Alexey Venediktov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Echo Editor of Moscow 2021



Alexey Venediktov - Russian journalist, chief editor of the radio station "Echo of Moscow", its co-owner. Known by its acute interviews and articles on the situation in modern Russia. He is considered liberal, the oppositionist and Russophobe, but he calls himself a "finished reactionary."

Childhood and youth

Alexey Venediktov was born in December 1955. By nationality, he has a Jew, has Russian citizenship.

Parents lived in marriage. 2 weeks before his birth happened tragedy: the Father, who graduated from the Higher Naval School of Scuba Diving in Riga and held a service in the rank of lieutenant on a submarine of the Northern Fleet, tragically died off the coast of Kamchatka.

Wennediktov argues that in childhood he was granted himself: native worked. Eleanor's mother's mother worked by a radiologist in the hospital. Grandmother Nina Abramovna Dykhovichnaya - Honored Builder of Russia. Her Children is the Ukraine Hotel in the capital: it as a designer engineer designed the design of this structure.

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Looking that all adults in the family are busy beloved, Alexey Venediktov also began to look for his place under the sun. At first he graduated from school, where French was in depth. Then he became a student of the Pedagogical Institute, where he chose the Faculty of History.

In the student years, the guy worked up, not wanting to sit on the neck of the mother. At first he found a place of laboratory assistant in the university. Then she got a postman who delivered mail to the house where foreigners lived. Thus, the young man got the opportunity to read what was published in foreign publications, and compare what was written with the fact that the Soviet media was printed.

Despite the fact that Alexey's physical data is quite standard - an increase of 170 cm, the weight is about 70 kg, the young man did not take the army: he had too bad vision (minus 10).

After the diploma in 1978, the historian went to school. He taught his subject for children for 20 years and succeeded in the profession, becoming an excellent student of the national education of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

The man will learn on the "branded" style: a checkered shirt, beard and lush curls that make it look like a "dandelion". The journalist is constantly in the spotlight, as a personal life of Alexey Venediktov.

In 2011, a lot of noise made it a scandalous interview with Maxim magazine, in which he admitted that he had sexual relationship with minor senior students. The spikeness of the situation attached to the fact that the venediktov did not consider his actions with something reprehensible. After all, he himself was older than girls on some 5-6 years, and he was seduced by his allegedly they themselves.

It is known that the celebrity from April 1998 in lawful marriage. His wife Elena Sitnikova - Muscovite. She is a graduate of Moscow State University: graduated from the Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, but since 1993 he has been working on the "Echo of Moscow".

Spouses have the only son of Alexey, who was born in 2000. The guy graduated from school in London. Returning to Russia, I decided to devote myself a hotel business.

For movement in Moscow, Alexey Venediktov - the younger uses the expensive car "Ford Mustang". The guy has a number of extreme hobbies: he mastered a parachute jumping, is fond of roofing and clinging.

In 2014, family happiness was allegedly shaken: Venediktov had a young and charming assistant Lesya Ryabtsev. The girl was constantly becoming the heroine of scandalous stories. She did not choose expressions in his blog, after which some guests refused to come to the air radio station.

Alexey Venediktov brought apologies to those who insulted the column of his employees. However, it was clear that her opinion for a man is important. They began to chase about the "special" attitude of the head to their ward.

And the vennediktov, and Ryabtsev categorically denied rumors about the novel. In 2015, Lesia quit from the post of deputy editor-in-chief of Echo, explaining this decision to the fact that he plans to create a fundamentally new media with his like-minded people.

Many believe that the vennedikt is similar to the musician Andrei Makarevich. This similarity is no coincidence: they are the rosulids.

Alexey Alekseevich - a socially active person, regularly writes in Twitter, leads "Instagram", publishes both personal photos and, for example, cartoon magazine "Charly Ebdo". It appears on the era of various radio programs on the "Echo" from his colleagues - "reversal", "amateurs" and others.

And a man writes books, in 2018 issued a revelation "My special opinion. Notes of the editor-in-chief "Echo of Moscow", "where it is divided with readers an opinion on various situations in the country and beyond.


In 1990, a radio station "Echo of Moscow" appeared in the capital. Her creators were friends Alexey Venediktova Sergey Bundman and Sergey Korzun. They invited the historian teachers to the post of correspondent and the newspaper browser. Soon a novice journalist rose to the author of political search. Knowledge of history and reading a foreign press in student years helped him in the formation.

In the mid-1990s, Alexey Venediktov occupies the chair of the director of the Echo information service, and in the winter of 1998 he is chosen by the chief editor of the rapidly gaining radio popularity.

Career and creative biography, Alexei Venedikov, developed rapidly. Reserving the position of chief editor of Echo Moscow, he headed the Echo-TV television company. The idea of ​​its creation appeared in the early 2000s, after the closure of TV-6 TV channel. Then many professional journalists remained without work. The backbone of the new television company was exactly they.

In the same period, Alexei Venediktov acquired a radio station "Arsenal" as a suspension in case of closing "Echo Moscow". He also headed a new radio.

In 2006, Alexey Alekseevich tried himself as a TV presenter. Together with Svetlana Sorokina, he conducted the transfer of "in the circle of light" on the "home" channel, which had high ratings.

And next year, the media is becoming a member of the Board of Directors of the Echo Moskvy radio company, having 18% of the shares in its property.

The popular journalist is considered an opposition. He often criticizes power, which has repeatedly become a reason for conflicts with its representatives, including the highest link. President Vladimir Putin defined Alexey Venediktova as an enemy.

Somehow in conversation with him the head of the Russian Federation said:

"Enemies right in front of you, you fight with them, then you conclude a truce, and everything is clear. The traitor needs to be destroyed, crush. You know, Alexey, you are not a traitor. You are an enemy. "

Nevertheless, Russian President regularly congratulates the journalist with anniversaries.

Alexey Venediktov is a permanent member of the Russian delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. And he is one of the authors of the Declaration "Moscow Charter of Journalists", since 2016 - Member of the Public Chamber of Moscow.

There is a journalist and a lot of awards, among which the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", the French Order of the Honorary Legion and the "Best Feathers of Russia" award.

Known vennediktov and as a TV presenter. In his arsenal, several copyright programs, the most rating of which are "without intermediaries", "Echo of the Week", "Direct Speech", "48 minutes" and "nonsense."

In winter, 2014, the Russian journalist visited Kiev Maidan. He stated that European Integration Ukrainians were a dream for the protest. And President Viktor Yanukovych stole her and betrayed his people, for which he received a riot.

Alexey Venediktov stood on the side of Ukraine and predicted the accession of the Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Federation. And also "painted" a similar scenario for several regions of the southeast of Ukraine.

In 2015, through the post in the Twitter account, Wennediktov supported the idea of ​​the "immortal regiment." This year, the previously spontaneously organized movement was on the global level and was recognized as officials of the state as an integral part of the annual celebration of Victory Day.

In 2010, the journalist visited the program Vladimir Posner, where they discussed and the situation in the country and the freedom of speech. And in May 2018, Posner inflicted a return visit - came to the air of the Dieletant reading program on the Echo of Moscow.

Venediktov - a frequent guest on the "rain". He repeatedly came to the Hard Day's Night program, conversation with Natalia Sideyeva. In addition, Alexey Alekseevich periodically gave an interview with Dmitry Gordon for our "Our" channel.

And in March 2018, Alexey Venediktov met with Yuri Dud. The conversation was mainly devoted to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Yuri Alexey Alekseevich asked and his financial condition. The main source of income is a salary, it is less than 1 million, but more than 500 thousand rubles. per month.


In St. Petersburg at the Open Dialogues event, where Venediktov led the discussion on the stage with Alexander Prokhanov, members of the Party "Other Russia" poured His whiskey, calling this campaign "Benik under the temptation!". When a young man took the guard, he shouted that Wennediktov had betrayed Russia.

I almost reached the scandal and fights during the next meeting of the editor-in-chief of "Echo Moscow" with fans. At the event, the Epatazh Showman Stas Baretsky appeared, who accused him of sales and threw fake dollars.

In the spring of 2020, a compromising on Alexei Venediktov appeared at the Russian service. About the harassment by the head of the "Echo of Moscow" told Anna's news service, the former press secretary of Alexei Navalny. In an interview, the girl reported that in 2012 she was attracted by sexual sense by Alexey Alekseevich.

The venediktov refuted all the accusations in response, although he did not deny that the Harassment for the editorial board "Echo Moscow" is the usual thing. Alexey Alekseevich, at the same time, supported the initiative of the lead, calling a similar topic "useful for the country." The heads of the radio station outlined his position in a conversation with Irina Shikhman on the Yutiub-Channel "And to talk?".

Alexey Venediktov Now

Now Alexei Venediktov continues the active activities of the political browser. At the "Echo of Moscow", he leads the Daiduya project, participates in the author's blog of Sergei Bundman "Watch". In 2019, a parody of the famous journalist was presented on the air "Comedy Club" by Demis Karibidis.

Periodically, the journalist becomes a guest to transfer the channel "Rain" "not yet evening." In the February issue of the program of 2020, he compared some Russian politicians and public figures with historical personalities. So, according to the man, Egor Zhukov looks like a young Caesar, and Alexey Navalny - on Napoleon.

In the winter of the 2020th Wennediktov, in collaboration with Edward Radzinsky, presented a detailed conversation about the last days of Joseph Stalin. A little earlier, the journalist met with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. During the self-insulation regime, due to the distribution of COVID-19, the reporter talked on the subject of the current situation with the deputy mayor of Moscow Anastasia Rakova.

In their publications and speeches, the venicets often criticizes representatives of the Russian government. The discussion unfolded in the Internet space between the chief of "Echo Moscow" and representatives of the Foreign Ministry after the announcement by Vladimir Putin, proposals for making a number of changes to the Constitution, including in terms of its priority over international law.

Sergey Lavrov in his speech supported the president, recalling that in a number of countries, including in the United States, such a practice is widely applied. Alexey Alekseevich in the telegram Channel was parked by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In response, Maria Zakharova supported Lavrov, leading a number of examples indicating the case law in the United States.

A negative assessment of the Kremlin was interviewed by Venediktov with Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The conversation of the journalist and the "fugitive", as the ex-head of the NK "Yukos", Dmitry Sadkov, was presented in his speech, was presented in the program "Morning User".

Earlier, Venediktov commented on the resignation of Vladislav Surkov, tied it with the change of the curator of Ukraine in the presidential administration.

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