Anastasia Deev - biography, personal life, husband, photo, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the latest news 2021



Anastasia Shmalko, a better known under the new family of Deev - a Ukrainian political analyst, one of the initiators of the police reform, which has already been able to become the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in 24 years.

The biography of Anastasia Deev, the maiden name of which Shmalko began on March 2, 1992. She was born in the small town of Oster, located in the Chernigov region. But the child's child spent not there. At fair early age, Nastya fell into a closed school in a small town under the British megalopolis Manchester. There, the future deputy minister has taken possession of English at the free level and has studied French quite well.

Anastasia Deev.

Interestingly, Deev recalls his youth as the struggle of two opposite natures. She was at the same time the best student whose photo hung on the board of honor, and the rebar, coming to school in grated jeans and in T-shirt with the emblem of the group "Guns N`roses". At which, among other things, skulls, weapons, as well as scarlet roses are depicted. So such a picture just corresponded to throwers in the shower of the girl.

Anastasia Deev.

Older classes Anastasia Shmalko ended in Kiev. Moreover, it studied not in a secondary school school, and in one of the most prestigious educational institutions of the capital of Ukraine - in the Klovsk Lyceum. Having received a certificate of maturity, Nastya became a student of the Faculty of Political Science in the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko. One of the internships, Deev took place in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and later worked in Stockholm in a private company, where he held the position of Director for the Development of International Business in the Branch of Green Technologies.

Politics and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In 2014, when Anastasia was still at work in Stockholm, she became a trustee of a candidate for People's Deputies Yuri Andrushko. Then, in the biography of Anastasia Deev, there was cooperation at different times with deputies from the Party of Regions Leonid Kozharoy and Elena Nettsk. Later, Anastasia Shmalko came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the role of the assistant deputy minister Eki Zgualabse coordinated the reform in the patrol police service. This was added projects to change the work of MES and administrative services.

Anastasia Deev and Arsen Avakov

As it turned out, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Arsen Avakov was accurately followed by the activities of the young girl. At first he began to use her ability for adviser's posts, and then offered to become one of his deputies. In fact, Anastasia is not the first deputy, but oversees the issues of European integration of Ukraine. The main task as deputy minister deyeva is to track the use of the obtained grants on the intended purpose.

Personal life deev

Until the spring of 2016, Anastasia Deev's personal life was unrevented, but at the end of May she officially married Georgy Deev and changed her maiden name. Husband Anastasia Deev - businessman. He is engaged in advertising and promoting the firms of its customers and is one of the leaders of the Kiev Digital Communications Agency "VOLTA". George is not very striving for publicity, but proud of the successes of his spouse.

Georgy Deev

Nastya Deev itself is fond of fashionable trends in clothes, but it does not read glossy mod magazines and does not like to wander to shop. Most of his wardrobe deputy minister buys in foreign boutiques, mainly in Scandinavian countries.

Under the name Anastasia Frank, the girl published his essays in various print editions. Under the pseudonym, she wrote as fictional stories, and acted as a political scientist consultant.

Anastasia Deev.

After appointing the deputy minister, Anastasia came to the scandal associated with its erotic photos. The fact is that in the student, she placed quite frank amateur pictures on social networks. The current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov has already stated that he does not see anything criminal in old photos of Anastasia deeye, since they are akin to the art of Nu and not at all vulgar. Moreover, according to the minister, in the student, each person can afford something odnuman and frank.

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