Andrei Andreev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Actor Andrei Lvovich Andreev familiar to many domestic spectators on the multi-meter melodrama "five minutes to the subway" and "Woman without the past". But not only in the movie he achieved a considerable success, in the theater environment, the name Andreeva is also known.

The artist was born in April 1965 in Saratov in the family, where no one was associated with the world of art. Parents are engineers. In the family he was not the only child - he had an elder brother Valera, who always taught Andrei to help his mother - soap the floors and dishes. And they together for the first time they tried the taste of wine and smoked. And one day, becoming older, put the network on the Volga. Running from the fishing fell on a boat on all sails.

Actor Andrei Andreev

The boy began to dream of a scene from an early age. When his peers watched a fascinating film and received strong emotions from what they saw on the screen, Andrei also did not remain indifferent. But most often he caught himself at a desire to get on the other side of the screen and be on the place of the hero. Most of all inspired the example of the famous countryman - Oleg Yankovsky.

As the artist told later, in adolescence, when he first came out to the stage of the improvised school theater, he discovered the main thing that gives the acting profession - transformation, the magic of transformation. Since then, no other profession has dreamed of.

Andrei Andreev

Having received a certificate of maturity, the guy went to enter the Theater Faculty of the Saratov Academy named after Leonid Sobyanov. The reception committee immediately determined that it is endowed with the qualities of the future artist. The young man was enrolled on the course Alexander Grigorievich Galo, a talented artist and a mentor.

After the 2nd course of the student, called to the army. He served in the air force and received a specialty mechanic mechanic aircraft with a jet engine. Andrei was one of the best because it was among the 40 most exemplary and healthy soldiers who were sent to the capital. Here, at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, the guys experienced costumes and spaces for astronauts and pilots.

Actor Andrei Andreev

After the service, Andreev returned to theatrical university. In one course, Evgeny Mironov and Galina Tunin studied with him. In 1989, Andreev was awarded a diploma of higher theatrical education, and he began confident climbing the career ladder.


Andrei Andreeva's creative biography began on the stage of the Academic Theater named after Mikhail Shchepkin in Belgorod. Soon the young artist moved closer to the capital - to the Noginsky Drama Man.

1991 He became happy for Andrei Lvovich: Suddenly, he was accepted in the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater named after N. V. Gogol: the artist of his role was needed. Moscow opened his arms with a young Saratov actor. Today, his account is more than a dozen bright performances, in each of which he got if not key, then noticeable roles.

Andrei Andreev in the series

Wide popularity came to Andrei Andreev only after the appearance on the screens. In 1988, he made his debut in the cinema, playing the role in the painting "Military". As it often happens, the first work in cinema of popularity has not been brought by actor, but they had the meaning in terms of accumulation of experience and skill.

After the "arsonist", Saratovs felt that such a demand was. Directors increasingly offered him to work in new projects. At first, these were the episodes and roles of the second plan, which were a kind of "springboard" in the big cinema.

Andrei Andreev in the audio studio

And success fell on Andrei Andreeva after the release of the melodrama "Five minutes to the subway". The series came out in 2006. Here the actor got a star role. He played in Tandem with Marina Mogilev.

The second tape was equally rating. She brought the artist a new wave of popularity. This is a multi-siever melodrama "Woman without the past". Andrei Lvovich played the role of Greg Teo - in all the senses of the perfect man, the embodiment of the maidy dreams. In an interview, journalists asked him how much he was similar to his hero. Andreev said that in his life he is still not so correct. Tape watched millions of television viewers.

Andrei Andreev in the film

Films with Andrei Andreevy have their own army of fans, many of them do not require advertising. In the "march of Turkish" Andreev played a hero on the name of the velvet. In Spy Games, the workshops reincarnated to the oligarch.

The actor is divided into diverse and divorce roles that require serious understanding. For example, in the "brothers of Karamazov", he played a brilliantly foma.

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More often, the artist beloved by many appears in the series, which are so popular today at the mass spectator. For example, in the Sitkom "Interns" Andreev appeared as a fan of Anastasia Kisagach. Despite the fact that it was the role of the second plan, the viewer remembered his vivid appearance in the series.

He also appeared in one of the series "The Laurel method" - played by Alexei Vedisheva lawyer.

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"Ranetki", "Angel", "Eighties", "Sklifosophical", "School", "Ship" is an incomplete list of those projects that have watched millions of viewers of different ages.

And in 2006, he worked in a full meter - in the painting of Gigineisvili Rubber "Guery". True, reviews this film received contradictory.

Personal life

The family life of the Saratov actor did not immediately work out successfully. In the first marriage, which happened immediately after the return of Andreeva from the army, he lived only 3 years. The man married a classmate from the theater university Svetlana Drobysheva. But young people soon realized that they hurried to take in love for a true feeling. The marriage turned out to be childless, and the couple quietly broke up.

For many years, the artist led a bachelor's lifestyle, without thinking about the family. Handsome, whose career was gaining momentum, there was a lot of novels. Fans deposited him, dreaming to get into her husband. But the only one with which I wanted to connect life and live it as happily as his parents, everything was not met.

Happiness came in 2006, when the artist was for 40. Andreeva has a business advertising agency, founded in 2002 with a colleague. Just there once and looked at the girl who was younger artist for 20 years. It seems that there was love at first sight. Couple no longer parted. From the wedding celebration they refused. One day I went to the registry office, at that time Inna was already in the last months of pregnancy, and they immediately painted. No costumes and dresses, even the rings did not come with them.

Andrei Andreev with children

The personal life of Andrei Andreeva today is the favorite wife of Inna and two weather guys - Ivan da Marya. The first to the world appeared Masha. And a year and a half, in 2010, the son of Vanya was born. Spouses dream of a third child.

In the life of the actor there is another child - the son of Nikolai. Today he is already an adult man. Andrei Andreev learned about his existence when the boy was 12 years old. The man immediately accepted an extramarital son, which appeared in 1992.

Andrei Andreev with children

Between father and son friendship. Kohl was very happy to appear on the light of sis and brother, he had a relationship with his wife's wife, inna.

In contrast to many stars, the actor tries to lead the most non-public lifestyle. For example, it is not in "Instagram", so new photos on the network appear not so often.

Andrei Andreev is now

In 2017, Andreev starred in the mini-serial "softening circumstances" - the joint work of Poland, Russia and Ukraine. The actor played the lawyer of the main character who took the guilt of her husband, who was driving a man on the car. The melodrama was warmly greeted by the audience.

In March 2018, the film "Ivanov" came out on the cinema screens. This is not a completely ordinary film - theatrical stage, shown in the cinema in the framework of the project "TheaterHD".

Actor Andrei Andreev

Initially, the performance was walking in the theater of nations and had a deafening success. Despite the high cost of tickets, every time there was an allch.

"Ivanov" is the drama Anton Chekhov written in 1887. The main roles were performed by Evgeny Mironov, Chulpan Hamatov, Elizabeth Boyarskaya. Andrei Andreevu got the role of Dudkin Mikhail Ivanovich. The performance was nominated at once to six Golden Mask Awards.


  • 1988 - "Militers"
  • 2002 - Marsh Turkish
  • 2006 - "Five minutes to the subway"
  • 2008 - "Woman without the past"
  • 2009 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Ranetki"
  • 2010 - "School"
  • 2010 - "Tukhachevsky. Conspiracy Marshal »
  • 2011 - "Interns"
  • 2012 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2015 - "Ship"
  • 2017 - "Mitigating circumstances"
  • 2018 - Ivanov

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