Mikhail Gorschev - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Fans and colleagues of the legend leader of the legendary group "King and Jester" Mikhail Gorlenova considered him the last "real Panke", for him it was not a scenic way, but the style of life. "Pot", as his name was close friends and fans, was one of the most talented and "drive" vocalists of the Patriotic Rock scene.

Mikhail Gorentov was born in August 1973 in the Picalevo-settlement, which refers to the Boksitogorsk Municipal District of the Leningrad Region. Musician's father, Yuri Mikhailovich, was Major Pierbrovascus. Because of his service, the family often pointed in the Soviet Union. For a long time, the townships lived in the Far East.

When Misha turned 2 years old, he had a brother Alexey Gorschev. Running upwards, let's say that he also tied his life with music and became a vocalist of rock bands "Kukryniksi".

Mikhail Gorent in childhood with brother

When it was time to go to school, the family lived near Khabarovsk. Parents decided to send a boy to the Leningrad Region, to Grandma. There he went to grade 1. Soon the family moved to Leningrad and got an apartment on Rzheng. Misha switched to one of the city schools - 147th. At first, Mikhail did not even dreamed about music. He wanted to go to the footsteps of the Father and become a military. At the Misha School, fucked by boxing, and then with music. It is noteworthy that the teacher who gave the basis of the game of the guitar came to the student home.

In the same 147 school, Mikhail Gorentov found his best friends and future colleagues: Alexander Balunov ("Ball") and Alexander Schigolev ("Lieutenant") were his classmates.


In 1988, the townspeople together with the "ball" and "guarantee" founded the "office" group. After 2 years, Andrei Knyazev ("Prince") joined them. He wrote the texts and became the second vocalist.

It so happened that the texts of many songs had fabulous motifs. It picked up the musicians to rename their team from the "Office" in the "king of jesters". Later, the name was transformed into the King and Jester.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, I did not want to talk about Mikhail Gorschev about any military career. In his life, the main music was. Therefore, in order to reassure the parents, he entered the restoration lyceum to acquire at least some specialty. But after 3 years, the guy was expelled: the student did not have time to learn, because the music took away all his time.

But it was in the lyceum that he met Prince. During this period, the style of execution "Office" is changing. The classic punk replaced the style by which the fans of the King and the Shuta are unmistakably recognized their favorite group. Song texts are some creepy medieval stories. "Koldun doll", "Forester", "Damned Old House" - and that neither song, then hit. Not in vain a pot of your favorite writers called Howard Phillips Lovekraft and Gustav Miirinka.

The first studio album "KISH" is published in 1996 and gets the name "stone on the head." The team quickly becomes popular. It was a period when "old" rock bands or disappeared, or experienced a crisis of creativity. "Adrenaline" music and fabulous motifs "King and Shuta" turned out to be the new fresh jet, which the fans of rock music were waiting.

Mikhail Gorschev, group

Albums appear one by one. "Ate the meat of the men", the "acoustic album" and "heroes and villains" overlook the 1999th and 2000th year. The group successfully tours through the country, collecting the full halls and stadiums of the fans of their creativity. The King and Jester becomes a niche team, and then goes to the "category" of the sensations of the All-Russian scale.

"Kish" Permanent Guest, and then frequently the largest festivals. Mikhail Gorcereva with the guys is invited to the ether of the Popular Anthropology program Dmitry Dibrova.

The creative biography of Mikhail Gorcereva is developing rapidly. Peak popularity falls for 2001. The group writes a new album "as in an old fairy tale." Clips appear on some songs that are constantly "cool" on television. And in 2005, Mikhail Gorschev gives his fans a solo album called "I am an alcoholic! I am an anarchist! "In which there are cavities on some songs of the Brigad Food Group.

In 2010, the musician and vocalist is fond of theatrical production. In the process of work, it is born by the idea of ​​creating theatrical-musical project about the Maniac Hairdressee Suiini Todde. So the Musical "Todd" appears. Gradually, all the musicians "King and Shuta" were "joined", with the exception of Andrei Knyazev. In a perspective with the theater, he categorically did not consider, he understood that it was necessary to dive completely, and he had a lot of unrealized ideas. Therefore, he decided to create his own team "KnyaZZ".

The musicians agreed that Andrew takes with him those songs whose authorship belongs to him. True, Mikhail did not understand at all how Knyazev would put up with smaller rooms after the stadium level. But, in any case, in 2012 their paths were separated.

Based on the musical one after another, two albums are published: "TODD. Act 1. Blood holiday "and" Todd. Act 2. on the edge. " The scale of the idea and the identity of the compositions of these albums are amazed. It is felt that Mikhail Gorschev is standing on the threshold of a new stage of his creativity and he has many more non-trivial plans. But these albums turned out to be farewell, leaving the fans of the Music of Goronsaw a feeling of incompleteness and inexpensiveness.

Personal life

For the first time the musician married unsuccessfully. The wife of Anfisa could not give him a strong family and children. Together they were only in one: in addictions to drugs. They lived for 7 years, more than once, Mikhail's parents sent them to treatment. But on returning from hospitals, it all started first. After the divorce, she left for Cyprus, where she worked as a dancer. After living somewhere behind the Urals. About her death randomly recognized Brother Pot, when he was tours in Siberia. She died from overdose.

Mikhail Gorodev with his wife Olga

Mikhail Gorlenva's personal life has changed after a meeting with a girl who has become his second spouse. With Olga, he met at the restaurant of the club "Old House", where the group "King and Jester". Olga approached asking an autograph for a brother. Young people spoke and did not notice how this communication turned into a genuine interest in each other.

The girl had a 4-year-old daughter Nastya from the first marriage. Mikhail referred to her as his own child, they immediately found a common language. The man took her to kindergarten, read her books, taught a bike. But when she suddenly began to call him "dad", considered it wrong, as Nastya's native father was still alive and well. Then he said to her, so that Nastya called him "Mishutka".

Mikhail Gorsdev with his wife and daughter

Later, Gorent admitted that he grasped for Olga, as for the last straw. She really helped him to abandon drugs. He was treated, rehabilitation. After rehearsals or concerts, Misha ran home, laying his head.

Soon spoke that he wanted to leave after himself a continuation. In May 2009, they had a daughter Sasha with Olga, which he loved most in the world.


The life of the musician broke off suddenly. He was on a new turn of popularity and was full of plans. The first realized that the irreparable, the wife of Olya had happened. Mikhail did not answer calls. Mikhail's death was becoming a country house that he shot for the family. A syringe was lying near the body. Why the musician returned to a detrimental addiction is incomprehensible. But some friends said that recently he was too "inflicted." The voltage removed the drink.

The cause of the death of Mikhail Gorsdev, which was reported after the examination, is heart failure against the background of alcohol and morphine. He died on the night from 18 to July 19, 2013. Mikhail died at the age of 39, without surviving a few weeks to the 40th anniversary.

About his own funeral, the musician has repeatedly spoke long before the death. He wanted his dust to be dispelled in the wind. And he was categorically against the burial rite, since he did not hide what is an atheist. He believed that people would stop investing in weapons and start to invest in science. In his opinion, otherwise mankind does not live on earth for a long time.

Funeral Mikhail Gorzhevova

In an interview with his friend, Andrei Knyazev said that one day he came to the rehearsal and told everyone about the recently secured story of Edgar Allan on "buried alive", where the hero woke up in a coffin. He was under great impression and said that he didn't want it so much.

His body was cremated, but the dust, as the gown wanted, was not dispelled, but they buried on the main alley of the St. Petersburg Theological Cemetery.

Only close and relatives and native people came to say goodbye to the singer - the family of artist was wanted. At that time, his daughter was 4 years old. For 41 days after the death of his son, Mikhail's father died, without preparing the loss.

Mikhail Mikhail Gorcereva

Olga founded Mikhail Goronsheva's memory fund. The main goal of the organization is to preserve the creative heritage of the leader of the King and Jester group. The Foundation suits memorable concerts, and also contributes to the production of rare materials.

His colleagues in the team after the death of Mikhail went to a farewell tour of the cities of Russia. They gave 47 concerts, and then reported fans that from now on, they stop creative activities called "King and Jester". All subsequent albums have already been recorded with the name "Northern Fleet".

Mikhail Gorschev

In 2017, a concert of the musician's memory in the "Jubilee", on which his 8-year-old daughter Sasha was made. Baby chose the song itself, based on its vocal data. The girl performed the composition of Yulia Kogan "from women around the head." And at the end of the room shouted: "Panks, Hoy!", To which the public answered her with loud ovations.


  • 1997 - "King and Jester"
  • 1999 - "Acoustic Album"
  • 2000 - "Heroes and Villains"
  • 2001 - "As in the old fairy tale"
  • 2004 - "Riot on the ship"
  • 2006 - "Seller of Nightmares"
  • 2008 - "Shadow of Clown"
  • 2010 - "Demon Theater"
  • 2011 - "Todd. Act 1. Blood Holiday
  • 2012 - "Todd. Act 2. on the edge "

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