Sergey Mikheev - biography, photo, personal life of the political scientist, News 2021



Sergey Mikheev - Russian political scientist, blogger, journalist, leading socio-political program "Iron Logic", Guest Program "Fight", "Political Patriot" of the Russian Federation, a supporter of the idea of ​​the Russian world.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Mikheev - Native Moskvich. He was born in May 1967 in an intelligent family.

Political analyst Sergey Mikheev

After graduating from the school, Mikheev went to the "Isolator" plant. Loaded here for a long time, because it was called to army service. Two years after demobilization, Sergey got a job at N. E. Zhukovsky Air Engineering Academy. Here the young man worked for 7 years.

In 1994, Sergey Mikheev left the Academy due to admission to the Moscow State University. He chose one of the most prestigious and interesting faculties - philosophical. But this choice was dictated by no means fashion or prestige, but a living interest in science. The greatest curiosity of a young man was associated with political scientists, to study which he paid a lot of time and strength.


In the third year, since 1997, a young political scientist settled on a part-time job in the University Regional Policy Laboratory. For the year he managed to show himself so that he was adopted in the ranks of the Russian Center for the Political Conduct of Russia. But here Mikheev stayed until 2001. He left the center because of ideological disagreements with his director Igor Bunin.

Sergey Mikheev

The same year in the quarry of the political scientist is marked by a breakthrough to loud success. Mikheeva took the position of a political expert to the popular site "". The public interested in politics immediately noticed a bright expert, whose estimates caused admiration for their accuracy, objectivity and emotionality. Sergey Alexandrovich has a circle of admirers.

Since 2004, a political scientist has changed the place of work. He was admitted to the Center for Political Technologies established by the CIS Department. After a year, Mikheev became the deputy general director and significantly expanded the range of its activities.

Political analyst Sergey Mikheev

Soon the expert and political analyst becomes director of the Caspian Cooperation Institute. The site of this organization is a media unit that is engaged in collecting information from various sites dedicated to the region. And Sergey Mikheev becomes an expert of ITAR-TASS.

From 2011 to 2013, he worked as director of the center of political conjuncture, where he began to work as an expert not so long ago.

Sergey Mikheev

In the fall of the next year, Mikheev, on the initiative of Lithuania, after the speech of the political scientist at the conference in Vilnius, contributed to the lists of Persons-Desidrate (undesirable people), which are denied entry into the countries of the European Union because of its position on the crisis that happened in Ukraine.

Mikheev was not notified of this procedure and fell under the arrest when he tried to enter Finland on legal grounds. For several hours, the Russians had to spend in the prison cell. But Sergey Alexandrovich was not embarrassed by such punishment. He did not refuse the position occupied and did not change the views. The political analyst believes that the truth is more valuable than rest in Rome or Paris.

Sergey Mikheyev's biography is his bright performances on television talk shows, where it is often invited. Mikheev is a frequent guest on the transmissions of Vladimir Solovyov. And since December 2015, the expert has tried the strength of the leading socio-political transfer "Iron Logic", which is broadcast on the radio "Vesti-FM". First, he had Alla Volokhina, and later, Sergey Korneevsky was replaced later.

After the joining of the Crimean Peninsula to Russia, Sergey Mikheev was elected head of the expert advice on the head of the Republic of Crimea.

Sergey Mikheev - biography, photo, personal life of the political scientist, News 2021 18421_5

Since 2016, the political scientist began to appear in the analytical talk show Vladimir Solovyov "Duel". The essence of the program was to meet two opponents, which in the first round expressed their views, and then answered questions from experts and TV presenters. At the end of the transfer among the viewers there is an SMS-voting, based on the results of which the winner of the release is selected.

Sergey Mikheev participated in the program on relations between Russia and Europe, where his opponent was politician Vladimir Ryzhkov. On a similar topic, the political analyst discussed and with Boris Nevdoy. In the release on the situation in the Donbas, Sergey spoke out against the Ukrainian colleague Vyacheslav Kovtun and scored a record 94% of spectator votes. On the air, Tok Show Mikheev also discussed with Sergey Stankevich, Yakub Kaeboy, Nikolai Zlobin, Yuri Pivovarov, Ariel Koen. Themes under consideration were related to Russia's foreign policy and the country's liberalization issue.

Today, the name of this person is familiar to everyone who at least any politics is. The main reason for the success of Sergei Alexandrovich is his deep awareness in matters of internal and foreign policy, as well as rectinence. Most often, Western and American politicians fall under the fire of criticism of the expert. And from the recently, the sharp obstruction also exposes the political top of neighboring Ukraine.

Personal life

Unfortunately, Sergey Mikheyev's personal life is hidden from a curious eye. The political analyst believes that it is not a representative of the show business and the star stage, so family affairs keeps the public in secret. But it is known that Mikheev has a wife and three children. According to Relowing, Sergey Alexandrovich counters himself to Orthodox Christians.

Sergey Mikheev now

The main place of work Sergey Mikheev is still the radio "lead FM". On the Tsargrad TV website, the political scientist also leads the analytical transmission of the "results of the week." On the air of the program, Sergey Mikheev details the situation around the elections of the President of Russia, predicting a high appearance and victory to the current chapter of the state. In analytical transmission, the author covers issues relating to innovations in the country's economy, future robotization.

In addition to participating in television and radio projects, Sergey Mikheev leads its own website, on the pages of which publishes the video of the Iron Logic program, where the topical topics are considering weekly. In 2018, they were the issues of interaction between Russia and the West, Sergei Skripal poisoning, the loud expulsion of the diplomats of the Russian Federation from the United States. No less interesting discussion was the release of transmission of sports sanctions against Russia during the Olympic Games. According to the political scientist, the West has exhausted all the methods in the fight against Russia and took an expectant position.

Part of the issues of "iron logic" touched the theme of elections and high rating Vladimir Putin. Now the main issue of the transfer was the war in Syria. Mikheev is considering from a political point of view of the participation of Russian troops in a military conflict, the nuances of the participation of the US Army in the application of military strikes on the Eastern State, as well as the yield of Donald Trump from a nuclear transaction with Iran.


  • 2001 - ""
  • 2015 - "Iron Logic"
  • 2016 - "Fight"
  • 2017 - "Mikheev. Results »

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