Marlene Dietrich - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Height, Age, Filmography and Latest News



There are actresses that are perfectly built in the role. There are those who please the eye not one generation of viewers. And there are rare personalities, changing the very idea of ​​the on-screen image and forcing women around the world to imitate their style, manners, gait, gestures ... One of these phenomena was German and American actress Marlene Dietrich. But this amazing woman had the strongest influence on the fashion world, and most importantly - on the feminine self-awareness. Dietrich appeared before the public as a cocktail from opposite qualities: was simultaneously impregnable, and seductive; innocent and vicious; Stressed feminine and at the same time showed a male character. And all this - without a gram of vulgarity.

Marlene Dietrich

Marlene was born in the suburbs of Berlin called Schöneberg. Her father was the lieutenant of the police Louis Erich Otto Dietrich, and Mama Wilhelmin Josephin Felzeing, although he came from a very rich family of the Burgers, was forced to make a housekeeping house. The girl was born exactly one year after the older sister Elizabeth. An important event in the biography of Marlene Dietrich was the departure of the father from the family. It happened when the girl was barely six years old, and in a year he died. Father Marie absolutely did not remember, but it was with him that her first manifestation of acting: Little Marlene began to "play dad", portraying at the same time and daughter and the head of the family. Mother, although it was famous for his rigidity, this fiction was indulged.

Marlene Dietrich with family

In primary school, Dietrich was fascinated by music. She learned to play lute, and later took up the violin and in 1917 first spoke in public. After World War I, Germany was destroyed and empty. Mom Marlene decided that for the young daughter, the proximity of the capital under such conditions may be dangerous, so I sent it to a closed guesthouse in Weimar. There, the future movie star spent four years, continuing to improve the game on the violin. At 21, Marie Dietrich is arranged for his first job: she was taken to the orchestra at the cinema. She was with other musicians should have been "voice out of silent films. But at this job, Marlene lasted only a month: the musicians glanced at her much more than in the notes, so they were often knocked out. But it was in the cinema, looking at various movie polls, a girl wanted to become an actress.

Marlene Dietrich in childhood

It is satisfied with the dancer and singer in the cabaret, and also goes to study in acting school. At first, it was not accepted into the studio, but a stubborn young woman went to the famous actress and on her recommendation was still credited. After mastering the course, Dietrich participates in a variety of performances, and also begins a successful cinema career. After the first success, Marlene leaves for America and receives US citizenship.

Marlene Dietrich

Interestingly, when the party of Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany, the government requests the actress to return and even offers phenomenal fees for each Martine Dietrich film, filmed in his homeland. But the star not only refuses, but also during World War II supports the troops of opponents of Germany. For several years she interrupted the shooting and drove with concerts on garrisons and hospitals, giving about half pensions of ideas. As the eyewitnesses remembered, Marlene, like simple soldiers, slept in the trenches, washed away with melted snow, silenced pneumonia and was regularly tormented from the bored lice. Such an act of actress and singers were perceived as a feat, so at the end of the war they were awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion and the American Medal of Freedom.


Marlen Dietrich counted two dozen of the pictures, when she appeared in the Review "Two Tie". By itself, this work was not remarkable, but it was her director Joseph Von Sternberg, and called the actress to play a major role in the musical "Blue Angel". And this picture in the blink of an eye turned marlen to the world star. The film created the very image that decades later will be associated with the audience with the name Dietrich. After the phenomenal success of the German film, the actress signs a long-term contract with the Hollywood company "Paramount" and leaves for America.

Marlene Dietrich in the film

The following six projects in the filmography Marlene Dietrich removed the same director Sternberg. Of these, the Melodrama "Song of Songs" and the Family History of Blond Venus are distinguished. But some Sternberg films got bad criticism, he was accused of cheap scenery for the Drama "Shanghai Express" and ridiculous ideas for the spy picture "edded". And only the game of the main actress collected the full halls of cinemas. Therefore, after the tragicomedy "The Devil is a woman" Dietrich stopped working with the director who glorified her to the whole world.

Marlene Dietrich in the film

Nevertheless, Marlene continues to be removed very much. One of the first color films "The Gardens of Allah", the thriller "Knight without Lat", Western "Dandy again in the saddle", the comedy "so wants a lady" and many others. In most of them, Dietrich is trying to move away from the career created by it. It is not always successful, sometimes the audience do not want to take a "new" style icon.

Marlene Dietrich in the film

From later work, the actress had a great success. Against the Agatha Roman Christie "Witness of the Charification", nominated for Oscar in several categories. And it was the last major role Marlene Dietrich. She then starred in several projects, but after the episode in the drama "Lovely Gigolo, Poor Gigolo" with David Bowie, where Marlene also executes the vocal party, no longer appeared on the screens.


Learn singing the girl began even in the acting school at one of the best teachers in Berlin. She performed his lunches from pop in the cabaret, and did the first studio records in 1928. Marlene Dietrich songs had a certain success, although the voice of the singer was not very strong, but she was inherent in muscleness, and a harsh counterfeit actress fascinated by listeners. Most people celebrated sincerity in the voice of Dietrich.

Marlen Dietrich's most popular songs fell into albums and published full-format records. Many times her hits were recognized as the best songs of the year, for example, "Lili Marleen", "Falling in Love Again", "Song of Songs", "Laziest Gal In Town" and many others.

Personal life

In the film "Tragedy of Love", the actress had an episodic role of the lover of the Chairman of the Court, but it was this picture that Marlene Dietrich's personal life was changed. On the set, she became close to the administrator Rudolph Siberian and, despite the fact that the man was already engaged, spun a novel with him. Soon they got married, and in 1924, the spouses had a daughter Mary, the only child Dietrich. By the way, later the world learned about the daughter of Marlene as a gifted actress under the name Maria Riva.

According to the memories of Dietrich, her marriage with the Siberian reminded the ridiculous joke than a family life. After the birth of the daughter between them, there was no more intimate proximity, and in a couple of years, the spouses went out and began to live every life. At the same time, they did not make a divorce and up to 1976, that is, to the death of Rudolf, the actress was considered married Frau. Nevertheless, it is well known that Marlene Dietrich's personal life was always stormy.

Marlene Dietrich and Erich Maria Remarque

It was crazy about celebrities such as Actors Jean Gaben, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and John Gilbert, Producer Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Singer Maurice Chevalier, Director Joseph Von Sternberg, Businessman Joseph Kennedy - Father President John Kennedy. Very loud were marlane novels with Writers Erich Maria Remarcom and Ernest Hemingway. The first of them brought the image of the actress in the character Joan Madu from the novel "Triumphal Arch", and the second is famous for being the only love of the actress remaining Platonic. Their multi-year correspondence was later published in the form of a book.

Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gaben

Dietrich was brought up in a very religious family, but lost faith during World War II. When she traveled to garrisons and looked at pain, fear and horror, she said a phrase, which became a winged: "If God exists, he must reconsider his plans." Marlene not only loved the movie in itself, but also quite proud of his contribution to art. She carefully kept scenic costumes drawn by paintings from her and shot pictures. To do this, in the bank she had a special cell, where there were about 25 thousand items and almost 20 thousand photographs. Today these things are the exhibits of the Berlin Museum of Cinema.


In 1975, an accident happened to the actress, after which she completed his career. Dietrich retired in his own Parisian apartments and stopped all sorts of communication with the outside world. Martarle allowed only a small number of selected visitors. The woman devoted himself to writing the book of memories of the "ABC of my life", which saw the light in 1979.

Marlene Dietrich in old age

The last 13 years, the legendary actress was chained to bed due to the broken neck of the thigh. The injury was not serious, but Dietrich refused to hospitalize and help doctors. Because of the lying position and alcohol abuse, she began to refuse kidney, which was the cause of Maril Dietrich death on May 6, 1992. Tributes of respect for the Great Actress came to give many thousands of fans. Her coffin was covered with the American and French flags and crossed Marleneberg's native town. Stublized Dietrich next to his mother's grave.

Marlene Dietrich

In memory of one of the greatest stars of cinema, a lot of books were written and a lot of documentaries were shot. But the greatest value is the tape "Marlene", who has been lifeling in the life of the actress, in 1982. This work is an audio interview that Dietrich film director. The sound is imposed on the video gland of the early years of Dietrich, as she refused to appear on the screen in the form in which last years had been.

Marlene Dietrich filmography

  • 1930 - Blue Angel
  • 1931 - approved
  • 1932 - Blond Venus
  • 1932 - Shanghai Express
  • 1933 - Song Song
  • 1934 - Slutty Empress
  • 1939 - Rands back in the saddle
  • 1946 - Martin Rumanyak
  • 1951 - notorious ranch
  • 1957 - Coverage of the charge

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