songs and shoots clips. At the end of February 2020, the artist presented a new video for the song "Highly". The video appeared on the official Youtyub Channel of the singer of the 26th.

The director of the work was made by Ukrainian Tanya Muino, who had previously worked with him and with other popular artists. In the official release of the video, it is said that when you love, sometimes you think I got into a beautiful dream. At the same time, for the in love, it stops and loses its significance, since high feelings, especially at first, displacing everything else.

On January 19, 2020, the 10th season of the Voice of the country was released on the TV screen, where the monk in the former composition of the mentors (with the exception of the Potap, to which Anastasia Kamensky joined) was again invited to the show.

In late February - early March 2020, the monk visited numerous countries with concerts. The musician performed in Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Odessa, Montreal, Toronto and in other cities, but there are still no Moscow among them, although the Russian singer fans are looking forward to his speeches in Russia.


  • 2013 - "Today's Soundtrack (S. S. D.)"
  • 2016 - "Sounds"
  • 2019 - "Love IT Rhythm"


  • 2010 - "Everything is dancing!"
  • 2010 - "X-factor"
  • 2016 - "Voice. Children"
  • 2016 - "League of Laughter"
  • 2016 - "Dancing on TNT"
  • 2017 - "Dancing with stars"
  • 2019 - "Voice of the country. 9th season "
  • 2020 - "The country's voice. 10th season »

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