Kirill Emelyanov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kirill Emelyanov is a Russian actor, TV presenter, whose film origin began in childhood with participation in "URAHAH" and from the lead role in the movie "Bolshe". Later, the young man was approved on the main role in the popular TV series "Cadet."

Kirill Leonidovich Emelyanov was born in Moscow in April 1991. He grew up in the acting family, so love for his profession, which is called, in the blood. The "backstage" childhood and regular visit - starting from 3 years of age - the theater did their job: any other profession, except a hypocrisy, did not dream of a boy.

Actor Kirill Emelyanov

Walking every weekend to performances became for Kirill Emelyanov habit. The boy even had a "theatrical" shirt, in which he traditionally died before the premiere.

Soon, Emelyanov could boast not only an excellent knowledge of the repertoire of metropolitan theaters, but also his own acting talent: the boy laughed his relatives and friends, perfectly parody Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Parents and friends have already become clear that the guy goes in the right direction - in the theater institute.

Cyril Emelyanov in childhood

Characteristic appearance and undoubted abilities for hystage were the reason why Cyril Emelyanov and several guys from his school chose the agents of the Yelash. So the boy first appeared on the screen in 2003-2004. He starred in four releases of children's humorous almanac and finally made sure that the goal was correct.

Parents noticed the first significant successes of the Son and transferred it to a special school with a theatrical bias. True, Kirill did not stay here for a long time. According to some information, he was deducted for hooliganism. But it is unlikely that it strongly upset the young actor, because at that time he was invited to film. Therefore, Kirill's educational institution graduated from external.

Kirill Emelyanov B.

After presenting the certificate of maturity, the guy, as planned, went to go to Gitis. And, of course, came from the first attempt. He was enrolled on the course to the mentor Joseph Rayhlegowu. In addition to him, Albert Filozov and Mikhail Alie Hussein were taught as acting skills.

In 2011, the young actor received a diploma of the famous university and went to conquer the peaks of theatrical and cinema. He was taken to the theater "School of Modern Play".


Cinematic biography of Cyril Emelyanova after work in "Uralsha" rapidly developed further. At the age of 15, when the young man was still a student of the Metropolitan Theater School No. 123, he was taken in the full-length drama of the "bastards". Director Alexander Atanesyan identified a guy for a negative role - a young recidivist named the knock. A picture of the tragic fate of adolescents, of which during the Great Patriotic War, a squad of suicide bombers was made, received huge resonance and ambiguous responses. But undoubted was that young artists, including Emelyanov, played brilliantly.

Kirill Emelyanov in the film

In this military drama, the novice artist noticed the director Vyacheslav Morgunov, who was preparing to shoot the series "Cadet". He chose from the "bastards" of two actors who seemed to him the most appropriate for the role of cadets. This is Alexander Golovin and Kirill Emelyanov.

Cyril again got a negative role. His Suvoriets Lesha Cheesenikov - Stukach, who likes to make small and not such innocuous meanness to his comrades. In the life of Kirill, quite different than in the "Cadet", therefore, in order to play a ricar of realistically, he had to look pretty much to surround.

Kirill Emelyanov in the series

And the artists of the series have talked a lot with the real Suvorians who have told them many stories from their lives. Hero Emelyanova turned out to be very "alive" and realistic. Despite a negative role, Kirill had a whole army of fans. It was the first loud glory when the autograph was approached to him on the street and found out in public transport.

When Muscovite came to Gitis, in his piggy bank, there was already a joint work with the stars of Russian cinema Andrei Panin, Andrei Krasko, Alexander Porokhovechikov, Vladimir Glovier and Valery Barinov.

Kirill Emelyanov in the series

The huge success of the "Cadet" pushed his creators to remove the continuation called "Kremlin cadets." Lesha Cheesenikov appeared here again. But the continuation was not so popular as the first series.

During the student, Cyril Emelyanov continued to be removed. The young man appeared in the TV series "Victory Wind", "Ceremc-3" and "Investigative Committee". The project "Pyatnitsky" artist got the role of Nelidov. In the medical drama "Country 03" Actor played the Ambulance Ambulance Cyril Vasilenko. In the film, Igor Livanov, Alexey Faddeev, Alla Podtofarova. The young artist also lit up in the Russian adaptation of the American series "Bones", appearing in one of the episodes in the role of student Vgika.

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In 2013, a foreign project appeared in the actor filmography. Emelyanov played the hero of Marek in the drama Robin Campiyo "Boys from the East." The film, which also starred Olivier Ravadden and Daniel Vorobiev, was shown at the Venice Festival and received the Horizon Prize.

In 2014, the melodrama "View from Eternity" came out with the participation of Emelyanov on television screens. In the center of events - the girl of Luba, who comes true about the wedding with Rodion. But the heart of the groom belongs to another. Starina Syzkina, Cyril Zaporizhia, Julia Parkshuta starred starring. Cyril got the role of the second plan.

An iconic project of the year for the young artist was the role of the cadet of the artillery school of Kolya Shapovalov in the military drama "Goodbye, boys." Hero Emelyanova and his friends had a chance to participate in the battle for Moscow. Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Maria Shukshin, Nelly Pshinny appeared in the film.

Kirill Emelyanov in the film

Soon, with the participation of Kirill Emelyanov, the crime series "Another Major Sokolov", the detective "Three Stars", Melodrama "Argentina" came to the screens. In the family series "Grandfather Mazaev and Zaitsev", the actor fulfilled the role of a young father of the family, and in the comedy "As I became Russian", Kirill reincarnated in telecomprove. Among the rating projects in the repertoire of Emelyanov, the sixth season of the series "Eighties", in which Kirill depicted a hero on the last name Petrov.

I tried the artist my strength and as a TV presenter. At one time, Emelyanov led the program "STS lights superstar".

Kirill Emelyanov in the theater

Cyril Ymelyanov's filmmakes alternate with roles on theatrical stage. In its theater, the artist played in the play "Field", "Star disease", "Anton Chekhov. Seagull, "Harmful Tips", "Babi House" and "Gamers".

Personal life

At one time, the name of the young actor was associated with the name Kati Gordon. They rumor, they had a novel, although Katya him denies it. In one of the comments to journalists, she stated that Kirill had an unrequited love towards her, but on her part only friendly feelings were to a minor artist.

Whatever it was, but the relationship with Gordon has long been behind. In the personal life of Cyril Emelyanov, another girl appeared. The artist met the colleague Ekaterina Director, who met with actor Artur Smolyaninov. After the end of this student novel, Katya met for some time with the entrepreneur Dmitry Solovyov, who is older than 16 years old. But family happiness came to Kirill and Kat only when they met.

Cyril Emelyanov with family

Cyril Emelyanov with the wife of Katya have already become happy parents twice. They have two sons - Stepan and Vasily. Boys were born in 2011 and 2013. The artist claims that children are the meaning of his life. Cyril is trying to spend as much time with them.

In 2016, Cyril and Katya announced a divorce. In the same year, Joint images with Alena Vodonaeva began to appear in the "Instagram" of Kirill Emelyanov. Similar photos Girl placed in their account. After the media appeared in the media about the love relationship between Cyril and Alena, young people deleted photos from their pages. And the official representative of the artist assured journalists that Emelyanov and Vodonaev binds only friendship.

In September 2018, Kirill and Catherine were in the studio of the program "Let them say", where they led them to complex relations. According to Kati, the former spouse is not interested in children and does not help them financially. In the turn, Emelyanov said that he did not trust the new beloved Ekaterina his children.

Kirill Emelyanov Now

Now Cyril Yemelyanov is a major time with the game on the theater site, but it does not forget about the film. Thus, in 2017, a detective comedy "Secretary" with Ksenia Lavova-Glock was published with the actor on the screens. And for 2018 it is planned to issue a criminal drama "Clerk". The main roles in the picture about the ideal robbery were distributed between the Arseny Robak, Ingrid Olinskaya and Jamal Tetrouashvili. Cyril Emelyanov will appear in the film in the secondary acting.


  • 2006 - "Babes"
  • 2006-07 - "Cadet"
  • 2009 - "Victory Wind, Clear Day"
  • 2009-10 - "Kremlin cadets"
  • 2011 - "Pyatnitsky"
  • 2013 - "Personal life of the investigator Savelyev"
  • 2013 - "Boys from the East"
  • 2014 - "Goodbye, boys"
  • 2014 - "Three Stars"
  • 2015 - "How I became Russian"
  • 2016 - "Eighties-6"
  • 2017 - "Secretary"
  • 2018 - "Clerk"

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