Natalia Schukina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In the piggy bank of Natalia Shchukina there are films names that were rightfully entered into the Golden Foundation of Domestic Cinema. The actress never goes to casting, but her repertoire continues to be replenished with bright roles. Constancy The performer exhibits in relation to theatrical scene: the audience knows it as one of the stars "Lenkom".

Childhood and youth

Natalia Shchukina was born in September 1970 in Barnaul. The acting talent manifested itself in it very early, so Mom took the daughter to school with a theater bias. After the divorce of parents and moving to Moscow in 1980, 10-year-old Natalia entered the metropolitan theater studio Vyacheslav Spesivtsieva.

This is the director and mentor who "lit the stars" Gennady Khazanova, Yuri Kuklachev, Vladimir Mirzoyeva and Andrei Lyubimov. In addition to the passion of the theater, Natasha also also engaged in gymnastics and choreography.

Natalia Shchukina's cinematic biography launched when she was barely turned 15. Young actress first appeared on screens in 1985. She played Olya Kostin in the picture "Photo for Memory."

Next year, Schukina got a small role in the television film "was not". And in 1988, a real breakthrough happened in the career of the beginner artist. She appeared immediately in three paintings: "Champagne splashes", "Sedov Defender" and "Dear Elena Sergeevna".

At the time of the arrival of Natalia Shchukina to the Higher Theater School named after B. V. Shchukin, she had a solid filmography and a considerable experience of filming a movie. The girl was enrolled on the course of Yury Mikhailovich Avsharov. In 1992, the actress received a diploma and was adopted in Lenkom's troupe, which serves today.

Personal life

The actress willingly talk about creative activities, but the personal life of Natalia Shchukina is reliably hidden from curious eyes behind a dense veil of the mystery.

It is known that the artist is married. Her spouse was still in his youth a colleague and a classmate. Today, the Actress's husband moved away from acting and engaged in business. The couple raises the daughter of Alexander, who is their only child.

Under the name of Natalia is a page in "Instagram". The artist herself notes that he does not consider himself a serious person and refers to his personality with some shares of self-criticism. Therefore, even the photo on its page is sometimes irony.

Theater and films

The first theatrical roles of the young actress played at the theater of Alexander Kalyagin et-Cetera. Director Yuri Avsharov invited her to embody the image of Sony in the play "Uncle Vanya." On the frame of the famous "Lenkom", Mark Zakharov Schukin came out at the same time. She played a cat in the children's formulation "Bremen Musicians."

Already the famous actor Dmitry Marianov helped to get in Lenkom Natalia. She managed to play from Ryazan himself, did not really want to play in a children's performance. But she succumbed to Maryanov's persuasion and then was happy that he did not miss the chance. The young actress liked Mark Anatolyevich, and he invited her to his troupe after graduating from Pike.

The actress played perfectly in the play "Mad Day, or Figaro Marriage". She got the image of Susanna. Now she has a lot of brilliant performances, among which "Va-Bank", "Prince" and "Clinical Case", for which theatrians go with pleasure.

In 2007 and 2013, the actress received awards named after E. P. Leonov for a better role in the play "Tartuf" and for the best female role of the second plan in the play "Five evenings" theater "Lenk".

The cinematic biography of Natalia Shchukina is very bright. She was lucky to become a "Ryazan" actress. As you know, the director was distinguished by his attachment to several actors, which "nomocated" from one of his film to another.

After participating in the Drama "Dear Elena Sergeyevna", the actress fell into the film "Heaven Promised". Here Natasha got the role of Zhanna, a student of vocational school, on which he had the negligence to marry hero Oleg Basilashvili.

Later, the actress appeared in the two films of Eldar Alexandrovich - Retrocomedy "Key from the bedroom" and the artistic film-fairy tale "Andersen. Life without love. "

It is impossible to bypass the side of a small one, but very bright work Shchukina in the melodrame of Peter Todorovsky "Interdevechka". Silia told by Natalia, who has Pope - Afrikhanograd, remembering the audience forever. The image of a teenager was a young performer: with a height of 165 cm its weight and today is 55 kg.

Every role she misses themselves through himself and feels where her heroine should do or say otherwise what is written in the scenario. Such, for example, the saleswoman of the Stationery Store in the epic comedy Georgy Deloi "Nastya". The same living heroines in the dramatic picture of Valery Todorovsky "Moscow Region" and the melodraman Paul Lyubimova "Ghost of My House".

In 2016, Natalia Schukina fulfilled the role of Alla, the Mom of the Bride in the Russian comedy "Country of Miracles". The idea belongs to the famous team "Quartet and" whose actors participated in writing the film scenario and played the main roles in it. The picture consists of scattered independent plots, which are united the theme of the New Year.

Also in 2016, the comedy series "Eleon Hotel" was released on the screens - continuation and at the same time Spin-off the "Kitchen" rating project. The film became another successful page in the filmography of the artist. Previously, Natalia never worked in a similar format, the more interesting it was to try his hand in the new role. The action of the new series turned into a boutique hotel to whom the Victor restaurant belongs is the area of ​​the "kitchen".

The audience saw the actress in the role of Valentina, the older maid of the Eleon Boutique Hotel. She has her own love line in the plot. Housekeeping manager sympathizes the chief engineer of the hotel Boris Leonidovich (Vladislav Vetrov), or Uncle Bore, as the engineer is called the engineer employees of a boutique hotel, and he in turn is also in love with Valentina.

Natalia is not only filming the cinema, but also participates in various television programs. As a guest in 2019, she appeared in the project of Tatiana Ustinova "My Hero," where he told about the service in the theater and told the news from their creative life. In an interview, Natalia draws attention that he never dreamed of a specific role, and each job perceives as a new experiment over himself.

In addition to acting dating, Natalia revealed another talent - pedagogical skill. The actress teaches in the same theater institute, which graduated in youth.

On the screen, the performer can be seen in the series "Rostov", where Natalia reincarnated in Madame Voloschko, a holder of a public house. In the film it was close in an interesting cast, which included Arthur Smolyaninov, Alexander Golovin, Ivan Okhlobystin, Sophia Ardova, Alexey Barabash.

Natalia Shchukina now

In the theater news of 2019, Natalia Schukina appeared in connection with its participation in the experimental project - the play "Time-Out", the premiere of which was held in Tver in the framework of the festival "Play Together". Vladimir Skvortsov, producer - Olga Galaktionova spoke by the director of production.

The main heroine of the story is a social worker who lives in the illusory world invented. Natalia expressed his role to the mood of the generation of the 70s, which is stuck with a globalism in the rearrangement times. Together with Natalia Shchukina, Tatyana Lutaeva and Anatoly Cat were released on the stage, as well as the actors of Tver Tyuza.

In 2020, a new film project is being prepared with Schukina. This is a youth drama "Look, what I am about the journey of youth and girls who escaped from their parents.


  • 1985 - "Photography for Memory"
  • 1988 - "Dear Elena Sergeevna"
  • 1989 - "Interdestochka"
  • 1990 - "Sex and Perestroika"
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 1993 - "Nastya"
  • 2000 - "Come to see me"
  • 2006 - "Andersen. Life without love "
  • 2009 - "Lights of the Big City"
  • 2016 - "Hotel Eleon"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2019 - "Catch the moment"
  • 2019 - Rostov

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