Jea Andreey - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Lithuanian actress Jeva Andreyev appeared on Russian screens recently. For the first time, the spectators of Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space drew attention to this talented girl in the film "Startup", in which she played perfectly in tandem with Eugene Tkcholuk.

Ieva, who friends and colleagues are often called Eve, was born at the very beginning of 1988 in the ancient Lithuanian Vilnius, in an international family. Dad Eva - Russian, Mom - Litovka, by formation a musician. The girl grew in an atmosphere of art. In the house there were singers, musicians, actors and ballet artists.

Actress Jeva Andreevayte

Therefore, it is not surprising that ion from an early age showed a considerable artistry. She sang, danced, attended ballet and musical schools. And also grew surprisingly a sociable child. As the actress jokes, in childhood, parents had to stick her mouth with a plaster, so "a lot" there was a girl in space. Little Eve constantly asked or "played" some roles, continuously talking.

After graduation, Eva entered the Lithuanian Academy of Music and the Theater, which he graduated in 2011. She was lucky to study on the course of a talented and famous in the country of Mentor Jona Schildkus.


According to a young actress, Magic Cinema took the girl to his captivity back in school years. And the clock, held before the big screen in the cinema, were happy in life. Therefore, even in those days, when the wind in the student pocket was walked, the money on the cinema was always.

Jea Andreey in the film

Jea Andreey, every time I looked at the screen, most of all in the world dreamed of being in the place of the heroine you like. It seems above the future celebrity heard. Girl started to shoot in student years. In the last year, it appeared in the episode of Lithuanian short films "Script Error". The girl was noticed by the director who shot the Georgian-Lithuanian detective drama "Wine Way". So the actress appeared as Mary in several series of ribbons broadcasting in 2012.

The fact that the cinematic biography of Jeva Andreyev is rapidly developing, it became clear in 2013, when Lithuanian artist starred in three projects. It is noteworthy that all these films were filmed in different countries. The drama "Alarm", consisting of several novel, was born in Lithuania, but a short-grade "Crescent Juniper" - Lithuanian-British project.

Jea Andreey in the film

The criminal drama of Vladimir Nahabseva "Cold dish" is the first Russian film of Eve, who opened the artist to Russian audiences and directors.

Another young actress was filmed in the popular TV series about youth hockey players. The actress went to the role of Ulyana Metlitskaya.

The girl's breakthrough in his career was 2014. The artist starred in the family drama Johnny O'Rilly "Moscow never sleeps." At the filming platform of this project, the young actress met with Mikhail Efremov, Alexei Serebryakov, Yuri Stoyanov and Evgenia Bric.

The chief film of the year was the film Yevgeny Tkachuk and Igor Skolkov "Startup". In key roles, Evgeny Tkachuk himself appeared here, Shamil Hamatov, Emmanuel Vitorgan and Andrei Sokolov. Jea Andreyev played his wife the main hero of Inhu. The project received high ratings.

Not less successful was 2015. The actress appeared in the series "Farca", "Crossroads of Fate" and the artistic picture "Good boy". In the first project, Valery Lanskaya and Nino Cantaria became colleagues on the workshop. And in the second, the director of which is Oksana Karas, Mikhail Efremov, Konstantin Khabensky and Tatiana Doglev starred. Jeva Andreyev played in him a teacher.

Jea Andreey in the film

Another girl lit in the British project with Nicholas Holt "Kill your friends." Then followed a minor role in the Fantasy Indara Grandubaeva "He - Dragon".

Personal life

The artist plays perfectly on the guitar and piano. And Eva loves sports. In childhood she was engaged in gymnastics and figure skating. In adolescence, he was addicted to horseback riding. She dances perfectly, and not only the ballet, who gave 8 years in his youth, but also modern.

Andreevy owns several languages. In addition to the native Lithuanian and Russian, she knows German and English.

According to some reports, the actress lives in London, then in Moscow. Personal life of Jeva Andreyev is not the topic for which she willingly communicates. As far as is known, Eve has not yet acquired her husband.

Jeva Andreey in a swimsuit

In mid-2016, information appeared that the artist was in relations with Dmitry Litvinov, who was married to Oksana Akinshina. For the first time, the couple appeared in public at the party of The Hollywood Reporter, which was held in the Moscow International Film Festival in June 2016.

Thousands of fans in the Social School "Instagram" are observed for the life and creativity of the artist. The actress is divided with subscribers with personal and working photos, video.

Jeva Andreevy now

In 2018, the audience will see a favorite star at once in 6 projects.

In March, the girl appeared in one of the main roles in the comedy "weaving."

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The plot is built around a young man named Leopold Baranovsky. A wonderful jacket falls into the hands of the guy, in the pocket of which hundredth bills are not completed. Leo's life becomes bright and rich, while the real owners did not begin searching for the jacket.

Then the actress appeared in an interesting project called "This Scenario". This is a short film Sergey Znamensky, telling about the screenwriter, written by which embodies. But one day a young man is captured to his own character who came to revenge for his deceased wife.

Actress Jeva Andreevayte

Iev in Ribe got the role of his wife's wife.

Following in the filmography Actresses, another short picture "Everything is difficult" appeared. Colleagues on the site Andreevy Steel Chulpan Hamatova, Irina Star'shenbaum, Alyona Babenko and others.

Aeva will appear in the series "Mermaids". She will play the investigator of the local ATS RITY Tikhonov.

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In the plot in a small provincial town, the body of a woman is found. On suspicion, this is a sister Rita, missing 17 years ago. Tikhonov begins the investigation and faces strange circumstances, realizing that the surroundings of the girl keeps terrible secrets. And friends and relatives of Margarita are not those who are issued for.

In October 2018, the drama "Ashes in The Snow" is planned, where ion is involved in a secondary role. This film is a joint project of the United States and Lithuania.

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Together with Nikita Panfilov will see the audience Ievu in a detective "bullet".

According to the plot, Major Cyril Romanov receives a message from a person who is guilty of Mother's Mother's death. In the letter, the author reports that it is not involved in the death of the parent. Romanov decides to return to Moscow to meet a criminal personally and find out the details of what happened.


  • 2012 - "Wine Way"
  • 2013 - "Cold Dish"
  • 2013 - "Accident"
  • 2014 - "Startup"
  • 2014 - "Moscow never sleeps"
  • 2015 - "Farca"
  • 2015 - "Kill your friends"
  • 2015 - "He - Dragon"
  • 2016 - "Good boy"
  • 2017 - "Penalty"
  • 2017 - "Crossroads of Fate"
  • 2018 - "weaving"
  • 2018 - "Mermaids"
  • 2018 - "Ashes In The Snow"
  • 2018 - "bullet"

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