Bibigul Suyunshalin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, filmography, "instagram" 2021



Bibigul Suyunsalina - the Russian and Kazakh actress, the model, became famous after the debut role in the melodrama "Gromov. House of Hope. " Bright, talented girl with cheerful, easy temper attracts to itself and directories, and spectators.

Childhood and youth

Bibigul Aktan Suyunshalin took place as an actress immediately in two countries - Russia and his native Kazakhstan. Both countries are equally native for young artist. After all, only a year after her birth, in 1992, the Biba is so called their relatives - moved along with parents to Moscow. Here she lived before adolescent age and made the first steps in his career.

It is noteworthy that the Bib screens came when she was fulfilled a year. She appeared in advertising a medical drug, while playing a 2-year-old Japanese boy. So began her model career. And at the age of 7, a charming girl was invited to participate in the shows of the legendary Japanese couture Yamamoto, which brought a new collection to Moscow.

At 8, Suyunshalin appeared on the screens of Kazakh television in the music video of Nurlan and Murat on the song "Zhuldyzim".

Attitude towards the art of cinema had both parents of the girl. Father - a famous producer in Kazakhstan, the mother used to worked as the second director, and today writes scripts for cinema. Nevertheless, in childhood, the Bib did not dream of becoming an artist. Most of all, she loved animals in the world, especially horses. In 8 years, the girl confidently held in the saddle. Her parents will chase a diploma of Bibigul for the 2nd place on an open tournament for beginner riders. Bibiguil's school achievements also include victories on two biology olympics.

It is not surprising that after graduating from school in 2008, Bibigul Suyunsalina entered the metropolitan Timiryazev Academy, going to become a breeder horse breeder. But only the semester studied and threw it, he finally understood that she would not leave for the cinema. It was acting acting - her real vocation. Later, he studied at the acting department of Vgika, on course of Sergey Solovyov. And in 2015, the media appeared in the media that Bibiguil was restored in the agrarian university, but already at the correspondence department.


The model began in childhood at the childhood, the girl continued in the youthful age. At 15, Bibigul left under the contract in Singapore, and then visited Thailand, where he worked in a modeling agency, but soon returned to Moscow. In the capital of Russia received an offer to play in a new project, which promised to become rating. This is the continuation of the famous Russian series "Gromov", called "Gromov. House of Hope. " Project scenarios - compatriots Biba Baranov and Kilibaev - specially discharged the Scenario "Under Suyulyshalina", which they knew from orphanage.

Spectators saw the artist in the role of a focus. Her mother in the melodrama played Inga Obold. With actors Vasily Lykshin and Vasily, the actress became friends. Together with new friends noted her 16 years.

After the release of the series on a young actress, other directors drew attention. The cinematic biography of Bibigul Sudechailina developed rapidly. Director Oleg Fesenko invited a girl in a multi-stage project "Red Ice. Saga about Khanta. " This is an adaption of Roman Yeremya Aypina about a little-known Kazimsky mate - the uprising of the Siberian Nature of Ostyakov against Soviet power.

The film was filmed in the harsh conditions of the Siberian winter, in forty-portus frosts. The actress had to learn how to manage deer sleds and shoot apt. Premiere of the series "Red ice. Saga about Khantah "took place at the Moscow International Festival and attracted considerable attention to the audience and critics.

Bibigul Suyunshalin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, filmography,

An even more successful for the Kazakh-Russian artist was 2009. She was offered the main roles in several paintings. In the musical comedy, "Trubadur" she appeared in the image of the zarina, its partners in the workplace of the Kazakh actor Twebbergen Baisakalov and the stars of Russian cinema and show business - Alexey Kortnev, Nonna Grishaeva, Camille Larin, Vladimir Tolokonnikov.

In the third season of the popular Russian melodrama "Zemsky Doctor", Bibigul reincarnated in the Gulchatai girl. And again, Sudechalina was lucky to play together with the actors of the first magnitude - Olga Budina, Andrei Chernovyashov, Irina Kupchenko, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Svetlana Nonlarieva.

In the Kazakh-Turkish project "Astana - my love" Bibigul performed a major role. The film describes the love between representatives of different nationalities. Lovers suffered serious tests, but the story was crowned by Happy Endom.

In 2011, with the participation of the actress, the adventure film "Piranha", where Bibigul got a small role of the Fiernitsky's adopted daughter (Sergey Zhigunov), Japanese Aiko. During filming, the actress was waiting for a frank scene, but because Bibigules did not starred in a naked form, her dubler replaced her. Another work of this year is the main role in the novel "Darin" of the Filmalmanakh Egor Konchalovsky "My heart - Astana".

Youth Tape "Virtual Love", in which the actress played in a brilliant tandem with Artur Smolyaninov, brought her a new wave of popularity. Playing had a self-confident business woman, selfish and cold-blooded. With this task, Bibigul coped great. According to the plot of the film, the heroine falls in love with a virtual fan, with whom he met on a social network. But the invisible worker does not reveal his name. At the same time, the girl rejects the courting of two applicants for her hand and heart - an uncertain colleague and chief.

The actress is equally in demand both in his homeland and in Russia. Films "Trubadur", "Astana - My love" and "unreal love" lifted by the Kazakh directors. Then another project called "Balcony" was released on the screens, in which Bibu Babenko played the sister of the heroine. Picture "Joker" Talgata Zhanabekova was also created in Kazakhstan.

And in 2013, Bibigul Suyunshanina again lived in flights between the two countries, because he was filmed in the Russian series "Survive after" sushan Gligorov. She got a heroine named Izhan Ustynbaeva, shy artist. Sergey Godin became partner on the site, embodied the image of Skinhead on the screen. The conflict between young people in the plot develops into a love relationship. This fantastic islar series so liked the audience that by 2016 his creators released the continuation, 2 and 3rd seasons in which Bibigul was again involved.

In 2015, the comedy melodrama "nothing personal", where Suyunshalin got the main role. The plot is built on the conclusion of bets between the main character, which was played by Alisher Auez, and his friends. As a result, cardinal changes occur in his life.

In 2016, the actress filmography increased by another two projects. In the melodrama "older wife" Bibigul appeared in the image of a nanny. And in the TV series "Last Petal", the actress was reincarnated in the girl Tajichka, who, together with her husband, came to Moscow for earnings. The actress was supposed to appear in the film Sergey Sunkin "so the stars" about Nursultan Nazarbayev. Bibigul was approved by the role of his daughter Dinar, but soon replaced with another performer.

Suyunshalin starred in the expressive poetic short film "Mistress". Ribbon - the screening of the poem of the philosopher and the poet Shakarim Kudioberdieva, shot in 1931. The premiere took place in the framework of the first International Festival of Film Silk Road in 2017. The partner of Bibigul on the site was Serik Sharip.

In 2018, the Social Drama "not strangers" was published with the participation of Suyunshalin, the director of the verbalist. The picture was removed on the play of Olga Pogodnoye-Kuzmin "Clay pit." In the same year, the actress received a major role in the horror movie "Scary stories for the story by the fire." The audience noted the simplicity of the plot, which is not released during the tape and, in general, reacted favorably.

In 2019, Bibigul appeared in the melodramatic series "Komdiva Bride" and in the comedy "Scarlet Sails: a new story."

In February 2020, the premiere of the film Fyodor Petrukhin "Kenzeli" took place. The action takes place in the silver century and at present. Bibigul appeared in the image of Nargiz.

Personal life

In 2014, the actress according to the results of the voting of the popular site was recognized as the most beautiful Casual of Russia. And since the Bibigul began to appear in the rating series, it is particularly accustomed to it.

Personal life Bibigul Sunchalina has been associated with an entrepreneur Ivan Burmistrov. Their wedding took place in the fall of 2013. But already in 2014 it became known that the performer broke up with her husband. None of them began to comment on the divorce.

Beauty fans were delighted when singer Sher Ali appeared next to her. About the nascent romantic relations, colleagues spoke on the set of the series "Nothing superfluous", in which Cher Ali played the main male character. On the pages dedicated to Bibigul in "Instagram", romantic photos began to appear with intriguing signatures.

But the fans hurried to combine two bright artists in a married couple. In 2015, the singer admitted that friendship between him and Bibigul Aktan was really, but now they are not found.

The life of the performer is rich. The actress participated in television shows, where in an interviews gave advice to maintain beauty. A special secret to skin care is not. Bibigul uses natural creams and drinks koumiss. Behind the hair, which represent the special pride of Suyunshalin - they, really, look great - the performer is cautious with a simple mask from kefir.

A great place in life actresses occupies a sport. Suyunshalin supports model parameters of its figure: the growth of Bibigul 173 cm, it never had an excess weight.

The actress called his dream of a jet plane, during which you can feel overcoming the speed of sound. At the end of 2017, she participated in the amateur race off-road. Bibigul went to the competition on its own car brand Mitsubishi Pajero and became the winner among the girls.

In 2018, the actress opened his own fleering salon, which called BBGUL. Syuunshalin itself explained the choice of the name by the fact that her name in Arabic means "mistress flowes."

In an interview from 2017, the artist stated that he was not going to notify the fans of his personal life anymore. The celebrity said that he would leave it only for himself and his beloved. But in the status in "Vkontakte" she has: "Married."

Bibigul Suyunshalin now

The actress moved to Moscow. According to the star, in 2021 she is ready for new achievements. Now Bibigul actively lays out photo shoots in different formats in "Instagram". The model can be seen in the fur coat, in a bathing suit, in a business suit and a cozy sweater.


  • 2007 - "Gromov. House of Hope "
  • 2009 - "Red ice. Saga about Khanta "
  • 2010 - "Trubadour"
  • 2010 - "Zemsky Doctor-3"
  • 2010 - "Astana - My love"
  • 2012 - "Piranhai"
  • 2012 - "Virtual Love"
  • 2012 - "My heart - Astana"
  • 2014 - "Survive after"
  • 2016 - "Senior Wife"
  • 2016 - "Last Petal"
  • 2018 - "not strangers"
  • 2018 - "Scary stories for the story by the fire"
  • 2019 - "Komdiva Bride"
  • 2020 - Kenzeli

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