Marina Mexico - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Dom-2 2021



Marina Cherkasova, which fans of television reality shows are more famous under the pseudonym Marina Mexico, - the Russian model, dancer and participant of the Dom-2 scandalous TV project on the TNT channel.

Model and dancer Marina Mexico

Marina Cherkasova was born in the city of Rostov-on-Don on January 4, 1995, although some sources indicate the beginning of the biography of Marina Mexico for three years earlier. Back in school years, the girl was fascinated by dancing, especially modern and club. Also Marina was engaged in the studio at one of the model agencies.

Marina Mexico before and after plastic

Later, the girl tried herself as a model, participating in photo shoots and demonstrating outfits on the podium. In addition, Cherkasova was filmed in music video clips and commercials for local television.

In 2016, Marina Mexico moves to the capital of Russia and is arranged to work in the popular Moscow nightclub Soho Rooms, where the frank and crown style of GOU is danced. By the way, the pseudonym "Mexico" first sounded in the nightclub for the first time, and on the TV project "Dom-2" Marina Cherkasova initially appeared under this new name.

"House 2"

On the air of the popular and scandalous show "Dom-2" Marina Mexico hit at the end of August 2016. It is noteworthy that the girl has nothing to do with Andrei Cherkasov to the project participant, they simply have identical names. In the youth reality show, Marina could build a relationship with only one of two bachelors - Alexander Zadubov or Ivan Barzicov.

Marina Mexico and Alexander Zadubov

Initially, Mexico condemned Zadebnov for the fact that he is on the TV show, since he has children around the perimeter. But later, it was with him that the girl began a romantic relationship. Despite the permanent quarrels, the couple sustained the trials on the way to the cherished million. At the end of the year, Marina with Sasha became finalists, giving the championship only Ivan Barzikov and Irina Pinchuk.

In the show "Dom-2", Marina Mexico stayed for two months, after which he left the program. By the way, she was a participant not a "standard" perimeter, but tried to find feelings in a kind of branch - "Island of Love", her shooting platform was in the Seychelles.

After the departure, Marina Cherkasova did not disappear from the field of view of the fans of this popular reality show. The girl began to lead a news blog about the remaining participants. Fans "House-2" believe that the girl does it interesting and tastefully. On the "Polyana" friends of Marina Mexico were Alice Gorodov and Oleg Burkhanov.

Personal life

Personal life Marina Mexico is shutched by mystery. It is known that even before arriving at Moscow, the dancer was in a serious relationship with Musician Oleg Mescheko, the creator of the 2x RND TV project, which music lovers also know under the name ME2X. By the way, for the sake of conceaving with the nickname beloved Marina Cherkasov and took himself a pseudonym Mexico. Some sources on the Internet claim that the novel of the girl with Oleg has never stopped, although joint photos from their pages in social networks they barely removed.

Oleg Mescheko and Marina Mexico

The participant "House-2" adores tattoo and piercing and made them on their body in large quantities. In addition, Marina Cherkasova resorted to plastic. The girl has changed the shape of the nose, lips, chest, so today the appearance of the girl at least like it, but it is much different from the appearance that she possessed a couple more years ago.

Marina Mexico does not hide hobbies with cosmetology procedures and plastic operations. In the Cosmetologist's office, Marina regularly makes photos and videos during medical manipulations and lay out them for everyone to review.

Marina Mexico now

After final leaving the Marina project was not lost on the expanses of the Russian show business. The girl took an invitation from the creators of the Male / Women's program, which Alexander Gordon and Julia Baranovskaya led at that time. On the set of one release, Marina Mexico took the expert place.

With the name of Marina Mexico, a scandal was connected with the exposure of the genus of her activities. Open access hit the personal correspondence of Marina with the mediator of escort services. The news that Mexico is an escair, unpleasantly surprised her fans. But Marina itself denied the charge.

Sasha Kabaeva and Marina Mexico

In 2017, Marina participated in the creation of video clips Sasha Kabaeva "Happy Caban". Judging by the numerous rollers, the girls have long been friends and support each other, as evidenced by touching joint photos in "Instagram" of each of them.

In early March 2018, Marina Mexico participated in the shooting of the video of Alexey Vorobyov on the track "I want love." According to the story of the video, Marina Mexico with other dancers appeared in almost naked cameras, in lace underwear, once again demonstrating the perfect figure. Solva attributes to the girl height 170-172 cm and weight within 55 kg.

Yaiks and Marina Mexico

Marina does not forget about his personal life. In 2017, Rapper Yaiks became a guy Mexico. Five months, the girl hid the name of the beloved, and in the autumn fans of "House-2" his name was known. But at the beginning of 2018, information about the separation of young people appeared on the official website of telestroy. Marina and Yaiks, each on his page in "Instagram", posted a farewell joint photo with an unequivocal signature.

After parting, Marina Mexico did not stand in the disorder, but it was engaged in changing the image and already in the spring appeared before fans of a blonde with an extensive empathy hair. Now Marina is thinking about returning to the "Dom-2" program, but until the final decision has not adopted.

Marina Mexico

A surprise for Follovover Marina Mexico became the news that the girl froze his own female cells so that in case of the impossibility of becoming pregnant and give birth to a child, not to remain childless. The fans were surprised by such a young girl act, but they suggested that it was advertising a reproduction clinic.

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