Karabas Barabas - character history, actor from the film and his friends


Character History

When little children do not listen, do not want to eat porridge or go to bed, parents remember about the main antagonists of Russian fairy tales, for example:"A gray top will come and bite the barrel."

Among the antiheroev, the Babu Yagu can be distinguished, which flies on a broomstick buckle of the womb of the immortal, terrible Barmaley and, of course, Karabas-Barabas from Alexei Tolstoy fairy tale. The main goal of this owner of the puppet theater was to get a golden key, which leads "to unpretentious wealth" for the Dad's painted by the fireplace.


In 1923, Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy, being in emigration, engaged in editing the translation of the story of Carlo Callodi "Adventures Pinocchio. History of wooden doll. " Initially, the writer wanted to just translate the Italian fairy tale into Russian, and then found this occupation boring.

Alexey Tolstoy

In addition, the work of Collodi contains instructive sales in itself, while Aleksey Nikolayevich wanted to put the characters with optimism and the adventure.

"From the blessing of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak I write on the same topic in my own way," Tolstoy said.

It is noteworthy that even before the literary processing of the writer, the "Adventures of Pinocchio" Nina Petrova was released. But, again, Russian "Pinocchio" was distinguished from the original: traditional proverbs and sayings were attended.

In the fall of 1933, Tolstoy signed an agreement with the Publishing House "Detgiz" to redo the story of collodes in co-authorship with Petrova, but returned to work on a fairy tale only in 1935: the genius of literature had time to recover after the myocardial infarction. The book was completed in August 1935.

Karabas Barabas and Giant Manjafo

The creation of the Russian author is radically different from the work of the Italian. Collodi has no injection of coins on the field of wonders and the villain of Karabas-Barabas, which overshadows the existence of fabulous heroes. Of course, the bearded giant Manjafo appears in the book about Pinocchio, but his role is not so significant. In addition, it is a positive character who wants to help Pinocchio with all their might.


According to rumors, Karabas-Barabas in life was called Vse. Meyerhold. Indeed, Alexey Nikolaevich took advantage of the plot of the original, but reworked the characters in his own way, giving the work of bright colors using real prototypes.

Vsevolod Meyerhold and Karabas Barabas

Adult readers will see a hidden message and subtext in the Golden Clavicle. Under the assumption of researchers, Tolstoy reflected on the pages of the "Children's Fairy Tale" theatrical controversy of the 1920-1930s.

The fact is that Vsevolod Meyerhold believed that every actor should be a puppet subordinate to the director's hands. However, his colleagues in the workshop - Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko - believed that the guide should have creative freedom and improvisation on the scene.

Meyerhold did not agree with their arguments and kept separately from the team. Tolstoy beat this confrontation and created Karabasa-Barabas - a fabulous Vsevolod Emilevich. It is known that the director loved to wear a long scarf, the end of which was hidden in his pocket, while the "Doctor of Doll Sciences" did the same with his beard.

Konstantin Stanislavsky and Dad Carlo

According to literary crosses, Stanislavsky performed in the image of Pope: the artisan itself created a wooden boy, but did not keep Pinocchio at his guardianship, but gave him the right to choose further path.

The main antagonist fairy tales "Golden Key" produces far from the most pleasant impressions. "Signor Karabas-Barabas, the closest friend of the Tarabar King" appears in front of readers in the role of the vain owner of a puppet theater who loves money and casually treats his subordinate.

Karabas Barabas with Weeping

Surround, greedy, envious and eloquent businessman did not show any positive qualities in the entire history of the adventure of Pinocchio. But perhaps the "slave" puppet show brought joy to the audience, which is the only plus in the piggy bank of this greedy antihero.

A disturbed man with evil eyes and a long beard, threatened by the doll by a seven-estate weak, is remembered by his appearance, which, by rumors, Tolstoy borrowed from the Italian late king. The name of the negative Hero of the fairy tale also occurred to Alexei Nikolayevich not at the head.

Biblical Vararav

The nickname of Barabas is used for the first time consuming the playwright Christopher Marlo in the Maltese Piece. In this work, the face of the Jewish nationality of Barabas appears to readers a real villain. For another opinion, Alexey Nikolayevich did not think about the manuscript of his colleague on the workshop, and the name of the antagonist goes back to the Biblical Waravel - a criminal released by Pontiya by Pilate.

Friends and enemies

In the fairy tale, Alexei Nikolayevich is there an assistant Karabasa-Barabas - a dealer with leeches of Durire. It was Duramar who told the usurpator that the wise turtle was hiding at the bottom of the pond of the Golden Key.

Karabas Barabas and Duramar

Also in the gangster company Karabasa-Barabas, the tricky Lisa Alisa and the unfailed Cat Basilio cat. The tailed character is ready for any tests for the sake of profit and even without a branch of conscience is pretty blind to get covenant gold coins. Alice wiser his accomplice, but still these villains constantly fall into the incident situations.

Lisa Alice and Basilio Cat

Having met Pinocchio, Fox and the cat in order to receive money tell a wooden boy about the country of fools, in which there is a magical field of miracles. According to the criminals, if in the locality to bury gold coins, pronounce a magic spell and sprinkle with Earth Salt, the money tree will grow up the next morning.

Ultimately, fraudsters changed into bags with eye slits and hung the main character down her head on the oak branch. Cat and Fox tried to pick up money from Puto, laid on the jacket dad Carlo.

Piero, Malvina and Pinocchio

The list of enemies of Karabas-Barabas is the most impressive: it is possible to attribute all positive characters to his unfriendly characters, in particular Malvina and Piero, who dreamed of escape from the theater, and the Sharmanteer Carlo, who climbed all the employees of the Karabas Scene to themselves. At the end of the book, the plump villain remained with anything and literally of this word sat in the puddle.


"For the name ... the name of the Tarabar King - arrest the thief and the villager Pierrot! He stole my terrible secret! "" It's just some kind of holiday! "" There is something white black. There is something black whiten. "

Interesting Facts

  • In the fairy tale, the Fox appears instead of the fox, and the name Basilio for the cat is as common as we have Vaska.
  • Literary critics agree that in fact Piero is a parody of Alexander Blok, and Maxim Gorky appeared in the role of Buratino.
  • The prototype was not only among Karabas-Barabas, but also in his friend. According to one version, a kind of doctor from Moscow Jacques Bulmard, who heal patients with leeches was becoming a prototype. Other fans of Aleksey Nikolayevich's creativity believe that the Ayerhold Assistant was performed as Duramara - Woldemar Lyticinius (Vladimir Solovyov). It is believed that the name of the friend of Karabas Barabas occurred from two words: "Voldemar" and "Durpent".
Vladimir Etush in the role of Karabasa Barabas
  • Faina Ranevskaya offered the role of turtles of Tortila in the film "The Adventures of Pino" (1975). Having learned that the directors and actors will work in Belarus, Faina stated that he agreed only on condition that the shooting would be held at the entrance of her at home.
  • Actress Tatiana Protsenko, who performed the role of Synevosa Malvina, was found by the director's assistant by chance: the girl just walked around the entrance.
  • Performers of the roles of Sweatshirts of Cota Basilio (Rolan Bulls) and Fox Alice (Elena Sanaeva) at the time of filming were married.
  • The name of the main character "Buratino" is translated from Italian as a "wooden doll", and the nickname "Pinocchio" means "cedar nut."

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