Sophie Marso - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Sophie Daniel Silvi Mop, more famous for Sophie Marso, is one of the brightest stars of French cinematic Olympus. She was still a teenager gained wide fame due to the Dilogy "Boom", and later became a world celebrity as a performer of major roles in the paintings "Anna Karenina", "Marquise" and "Love with obstacles". In addition, this gifted woman was also realized as a singer, writer and film director.

Sophie Marso biography originates in 1966. She was born in the poor quarter of elegant Paris. Her father was the chauffeur Benoa Mop, and the mother - the saleswoman from a small private bevel Simon Morisse. Sophie became the second child in the family when the girl was 9 years old, her parents decided to divorce. Marso at school was not an exemplary and prospective student. She always Vitala in the clouds, constantly forgot to perform homework and, returning home from the lessons, immediately flew to walk to the street.

Understanding that the university scholarship of his daughter unequivocally shines, Mom decided to help her find another path. It was Simon who took Sophie to the modeling agency, where the girl learned not only to keep the posture, it is graceful to move on the podium and challenged to pose in front of the cameras, but also first encountered acting asams. And just in the model agency, 14-year-old Marso found scouts of the film "Boom". Soon the girl will be considered the most promising French ascendor.

Sophie Marso in his youth

In addition to the cinema, the actress Sophie Marso debuts on the theater scene. She played a major role in the play of Bernard Show "Pygmalion", and before that appeared in the play of Jean Anuu "Eurydika". For the role of the role in this modern interpretation of the myth of the Orfa, the girl received the main theater award of France "Moliere" as the most promising debutant.

In addition, Marso tried herself as singer. Back at the age of 15, she sang a duet with Composer Francois Valerie Hit "Dream In Blue", and after a couple of years later released the studio album "Certitude". Songs to him wrote the same authors who had previously worked with the young Vanessa paradise. Nevertheless, the record did not have any success, and from a financial point of view was a failure. More to musical creativity Sophie did not return.


When the leaders of the youth comedy "Boom" needed a young actress, they turned to a modeling agency. Dozens of girls came to the casting, but it was Sophie received the role of schoolgirl Vick Berettath. The title of the picture justified itself, and the audience in the cinemas all over the world arranged anchlage. No less ambitious success was waiting for the second part of Sophie Marceo "Boom 2" film. For the execution of this image, a beginner actress in 1982 was even awarded the honorary film "Cesar".

Sophie Marso in the film

At the age of 16, Marso was already filmed with Jean-Field Belmondo in the comedy "Merry Easter", with Catherine Denovev in the militant "Fort Sagan", with Gerard Depardieu in the Criminal Drama "Police", from Kario's checks in the island love film. And since these were not episodes, but the most important roles are, Sophie quickly turned into one of the most sought-after actresses of France.

Sophie Marso in the film

More adult roles were taken to her in the "Student" melodrama, the Military picture of "Shuana", the tragedy "My nights is more wonderful of your days," the comedy "Fanfan", the adventures of Daughter D'Artagnian. Most film operators noted that Marso is one of the most sensory actresses with whom they had to work.

In the mid-1990s, Sofi is first filmed in the Hollywood film. She was transformed into Princess Isabel in the historic militant chalk Gibson "Brave Heart". Immediately, the French star is invited to fulfill the main role in the filmization of Anna Karenina, and during the filming of the actress visited Russia. At the same time, she starred in a light comedy of "Marquis", the melodrame "Flame of Passion" and the Ironic Ribbon "Happy Lost".

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By the way, Sophie Marso enters the top three of the most "hot" girlfriends James Bond Superagent. The actress starred in the 19th film about a popular spy called "and the whole world is not enough." The picture saw the light in 1999. Sophie played the "villain" by the King Electra. Even despite the death of her heroine, her image was remembered for the audience to the audience Bondian.

Sophie Marso in the film

In the 20th century, the popularity of Sophie Marso's films does not fall. The actress starred in the mystical horror "Belfegore - the Ghost of the Louvre", the Military Drama "Women Agents", the romantic comedies "on the other side of the bed" and "Big Little I". From the latest projects, the actress vividly distinguished three melodramas with a romantic subtext: "Love with obstacles", "Meeting" and "Want or not?".

It is worth adding that Marso tried himself in the role of a film director. The debut was a short-drawing of love "Dawn inside out", and then a dramatic thriller appeared in the style of Noir "Missing in Deauville" and the melodrama "Tell me about love." For the last Sophie, I received a premium at the film festival in Montreal as director.

Personal life

Today, Sophie Marso admits that he regrets the early beginning of an intimate relationship with men. She is sure that this circumstance made her character wounded and hysterical. In addition, all its first fleeting novels, as a rule, endanted sadly. Improvements in the life of Sophie Marso occurred after her acquaintance with the Polish director Andrzej Zhulavsky. Despite the difference in 26 years, they fell in love with each other and wished them after some time. In this marriage, Sophie was born firstborn, son Vensen.

Sophie Marso and Andrzej Zhulawsky

During filming in the painting "Brave Heart" between Marso and Chalk Gibson, a sympathy arose, which led to the divorce of the actress with her husband. But no continued relationship with Gibson followed. And during work in St. Petersburg, Sophia met the producer of Jim Lemli, who became its second official spouse and the father of her daughter Juliet.

Sophie Marso and Jim Lemli

However, this union was not too long. Already in 2007, the French star began to meet, and then lived in a civil marriage with the famous "Highlander" Christopher Lambert. They met on the set of the film "Missing from Deauville" immediately after divorce Sophie with Lemli, and Christopher with actress Diane Lane. After five years of Society, Marso and Lambert officially registered relations. But in 2014 the couple publicly announced the cessation of marriage, while they remained close friends.

Christopher Lambert and Sophie Marso

In 2016, it became known that 50-year-old Sophie Marso personal life tied with the fashionable Paris chef Syril Lignak, who is the younger lover for 11 years. The age difference did not interfere with them all their free time spend each other in society. A couple constantly "caught" paparazzi on romantic dates. But soon, the French tabloids reported on the parting of lovers. But what caused this reason is still unknown.

The celebrity has a hobby. She loves to swim, and Sophie trained together with professional batches. Marso is also fascinated by painting and writes still lifes, landscapes and portraits of favorite writers. In addition, it was realized as a writer, releasing the autobiographical novel "Lgunya".

The bright appearance of the French star is used by some popular brands. Marso was the face of the cosmetic company "Guerlain", advertised the perfume "Champs-Elysees" and promoted the products of the jewelry house "Chaumet". As a public figure, Sophie is interested in environmental issues, although the tier protest was never once.

Sophie has a feature: she loves to walk barefoot. And not only at home across the carpets and parquet, but also in the Paris bridge, the more repeatedly shocked the public. She also prefers without shoes to get behind the car's wheel. Marso went around and during a visit to the St. Petersburg home of scientists. So, according to her, she better feels the surrounding atmosphere.

Sophie Marso now

The actress is still filming the cinema. Despite the elder age, Marso is not shy to appear in the frame naked. In 2015, she starred in the "Prison Ptashchi" picture, where her heroine appeared before the public "What Mother gave birth." Naked Sophie Marso, to her honor, looks no worse than her "young" works. For many years, she has been adhered to vegetarianism, leads a healthy lifestyle, performs a charging regularly. Actress in excellent physical shape, her tightened figure and slender legs will envy many young girls.

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In 2017, Sophie Marso began to shoot his fourth film, where she occupies the director's chair. In 2018, the actress will present the picture of the spectators a picture of Mrs. Mills, in which she will fulfill the main role. Her parter on the set was inimitable Pierre Richard.

In "Instagram" new photos from the filming regularly appear. Also, the actress often lays out its own photos without makeup. It is generally her "chip", even on the red carpet, it prefers to use only lip gloss and eye pencil.

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At the moment Sophie lives in a private house in the suburb of Paris. If earlier she loved to travel, now she likes to mess around in the garden and walk in the forest nearby to the house. Children grew up: Son Vincent left to study in England, Juliet's daughter is still with his mother. By the way, a girl in character is a poured mother, a ripper and fidget.

Does the actress with someone today are unknown. She said more than once that he did not want to be lonely, that she dreams to divide the life to the end with her man. Therefore, perhaps, Sophie fans will find out about her new lover. In the last year, Marso and his head went to work on his new film. There were no time about the "amur" affairs. The actress is well characterized by her quotation:

"Life is beautiful when you do it yourself."


  • 1980 - "Boom"
  • 1989 - "My nights are more wonderful of your days"
  • 1995 - "For the clouds"
  • 1995 - "Brave Heart"
  • 1997 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2000 - "loyalty"
  • 2001 - "Belindhegor - Ghost of Louvre"
  • 2008 - "On the other side of the bed"
  • 2010 - "Big Little I"
  • 2012 - "Love with obstacles"
  • 2014 - "Do you want or not?"
  • 2014 - "One Meeting"
  • 2015 - "Prison Pttashchi"
  • 2015 - "History of the Soul"
  • 2018 - Mrs. Mills

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