Ayla Fisher - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Ayla Lang Fisher - Australian film actress of Scottish origin, who remembered fans of world cinema to participate in films "marry the first counter", "illusion of deception", "Great Gatsby" and "Uninvited guests". In addition, in his youth, she published several children's books.

A girl in the Arab country Oman was born, and grew up in Australia. The fact is that the father of the future actress, Brian Fisher, was a financade for the United Nations and just at that moment was engaged in a banking structure in the mascat, the capital of this Asian country. A few months later, Fishera returned to Scotland, in the town of Batgate. The actress was named after one of the British islands. And later in the biography of Isil Fisher, the Australian city of Perth appears, where the family moved to a permanent place of residence.

At that time, Ayle was about six years old and today she gladly remembers his childhood in open spaces. The girl together with the four older brothers constantly went to long trips, studied and absorbed the beauty of nature. When Fisher was 9 years old, she was invited to local television to try their forces in television. She began to appear in commercials, and a little later in children's telepostas.

At the end of the female Methodist college, in which the girl paid more attention to the school theater studio, Isle leaves to Paris and enters the international theater school of Jacques. There she is studying a pantomime, clown and comedy art. The next point in the biography of Isil Fisher becomes London. The actress plays on the scene of the Royal Theater in the play "Everything is done" and tours with the musical "Summer Vacation".

Ayla Fisher

By the way, when Fisher was another 18-year-old girl, she, together with her mother, Elspet Reed wrote and published two novels for adolescents: "Disturbed" and "seduced by fame." Australian children have these books enjoyed success. Now Ayla Fisher and her whole family scattered around the world: Ayly's father alternately lives in Germany, then in Nicaragua, mother and brothers - in Greek Athens, and the actress itself has long settled in Los Angeles, closer to Hollywood film companies.


In a tender age, Ayla appeared in the Australian teenage television paintings "Bay City" and the "Paradisey Beach", and later Shannon Reed in the family saga "at home and on the way" played. For work on this series, young actress was awarded the "Logie" award in the "Miss Popularity" nomination. The first fame in Europe came to Fisher after entering the screens of the German horror movie "Pool" and the adventure comedy "Scoobi-Doo". In the last of them, the girl played an allergy on the dogs of Mary Jane. Since Ayly's character had to be a blonde, she was wigled on the set.

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A breakthrough in his career Fisher occurred after the MTV premium for participating in the light melodrama "Uninvited guests". In the tape, the girl appeared along with Owen Wilson, Vinus Von, Christopher Wacken, Rachel McAdams and other famous artists.

Thanks to this film, Ayla Fisher received another unusual award: the girl was invited to talk about the shooting in the talk show "Wanderer", where she turned out to be an anniversary thousandth guest and was crowned straight on the air.

Ayla Fisher in the film

After that, the actress gave the main roles in the romantic comedy "marry on the first counter", the melodrama "Yes, no, probably," the humorous series of "bachelors" and ironic picture "Shopaholik". It is interesting that initially critics adopted the "Shopogolik" is stressed cool, but the audience went to cinemas with pleasure, and the tape ranked fourth in a film distribution, and Ayla himself received for the role of Rebecca Bloomwood "Teen Chice".

In 2012, Fisher again tried himself as an actress of visualing. The girl's voice is talking to the dental fairy in the cartoon "Dream Keepers". A year before, she voiced Bobitt in the "Rago" carto, and in 2008, Dr. Mary Lu Lara in Horton Animation Ribbon.

Ayla Fisher in the film

The triller "illusion of deception" also had a great success, where Fisher worked in a pair with Jesse Aisenberg, and the horror film "Vision".

An important event in the film engineer actors happened in 2013. Ayla received one of the main roles in the Drama "Great Gatsby", filmmed by the novel Francis Scott Fitzgerald. She got a character named Myrtle Wilson. She became the on-screen mistress of Joel Edgeton. At the shooting area, Ayle managed to work with Leonardo di Caprio, Toby Maguire, Cary Mulling and others.

It is worth using such actresses such as the psychological drama "under the cover of the night" and the comedic fighter "Spies next door". The first film was awarded several prestigious premiums. Another tape received the Grand Prix of the Jury of the 73rd Film Festival in Venice.

The plot of the paintings unfolded around the woman Susan Morrow. She gets a manuscript from the former husband-writer along with the invitation to dinner. And, while the current spouse corrects business in business, it starts to read the novel dedicated to her. Ayla sawing with Ami Adams, Jake Gillanhol and others. An interesting fact: Isle Fisher is often confused with Amy Adams because of the external similarity of the actress.

In "spies next door", the artist played the screen wife Zack Galofianakis. Fun married couple was in the center of the spy conspiracy with subsequent incredible adventures.

A little before Ayla starred in the same film with his wife Sasha Baron Cohen called "Brothers from Grimsby".

In 2016, Fisher in the show "Today" shared that the creators of the comedy "Uninvited guests" plan to remove the continuation of the painting. However, the details of the expected project are unknown.

Personal life

In his youth, the actress met with the Australian colleague Shein Emmann, and later a little more than two years consisted of a romantic relationship with the British theater actor Darren Deem.

Sasha Baron Cohen and Ayla Fisher

In 2002, at a party, the girl met one of the best comedians of Great Britain, Sasha Baron Cohen, and since then, the personal life of Isil Fisher has changed in the root. They met for 8 years, and in March 2010 played a wedding. The marriage ceremony took place in the most romantic city of the world - in the French capital and was held on Jewish traditions.

Although Ayla itself to the Jewish people has no relation to the relationship, she at the insistence of the family of the future husband long before the wedding adopted Judaism. At that moment, she changed his name to a more traditional for her new culture - Ayala, that in Hebrew means "Lan".

Ayla Fisher with children

It is very difficult to imagine, but this elegant and attractive woman is a mother of three children. The first daughter named Olive, Ayla Fisher gave her beloved three years before the wedding, and the second Elulu Lotty Miriam was five months after the marriage ceremony. The youngest kid, the son of Montgomery Moses, was born in March 2015. And if you look at the filmography of Isil Fisher, it becomes clear that none of the pregnancies have become an obstacle for film directions.

Thousands of fans in the Instagram network are observed at the artist. The star of the screen is often divided with the fans of personal and sampling photos.

Ayla Fisher now

In June 2018, the comedy "you drive!" Goes to the screens, where the artist got one of the key roles.

The film will tell about five friends who every year from the first grade play a new version of the game "Cats-Mouse". Guys risk everyone: career, relationships, even life. But in the new year the game falls on the wedding of one of the friends, who has always turned out to be the winner. Wedding should make a light target from a young man, but the groom knows that players will come after him. And he is ready to join the fight.

In the status of post-production is a comedy "Beach slacker", where the favorite actress can again be seen in the main women's role. There Ayla collaborated with Matthew McConaja, sinup Dog, Zak Efron and others.

In addition, it is preparing for the shooting drama with Kian Rivz and Aylo Fisher "The Starling".

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An actress will still take off in the Comedy "Puzzle". She will perform the role of a girl who will send his young man an obscene letter. And then the main heroine learns that the guy is in a coma. She will have to go to the southern border in order to have time to intercept the ill-fated news, while the beloved did not come to himself.


  • 2001 - "Pool"
  • 2002 - "Scooby Du"
  • 2005 - "Uninvited guests"
  • 2007 - "I'm marrying on the first counter"
  • 2008 - "Yes, no, probably"
  • 2009 - "Shopogolik"
  • 2010 - "Hand-Feet for Love"
  • 2012 - "bachelors"
  • 2013 - "Illusion of deception"
  • 2013 - "Great Gatsby"
  • 2016 - "Brothers from Grimsby"
  • 2016 - "Under the cover of the night"
  • 2016 - "Spies next door"
  • 2018 - "You drive!"

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