Maxim Oreshkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 2021



Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin - Head of the Ministry of Economic Development from November 2016 to January 2020, a former employee of the Central Bank of Russia. The official belongs to the younger generation of the Russian political elite, managed to establish himself in working in public service.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Oreshkin was born in Moscow on July 21, 1982 in the family of Oreshkina Stanislav Valentinovich and Nikitina of Hope Sergeyevna. Parents engaged in teaching activities.

Father - Doctor of Technical Sciences, in the rank of professor worked at MISI (MGSU), the mother also taught at the Moscow State Construction University, stood at the origins of the Publishing House of the QU.

Maxim is the elder brother Vladislav born in 1972, a graduate of Moscow State University, an employee of the Central Bank of Russia, which is engaged in the private banking sector.

After the end of the metropolitan school, Oreshkin Jr. entered the highest school of the economy by choosing the direction of the "economy". In 2004, Maxim graduated from the VSE Magistracy.

Personal life

It is known that the personal life of Maxim Oreshkina is arranged. An official is married to Maria Oreshkina, the graduate of the Moscow State Linguistic University, now the senior manager for working with key clients of Vympel Communication Company. The wedding took place in 2012. The wife of the future head of the mayor of childhood spent in Georgia, as reported on social networks.

Together with his wife, Oreshkin brings up daughter Anastasia 2013 of birth. A row of joint photos of Mary and Maxim are freely available on the Internet. At the end of 2016, at the Declaration on the income of the family, Maxim Oreshkin pointed out only the possession of the share in the three-room apartment of the parents in Hovrino.

Career and politics

In the short period from 2002 to 2006, the biography of Maxim Oreshkina is impressive perfect career jerk. Oreshkin began his career in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as an economist of the first category. Soon there was a stage of the lead, and then the main economist of the Central Bank, taking the position of the head of the Central Bank of Russia.

From 2006 to 2010, Maxim Stanislavovich worked as a senior manager, director, and then the managing director of Rosbank. In all positions lingered for a short time, rapidly moving up the career ladder.

From 2010 to 2012, the banker was elected head of the analytical bloc in Russia and the CIS CREDIT AGRICOLE, and in 2012-2013 he became the main economist in Russia of VTB Capital Bank.

Next step in career Politics - Director of the Department of Long-Term Strategic Planning in the Ministry of Finance. Since March 2015 he served as Deputy Finance Minister. Being under the direct supervision of Anton Siluanov, Oreshkin has established itself as a competent macroeconomic analyst.

On November 30, 2016, the head of state appointed 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkina by the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that the candidates were considered by the candidates of Maxim Akimov (the first head of the government's office), the assistant to the President Andrei Belousov and Ksenia Yudayeva (Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank). On the same day, an appropriate decree appeared on the Kremlin website.

At the meeting with Oreshkin, Vladimir Vladimirovich asked the new head of the Ministry of Economic Development, which he considers the most important in the activities of the head of the department. Maxim replied that the main task considers the preparation of key measures that would allow to relieve structural barriers to the further development of the Russian economy.

The Colleague of the Young Minister Anton Siluanov, who heads the Ministry of Finance, called Nakrekina's stanislavich Oreshkina for the post of Maximalist, which is known in this market.

34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin turned out to be the youngest minister in the current government. Prior to this, the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov was considered.

The ruble exchange rate did not respond to the new appointment of the minister, continuing to strengthen in relation to the dollar. The amount declared in the income declaration is a new high-ranking official for 2013, 43.4 million rubles.

In May 2017, Maxim Oreshkin headed the Commission, which prepared a comprehensive claim of Russia against Ukraine to the WTO. The document indicated that the unlawfulness of the state imposed by the neighboring Russian state of sanctions, which impede the commitment of Russia's obligations to the WTO. Also, the press mentioned the work of Maxim High, Boris Titov and Alexey Kudrin over a new package of economic reforms.

Analytical information from the Bloomberg agency appeared on the network, whose representatives saw in the face of Maxim Oreshkina of the President of the Russian Federation. According to specialists in political technologies, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has already endowed with broad powers, there are all chances of becoming in the future successor Vladimir Putin.

On March 18, 2018, the election of the President of Russia took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won again. Immediately after the entry into office, he again offered the place of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new structure of the Russian government was voiced to journalists. Maxim Oreshkin retained the position of head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Maxim Oreshkin now

The news about the resignation of the government in mid-January 2020 extended all Russian and international media. Dmitry Medvedev reported this after the speech of the head of state in front of the Federal Assembly.

In his speech, Vladimir Putin noted the need for monthly payments to families with young children, as well as the spread of maternal capital on the first child. The President noted the need to restructure the authorities, an increase in the powers of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the State Council.

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After the sacrifice of the Cabinet, the heads of departments remained on their places acting. As and. O. Minister of Economy Maxim Oreshkin became a member of the Russian delegation at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

On January 22, 2020, the composition of the new Cabinet of Ministers was determined. Maxim Oreshkin gave way to the governor of the Perm Territory Maxim Reshetnikov. Politicians know each other well and are considered to be friends.

Maxim Stanislavovich noted that there are prerequisites in Russia to reduce the level of socio-economic inequality. Taking into account the proposals of the president to improve the social situation in Russia, the level of poverty, according to Oreshkina, by the end of 2020 will decrease by 10%.


  • 2016 - Winner of the High School of Economics High School HSE ALUMNI AWARDS
  • 2016 - Winner of the Higher School Prize "Golden Tower"

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