Melania Trump - Photo, Biography, Life, News, Donald Trump 2021



Melania Cavtus, today is much better known under the name of Melania Trump, - the wife of Donald Trump, selected for the 45th president of the United States. But it is impossible to say that the biography of the first Lady USA is connected exclusively with a famous husband. She also achieved a lot of success as a fashion model, positive, including for men's magazines. In addition, she tried herself as an actress and starred in the Ben's Film Schedule "Exemplary Male".

Childhood and youth

The 4th president of the United States was born on April 26, 1970 (Zodiac sign Taurus) in the Slovenian town of Sevnice, who at that time was part of Yugoslavia. By nationality, she is Slovene. Parents were secured people. Father, Viktor Kavts, worked as a driver of the head of the administration, and after became a community of a state automotive company. Mother Amalia worked by a fashion designer at the local textile factory. The family had two children - Melania has an older sister Ines, which was born a year earlier.

In childhood, the future first Lady of the United States was a perfection, purposeful and disciplined. She studied well at school, teachers and classmates today first of all remember that melania was always polite and no man heard a bad word from her. After graduation, the girl moves to the capital of Slovenia, where it becomes a student of the architectural faculty of the University of Ljublajan.

However, she was not destined to graduate from the university: soon Melania met a professional photographer Erko's professional photographer, who was convinced to start her career in the model business.

At the age of 16, Melania Casnus slightly alters his surname to the Western manner and under the name of Melania Knauss leaves first to Milan, and then to Paris.


To be more popular in the fashion world, Melania made plastic: changed the shape of the nose, increased the lip volume and chest size. Popularity has brought erotic photo shoots for magazines such as GQ and Max. Later, the photo of the model fell on the covers of printed publications Vogue, in Style, Glamor, Elle and many others.

In the second half of the 90s, photographs began to print in America, where she moved to a permanent place of residence and settled in New York. She continued his career model, and also tried herself as an actress. The future wife of Trmpa appeared in the comedy director and actor Ben Stillar "Exemplary Male", but did not indicate in the name of the young woman.

In 2010, Melania launches his own line of jewelry. Her registered trademark gradually conquers peace. Moreover, in addition to actually jewelry, Trump creates a design for wristwatches, and also produces perfumes and cosmetics for women.

Personal life

In 1999, at the photo shoot for the magazine Allure, the model got acquainted with Donald Trump. This meeting in the root changed the personal life of melania. They began to meet, and the public learned about the novel during the speech of the pair in the Radio Equipment The Howard Stern Show. The future US president called the beloved "love of his life." In honor of the engagement, the bride received a diamond ring in 11 carats worth $ 1.2 million.

In January 2005, the wedding of melania and Donald took place in Florida. The difference in the age of spouses is 24 years old. By the way, Hillary Clinton, the future opponent Trump for the presidential chair attended the marriage ceremony. As a wedding gift from friends, newlyweds received the song The Lady and The Tramp - the converted composition from the Cartoon Walt Disney "Beauty and the Beast".

The wedding ceremony was widely covered with the press. The public primarily attracted the luxury of the celebration. Melania's dress from Christian Diora was estimated at $ 200 thousand. She worked on it that was working on the French brand John Galliano. Tailors manually expanded dress with stones and pearls. It is not surprising that its weight was as much as 27 kg. And the wedding cake, which is height than 1.5 m, decorated 3 thousand confectionery roses.

A year later, the son was born in the family of Trumps, which Barron William Trump was called. And if for melania, this child was first, then for a man - already the fifth: from the two previous marriages, President Trump has children: the sons of Donald Jr. and Eric, as well as the daughter of Ivanka and Tiffany. Father and mother dedicated to Barron 20-minute performance on Radoshow Imus in The Morning.

Melania is an avid fiction fan. She loves cardorative, as well as Pilates and tennis. It is noteworthy that the first lady does not adhere to any diets, does not exclude fried, sweet and ice cream, but it looks great - with a height of 178 cm its weight is 60 kg.

During the speech at the National Congress of the Republican Party in 2016, Mrs. Trump expressed support for his spouse as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. She was spent success, but later journalists compared the text of the Speak of Melania with the fact that Michel Obama said 8 years ago, the spouse of President Barack Obama. It turned out that some paragraphs coincide almost a word for word. However, representatives of Trumps rejected the charges in plagiarism.

However, in any case, the speech did not prevent melania to become a new first lady of the United States after declaring the election results in November 2016.

True, in the face of a woman, it is unlikely that it can be said that she is happy. In increasingly, melania fell into a frame TV cameras with a sad expression. Later it became known that she refused to move to the White House. But it turned out that the reason for this was her desire to give his son the opportunity to quietly finish the academic year. The family reunited in the summer of 2017. But the public stood on her - the first lady is unhappy.

Since the beginning of the presidency, the Trump has become increasingly "to pop up" the various unpleasant details of his life. In January 2018, the US President was in the center of the next sexy scandal. The media found out that even before the start of the pre-election race, the billionaire paid the porn actress Stephanie Clifford $ 130 thousand for her silence. She should not have been talking to anyone that there was a close relationship between them in 2006 - a year after Donald's entry into an official marriage with melania.

The first lady did not comment on this situation in any way, but his behavior was clearly understood his insult. For some time she did not go into the world and did not appear in the society of the spouse. In the network began to vomit that they will inevit the divorce. But in February 2018, melania and Donald again appeared before the public - together and quite happy.

From insider information it became known that a woman had to forgive the wrong husband and forget about the divorce. She does not want to arrange a scandal, as it can negatively affect their son Barron.

In May 2018, the president's spouse suffered an exercise on the kidneys. The White House reported that surgery was scheduled earlier, everything was successful, there are no complications. Other parts of the health status of melania were not revealed. American doctors who interviewed the media suggested that the cause of the operation could be an angiomolypoma - a benign tumor in the kidneys.

Some of this news surprised, because a week before, Mrs. Trump appeared before the public and announced the launch of his social program Be Best ("Be better"). She told that he would teach children to fight with the difficulties of the modern world. And looked at a healthy and happy ceremony.

In turn, Donald Trump was performed by the feeling of pride in his spouse. And he did not hide the warm feelings to her - at all he kissed melania. And she did not oppose this (after the scandal with porn actrime, she did not allow her husband to even take her hand).

In July 2018, melania, together with her husband, went to the Summit in Helsinki, where the attention of journalists attracted a frightened facial expression during the greeting of Vladimir Putin. This was the topic for rapid discussions in Twitter. Folloviers were looking for reasons for both the first lady's personal life and in tense relations between countries. However, it is quite possible that Mrs. Trump simply relaxed the muscles of the face - they make fashion models to look beautifully in the photo.

In 2019, the first Lady of the United States was present at the G7 Summit together with the spouses of the heads of the "Big Seven". The main fashionistas of this media event were appointed Mrs. Trump and brick Macron, Wen Emmanuel Macron, the 25th president of France.

Melania Trump now

On October 2, 2020, it became known about the positive test on Coronavirus from the spouses of Trump and their son Barron. But already on October 14, on the website of the White House, Melania told in detail how her family suffered COVID-19.

In November 2020, in the media, with reference to the ex-assistants of the US President Trump, there was information on the imminent divorce, for which melania will serve after the end of the presidential term of her husband.

Nevertheless, in official interviews, the first lady claims that she has an excellent relationship with her husband. According to journalists, Melania is connected by the contract, according to which it cannot publish information with the criticism of the president.

Also, some of the media argued that the spouse of the head of the White House allegedly urged her husband to recognize defeat in the elections. In fact, the first lady requires the recalculation of "legal bulletins" for fair summarization of the voting results in the elections of the new US president.

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