Marina Anisin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Nikita Dzhigurda, Wife, Gwendal Peizer 2021



The famous figure skater Marina Anisin is great not only known as domestic lovers of winter sports. She became Olympic champion, presenting France, so for this European country the name of Marina, perhaps even more meaningful than for historical homeland. In Russia, the star is also known as the beloved and the mother of children Nikita Dzhigurda.

Childhood and youth

If you look at the biography of Marina Anisina, it becomes clear that there is no other way except for a sports path, by and large, and there was no. Mom Girls, Irina Chernyaeva, in his youth was a representative of figure skating school known in the USSR, and Father Vyacheslav Anisin - Soviet hockey player. In the footsteps of the Father, Mikhail's brother went.

But Marina parents initially wanted to protect from great sports. But since the daughter from 2 years old attended the mother's workouts in the Ice Complex CSKA, it was pretty early and went to the rink. A talented baby became a favorite of the team, and his friends convinced Irina Chernyaev to give daughter a chance. Soon the future dancer on the ice took advantage.

Figure skating

Professional sports career Anisina began during the times of the Soviet Union. She danced in a pair with Ilya Averbukh and twice won the gold medals of the World Junior Championships. But when Ilya was a duet with Irina Lobacheva, Marina had to look for a new partner. After short-term cooperation with Sergey Sakhnovsky, who emigrated to Israel, the girl decided to find a highly qualified dancer abroad.

Her choice fell on the French figure skateman of Gvendal Pesera, although he claimed to partnership and Canadian Viktor Kraatz. Thus, at the age of 17, Anisin was far from home, in a stranger country, which eventually became the second homeland for her. Marina adopted French citizenship and at large competitions was represented by the Mediterranean country.

A pair of Marina Anisin and Gwendal Pesera possessed a unique style that allocated them from hundreds of other duets. The brand name was supported in the style of "Shit-Owlish": whereas the standard is that the man holds a partner, here Marina supported Gvedl.

The highest point of success Anisina was the victory in the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, which, you need to admit, turned out to be scandalous. Marina was even accused of unsporting behavior, and she took place as a witness to the judges. Nevertheless, the title of Olympic champion in the figure skater remained.

After the victory at the European Championships in 2002, Marina Vyacheslavovna Anisin completed a professional career and focused on commercial speeches in ice shows. Including she participated in the Russian project "Dancing ice. The Velvet season".

In 2013, Marina declared his return to professional sports and plans for reuniting with a partner with Gwendall Peizer, which at that time reached a 41-year-old age. Former colleagues, among whom Averbukh, called the news with a ridiculous PR-Step.

Personal life

When in 2007 he drove into Moscow to become a party to the dance show "Dancing on Ice", Anisin has not yet suspected which changes in her personal life expect her. In the "velvet season" on the RTR channel in a couple of figure skater, an outstanding actor and a musician Nikita Dzhigurda got. A romantic relationship arose between the artist and the young woman, and next year, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the lovers played a bright wedding.

It is noteworthy that the mother of athletes expressed sharply against the candidature of Muga Marina, but the celebrity did not pay attention to the opinion of relatives and friends about the spouse, whose behavior was and remains extraordinary.

Even after the birth of grandchildren, the mother of Anisina did not penetrate the son-in-law. At the sight of Jigurda exclaimed: "Well, you chose the monster, Marina!" Irina Evgenievna performed categorically against the sale of the House of Marina in France. At the same time he knew that Nikita insists on the transaction. As a result, foreign real estate was still sold, and the family acquired an elite apartment in a prestigious residential complex 10 km from Moscow.

In 2009, the spouses had a son who gave an original name of Mick Angel Krist Anisin-Jigurda. A year later, Eva Vlada daughter was born. Now children live in France, where they receive education and are engaged in tennis.

But Marina's family life can not call even and smooth. Nikita Dzhigurda's wife repeatedly said that they have "true love" and they are "two halves of one whole", nevertheless, information about the scandals between spouses was searched in the press. When Marina Anisin went to France to resume figure skating speeches, began talking about the novel between Marina and Gwendal Peizer.

Some media wrote about the coming divorce between Marina Anisina and Nikita Jigurda, for which in 2015 the spouses responded with a public statement about reconciliation. Moreover, it became known that the athlete is pregnant for the third time. Unfortunately, Marina Anisina had miscarriage. And soon rumors about parting again.

In October 2016, Marina filed a marriage lawsuit. As the representative of the Figureki stated, Anisin stopped the attitude of the Dzhigurda to his wife, but first of all - to children. After Nikita changed the name on Janatan El Air Bratas Ji Publishing von Gang Eden, he decided that he would no longer want to live with such a person.

Nikita has repeatedly made loud statements to the lawyer of Spouse Sergey Zhorin and once even tried to arrange a scuffle. But an experienced lawyer brought the case to a logical completion, and at the end of November 2016, the divorce of Marina Anisina and Nikita Jigurda came into force, and their marriage was officially recognized by annulled.

In 2017, Marina Anisin came to the program "Secret by Million", where he shared with TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtsevaya details of family life with Jigurda, as well as the spicy moments of divorce. Marina spoke with a journalist as frankly as possible, but did not open his secret before the public and burned the envelope, saying that this secret did not even tell even a former husband.

Of course, in such a bright woman and there were a lot of fans to Jigurd. In an interview with the "Caravan Story" edition, she said that in his youth, even met with Prince Monaco Albert from the Grimalidi dynasty.

After a loud divorce, which did not discuss only the lazy, even greater sensation of 2017 was the reconciliation of Jigurda and Anisina. Fans and Haters of the couple did not expect this and were extremely surprised when a photo appeared on the network from their collapse. Marina asked to understand and not condemn, because Nikita is the father of her children. At the moment, the spouses are made up, the eccentric lovers continue to raise the heirs and shut up the public.


Family life Anisina from the very beginning had a scandalous subtext. In 2009, Nikita Dzhigurda removed the birth of a spouse and laid out a video on the network, later it was shown on TV. Of course, I liked some of this idea. Despite the fact that an outstanding man assured everyone that he captured the birth of a new life and this is the most real art, the audience did not appreciate this act, considering it too intimate process for universal ferris.

Spouses often presented to each other complaints. In addition to the fact that Nikita was jealous to his wife, the showman accused his beloved that he often drinks alcohol. On the video, where the artist took off the drinking Anisin, Marina was indignant: "And you smoke the grass!" "In the evenings, my joy, it is normal!" - answered the singer.

An even greater scandal broke out in 2016, when it became known that Jigurda and Anisin became heirs of the multi-million state of their lonely girlfriend Lyudmila Bratash. It is noteworthy that the deceased remained his sister, and, in theory, it was she who was a legitimate heiress. Yes, and the death of Lyudmila caused some doubts.

Brother's sister is sure that a relative of violent action died, and accused Jigurda in involvement in this sad event. Nikita argued that the driver of the deceased attached to the care of the world.

In conclusion of the forensic examination, it is indicated that death has come due to the brain injury. It is known that Lyudmila suffered from tight alcohol, most likely a woman fell and broke her head. The trial lasted for years.

In the summer of 2017, information appeared on the departure of the leading Andrei Malakhov from the first channel, but the reasons for the decision was silent. Then Marina said in "Instagram" that such changes on the TV channel occurred because of her appeal to the President of Russia and the filing of lawsuits to the court at the staff of the show "Let them speak."

Anisina argued that the editors of the program pressed on it, distributed slander and lies about the celebrity family. And after the failure of the figure skater to give them an interview and at all began to threaten her and Nikita Jigurd.

In May 2018, the Moscow City Court rejected the Sisters of Lyudmila Bratas, leaving unchanged the Kuntsevsky court, made in favor of Showman and Marina. Thus, a couple recognized legitimate applicants to accounts in banks, as well as the owners of the three apartments of the late girlfriend in Moscow and one in Paris. According to the lawyer of Dzhigurda and Anisina, the authenticity of the will recognized the US Supreme Court, where Bratas kept part of the funds.

Marina Anisin now

Now the athlete moved away from the career and devotes himself to children who are affectionate by "jigurdata". But the Phanti did not imagine that even after the resumption of contact with a former husband, the star will decide to re-become a legitimate wife of Nikita.

In February 2021, Jigurd announced that love relationships with figure skate continues and in the near future the couple is preparing to re-marry. The artist assured fans and paparazzi that Anisin became the initiator. In an interview with journalists, the singer reported that Marina is the main and last passion in his life.

Initially, the wedding was planned to spend on the same day - February 23, but the actor claims that the Griboedovsky registry office marks the 60th anniversary. On this occasion, employees asked for a couple to decorate a festive day. It was on this day that the couple officially signed. The only thing that Dzhigurdu was upset was - the chosen was not wished to linger in Russia and decided to go home in France in France in a week.

Achievements and awards

  • 1998 - Bronze Medal at the Olympic Games in Nagano
  • 1998 - Cavalier of the National Order of Merit
  • 2002 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City
  • 2003 - Cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion

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