Valentin Rasputin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Death, Books and Latest News



Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin is one of the few Russian writers for whom Russia is not just a geographical location where he was born, but his homeland in the highest and most filled sense of the word. He is also called the "singer of the village", the cradles and souls of Russia.

Childhood and youth

The future prose was born in the Siberian outback - the village of Ust-Ud. Here, on the taiga shore of a mighty hangary, Valentin Rasputin grew and man. When the son turned 2 years old, the parents moved to live in the village of Atalanka.

Writer Valentin Rasputin

Here, in a picturesque priangary, the family nest of his father is located. The beauty of the Siberian nature, seen by Valentin in the first years of his life, so struck him that it became an integral part of each piece of Rasputin.

The boy was surprisingly intelligent and inquisitive. He read everything that came across in his hands: scraps of newspapers, magazines, books that could be freed in the library or in houses fellow villagers.

After returning from the front of the Father in the life of the family, as it seemed, everything was improved. Mom worked in Sberkasse, Father, Frontovik Hero, became the head of the post office. The trouble came from there, from where no one was waiting for her.

Valentin Rasputin in youth

On the steamer, Grigory Rasputin stole a bag with tresente money. The head was tried and sent to serve a term of Kolyma. Three children remained at the care of the mother. For the family began harsh, halfland years.

Looking for Valentina Rasputin had to be in the village of Ust-Ust-Ust, in twilight kilometers from the village where he lived. In Atalant, there was only an elementary school. In the future, the writer displaced his life of this complex period in a wonderful and surprisingly truthful story of "French Lessons".

Valentin Rasputin

Despite the difficulties, the guy studied well. He received a certificate with honors and easily entered the University of Irkutsk, choosing the Faculty of Philology. There Valentin Rasputin faded with remark, Hemingway and Proust.

Student years were surprisingly saturated and difficult. The guy tried not only to brilliantly learn, but also help the family, mom. He worked, where he could only. It was then that Rasputin began writing. At first it was notes in the youth newspaper.


The state of the Irkutsk newspaper "Soviet youth" of a novice journalist was adopted before the diploma defense. Here, the creative biography of Valentina Rasputin began. And let the genre of journalism not very fit the classic literature, but helped acquire the necessary life experience and "fill the hand" in writing.

Writer Valentin Rasputin

And in 1962 Valentin Grigorievich moved to Krasnoyarsk. His authority and journalistic skill grew so much that he was now trusted to write about such large-scale events as the construction of the Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plants, a strategically important railway line Abakan Taishet.

But the framework of newspaper publications became too narrow to describe the impressions and events obtained in numerous business trips in Siberia. So the story appeared "I forgot to ask Lotschka." It was a literary debut of a young prose, let a somewhat imperfect in shape, but surprisingly sincere and piercing in essence.

Valentin Rasputin

Soon, the first literary essays of young prozaik began published in Almanane. Later they entered the first book of Rasputin "Edge near the sky."

Among the first stories of the writer - "Vasily and Vasilisa", "Rudolfio" and "Meeting". With these works, he went to Chita, at the meeting of young writers. Among the managers there were such talented proses, like Viktor Astafiev, Antonina Koptyaeva and Vladimir Chilivihin.

Valentin Rasputin in the village

It was he, Vladimir Alekseevich Chilivihin, and became the "shameful father" of a novice writer. With his light hand, Valentina Rasputin's stories appeared in the "light" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". These first works are then few of the famous prose from Siberia read millions of Soviet readers.

Rasputin's name becomes recognizable. He appears a lot of talent admirers, which are looking forward to new creations from the Siberian nugget.

Valentin Rasputin

In 1967, the story of Rasputin "Vasily and Vasilisa" appeared in the popular weekly "Literary Russia". This is an early work of the Prosaika can be called the Tamper of his further creativity. The "Rasputy" style was already visible here, his ability is concisely and at the same time surprisingly deeply disclose the character of heroes.

Here the most important detail and the permanent "hero" of all works Valentina Grigorievich - nature appears. But the main thing in all its writings - both early, and later is the power of the Russian spirit, Slavic character.

Valentin Rasputin on Baikal with foreign writers

In the same turning distance of 1967, the first story of Rasputin "Money for Mary" was published, after the publication of which he was accepted into the Union of Writers. Glory and fame came immediately. Everything spoke about the new talented and original author. An extremely demanding prosaika puts the final point on journalism and from now on devotes themselves to writing.

In the 1970s, the second tale of Valentina Rasputina "Last term" was published in the popular "Tolstoy" magazine "Our contemporary", which brought him worldwide fame and was transferred to dozens of languages. Many called this work "Kostrom, near which you can warm the soul."

Portrait of Valentina Rasputin

The story of the mother, about humanity, about the strugnures of many phenomena, which seem the main in the lives of a modern urban person. About the sources that need to be returned to not lose human essence.

After 6 years, the fundamental story was published, which many consider the visiting card of the prose. This is a work "Farewell to Mattera". It tells him about the village, which soon should be flooded with water due to the construction of a large hydroelectric station.

Writer Valentin Rasputin

Valentin Rasputin narrates about the piercing mountain and an inevener longing, which is tested by indigenous people, old men, saying goodbye to the ground and a dilaf village, where familiar and to the pain of each bodily, every deck on the hodge. There is no accusation, exemptions and angry calls. Just quiet bitterness of people who wanted to live their century where their umbilical cords buried.

Proser's colleagues and readers find in the works of Valentina Rasputin to continue the best traditions of Russian classics. We can say about all the writer's writer in one phrase: "Here is a Russian spirit, here Russia smells." The main phenomena that he refuses with all the power and uncompromising is the separation of the roots of Ivanov, kinship without remembering. "

Valentin Rasputin

The iconic was for the writer of 1977. For the story "Live and Remember" awarded the State Prize of the USSR. This is a work about humanity and that tragedy, which the Great Patriotic War brought. On broken lives and strength of Russian character, love and suffering.

Valentin Rasputin dared to talk about things that many of his colleagues tried to care gently side. For example, the main character of the story "Live and Remember" is Nasta, like all Soviet women, held a beloved husband to the front. After the third injury, he barely survived.

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Survive, then survived, but broke and deserted, realizing that until the end of the war he was unlikely to live if he fell back to the forefront. The unfolded drama, skillfully described by Rasputin, is amazing. The writer makes think about the fact that life is not black and white, in it millions of shades.

Years of perestroika and rampage Valentin Grigorievich is experiencing extremely difficult. He is alien to new "liberal values", which lead to a rupture with roots and the destruction of everything that is so expensive. This is his story "in the hospital" and "fire".

Valentin Rasputin

"When walking to the power", as Rasputin calls his election to the deputies of the Parliament and work in the Presidential Council under Mikhail Gorbachev, according to him, "I did not end" and was in vain. After the election to listen to him, no one thought.

Valentin Rasputin spent a lot of strength and time to defend Baikal, fought with hated liberals. In the summer of 2010, he is elected by a member of the Patriarchal Council on Culture from the Russian Orthodox Church.

Valentin Rasputin and Vladimir Putin

And in 2012, Valentin Grigorievich stands for the criminal prosecution of feminists from Pussy Riot and responds sharply about colleagues and cultural figures, which were supported by the "dirty ritual crime."

In the spring of 2014, a well-known writer has put his signature under the appeal of the Russian Writers' Union, addressed to the President and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which expresses support for the actions of Russia against Crimea and Ukraine.

Personal life

For many decades near the master was his faithful muse - wife Svetlana. She is the daughter of the writer Ivan Molchanova-Siberian, was a real companion and the like-minded man of his talented husband. Personal life Valentina Rasputin with this wonderful woman has developed happily.

Valentin Rasputin with his wife and daughter Maria

This happiness lasted until the summer of 2006, when their daughter Mary, teacher of the Moscow Conservatory, musicologist and a talented organist died in an airbus catastrophe in the Irkutsk airport. The spouses have survived this grief together, which could not but affect their health.

Svetlana Rasputina died in 2012. From this point on, the writer was held in the world Son Sergey and granddaughter Antonina.


Valentin Grigorievich survived his spouse for only 3 years. A few days before the death, he was in a coma. Not a writer on March 14, 2015. Moscow time he did not survive until the 78th day of birth 4 hours.

Valentina Rasputin's grave

But in the time of the place where he was born, death came on his birthday, which in Siberia is considered a real day of the death of a great countryman.

Buried the writer on the territory of the Irkutsk Znamensky Monastery. More than 15 thousand countrymen came to say goodbye. On the eve of the funeral of Valentina Rasputin in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior committed the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

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