Maria Vashenna - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, "Instagram", Husband, Cyril Zhanndarov 2021



Maria Vashenna - Russian actress, who has proven itself to the audience roles in many popular melodramas and detectives. A representative of theatrical dynasty today is known for family status: the spouse Kirill Zhanndarov calls her "its wings."

Childhood and youth

Maria Vasnaya's biography contains many moves. Actress, Aquarius on the sign of the zodiac, was born in the cold city of Vorkuta, but all the orphanages spent on travels: Novosibirsk, Kostroma, Kirov. The fact is that parents were theatrical artists, toured in the country, often changed the place of residence due to the transition from one theater to another.

Now the Money Galina Melnik's mother constantly lives in Kirov and still consists in the troupe of the local drama theater. Her husband Alexander Kirikov, stepfather Mary, died. He started working in the theater as a head of the musical part. The artist played perfectly on the saxophone, guitar, accordion, piano, percussion instruments. Later replenished the acting troupe.

Mary's native father Yuri, the native of the Northern Capital, worked as an investigator and the prosecutor. Summer holidays Young Vasnaya spent on his father's homeland, communicating with her grandmother and aunt.

In addition to Mary, her two cousins ​​were brought up in the family. Galina took a custody after the death of his wife's brother and mother of girls. One of them also mastered the acting profession, the other became a financier.

What is the arctic life of the artist, Maria recognized at an early age. She watched parents' rehearsals, watched the performances, and in the adolescence began to appear on the stage herself. Despite this, Masha was initially planned received to Aviation Institute. The girl even served there documents, but did not take it due to weight - at the time of graduation, she weighed 76 kg.

After the failure, the mother suggested her daughter to try to theatrical university. But the success of the entrance exams in Gitis and the Studio School, the MCAT did not follow: the vastene did not gain the desired number of points.

In the northern capital, she was lucky more: an attorient was brilliantly under test in the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art, where Her artistic director became Grigory Kozlov. Interestingly, Polynina Sidichene was Polina Sidichene, the daughter of Evgeny Sidichene. Immediately at the end of the university, the actress entered the troupe of the new workshop theater and performed key roles in such productions as "Sleeping in the summer night", "Idiot", "dawns here are quiet" and many others.


For the first time on the television screen, Maria Vashenaya began to appear in student years. She starred in one of the episodes of the popular detective series "Streets of broken lamps", playing a cunning criminal, and also took part in the work on the adventure film "B.O.M.Zh.", the historical drama "Ivan Grozny" and the criminal picture "Opersegroup "

And later, after the end of the theater university, the actress was again invited to the "Streets of broken lanterns", where Mary was transformed this time in one of the main characters - Senior Lieutenant Olga Ushakov. In the cast she fell without casting. The artistic director of the project after watching the kinomaterial from the "Mental" series, where the valanes have previously played, offered her a role.

In parallel, the actress was filmed in another criminal series "State Protection". It's funny that for two years she regularly switched from the image of a policeman to the former Taisiya Zladogradovsky Clean.

Maria Vashenna in the series

Maria possesses average female sizes - enthusiasts were calculated that its growth is 173 cm, and the weight is about 50 kg. Therefore, according to fans, the celebrity regularly receives roles in melodramas, which plays the role of a woman, similar to the viewers of films, with which Russians easily associate themselves and which, because of this, I want to empathize even more.

In 2011, the actress performed the main role of the leading weather forecast of Maria Olkhovskaya in the criminal melodrame "My last first love". Also very interesting during this period were the heroine of Waxes in the melodrama "Exception of Rules" and the detective "such work".

In 2015, the actress appeared in another bright lead role. Vänes played Jeanne Isakov in the Russian-Ukrainian melodrama "Sentence of an ideal pair." The heroine of Mary is a happy wife of a successful businessman, whose life collapses overnight when a woman learns that the newborn son is seriously ill and needs heart transplant.

Then the artist performed the main female role in the fantastic tragicomedy "What the French are silent" on the novel of Vladimir Kornev's named. The action turned in St. Petersburg during the White Nights. The main character of Tilimm Papaleksiyev (Kirill Varaks) faces mystical events. The young man acquires the magic force that allows the hero to seek what he wishes. The same force was also from Napoleon, so the film was called associated with the French.

In addition, the actress has replenished its filmography of two detectives. She played the senior police lieutenant Elvira Ivolgin in the TV series "When I Broo Drink" about strongly drinking a lonely investigator, to which death comes in the image of a familiar pensioner.

In addition, Maria Vänenes appeared in the image of the mannequin in the two episodes of the "Tikhonov investigator", the screenings of the detective novels of Arkady and George Weinerov "Visit to Minotaur", "Racing vertical", "Medicine against fear" and others.

In 2017, the actress performed a major role in the 4-serial melodrama "Choosing Fate". Her heroine Natalia is happy in marriage with Victor (Sergey Kolos) for 10 years. They plan, but can not have children. Husband and his relatives accused of this solely by Natalia and her health. The marriage falls apart, the woman does not forgive the betrayal of the spouse, parallel loses its work and turns out to be in the desperate position.

Fate gives her a second chance, but immediately selects, and only the faithful friend Alexander (Cyril Zhandarov), in love with the heroine from school, is constantly ready to help. He is always there, and the help of a man is so timely as Natalia, and the viewers have doubts, and not Sasha whether the perpetrator of the misfortunes of the heroine.

In 2018, the actress appeared in the melodramatic series "Girls do not surrender". The film tells about the group of cheerful and never unlucky friendly people who understand each other with a half-clow, and are also always ready to support each other a good word and come to the rescue.

Another picture of this year is the Ukrainian melodrama "Shadow of Love", in which the Russian executor appeared in the form of the main heroine of Rina. A woman faces the betrayal of her husband, and then he learns that the child will grow in another family. Later in the repertoire of the artist, the main role appeared in the series "Criminal Journalist". The company on the shooting area of ​​Mary was the Ilya Soskov and Alexander Pashkov.

Personal life

As the actress told in an interview, while studying at the theater institute, she met Sergey Alimpiyev. Their novel did not lead to more serious relations, the couple broke up after the completion of studies. Later, they often appeared in joint projects, went on the theater scene in the formulation of "Idiot. Return. Four scenes from the life of Leo Nikolayevich Myshkin, "starred in commercials.

If the creative biography of Waxhene still promises to develop and fill in new projects, then on the "Family Front" from the actress already all formed and built. Mary has a wonderful husband - she is happy in marriage with a colleague Kirill Zhanndarov, the star of films "Once in the New Year" and "Mill of Hatspetovka".

Washed and Zhanndarov met on the set, and at first they had friendly relations. The actor's heart was then busy. He was married with the hope of Tolubeeva, who met at the Theater Academy. After the divorce during the year, the artist cared for Maria, and they went to the cinema and cafe along with the general girlfriend Elena Radevich. But after going to work on the film "Road to Void", their friendship turned into a more serious feeling.

At first, the lovers lived in actual marriage, and in 2013 they played a wedding. Today, the personal life of the woven harmonious and saturated, because now the actress is not only a beloved wife, but also a happy mother: September 19, 2013, Kirill Zhanndarova and his wife had a son who was decided to call Valery, in honor of the grandfather on his father. And the houses of the boy parents are called the Italian manner - Valero. Grandmothers strongly help in raising the child, and because of the time spent on time, Maria resorts to the services of a nanny, which invites a cousin.

Under the name Maria Vashenna, an account in "Instagram" is conducted. The page is regularly replenished with new photos of the actress and members of her family. Often, Kirill's wife Zhanndarova lay out the design pictures on which she demonstrates her figure. Model celebrity parameters allow us to turn into a swimsuit and candid outfits.

Maria Vashenny now

In 2020, the actress took a creative break in connection with a coronavirus infection pandemic. Valnes released several clips in support of doctors. In the "Workshop" theater, she goes to the stage in the production "Two evenings in a cheerful house", "Dawns here are quiet", "Koshkin House", "Turbine Days", "Duck Hunting".


  • 2009 - "Bomzh"
  • 2009-2011 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2010-2013 - "State Protection"
  • 2011 - "My last first love"
  • 2011-2012 - "Katerina"
  • 2012 - "Road to emptiness"
  • 2012 - "Exception of Rules"
  • 2015 - "Sentence of an ideal pair"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"
  • 2016 - "What the French are silent"
  • 2016 - "When I Brook Drink"
  • 2017 - "Choosing Fate"
  • 2018 - "Girls do not surrender"
  • 2018 - "Melnik"
  • 2018 - "Stop remember"
  • 2018 - "Family Mystery"
  • 2018 - "Shadow of Love"
  • 2019 - "Criminal Journalist"
  • 2019 - "Moms of Champions"
  • 2019 - "On the Repeat"

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