Amiran Sardarov - biography, personal life, photos, news, books, "instagram", Yutiub-Channel, nationality 2021



Amiran Sardarov is a Russian video unit, the creator of the popular Yutube-channel "Diary Khacha". It is also widely known as a writer of books in the genre of psychology of the personality, which expresses its own point of view.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Amiran Sardarova began on August 19, 1986 in Moscow. But he spent his childhood at the homeland of the ancestors - in the Caucasus. Sardarov by nationality is Kurd.

According to the blogger, he graduated from "three classes of church school", and then moved to home learning. Some users suspect that the cause of this was the national question.

In his youth, Sardarov moved to Moscow, where, in his opinion, it was much easier to earn money. And to enrich yourself - the main task of amyran, which he never hid. The young man found a commercial veil and opened an advertising agency. As a result, he began to promote the masses of both private brands and large outlets.


One of the most profitable projects in the biography of Amiran Sardarov was a blog entitled "Diary Khacha". The guy began shooting entertainment videos and lay out on his own channel in Youtube. In these mini-films, the audience see how the author is having fun with friends, visits the parks, restaurants, drives on the car - in general, everyday life, but at an unusual view of Sardarov.

Sometimes an amyran in a video block shows a social experiment: tests people in order to find out what they are ready to go for money. For example, the author of the rollers offers girls to kiss him, expune or burn a piece of paper.

In some video, Sardarov appear Popular media: Participant of "Voice" Oleg Krivikov on nicknamed Miami, entrepreneur Oleg Tinky, Politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Journalist Aram Gabrelyanov, Football player's wife Alana Mamaeva, MMA Ali Bagutin and others. The last blogger took an extensive interview and raised far from comic questions regarding the political and social life of the country.

The amioran admirers and his regular viewers have long noticed that Sardarov loves fashionable clothes from famous brands, wears an elite clock on her hand, drives in luxury cars and often visits expensive restaurants. Luxurious life has become part of the image of the video block manager, which also works to increase the number of channel subscribers.

It is noteworthy that even more than the video block is popular with the public of the book Amiran Sardarov. In them, the author is not shy in expressions and resorts to very common expressions. Even an amyran is ironicly calling "Khachom", "Mavel" and "Animal". The writer painted his creativity with "harsh realism" and believes that it is annoying illusions.

The most popular Book of Amiran Sardarova "A man is always right", in which the author teaches young men, how to behave with women to charm and seduce them. Another bestseller became "life with head: the end of illusions", already withstood the reprint. In it, Amira introduces the idea that time should be spent only on such classes that bring a person a pleasure. And the most complex his printed work of Sardarov considers the book "Freebie No: the beginning of the path", in which he tells his own method of doing business with an eye success in life.

Sardarov tried himself as an actor. He starred in the comedy "Trees-5", where he participated in the scene with popular video clrokenes.

Large changes in 2017 underwent the project of Amian "Diary Khacha". From him there was a permanent member Max Ax (Maxim Shcherbakov). The young man was filmed in the rollers about the robbery of collectors in Thailand, injection of people alive in the earthen hole. In Moscow, he distinguished himself that in the winter appeared on the street without clothes, chairs ran into the metro train, and also participated in sporting contests. Amira Sardarov broke up with Maxim because of his non-fulfillment of agreements. Then the project left Oleg Miami. According to the singer, he did it because of the contract with Max Fadeev's label.

The popularity of Amioran Sardarova attracted the attention of the producers of the TNT channel. He participated in the "Comedy Club" as a guest and appeared in the humorous show "Where is the logic?". Together with Dmitry Skin, blogger spoke out against the natives of Perm Zoe Berber and Oleg Vereshchagin.

The next project of the blogger - the show "Battle of Haip", which is dedicated to the MMA. In its framework passed spectacular battles in octave. The winner was not the participant who won the actual victory over the opponent, but the one who behaved most effectively. But "Battle for Haip" did not exist for a long time. Due to the financial problems arising during Coronavirus, Amiran was forced to close it.

Personal life

Amian has a very rich personal life. Romantic adheres of blogger began when he was only 15 years old. Amiran early began to attract the attention of girls, as he was distinguished by sports physique. Now, with a height of 185 cm, the weight of Sardarov does not exceed 80 kg.

The blogger does not hide that he resorted to the services of girls of easy behavior. Nevertheless, the first feeling overtook an amyran at 18. But young people quickly parted, because they did not learn to find a common language with each other.

Starting an online project, Sardarov has been extended. He had a permanent girl Shmakov Catherine, a charming blonde from the Moscow region, who worked as a DJ. Shared photos Amiran laid out on social networking pages.

However, in 2016, the graduate of the law faculty of Moscow State Unitary Enjoy of the Law Faculty of the State Faculty of Amiraan took possession of Amiran. Young people met in the nightclub. Blogger cared for a long time for the girl, but she was adamant. The candidate bakery period lasted a month, after which Alina moved to live to the beloved. For half a year between lovers, Idilly reigned, while Izmailov did not know the details of the treason of Amian. He made a mistake even at the beginning of their romantic relationship. The girl will not think that, brought together things and left Sardarov's house. First of all, she went with her friend in Maldives. The blogger did not lose hope to return the beloved, regularly releasing the rollers on her own channel dedicated to her. Help Amiran and his friends who even launched Hesteg # anilliven. But Izmailov turned out to be adamant.

Sardarov calls Alina the greatest love in life, but it did not prevent the blogger shortly after parting to comfort with the fitness model Anastasia Tukmacheva (Tukituk) and the Anna Yermolaeva model. Both novels turned out to be speedy.

Failures in personal life Amiran shared from the pages of the video channel. Blider even attended a psychologist about this. The video session he posted on the review to subscribers. In the end, Sardarov came to the conclusion that the relationship always end, as a man and a woman becomes uninteresting with each other.

In early 2018, Amiran Sardarova had a new girl Vlad Yurkov. She comes from Belarus, but most of the time lives abroad, as it cooperates with the model agency Fashion Models. Young people met in Los Angeles, where Vlad was filmed for the American edition of Maxim. AMIRAN presented a new passion in the Instagram account and asked for subscribers to leave only benevolent comments. Together, lovers were at the wedding of a long-time blogger - football player Dmitry Tarasova. But this novel ended.

Amiran supports good relationships with many stars. Among them and singer Ziver. Once the artist gave a free concert in the subway at the Kurskaya station. Blider came to support her. Together with a friend Alexander Tarasov (rapper T-Killah), Amira released a joint clip "This is normal." And in the company Egor Crea, he went to Avtouris in Europe after receiving Russian citizenship.

In 2020, Amira Sardarov went to the United States and now removes an apartment in Los Angele. If in Russia he felt a wealthy man, then in America he feels "bezze". Only real estate rental costs 400 thousand rubles.

On the decision to move to live abroad influenced coronavirus and self-insulation. "I realized that I am getting devastated, losing my meaning in life. Every time he came here, children's emotions appeared, her eyes burned, life was filled with paints, "Amiran shared emotions.

In the US, the blogger managed to arrange his personal life. Almost a month after the move, he began to meet with Maryam Tillyaeva. She is the daughter of the younger heiress of the late President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov Lolly Karimova and the Gulnara Karimova niece, which is in prison.

In April 2021, it became known that the blogger married Maryam. The wedding took place in Las Vegas.

Amiran Sardarov now

In connection with the move to the US, the blogger has created a new American Yutiub-Channel, as well as its own brand platform. The English version of the famous show "Society" called Stone Faces is on it. His participants will take each other slapped until someone becomes bad. Thus, the winner is determined. His brainchild of Sardarov dotted personal Netflix in America.

In 2021, Amiran also continues to conduct business activities. In Russia, new points "Shauram X @ Chu" open.


  • "Money solve everything"
  • "Diary Khacha"
  • "This is normal"
  • "The Brothers"
  • "Monkeys"

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