Jean Mare - Biography, Personal Life, Photos, Films and Latest News



Jean Alfred Villen Mare is one of the most famous French actors. Domestic cinema admirers know him in the roles of popular films as "Orpheus", "Count Monte Cristo", "Phantom" and "Iron Mask". But in the biography of Jean Mare there are not only excellent roles, but also achievements in other industries. He realized as an artist and writer, and Pablo Picasso himself praised the sculptural works of Mare, who considered that with such a talent to spend time on "some kind of acting" a true sin.

Jean Mare with family

Justice, as his name was at home, was born in Sherbour, in the family of Veterinar Alfred Villen Mare and his wife Alin Marie Vassord. But the boy almost did not remember his father: he was only a year when he called for the first world war, and on his return after four years Alfred lived with Elin for a short time, and they divorced. With his mom, the actor all his life was in very difficult relationships: they were associated with natural attraction, but Jean hated the genus of parental classes. Elin Marie was a very beautiful woman who paid attention to many men. And this circumstance helped her turn her fraud: the fact is that the mother of the future actor was a professional thief.

Jean Mare in childhood

In school years, Jean, according to his own words, was the "little monster with the face of angel": he constantly fought and hooliganil, broke the lessons, but the teacher still loved him and talked much. Later, the teenager began to get rid of his vices, and at the age of 15 he threw the school and went to work at the plant, then the photographer at the photographer. He needed money for the realization of dreams: Mare from 4 years old was dreaming the profession of film actor.

Three times, the future world star was heard of the country's theater universities. Once, instead of the expected praise, it was advised to treat their nerves, since his hysterical manner of filing text is not suitable anywhere. As a result, Jean gets on the actress courses of Charles Dullen, and as payment is very expensive, it works for free for free by statistics in the local theater.

Jean Mare

During World War II, a relatively famous actor Jean Mare is in the army. He was a driver of a fuel truck and showed heroism many times, although he did not consider himself a hero. Nevertheless, Mare repeatedly courageously spent the car through a mined field and under the hail of the bombs, for which the military cross was awarded.


In the first films, Jean Mare appeared episodically. His main success is associated with the name of the director and the scenario of Jean Cocteau. It was their duet that gave the world such pictures as "Eternal Return", "Beauty and the Beast", "terrible parents" and many others. Most of the joint work are recognized as world masterpieces, but the Fantasy Parable "Orpheus" is a mansion, which in modern form shows the ancient Greek myth about the poet, descended into hell for his wife.

Jean Mare in the film

Jean Mare films are most often adventure, and his role is irresistible, brave, physically strong hero. And most importantly for the female half of the audience - invariably romantic. By the way, Mare, like another famous French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, was one of the very few who performed absolutely all the tricks on his own. He fought perfectly on his swords, riding, jumped out of the windows, dived into the water from the bridges.

Jean Mare and Leah Amanda in the film

Retro-movie lovers enjoy the game of Jean in such pictures as "leather nose", "Glass Castle", "Count Monte Cristo", Gorbun, "Captain Fracass", "Princess Klevskaya" and "Paris Secrets". All these films were created before the early 60s. Later in the filmography of Jean Mare, an inimitable comedy trilogy "Fantomas" appears, "Phantom smeared" and "Phantas against Scotland-Yard". His duet with Louis de Fühnes is producing another Furior, and throughout Europe people will remember times to show a movie cingsontin, and boys play fantomas. By the way, Mare played two roles there at once - and the mysterious criminal in a mask, and a fandor journalist.

Jean Mare in the film

With age, Jean starred less. Only Viktor Blaze from "Relative Relations" can be considered a big role in the 80s, and in the 90s, only the modernist screening of the novel Victor Hugo "Rejected" and melodrama "Extralling beauty," where he got a small role to Monsieur Gioma .

Personal life

About my personal life, Jean Mare did not like to speak. The fact is that that romantic hero, whom the actor created on the screen, drove a considerable number of women crazy, and each in dreams represented itself with "one single" for the legendary star. But in fact, Mare was a homosexual, although several times he tried to move away from an alternative orientation. For example, during the Second World War, he was combined with a marriage with an actress of a cute puff, but after two years we divorced. In fact, they were together much less.

Mila Pareli

Also, they were rumored about his novel with Great actress Marlene Dietrich, who even sent him a photo with a comic inscription "Do you want to get married?". But eyewitnesses argued that it was rather close friendship rather than romantic relationships. Actually, Mare did not particularly sought to hide the orientation. For him, this was done managers and producers. The actor himself openly appeared in humans with his friend and satellite of life, director Jean Kokto, who opened the talent of Jean to a wide viewer.

Jean Mare and Jean Coke

From Kokto, the Great Frenchman lived for more than 20 years. Then he had a ten-year relationship with a dancer George Raih. When this connection ceased to exist, Mare decided to adopt the child. However, later he regretted his idea. The fact is that a rather mature man has already taken up the education of 19-year-old Yunsha Serzhi Ayalu, who came from the stray gypsies.

Jean Mare and Marlene Dietrich

The actor dreamed of giving young education, develop love for visual art, interest in the theater. But Serzh was interested only with love adventures with young girls, and he spent quite impressive amounts from the capital of the adoptive father. As a result, the young man forever disappears from the personal life of Jean Mare and settles somewhere in Africa. And the actor calls this adoption of the "greatest catastrophe of his life."

Jean Mare and Serge Aiala

It should be noted that in addition to a huge talent in the field of acting, Mare was distinguished by other abilities. He painted perfectly, wrote poem and prose, but the highest peaks, in addition to the movie and theater, Jean achieved in sculpture. His works recognized as significant art creatures recognized masters and professional critics. And the actor did not make his children "for himself." Many of his works became the exhibits of museums, and on Montmartre in Paris there is a bronze monument to the writer Marsel Eme, made by actor Jean Mare.


In 1996, on the eve of the premiere of the Shakespearer performance "storm", the Great Artist falls under torrential rain. As a result, he developed bilateral inflammation of the lungs. With a temperature above 40 degrees Mare brought to the hospital, but in two days they write home. Over your own health status, the artist rushed. He said that he could not afford to die at that moment when the entire Paris was saved by posses with his image. The public will perceive it as a crush.

Photo Jean Mare

Nevertheless, despite the multiple blood transfusions and chemotherapy, the actor from the disease has not managed to fully dig. Jean Mare died on November 8, 1998, without having lived just a month before the 85th birthday. The devotee of the theater, the actor, even his own funeral managed to turn into a presentation. At his testament, a giant image of a smiling mare was installed at the Cathedral Parity, and in the dynamics a farewell greeting Jean, recorded on the film.


  • 1946 - Beauty and monster
  • 1949 - Orpheus
  • 1950 - Miracles happened once
  • 1954 - Count Monte Cristo
  • 1961 - Captain Fracass
  • 1962 - Iron Mask
  • 1962 - Paris Secrets
  • 1964 - Fantômas
  • 1970 - Oslay Skura
  • 1985 - related ties

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