Neo (matrix) - photo, image, actors, film, kiana Rivz, Trinity, Morpheus


Character History

An invincible neo - the next hero of fantasy on the theme of the illusion of the world, to which fiction and film director appeared with enviable regularity. The authors of the character - the scripts and director of the Trilogy "Matrix" Brothers Vachovski - endowed the guy in inhuman abilities.

History of character creation

The path of the Vachovsky brothers to creating a cult film was debt and a thorny. I had to prove to producers that such a large-scale picture was under force. Vachovski from early childhood loved movies, in parallel, progressing time for drawing comics and desktop role-playing in the genre of Fantasy Dungeons & Dragons.

It was the game that contributed to the development of the turbulent young fantasy - because they had to invent a fantastic universe, populated characters of various masters.

The authors of the idea immediately after entering the picture on the screens, accused of plagiarism. Misseling moments and details, as well as the meaning of the film, echoes with other literary works and cinema work. Before Vachovski on the theme of virtual reality, programs and machines with intelligence did not think only lazy.

The opportunity to leave the illusory world with the help of a tablet is the heroes of the picture "Recall All", "blind" inhabitants of virtual reality described Stanislav Lem. The Master of Time Lords appeared in 1976 in the TV series "Doctor Who", and the matrix as the name of cyberspace and the prototype Trinity can be traced in the novel by William Gibson "Neuromant".

With the idea of ​​favorites I will introduce the anti-astope painting "Show Truman". And most of the ideas are borrowed from the film "Peace on the Wire", according to connoisseurs of cinema and critics, for example, travel between worlds through a telephone tube.

The plot of the film is based on the idea that the world around us is only an illusion created by reserves, and people serve them as a source of energy and do not even know about what is happening.

But among the "Sleeping" there is a resistance team free from the matrix, which believes in the existence of the Favorites, which will be able to end the arbitrariness of artificial intelligence. Events Vachovski entered into a filmmaker: "Matrix" (1999), "Matrix: Reboot" (2003), "Matrix: Revolution" (2003).

Biography and image neo

The difficult role of the favorite gets the programmer Thomas Anderson (real name of the hero). It is only known about his biography that he is working in a computer company during the day, and at night it becomes a hacker neo. The nature of the office employee does not give out of the chosen one in it, rather, the hero is afraid of any changes in life.

Once he receives an anonymous message that he is completely "stuck in the matrix", and the offer to learn the details. Fate reduces the hero with a strange girl in glasses - Trinity. Through it, he goes to one of the resistance team - the captain of the ship "Nebuchadnezzar" Morfus.

At the same time, the "Programs", who are guarding about the order, are attacked by the Neo Track. Under the leadership of the Smith agent, they meet with a young man and offer cooperation, but they receive a refusal. Then neo with the "screening mouth" are implanted with bugs, and the hero falls under special control.

Morpheus gives a hacker two pills, setting in front of the choice: blue will help forget all the events and the idea of ​​the matrix, and the red will allow you to learn the truth. Neo chooses the second option and wakes up, enclosed with wires - this is how his life passed. It is time to disconnect from the program and challenge the machines.

Neo easily dodges from bullets, jumps over long distances and even flies with supersonic speed. Also the Savior of the world from the arbitrariness of artificial intelligence is an excellent telepath and knows how to see the future.

Neo in films

The appearance of the main character The authors did not detail that he gave freedom in choosing an actor. Duet Vachovski, of course, I wanted to see the famous person in the picture. Therefore, they offered the role of Brad Pitt, to that Cruz, Walo Kilmera and even Leonardo di Caprio. But they received a refusal for a refusal for various reasons, and Leonardo was completely frightened with work oversaturated by special effects.

Then the proposal flew by the actor Nicolas Kejuj, but he refused - did not want to leave America for many months. Not lucky to producers and with the next candidate - Will Smith would ideally come true for a role, however, the actor preferred to participate in the filming "Wild, Wild West".

The circle circuits for the image of Neo narrowed to Kiana Rivza and Johnny Depp. And here the creators of the film were divided into two camps: the producers preferred Rivza, and directed by Depp. But newcomers rarely won in disputes. Keanu Reeves played the Savior of mankind in a pair with Kerry Ann Moss.

Performers of secondary characters also had to look for. The role of Morfus could move away Gary Oldman or Samuel L. Jackson, and Smith's Agent - Jana Reno. Stars were busy with other works. As a result, the scenarios were awarded Lawrence Fishborn and Hugo Wiving.

Rumors about plans for the fourth part went not one year. Film Company Warner Bros. I confirmed that the shooting of the continuation of the franchise will begin in 2020. The creators of the film was announced to the premiere for spring 2021. The heroes of the film Keanu Rivz and Kerry Ann Moss will again play the main fighters with the machines. Details of the plot and full cast are not disclosed.

Some quotes from the films of Vachovsky directors turned into a winged expression. For example: "No spoons", eliminated from the phrase of a boy in an episode with a prisoner of Pythia - "The truth is that there is no spoon" - today is used for apparent, illusory items and things.

Interesting Facts

  • In 1967, the twin brothers Vachovski were born in Chicago. They declared themselves sisters much later, and in 2012, Larry became the first director who publicly admitted that he was a transgender woman. Andrew followed the example of Brother in 2016.
  • The philosopher from Sweden Nick Bostrom four years after the premiere of "Matrix" presented a scientific work, which proves that the earthlings with a probability of only 20% live in the illusory computer world.
  • The plot of the film echoes the fabuli painting "Dark City", which came out a year before the premiere of the Kinebut Vachovski. However, this time, the sisters can not be accused of plagiarism - when the "dark city" was mounted, "the matrix" was already filming.


Mr. Wizard! I pull me out to hell, hence! I'll show them the world without you. The world without dictates and prohibitions, the world without borders. The world where everything is possible. What will happen next is to decide. I'm going to do, now you feel yourself by Alice falling in the Rabbit Noura. There are always against us. Never send a person to do the work of the car. Head, do not believe any nonsense about Fatum. You are the owner of your life.


  • 1999 - "Matrix"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Reboot"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Revolution"
  • 2021 - "Matrix 4"

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