Samantha Morton - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



British actress Samanta Morton deserved the status of a star of cinema. And not only in their country, but also in the world. The proof of this is the two nominations for the Oscar statuette, the Golden Globe Prize and many others, just below the rating.

Samanta Morton was born in May 1977 in Nottingham. Her childhood is rainbow. When the girl was 3 years old, parents divorced. Children (Samantha has older brother and sister) Mom left for an ex-spouse, having left the city with a new husband. Dad also did not particularly care about the children. Him, poet and activist of the Socialist Party, lacked time for their upbringing.

Actress Samantha Morton

Therefore, small Mortities all their orphanages wandered over the shelters and adoptive families. Nevertheless, the actress, remembering childhood years, is not inclined to dramatize this period of life. She says that the fate and all that happened remained in the past.

The adoptive mother of Samantha Morton died, and with biological parents she does not support relationships.

The tendency to actor at the future British star was found in 7 years. The girl played not in the doll, but in the theater. Samantha was played by small performances, speaking in all roles immediately. At 13 years old, the student's ability noticed her teacher and advised Samantha to switch to a specialized acting school.

Samantha Morton

So Morton and arrived. The next 3 years, it raised skill at Central Junior Television Workshop. Here Morton first reached a professional scene. And in 14 years he made his debut in the movies. The girl was offered a role in the rating British TV series "Soldier, Soldier."

Due to the prevailing life circumstances, Samanta Morton matured early. I saved a certain amount of money, the girl went to London and removed the apartment, licking about his majority. She found the application of its talents on the scene of the Royal Court Theater. At that time she was almost 16.


The cinematic biography of Samantha Morton began in 1994, when the young actress "knockshedul" 17. The girl starred in a series of the British criminal drama "Oblas", playing the victim of the adept of the religious sect. Moreover, played so convincingly that it was immediately seen by directors. From this point on, the actress is removed regularly.

Samantha Morton in the series

Harriet in the dramatic tape "Emma", a young prostitute in the TV series "Gold Gold", the main heroine of Jane in the Ministerial "Jane Eir" - these diverse roles of Samanta Morton played what is called, in one breath, brilliantly reincarnated into the heroines of different roles.

It is not wonderful that already in 1997, the young Briton nominated the prestigious National Award Boston Film Critics Society for a brilliant work in the picture "within himself".

Samantha Morton in the film

After watching this film, Woody Allen was so impressed by the skill of the actress previously unknown to him, which suggested a girl one of the main roles in the new project "Sweet and ugly". Samantha had to play a mute girlfriend of the main character of the painting - guitarist and jazzman, whose role to go to the Hollywood star Sean Penno.

It is noteworthy that not only Allen noticed this bright British asterisk. Several earlier Morton received an offer to play Ophelia in the new screening of Gamlet, where the Master Hawk himself played the main character. But for the sake of the draft Woody Allen Samanta refused role. It's amazing, but about the famous Allen girl as long as he did not hear anything and did not look any of his film. She talked about the scope of the popularity of the director when he suggested to take it.

Samantha Morton in the film

For work in the "Sweet and Nadkom", Briton was nominated for Oscar for the first time, and in his homeland she was given a premium from London Critics Circle Film Awards.

Career Samantha Morton has developed rapidly. In 1999, the actress was shot at once in several rating projects: in an independent low-budget American tape "Son of Jesus" and in the pictures "Dreaming about Joseph Lisa" and "Last Coward".

Samantha Morton in the film

In 2000, Briton continues to delight fans. Samantha appeared in the Drama "Morvern Callar", for which he received the British Independent Film Award. In the same 2002, the screens came out about the life of Irish emigrants in America. He received three nominations at the Oscar at once, one of which went to Samantha. But the statuette again "sailed" from the hands of Morton. This time - in the hands of Charlize Theron.

Nevertheless, 2002 was generous to the British Star. After all, then another project was released on large screens - the picture of Stephen Spielberg "Special Opinion", in which the famous Master entrusted the English actress the image of Agatha provisions. In 2003, the piggy bank was replenished with work in a fantastic thriller "Code 46". Four years later, the actress fell into the biographical drama about the life of the cult musician of Ian Kurtis (Sam Riley) "Control". In Kinolent, the actress performed the role of a musician's wife. The film brought the nomination to BAFTA.

Samantha Morton in the film

From the projects in which British appeared in recent years, it should be noted the Drama "Liberty" with Johnny Depp in the lead role and picture "Longford", for the work in which Morton was nominated for the BAFTA-TV Award and became the winner of the Golden Globe Prize.

In the piggy bank, the actress is a job that has not entered her filmography. In 2013, Samantha Morton was approved to the main voice role in the fantastic drama "She" with Hoakin Phoenix in the lead role. With the actress, the entire material was filmed, Samantha completely gave himself a role, playing with his partner his scene and thereby helping Hoakin to fully uncover the image. But at the last stage, the director decided to change the actress and invited Scarlett Johansson. The change of the main character took place without a scandal, and Samantha as a sign of gratitude for the work done was called the helper of the producer.

In 2015, Samantha starred in the criminal series "Recent Panthers", where appeared in Naomi. And a year later, the actress pleased the fans of a brilliant game in the project "Fantastic creatures and where they dwell." This is an adaption of bestseller Joan Rowling. Heroine Samantha - Non-Magic Mary Lou. With its partners in the acting ensemble, Eddie Redmein, Catherine Waterston, Alison Sudol, Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp.

Personal life

In the 2000th, the actress was born Girl Esme. Her father became a colleague Samantha Charlie Crem-Miles. Independent and uncompromising nature Morton manifested itself here: with his child's father, Morton said goodbye to early in early pregnancy.

However, Samantha Morton's personal life still developed happily. Briton met a man with whom she seems to be excellent relationships and complete confidence. This is the director Harry Hill. With a future husband, the actress met on the set of video clips of the "The Victims" group. Soon Samantha and Harry began to live together. Couple had two joint children.

Harry Hill and Samantha Morton

In 2008, the actress once again convinced fans in the strength of character and spirit. Morton admitted that in 2006 he received severe injury of the head, after which he lost sight and was partially paralyzed. Samantha had to go through a heavy and long period of rehabilitation, learn to speak and move. But she managed to cope and return to the scene.

The actress does not disclose the details of private life through the Social Network "Instagram". But Samantha has an account in Twitter, where the artist is postponing its political and public news. In his status, Morton indicated that she was mom, actress, writer, director and wrestler for children's rights.

Samantha Morton now

The British star is famous for a difficult character. Morton is not chasing the awards and Prettyly chooses roles. And Samantha was famous for the prick and stingy statements about Matrah Hollywood, which they do not dare to do many of her colleagues.

Samantha Morton follows its principles, so in 2017 only one project was released with her participation - the series "Kurtizanka". The historical reconstruction accounted for the taste of a demanding actress, and she agreed to fulfill the main role of Margaret Wells by the London World Warring. Her partner Mrs. Quigley played Leslie Manville. The series turned out to be a rating, so the creators decided to extend the storyline for another season, whose premiere will be held in 2018. Now the actress works even over one dramatic manner in British film with the working name "Two for Joy".

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Samantha Morton joined the Justice and Equality Foundation, which was created on the initiative of 200 British and Irish actresses. The organization is designed to defend women-filmmakers from sexual violence. An open letter, in addition to Samantha Morton, signed the stars Kate Winslet, Keira Knightley, Emilia Clark, Emma Watson, and Rapass and others. In solidarity at the annual BAFTA award ceremony in 2018, all actresses came in black outfits. In the US, a similar action started a bit earlier. But the French actresses defended men, defending their right to the opportunity to care for women.


  • 1994 - "Cracker Method"
  • 1996 - Emma
  • 1997 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 1999 - "Sweet and ugly"
  • 2003 - "Code 46"
  • 2006 - "Longford"
  • 2007 - "Control"
  • 2012 - "John Carter"
  • 2016 - "Fantastic creatures and where they live"
  • 2017 - "Kurtizani"

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