Rodrigo Dwarf - Biography of President Philippines, Personal Life, Photo and Latest News 2021



Rodrigo Roa Dotterte - President of the Asian State of the Philippines since June 30, 2016, which the Western press dubbed the "executioner", and the local newspapers are affectionated. By education, he is a lawyer, and in politics for more than two decades for more than two decades: for a long time, Dwatte served as mayor of Davao on the island of Mindanao. Rodrigo is characterized by the rigidity of methods and views, it often resorts to unpopular measures of struggle and leads policies that abstraction of the Philippines from Europe and the United States. Repeatedly in the focus, President Rodrigaro Dubtain expressed his opinion in an offensive form, resorting to obscene vocabulary.

Rodrigo Dotter with Mom

Rodrigo was born in the spring of 1945 in the city of Maasin, which is located in the Philippine Island Leite. His Mom Soledad Roa was a teacher, and the father of Vicente Dutcher, an education lawyer, subsequently went on a political path. Vicente was the mayor of the city of Danao, and then became Governor Davao. Rodrigo has two sisters, senior and younger. The future president studied well in elementary school, but in adolescence began to give himself to know his explosive character. In the biography Rodrigo Duberta it is indicated that it was shown twice from school for bad behavior, expressed in aggression and insults not only classmates, but also teachers.

Rodrigo Roa Dutherte

Nevertheless, the young man managed to end up the Academy of the Holy Cross in Digos and even enter the prestigious lyceum at the metropolitan university, where the young man received a bachelor of art degree. Later, Dotherte also graduated from a law college and received the right to engage in law practice. As a lawyer Rodrigo reached the deputy chief prosecutor of the city of Davao, after which he decided to go in the footsteps of his father and took up a political career.

The president

Before becoming president, Rodrigaro Dwarte occupied several less important posts. After the yellow revolution of 1986, he became the vice-mayor of the city of Davao, and in two years later he has already headed the city. The people strongly respected him and once again re-elected in this position while the Constitution was allowed. By the way, Rodrigo is belonging to the idea to appoint deputies of the mayor of representatives of two different Filipino peoples, which will later be standard practices throughout the country.

Rodrigo Dwarte

After the law of the Dutcher could no longer be the mayor, since it was in this chair three times in a row, he went to the ward of representatives. But in 2001 she ran back and headed the city again. And again he stayed in this post three times. Like the mayor Dubtain began to lead a tough anticodilers and drug addiction problem. He built a rehabilitation center, and also stated that it would pay the ceremonial amount to everyone who wants to abandon drugs. At his expense Rodrigo provided assistance to the victims of Typhoon Hayang, sending rescuers and doctors to the victims. In addition, it is considered an active supporter of the protection of the rights of Philippine women, therefore enjoys sympathy from feminist organizations.

Rodrigo Dwarte

In childhood, a tough disassembly person appeared in adulthood. Dothercy introduced an anti-pacary law in Davao, and once, having learned that one of the clients of the bar violates this ruling, personally appeared in the institution and forced the visitor to swallow the cigarette cigarettes. Also, the name of the mayor and the President Rodrigaro Dotterte is directly related to punitive organizations, known as the "Davao Death Squadron". These unions conducted the execution of criminals, especially drug dealers, without trial. The corpses were then ejected out of the city. Rodrigo himself is still confident that the best measure of combating organized crime is instant execution. For such statements, he was repeatedly criticized by the Philippine Commission on Human Rights.

Rodrigo Dwarte

In the summer of 2016, the mayor became president of the Philippines. He officially announced the war to the drug business, promised extrajudicial murders across the country, and in his side used obscene expressions. Dutcher had to face criticism from the United States and Europe, which Rodrigo answered in his manner. He rather aggressively stated that he was considering the issue of the release of the Philippines from the United Nations, called the UN Secretary General "Fool", the European Union - the Biblical Purverators, and also insulted the American president of Barack Obama, sending "to the devil" and touched His mother. Before Obama, Dutcher officially apologized on the same day, but the rest of the words did not take it.

Rodrigo Dwarte and Vladimir Putin

President Dutin's head of Russia Vladimir Putin and the Secretary-General of China Si Jinpine believes their ideological allies. Such a position Rodrigo likes not everyone. In November 2016, there was even an attempt to attempt to his life. The consignment with personal security president was attacked on the eve of his visit to the city of Maravi. At the attack, most likely, there is a terrorist Islamist group "Maut". Dubtain himself had to go this expensive later. The president showed courage and courage, stating that he was not going to cancel the trip and did not even intend to change the route.

Personal life

Officially, only one spouse was in the personal life of Rodrigo Dwarpe. Back in 1973, he was combined with a legitimate marriage with Elizabeth Zimmerman, who gave him six children.

Rodrigo Dubtain and Elizabeth Tsimmerman

Sarah's eldest daughter became the success of his father as a mayor of the city of Davao. After 27 years, the Family Union Rodrigo and Elizabeth waited for the collapse. A couple of divorced through a civil court, allowing former spouses to live separately. Later, Rodrigo Dwargo was discovered with a third degree cancer, and she passed chemotherapy, with the help of which doctors are struggling with her oncological disease.

Rodrigo Dotter with his wife and daughter

Today Rodrigaro Dubtain is officially considered a bachelor, but lives in actual marriage with a nurse Sielito Advance, who gave him a seventh child, daughter Veronica. In the family, the girl is all calling Kitty.

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